Day 20: asses and elbows

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#15 of Project: perfection

The executives alerted me their informant at Black Lab told them Black lab knows about the incident, but haven't made any plans to clean up, something they're famous for within the world of science. They have, however, prepped an infiltration team for entering the building. It also seems the head of Black Lab is trying to contact Ryker and Necross only. This made some of the other executives wary and nervous of them, but then again who wouldn't be nervous if someone in there company had a person only known as "Boss" trying to contact them. No one knows who Boss is at all, not even species or gender. Ryker thinks Boss is a transformed sex pet, likely a competitor's design to blend into certain areas, as the perfect cover. Necross thinks its one of the Founder's grandchildren posing as him. I think there's many people posing as one person. Kross thinks the boss is the Founder turned into a creature fused to others to extend it's own lifespan. This enigmatic and powerful figure called The Boss has many myths around it, none of which can be proven without finding this person who may not even exist.

So Ryker expressed how it was amazing we could disperse mana in such a way, while eating a small nations worth of food and leaving enough dishes to stock a restaurant. This is why I hate visits from him. I feel the over-playful mood is sometimes only skin deep and there is something bothering him, but saying something while he flexes naked in my office is difficult on two levels. Gah! I'm getting off topic. Okay, Ryker was impressed and Called in Kross to help explain things. Kross shown us how it worked with a small wind spell and explained how it could be made into a blaster. Then things got slightly awkward because, as I said Ryker was NAKED, and Kross couldn't ignore it any longer. Shi got horny and the suit kicked in to stop a transformation. Kross can get very vocal when being pleasured.

Ryker let Kross finish before asking why the workers in B6 weren't coming up and trying to overrun the building. Kross explained that elevators and stairways automatically seal with 1 foot thick reinforced steel doors. When Ryker asked about the vent system, Kross told him the only thing linking the vent systems of each floor were two large shafts working as an exchange system for fresh air with retractable ladders. Only those with proper clearance can drop the ladders and once someone gets on the ladder, it needs weight to stay down and as soon as the last person on it climbs off, it slides back up and stays up until someone with the proper clearance swipes their card in the ladder's card reader. Kross then Talked about how the servers have an emergency physical disconnect so that the system couldn't be hacked from within and how the water and sewage pipes were pressurized and how opening them without sealing the level and draining the system would flood the level. Shi then said that Lola was the only one who would have been able to do any of that if it weren't for the fact that her and everyone's Clearance was revoked before the sealing.

Ryker wasn't as impressed with my progress, but I told him that the mana mix we need would have to use a two barrel canister at least and we don't have the ability to carry that down a ladder. The best we can do is a bag of six ounce canisters and that can't hold a blend with the power and complexity needed to properly disconnect the thralls.

Well I have to wrap up my notes here and clean up all these dishes, sterilize my tables, and burn the chair in front of my desk... Ryker felt the need to rub his nakedness in by rubbing his naked ass on my chair and my tables to fuck with me. Though I got a good peek at his anus and when his cock came out I nearly had a nose bleed. Dear Gods, the length on the man, and the knot. Talk about battering ram.

... Okay, first, solve my new problem, then scrub the hell out of my office. I swear the folf could turn straight into bi quicker than you can say asses to asses and rumps to dust.

Maybe Chris is in the mood to fool around. I'll go check.

Dr. Mitchell J. Straton