Off Guard: Chapter Three

Story by Cyan Argent on SoFurry

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#2 of Off Guard Story Series

Chapter three of my Off Guard Series! Please rate, fave, and comment!

When Jarik awoke he thought he was back in his own bed at the palace. He slowly shifted his body and felt the tickle of fur against his back and smiled as he recalled the night's events. He closed his eyes for a few more minutes, enjoying the wolf's steady breathing against his neck. He wished he could stay longer in bed with the wolf but things needed to get done.

Taking care to not wake Darsden from his slumber, Jarik slipped out of the wolf's embrace and silently stood up. His body was sore but felt strengthened after an actual night's sleep on a bed and not the floor. He found his pants and slipped them on, but then realized he didn't have a shirt. He rummaged through Darsden's satchel and pulled out a white cloth shirt, figuring that the wolf wouldn't mind if he borrowed one until he washed his. He inhaled the wolf's scent deeply and smiled as he pulled it over his head. It fit him perfectly.

He padded over to the door and quietly cracked it open. The room was empty, besides Ashton who was sitting at a table near the fire. No one else was in the main room which meant that Orren was probably still sleeping too. Ashton spied him standing in the doorway and gave him a friendly smile.

"Breakfast is ready if you'd like to join me." The fox said as he motioned Jarik to the bench next to him.

Jarik sniffed the air and felt his stomach growl as he smelled hot pastries and honey.

"I hope that you slept well?" Ashton asked as he took a bite of bread.

"Very much so." Jarik replied as he sat down on the wooden bench and reached for a pastry dripping with honey.

Jarik thought he caught a slight twinkle of amusement in the fox's eyes and he wondered if he knew what had happened in the room during the night.

"So Darsden told me the series of events that occurred that brought you here." Ashton said. "Quite an adventure you've had so far."

"It has been." Jarik replied through a mouthful of pastry. "How long have you known Darsden?"

The fox chewed thoughtfully on his piece of bread. "I've known him for quite some time. Can't even recall the year I met him."

"Did you two work with each other?" Jarik asked as he licked the honey off of his paw.

Ashton grinned. "I suppose you could say that."

Jarik was about to ask the fox what he meant when the sound of the door squeaking open caused him to turn around. Darsden stood in the doorway, blinking sleep from his eyes. The white wolf was shirtless but had pants on, and his white fur was a little disheveled from just waking up.

"Good morning." He said as he walked over to the table and took a seat across from Jarik.

"You'll have to excuse Darsden. He has never really been a morning person." Ashton chuckled.

Darsden shot him a look as he grabbed a raisin pastry and took a large bite out of it.

"He's not so talkative now either." Jarik said with a smile as he took a sip of water.

Darsden continued eating as he eyed Jarik. "I see that you decided to wear my shirt."

"Sorry. Mine needs washed."

"It's fine. I prefer to go shirtless."

"What about pants-less?" Jarik asked with a smirk.

Darsden's ears flicked. "Only in certain situations."

"That's a lie." Ashton coughed.

"Quiet, fox." Darsden grumbled as he shoved the rest of his pastry in his muzzle. "You'd bend over in a heartbeat for any guy who comes in here."

"I have my standards." Ashton replied smugly.

The two began arguing as Orren walked into the room and sat down next to Jarik.

"What are they arguing about?" Orren yawned as he reached for some bread and honey.

"Sex and guys." Jarik shrugged.

"Ah. Of course."

The two kept on arguing and Jarik could tell that Orren was getting more annoyed as the argument ensued.

"Um, excuse me you two?" Orren finally interrupted. Darsden and Ashton both stopped and turned to face the wolf. "I'm sure we can later discuss about who fucks who here, but maybe we can focus on the real situation here?"

Darsden blinked as he looked down at the table. "My apologies Orren. We do need to discuss our journey to Fellsglow."

"It will take us about three days of travel on foot to reach the city if we decide to cross the Jarath Mountains." Jarik said as he picked at the wooden table with a claw. "If we choose to take the path that goes around them, it will take us five or six days."

"I say we cross the mountains." Orren commented.

