Perdie's Affair, Part 3

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#3 of Perdie's Affair

Perdita continues to see Cobalt on the sly, but she finds out her 'sly' isn't sly enough.

I was true to my promise to Cobalt. All my faithfulness had transferred from my husband to my lover. Pongo had never deserved me, but even so my loyalty had bound me to him until Cobalt refused to give up. Now, Cobalt was my unofficial mate, and I would never lie to him.

And so I kept my promise. For a full week, in the midst of my heat, I refused Pongo's increasingly desperate advances, excuse after excuse, lying to his face. Instead, each night I would sneak out of the house, wander to the park, and meet Cobalt.

I was terrified that at any moment, I would come out of season. If my heat didn't last out the week, when Pongo finally got his chance, it would be too late. By now, Cobalt had seeded my womb dozens of times - I was surely pregnant. And when I began to show, Pongo would know for sure the puppies weren't his!

On the last night of the week, I walked home bowlegged. Cobalt just wouldn't stop, knowing it was his last day before I finally gave Pongo a ride. To my great relief, I was still in heat. Cobalt's cum sloshed back and forth inside of me as I staggered home. I'd taken a dip in the stream, but I felt certain Pongo would hear or smell something and put all the pieces together. When I finally jumped through the upstairs window, I made sure to walk slowly and carefully. I released my held breath when I came downstairs to see Pongo sleeping fitfully. Carefully, I lay next to my husband, knowing his own scent would quickly mask Cobalt's.

I woke a few hours later, still exhausted and wincing from my rough treatment the night before. Pongo was looking down at me, his expression concerned. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

I'd claimed a headache, a stomach ache, cramps, and pure exhaustion. Only the last excuse was real, but Pongo didn't know why I was so tired all day. He must think I was half on my death bed! I smiled reassuringly at him, and said, for the first time in a week, "I feel fine."

His eyes widened. "Oh, thank God." His expression changed, but he didn't ask the question I knew was on his mind.

My scent was fading, my hormones already adjusting to the big changes that I knew were coming, but it was still there. Just in time, I thought. I answered his unspoken query. "It must have been a fever," I said, which was the truth, if lust counted. "I'm ready now," I added, licking him on the cheek.

My husband was so sweet and tender when worried about my health. Now, the romance vanished. He licked me once, then stood, moving behind me. I lifted my tail, eager to get this over with. After a week of endless bliss with Cobalt, Pongo felt about as personable as as a vet visit. He hopped onto me, ignoring my winces as he pounded me, still sore from the night before.

Even though my heat was ending, and my vulva slowly shrinking back to its normal size, Pongo just couldn't compare to Cobalt. I don't know if Pongo was especially under-endowed, or if Cobalt was simply...blessed. I tried to imagine the awkward thrusts were coming from my secret lover. Imagining had helped in the past, but after a week of mindless, blissful rutting, there was simply no way I could pretend that my husband's feeble efforts were coming from my Cobalt. Thirty seconds wasn't too long to suffer, at least...

When he finally pulled free, he fell straight to sleep. Mission accomplished!

In the following week, Pongo kept begging for sex, but I wasn't about to have any of that. My heat was over, and I wasn't about to waste my time with Pongo when I could sneak off to see Cobalt. My secret lover began meeting me behind my house, walking me to the park, or a nearby alley with some fresh food.

Until the night that routine was thoroughly shattered. I'd snuck out in the middle of the night, as usual, while the rest of the house was fast asleep. Cobalt smiled, rubbing my belly. I was already beginning to show, perhaps mostly thanks to my normally slender form. I licked the side of his face, and he said, "You look more beautiful every day, Perdie."

All I could do was blush, looking meekly over at the red-haired Dalmatian. Pongo doted over the puppies as well, believing they were his, but my husband never doted over me.

Cobalt said, "A new butcher opened up near Donson's drug on 24th street. The scraps will be as fresh as they will ever be."

I let him lead, blushing. Cobalt had a great eye for food, and I trusted his choice. But far better than the meal was afterwards. And sure enough, the scraps were delicious. The alley was fairly sparse, but deserted, and Cobalt had no trouble tipping the trash can quietly enough not to draw attention. I almost gorged myself, knowing exactly why my appetite had suddenly grown so ravenous.