Darsden shook his head. "It's quite a perilous trail. The weather conditions are fairly severe up there and bandits like to hide and ambush from the cliffs."

"But the other way will take us five or six days. We don't have that kind of time." Orren argued.

"He's right." Jarik said. "There's no doubt that guards have been sent after us. I say we choose the route that gets us to Fellglow as soon as possible, even if that means braving bad weather and bandits."

"I'm mostly worried about the bandits. How's your swordplay?" Darsden asked as he looked at Jarik and Orren.

"You don't have to worry about any of us." Jarik replied with a nod.

"Ah, I forgot that you had often sparred with your brother. He would never stop complaining about all the times you've bested him."

Jarik smiled. "He's better with the bow, I'm better with the sword."

"So it's decided then?" Orren asked as his tail thumped against the bench. "Mountains it is?"

"I suppose so." Darsden replied with a flick of his ears. "We need supplies though."

"I can supply food and some other provisions." Ashton said with a grin. "On one condition though."

"Which is?" Jarik asked.

"I come with you."

"Really?" Jarik asked in disbelief. "Why?"

The fox shrugged. "It's been a long time since I've visited Fellglow. Plus I could use some excitement. Keeping an inn isn't the most exciting occupation."

Jarik glanced at Orren, who only shrugged in response. Darsden just rolled his eyes and coughed.

"Okay then. You can come with us." Jarik replied with a sniff.

Ashton's tail wagged slightly as he stood up. "Excellent. I'll begin packing our supplies."

"Hey! Who's going to watch the inn while you're gone?" Darsden called after the fox.

"Your old mate!" Ashton replied as he disappeared into a room.

Darsden grumbled to himself as he took another pastry and shoved it into his muzzle. Jarik smiled at the wolf's sour mood and turned to face Orren.

"Can you be ready to go in about five minutes?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll meet you outside." Orren said as he stood up and started to walk away. He suddenly paused, came back to the table, and grabbed the remaining pastries.

"Hey!" Darsden shouted after the wolf, but he ignored Darsden with a flick of his ears.

"Your friend is a real character." Darsden whispered to Jarik.

"He...takes some time to get used to." Jarik replied as he rubbed his ears.

Darsden smiled as he gazed at Jarik. "You need some help packing?"

"No. I really don't have much."

"Good. May I have my shirt back?"

Jarik chuckled as he looked down and flexed his chest muscles. "It fits me perfectly though."

Darsden sighed as he stood up. "Fine, you can have it."

It only took Jarik a few minutes to get dressed and gather his belongings. Ashton had a blue silk shirt and a pair of linen trousers waiting for him on the bed when he returned to the room. Jarik offered to pay for the clothes but the fox waved him off. After he had dressed he exited the inn and met Orren and Darsden outside. Both had replaced their armor with tunics and trousers instead.

"Are you two leaving your armor here?" Jarik asked as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows.

"Well it's not like as if I'll be wearing it again anytime soon." Orren said as he looked off into the distance. "Where's Ashton?"

"Here." The fox said as he walked out of the inn and closed the door behind him.

The fox was no longer dressed in a simple cloth shirt and pants, but instead he was now clothed in a white silk shirt with a red vest over it. A pair of black trousers covered his legs and a leather belt wrapped around his slender waist. A sword hung from his side and a beautiful bow with intricate carvings was strapped to his back. Jarik couldn't help but stare at the fox, who now looked like a young handsome lord and not just some innkeeper.

"Of course you have to get all dressed up." Darsden snorted as he averted his gaze from the fox.

"Well it gives you guys something to stare at." Ashton replied with a wink that was directed at Jarik.

"This is a total mistake." Jarik heard Orren mutter.

"So shall we start our journey then?" Ashton asked as he rested a russet paw on the hilt of his sword.

Jarik nodded as he shouldered his satchel and took a deep breath. It was a long journey to Fellglow, but he was certainly glad he was not going alone.

By midday Jarik's legs were already beginning to ache. They had made good pace though, and the Jarath Mountains were becoming larger and larger as they neared. Jarik had forgotten how beautiful the travel was to Fellglow. The nice spring weather was pleasant and comfortable, and the green buds that were beginning to form on trees made Jarik look forward to the cool summer nights. They had passed through wooded areas where the rays of sunlight shining through the trees created sprinkled splotches of sunlight along the trail. They had passed over a bridge that crossed the rushing waters of the White River, which Jarik stopped to admire the breathtaking waterfall and the view of the town of Alastar below them. Very few travelers were on the roads today. They had only passed a couple of merchants with merchandise in tow, most likely headed to the city.

"I think we're making pretty good pace." Darsden commented when they had stopped for lunch under a small grove of trees.

Jarik broke a loaf of bread in two and handed half of it to Darsden. "If we keep this pace up, we'll easily reach Fellglow in three days."

"You're completely factoring out the mountains though." Orren replied dryly as he chewed on a piece of dried beef. "The weather could be terrible up there and slow us down."

"Always looking at the negative side of things, aren't we?" Jarik muttered through a mouthful of bread.

"Hey, I'm just being realistic here." Orren snorted as he fingered the hilt of his sword.

Jarik glanced up at the mountains, which were now towering over them in the distance. They were the largest mountains in the entire realm of Nelicath, and they were quite intimidating to anyone.

"Well we should really keep our breaks short then if we want to pass the mountains as quickly as possible." Ashton suggested as he chewed on a bite of apple. "If we keep this pace, we can reach the foot of the mountains by nightfall."

"Nightfall? I recommend that we make camp then once darkness falls. Traveling the mountains at night is too dangerous." Jarik commented as he brushed some dirt off of his trousers.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's get going then." Jarik said as he picked up his satchel and threw it over his back.

The four quickly gathered their belongings and soon they were back on the dirt road.

Just as the sun had set over the horizon, they had reached the foot of the Jarath Mountains. Jarik had to crane his neck all the way back in order to look up at them. They towered ominously over them and he could only imagine the secrets that they held. He promised himself that someday he would explore them.

"Jarik! Are you going to help me start a fire or are you just going to stand there?" Orren asked as he dropped an armful of gathered sticks and bark down on the grass.

"I thought Darsden was going to help you with that." Jarik replied with a twitch of his ears.

"I am helping." Darsden commented as he appeared with several logs in his arms.

Jarik admired how the wolf's muscles bulged out of his fur as he dropped the logs with a huff.

Within minutes, they had a roaring fire that created a warm glow in the grassy clearing that they had managed to find. Jarik stared into the flames, his back against Darsden who was busy poking a stick into the coals. Orren watched both of them warily from the other side of the fire.

"So...are you excited to see your brother?" Orren asked as he sniffed.

"Of course I am." Jarik replied, his claws scratching the grass under him. "I haven't seen him in six years."

"How old are you Jarik?" Darsden asked as he shifted his gaze towards the cougar. "I never really got to ask you that."

"I turned twenty-one three months ago." Jarik replied. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-three." Darsden replied with a smile.

"So you two are good for marriage then." Ashton chuckled from his side of the fire.

Jarik felt his face grow hot and Darsden turned his head and coughed.

"And what about you Ashton? Do you have a mate or anyone?" Orren asked as he looked at the fox.

"Nope. Interested?" Ashton asked as he smiled with his eyes closed.

"What? No!" Orren snapped back as his ears flicked.

"You sure big boy? I'm quite amazing in bed." Ashton teased as he sat up and winked at Orren.

"Quiet fox." Orren growled.

"Oh, aggressive aren't we? That's fine. I like my sex rough."


Jarik couldn't help but chuckle and Darsden soon joined in. Orren did not look amused at all and just mumbled underneath his breath.

"I'm going to sleep."

"Sleep well." Jarik said with a goofy smile.

The wolf just snorted in reply as he reclined back in the grass and closed his eyes. Ashton was also lying down and had his eyes closed, but Jarik couldn't tell if he was sleeping. He glanced down as he felt Darsden's paw on his.

"Hey, would you come and help me gather some more wood for the fire?" The wolf asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"More wood? I think we have-" Jarik was cut off as he felt Darsden's paw move to his crotch.