"Oh, that was delicious, Cobalt. Thank you," I said, licking his cheek again.

"You might as well save your thanks for the end, or your voice will be sore," he grinned at me, confidently. He chuckled as he walked around, behind me.

Startled, I yelped, "Right here?"

We'd certainly fooled around in plenty of alleyways, but none quite so devoid of privacy. Why, anyone walking the sidewalk could glance down the alley and see the two of us clear as day with the lamppost shining down.

"If anyone wants to watch, let them," he said casually.

Shivering, I lifted my tail for him. He was right, we'd certainly had our fair share of audiences, even when we took care to hide behind a dumpster. Curious birds, cats, and often-times people would see or hear us, and watch with a certain amount of awe. I always had a certain amount of pride - Cobalt was so good, even other species could tell.

I moaned as Cobalt slid his eager tongue inside me. He said he liked to taste me, but I suspected he just enjoyed making me squeal. Either way, my back legs wobbled as I tried to stay upright. His wide, wet tongue delved inside me, stretching me apart and slurping loudly against every inner surface. My world devolved into that sound, the repeated slurp, slurp of his steady, probing tongue. I couldn't tell which was louder, the lewd lapping, or my own whining.

"Oh, Cobalt, deeper," I cried.

He pressed his wet nose flush beneath my tail, burrowing his tongue inside me. Then, taking a deep breath, he pushed forward, nudging his nose between my tight folds. He pushed his nose deeper, until the front of his muzzle was completely inside me! This wasn't the first time he'd penetrated me like this, and he knew it drove me wild.

I dissolved into desperate whimpers and inelegant thrusts of my hips, but Cobalt was just beginning. He began, slowly, to open his mouth, stretching my tight pussy apart. Now his tongue flew straight into me, slathering my deepest, most private walls. As if his deep-seeded saliva wasn't enough preparation for what was to come later, my own insides gushed around him, my arousal drenching the poor boy's nose.

Gulp! He swallowed my juices eagerly - perhaps he really did relish the taste. God, he felt so good inside me, like he truly belonged there. I wished he could stay embedded in my folds forever, but even he couldn't hold his breath for that long. Finally, he had to pull his tongue free, leaving me panting and humping uselessly at the air.

"Ready?" he asked simply.

"Yes! Please!" I shouted, no long caring if my barks drew unwanted attention from the street. All that mattered was Cobalt, what he could do to me, and I could do for him.

Smiling over my shoulder at him, I lifted my front paws to the windowsill, holding my tail rigidly aside for him. He cocked his head, but didn't second-guess the position. He jumped up behind me, wrapping his strong paws around my pregnant belly. For a moment, it looked like we were a two-dog conga line. He began to slip down, until he grabbed the back of my collar in his teeth.

I shivered, knowing that he had me now. I braced myself, and he leapt up against me, spearing me on the first try. I dropped my jaw and howled, my trembling pussy aching for him. He was so big! Cobalt had to work to hump against me as I stood against the sill, panting heavily as he bucked upward again and again. I clenched down hard, as if I could hold him in me through sheer muscle. I couldn't, but squeezing around him like that did make him grunt and moan.

Whining, I opened my eyes. The window wasn't covered - in fact, it looked straight into Donson's drug store! I blushed immediately, realizing that anyone who looked at the window would have seen my face, enraptured in bliss. But then I saw something that made my heart stop.


He was in the drug store, well after midnight, purchasing what looked like more tobacco for his pipe. He wasn't looking my way at least, though even if he had, I doubt he'd have been able to recognize me. That wasn't why my heart felt like lead in my chest.

If Roger got up in the middle of the night, he would surely have woken up Pongo, and Pongo would surely have noticed my strange absence. A thousand excuses popped into my head, each one less plausible than the last. What was I going to say?

Roger glance toward the window, and I dropped down to all fours, ears flat. Cobalt fell down on top of me, sliding his paws around my waist, still thrusting, though he asked, "You tensed up. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," I said. Cobalt didn't need to hear about my 'husband problems'. Trying to put forward my bravest face, I said, "Come on, Cobalt, I need to feel you tied up inside me."

Grunting, he obliged me, hammering into me with newfound strength now that I was on all fours beneath him. His knot had swollen up quite admirably already, making it hard for him to wedge his way inside, but I knew that he would. He never gave up.