"I think some extra wouldn't hurt." The wolf grinned as he licked his lips.

Jarik smiled as he realized the wolf's intentions and decided to play along. "Very well then. I'll give you some help."

The white wolf took his paw and led him away from the fire into a small wooded area where no one passing by would be able to see them. Jarik gasped in surprise as the wolf pushed him up against a tree and pressed his muzzle against his. Jarik moaned into the kiss as he felt the wolf's paws caress his body, exploring every muscle that moved underneath his black fur. Jarik deeply returned the kiss, allowing his tongue to explore the wolf's muzzle as he felt his clothing begin to slip off of him. He shivered slightly as the chilly night air ruffled through his fur but the warmth of the kiss radiated throughout his entire body and made him forget the cold air. This kiss was more passionate, had more heat and fierceness compared to the one they had shared back at the inn. Jarik savored the warm taste of the wolf, how his breath came out hot and heavy against his own. He ran his paws up the wolf's muscular sides and enjoyed the way they flexed underneath his touch.

Darsden finally pulled away, panting for air and smiling widely. "I've never felt this way when I kiss you."

"Neither have I." Jarik replied back sincerely. He stared into the wolf's glittering blue eyes, visible even in the dim moonlight. "And I've kissed a few wolves back in my time."

Darsden chuckled as he ran a paw up Jarik's toned thigh and let it rest just below his backside. "Well I've never been with a cougar before, let alone a noble."

"Well I'm glad that I can fulfill this for you." Jarik whispered as he tugged at the wolf's shirt. "Mind if I slip this off?"

"Not at all, m' lord." Darsden said as he allowed Jarik to slip the garment over his head.

He felt Darsden shiver as his naked body became exposed to the night air. He rubbed his paws up through the wolf's white fur and stopped at his broad chest.

"So what would you like to do tonight m' lord?" Darsden asked as he touched Jarik's muzzle with his. "I am at your disposal."

"Well...I was actually wondering if you could take me tonight?" Jarik asked as he glanced down at the wolf's groin.

"Take you? I couldn't possibly allow a noble like you to be taken under the tail by a soldier like me." Darsden replied in surprise. "It would be my honor to allow you to take me though."

"I- Well...are you sure?" Jarik asked as he shifted himself against the tree.

"Of course I am. How many get to say that they bed with a cougar noble?" Darsden asked with a chuckle.

"Well you'll be one of them." Jarik replied as he unlaced the front of Darsden's trousers and pulled them down.

He smiled as the wolf's white furry sheath came free from its prison. He felt his own trousers come loose and soon felt the chill against his legs as they came free. Darsden cupped his furry sac in his paws and even teased a claw through the slit of Jarik's sheath. Jarik hissed and closed his eyes as he felt his member begin to slowly slide out. Darsden dropped to his knees and pulled Jarik's sheath back, allowing his entire pink member to slip out. Jarik gasped as the wolf took him into his muzzle without any hesitance at all. It was truly an amazing sight to watch the handsome wolf take his entire member into his muzzle without any difficulty at all. The hotness of the wolf's breath and tongue against his shaft made Jarik moan and growl in pleasure. He dug his claws into the tree behind him so he could have something to brace against. Darsden continued sucking and Jarik could feel himself getting close to his climax. Darsden seemed to sense it too, as he let Jarik's member slide out of his muzzle.

"I believe that's enough lubrication." Darsden whispered with a smile as he stood up and traded places with Jarik.

Jarik smiled as the wolf faced the tree and lifted his white tail up, allowing a complete view of his perfectly toned backside. Jarik approached the wolf, admiring of how submissive he looked right now and the position he was in. Darsden looked over his shoulder at him and gave him a wink.

"If m' lord would allow it, please take it slow at first. It's been awhile."

"Well I definitely wouldn't want to hurt you." Jarik replied as he placed his paws on the wolf's hips and allowed his member to rest on his opening.

Darsden spread his legs out a little more to allow easier access for Jarik. He felt himself slide into the wolf with a small amount of resistance. Darsden yelped softly and shuddered as Jarik's member sank into him. The wolf was certainly tight and Jarik shut his eyes as he pushed himself inside. He stroked the wolf's fur down his chest and stomach, eliciting a gasp and whimper from him. He moved his paw to grasp Darsden's member but found that the wolf had already taken care of that, so he just began thrusting in and out slowly.

"Oh!" Darsden gasped as he braced himself against the tree and forced himself to relax around the intrusion.

Jarik buried his muzzle into the wolf's warm fur, deeply breathing in his scent as he thrust in and out of the warm tight space his member was buried into. He pulled the wolf's body closer to his.

"Oh. Jarik. Ohhhh."

The wolf was now beginning to buck back against him, pulling Jarik along with every deep thrust that he gave. He wrapped his arms around the wolf and held on for more leverage and support. Darsden continued stroking his member, eliciting quick whimpers. Jarik continued thrusting into Darsden, feeling the muscles of the wolf's rear tighten and release, and when Darsden cried out in a series of faltering barks and Jarik felt the shudder of the wolf's body as his climax came, it didn't Jarik much longer to reach his. Darsden had barely relaxed when Jarik growled and gave one final thrust, biting down on the wolf's shoulder as he came.

"Oh." Was all Jarik could muster as he collapsed against Darsden, breathing hot and heavy into the wolf's neck ruff.

Darsden whimpered and panted as Jarik slid out of him. He suddenly felt very tired and found it to be perfectly comfortable just lying there on the grass. Darsden did the same and cuddled up next to the cougar. They both just stared up at the stars for a while, their bodies pressed up against each other for warmth.

"I really enjoyed that." Darsden whispered as he mouthed Jarik's ear.

"I've never experienced anything like that before." Jarik whispered back as he nuzzled into the wolf's chest.

"Do you think we should get back to the fire?" Darsden asked, but he made no movement to stand up.

"No, this is perfectly fine." Jarik replied as he closed his eyes with a smile.

Darsden smiled back and nuzzled up against the cougar. Both soon fell asleep with the stars and the night sky looking down on them.

Jarik awoke to the tickle of grass against his face and the sound of morning birds singing their songs. He slowly opened his eyes and squinted against the morning sunlight. He shifted his body and felt Darsden's against his. They were still both completely naked Jarik realized as he felt his dry matted fur around his sheath. Jarik nudged the wolf awake, who sat up bleary-eyed and quite muddled.

"We should really get back to Orren and Ashton." Jarik said as he grabbed his trousers and pulled them on.

Darsden nodded as he grabbed his trousers and also slipped them on. The wolf was a little sore from last night's events, so Jarik had to help him to his feet. The two made their way out of the wooded area and soon came upon Orren and Ashton, who were sitting around the fire enjoying breakfast. As they approached, Orren glanced up in surprise. Ashton took notice too but gave them a smug grin.

"Where the hell were you two? We were about to go search the area." Orren asked as he eyed Jarik. He sniffed the air and frowned. "And what were you two even doing anyways?"

Jarik rubbed his ears awkwardly. "Uh...well...we were...Darsden was-"

"Oh, as if you really even need to ask what they were doing." Ashton interrupted with a snort. "You can smell the sex all over them."

Orren's ears flicked as he shook his head and averted his gaze. Darsden chuckled and Jarik found his face growing hot from embarrassment.

"Anyways, I figured you two will want to clean up, so I know a stream we can stop by to let you guys freshen up a bit. I highly recommend that we start our travel right away though." Ashton said as he stood up and doused the fire out with water from his wineskin.

"Hey! I wasn't done drying my clothing out!" Orren protested as the fire smoldered.

"Well I warned you about leaving your clothing out on the ground during the night." Ashton chided.

Orren just grumbled and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well let's go you two." Ashton said as he looked at Jarik and Darsden. "The Jarath Mountains await."