"Oh, Perdie, I love you!" Cobalt groaned, humping away. I whined helplessly, bucking back against his powerful thrusts. My legs trembled, straining apart to give my mate better access to my tight, dripping folds.

"Do it, Cobalt! I'm your bitch! Knot me and fill me up!" I cried, that familiar heat building up inside me, begging for release. I howled in eager anticipation.

"Perdie??" a voice called out in disbelief from the sidewalk.

At the same time, Cobalt rammed himself forward, spreading me apart with a loud squelch! "Oh, Perdie..." Cobalt moaned, releasing a flood of cum inside me.

Eyes wide, I stared at the sidewalk, and gasped, "Pongo!?" There, on the sidewalk, stood my husband, his jaw dropped in shock at what he saw. Oh no, Roger had walked the dog on his trip to the drug store! Had Pongo heard what'd I'd last said? Even now, Roger held the leash, apparently oblivious to what was going on in the alley to his left.

I had to struggle to suppress my moans, though I couldn't help myself from rocking my hips back and forth as I came, shuddering around Cobalt's massive cock. My face was on fire, dirty, soiled in front of my husband - caught in the act! Desperately, I whined, "This isn't what it looks like!"

Pongo said nothing, he just snapped his jaw shut, and tugged on the leash.

Roger got dragged along, saying, "Whoa, boy! What's gotten into you?"

In a second, they were gone. Out of sight, but the only thing on my mind. "Oh, no! Cobalt!"

But he was gritting his teeth, holding tight and spurting into me. "Perdie..." he groaned, "I wish we could do this all day."

"Cobalt! Are you even listening!? That was Pongo - he just saw...everything..." I stammered, cheeks red.

He humped me again, saying, "Leave him. Stay with me."

Another thick rope of sticky cum splattered inside me, making me whimper and clench down around him, despite my distress. I gasped, "You don't understand. I'm married. I gave my word to him, and now he knows everything."

Leaning forward, he licked the side of my face. "Sweety, we've been fucking around behind his back for weeks. He's better off knowing."

I was silent. What was I going to do? I loved Cobalt, but I really liked Pongo, too. I couldn't stand hurting him like this - the affair was supposed to be a secret. And I couldn't just leave Anita and join Cobalt on the streets of London. She was my human, and she couldn't get along without me!

Cobalt finally got up, turning around until our tails hugged each other. I'd made up my mind, as much as it pained me to say it. Voice trembling, I said, "I can't. This is...the last time I can see you, Cobalt. I'm sorry."

He cocked his head, looking back at me in surprise. "What are you saying? Perdie..."

"I love you, I really do. But Pongo's my husband. Anita's my human. We're not wild puppies, running free in the park anymore."

Cobalt crinkled his forehead. "But I'm the father of your puppies!"

I winced. "But you shouldn't have been. I'm sorry Cobalt...really, truly, terribly sorry. I've been a complete fool. But I've made up my mind."

He seemed to sense the finality in my words. Shutting his mouth, he stood behind me in silence, until finally his knot softened enough that I could pull myself free with a splurch. I couldn't bear to look at him, but I whimpered, "I'm so sorry, Cobalt, but this...this is goodbye." I could feel the tears starting to form, and I clenched my eyes shut, running from the alley blindly.

"Perdita..." was all he said, in soft, hushed tones.

* * * * *

I went straight to Pongo and lied to him for the last time. I told him that that night was a one-time thing, and that I'd just been taking a walk because I was feeling nauseous, and ran into my old friend. I said I was confused, and not thinking straight because of the puppies, and I never meant things to go so far.

He accepted the apology, at least a little, but there was a distance between us. I wept, but in the end, he comforted me. He promised to forgive me eventually, and to raise our puppies together. I still thought about Cobalt, a lot, but I never once tried to sneak out of the house and find him again. That chapter of my life was closed, though I'd always have his pups to remind me.

Little did I know all the danger my first litter would face! Yet even in the darkest hour, Pongo and I raced to save the pups from that evil, devil woman. We got a lot of help along the way, and picked up just a few more pups in the rescue, but we'd gotten them all safely home - all 99 puppies.

Only Pongo didn't realize, not for a second, that none of them were his.