The climb up the mountain trails was quite strenuous, more difficult than Jarik had remembered. It didn't help that his fur was still completely soaked from head to tail despite having taken the jump into the stream more than six hours ago. It was midday now and the sun was right above them, allowing the cold rock to warm underneath their feet. The view was quite breathtaking from the cliffs and Jarik took every opportunity to stop and admire his surroundings. He could see the city from where they had fled in the distance, along with several towns that were scattered across the land. The White River was just a glimmering silver strand that snaked throughout grassy plains and wooded forests.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Jarik asked Ashton, who was looking out into the distance.

"One of the most breathtaking views in the land of Nelicath, I believe." Ashton replied as his tail wagged.

"Hey guys? We have company." Orren whispered.

Jarik followed the wolf's gaze up the trail and spied two approaching figures in the distance. Orren let his paw fall to the hilt of his sword and Ashton drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

"Should we stop and let them pass or just keep on walking?" Darsden whispered as he also set his paw on his sword.

"There's four of us and two of them." Jarik whispered back as he glanced down at his own sword and made sure it was secured on his side. "I don't think they're going to try anything-"

"Scatter!" Orren suddenly shouted.

Jarik felt himself knocked to the ground by Ashton as an arrow whizzed past his head and ricocheted off the rocky ground.

"Above us!" Ashton yelled as the fox drew an arrow back and let it fly.

Jarik looked up at the cliff above them and spied two other figures with bows in hand. His battle instincts kicked in and he immediately rolled behind a large enough rock that would protect him. He looked up the trail and saw that the original two figures they had been watching had drawn their blades and were now sprinting down towards them.

"I'll take care of the archers! You take care of those two!" Ashton said as he dodged an oncoming arrow.

The fox drew his bow again and fired an arrow at the archer on the right. Jarik heard a cry of pain from the cliff above him and knew that the fox had hit his mark. With one of the archers down, Jarik drew his sword and sprinted from his hiding place. The other two attackers, a bobcat and a coyote, were almost upon Orren and Darsden. The clash of steel against steel jarred Jarik's body as he rushed over to help his friends. Orren parried an attack from the coyote and went for a stab that barely missed the coyote's throat. Unfortunately this left Orren wide open and the coyote gave a ferocious kick that sent Orren stumbling back. Jarik jumped in and blocked a vicious blow that was aimed for Orren. The impact of the sword jolted his hands and he almost dropped his sword from the sudden blow. Darsden was keeping himself busy with the bobcat, who was proving himself to be quite the adversary. With every strike Darsden gave, the bobcat blocked or parried it away with ease. He tried to aid Darsden but was blocked off by the coyote, who drove at Jarik with wild and devastating strikes. Jarik easily foiled every strike and figured out the coyote's fighting style. He seemed to like taking large wide swings before he would strike, and Jarik just had to wait for the right opportunity. Sure enough, the coyote made a wide swing with his sword, which Jarik easily ducked under. Before the coyote could bring his blade around, Jarik came in with a quick slice to his opponent's upper legs. The coyote cried out in pain as Jarik's blade cut into skin and he immediately could smell blood. Orren suddenly came up from behind Jarik and thrust his blade into the coyote before he could react. The coyote went limp.

Pain suddenly exploded from behind Jarik's head. He felt himself fall forward, unable to react as his face slammed into the rocky ground. He suddenly realized that the other attacker heard his partner's cry for help and turned to face Jarik. He wasn't so sure what he had gotten hit with, but as he managed to turn over and look up, he realized it hadn't killed him. Unfortunately, he found himself staring at a blade that was aimed right at his throat. Orren froze where he was, his sword dripping with scarlet. Darsden was on the ground too, clutching his side.

"Drop your blade and I won't kill your friend here!" The bobcat shouted.

Orren continued holding his blade. His eyes shifted to Jarik, and then back to the bobcat.

"I said now!" The bobcat shouted again, his sword tip jerking dangerously close to Jarik.

An arrow suddenly sprouted from the bobcat's arm. With a yowl, the feline dropped his sword. Another arrow sprouted from the bobcat, this one clean through the neck. The bobcat let out a choked gasp as he crumpled to the ground. Jarik looked over to his right and spied Ashton, his bow still raised. When the bobcat did not rise, Ashton shouldered his bow and ran over to Darsden.

"I'm fine. Really." Jarik heard Darsden grunt as Ashton helped him up.

The white wolf pulled his paw away from his side and it came away red. His usual white fur was now stained dark red from a small but deep cut on his lower right side. Jarik cursed as he kneeled down and examined the wound. It was bleeding profusely and he knew that it needed to be stopped.

"Do you have any cloth?" Jarik asked Ashton as he helped Darsden sit down.

"I may." Ashton replied, and then turned around to fetch his knapsack.

Orren walked over with his wineskin and handed it to Jarik. Jarik accepted it and thanked the wolf.

"Bear with me here Darsden, but this is going to sting." Jarik warned as he unscrewed the cap from the wineskin.

He ripped the wolf's shirt away from the wound and tilted the wineskin with trembling paws. The wolf yelped in pain as the liquid poured over his wound and washed away some of the blood. Ashton came back with some folded up cloth in one paw and a leather belt in the other. Darsden whimpered and jerked as Jarik pressed the cloth against the wound firmly. He then tied the belt around Darsden's stomach so that the cloth would stay in place.

"He needs to see a real doctor." Ashton said as he examined the makeshift bandage. "That will only do so much for so long."

"We don't even know if he can walk." Orren said, his ears flicking in anger as he gazed upon the two corpses of the attackers.

"I can walk." Darsden panted as Jarik helped him to his feet.

The wolf was shaky and breathing hard and Jarik knew that they would not be able to travel very far before nightfall.

"As the sky grew dark, Ashton led them into a small cave that provide some protection from the cold wind and temperatures. Orren started a small fire with some wood that he had gathered and soon the dark cave was cast in a dim orange glow. Jarik stared at the flames as they flickered about.

Darsden's condition had worsened. The wolf had trouble walking by evening and could barely even stand before they had to stop for the night. A fever was beginning to set in and the cloth that covered his wound was still wet with blood.

"We need to separate." Jarik finally spoke after an hour of silence.

"What?" Orren asked as he shifted his gaze towards Jarik.

"You and Ashton need to get to my brother. He will send help."

"We're not leaving you two alone." Orren replied sternly.

"Darsden cannot go on any further. He needs to see a doctor."

"Then we will get him to one."

"In what? Two days of travel? He would never make it that far!" Jarik protested as he stood up.

"And what good will it do if we separate?" Orren snapped. "You will be by yourself! What if you and Darsden are attacked again?"

"I can handle myself!" Jarik shouted back, his anger starting to rise.

Ashton looked up from Darsden's side but remained silent as he watched Jarik with soft eyes.

"Please. Take Ashton and get to my brother. I promise you he will help." Jarik begged as he let his voice soften.

For once Jarik saw Orren's eyes shimmer with concern against the firelight. "I just don't want anything to happen to you too."

"Orren." Ashton whispered as he stood up and placed his paw on the wolf's arm. "He will be fine. Jarik can take care of himself."

The wolf stared at the ground for a few minutes before finally taking a deep breath. "Okay." He walked over to Jarik and clasped the cougar's shoulder. "Promise me Jarik...promise me that you will stay safe."

Jarik nodded as he pulled the wolf in for an embrace. "I promise."

The wolf pulled away and nodded as Ashton gathered his belongings. "Try to make any progress that you can. If you cannot, then just remain here."

"I will." Jarik replied as he looked at Orren, then Ashton. "Please take care of each other."

"We'll be fine. Don't worry about us." Ashton replied.

"We will see you soon." Orren said as he adjusted his satchel.

Jarik watched the two leave the safety of the cave and out into the darkness. He was almost tempted to just run after them and tell them that he had changed his mind, but the thought of Darsden kept him still. He looked over at the white wolf, his chest heaving heavily from his restless slumber. Jarik grasped the wolf's paw in his.

"Hold on Darsden. Ashton and Orren are bringing help." Jarik whispered.

He wiped the sweat from the wolf's muzzle and slumped against the rocky walls of the cave. He stared at the flickering flames and wondered if he had made the right choice.