Seekers Tale Part 13

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#14 of Seekers Tale

This story has magic, m/m, werewolves, violence, and other stuff that may not be suitable for people under (insert local legal age here). If this applies to you you know the drill. If not then enjoy.

Part 13

I sit there for I don't know how long holding Shadow's lifeless body close. In a cracking voice I manage to whisper, "I love you too Shadow. I always will." Tears begin to flow from my eyes and fall from my face. I ignore the world around me having forgotten about the village, the attack, even about Harandoom just a few feet from me.

My entire universe has collapsed around me till all that exists within it is me, my sorrow, and the hole where Shadow once stood. Then the emotions hit me. Sorrow presses in on me from all directions stealing the air of my breath away. An inferno of hatred destroys the happiness Shadow and I had. Earth shattering loss as my whole world has been shaken to the core. But above all of these other feeling comes a tidal wave of anger washing all else away. It leaves my mind clear and focused like never before.

My anger grows and grows spreading to every fiber of my being replacing everything in its way. It fills my heart, body, and soul till I feel I can't hold anymore without exploding. Then something deep within me breaks free.

In that moment my entire life comes into crystal clarity. Every memory from my earliest child hood to the last few moments are open to me. All equally important, none more dominant than any of the others. Then something that I didn't remember ever hearing comes to the front of all my other memories. And the world around me returns and I find myself back in the town square holding Shadow's body. But something is different now.

Gently I lay His body on the ground and remove the sword still buried in his chest and throw it away. I fix his hands so they lay on his chest then slowly get to my feet. The pain from my arm is gone even though blood still flows down it. Slowly and shakily I get to my feet. Once vertical I begin speaking the words from the memory in a firm and cold voice. A voice not entirely my own.

"There is a legend that was passed from generation to generation among the guardians. It said that Guardians of Fire were hot headed and quick to burn their enemies. That's why they became the warriors of Atlantis." Reciting the words has a restorative effect on my body and I begin to feel new life enter my limbs.

"The Guardians of Earth were said to be the strongest willed and the most stable personalities. So they became the builders and architects of Atlantis." All around the square the eyes and ears of every wolf present is focused on me no doubt wondering what I am doing. But my eyes are focused squarely on Harandoom watching his every move, every muscle twitch. He is unsure what I am doing and so holds off trying to attack me till he is.

"The Guardians of Air were said to have the gentlest nature and the swiftest minds giving them unparalleled insight to the currents of the populous. They were made the leaders of Atlantis for that reason." I am now able to stand up tall, steady on my feet again. Feeling is even returning to my left arm as the bleeding has now stopped and the pain is almost gone.

"Then there were the Guardians of Water. Their souls were as vast as the deepest oceans. Their emotions as cool as the coldest mountain stream or as warm as the summer showers. With all their complexities they were made the priests of Atlantis." I can feel a surge of energy flowing through my body washing away the last lingering pains.

"But the Guardians of Water had a secret they kept hidden from the other three. A secret known only to them. Like water they could be cool and giving of life. But when angered they could become the deadliest of all the Guardians much like water can lead to the mightiest of hurricanes that destroys all in its path." I hold my right arm out to my side to summon my trident again. My tattoo glows a brilliant blue and water flows from it to my hand and begins to form into my trident. Soon it has reached its full size and begins to solidify, but this time instead of turning into its normal gold with Atlantian designs along the staff, it turns into a solid piece of sapphire glowing softly from within with a dim blue light. It is entirely smooth with no designs of any kind on its surface. The points are double barbed and sharper than the sharpest blade ever made.

When it is finished I pull my arm back to my side and hold my new trident next to me. The whole time I never take my eyes off of Harandoom. Now his body language shows he is experiencing pure terror. His one eye wider than ever. Then I take in a detail I would never have been able to notice before, but my senses have been heightened far beyond normal. In his eye I see a reflection of myself.

In that reflection I no longer see myself. Instead I see one of most terrifying and wonderful sights I have ever seen. A master Guardian of Water at the height of his power. My fur has taken on a brilliant golden sheen, all most all the traces of blood and battle have fallen away. My wounds though still visible and raw no longer bleed. My stance is strong and confident. The most startling change in my appearance however is my eyes. Instead of their normal golden brown they now glow a brilliant blue shining with an internal light.

At that moment I realize that the final step of an Atlantian priest's journey is never taught to him. It can only be found and conquered as a struggle within himself. I have taken that final step and unlocked a new level of power within myself.

Harandoom realizes this as well at the same time that I did. In that instant we have a perfect understanding of each other and we both come to the same conclusion. He will never defeat me.

He turns to try and run but I move before he can. I hold my left hand out towards him and a rumbling comes from deep underground. Then an explosion of water comes out of the well in the center of the square. It shoots straight up then arches over me and crashes down in front of Harandoom blocking his escape. He tries to turn and run another way. I move my hand and the water flows to block him again. Every move he makes I block before he can get there.

Eventually he stops trying to escape and turns back to me. With a slight tremble in his voice he speaks to me, "Well what are you waiting for? Why not just drown me and be done with it?" I walk over to where his sword lays and kick it over to him. "Because I don't kill unarmed opponents. Now pick it up."

He looks from me to his sword and back clearly uncertain as to whether he wants to try and fight me or not. My patience runs thin fast as I yell at him, "PICK IT UP NOW YOU COWARD! OR DO YOU ONLY ATTACK THOSE WEAKER THAN YOU?" Calling him a coward seems to have done the trick because the fear in his eye was replaced with pure hatred. He bends down and picks up his sword then attacks me.

He comes at me channeling all his anger and fear into his attacks. But something is different this time. Unlike before his attacks seem to be slow and clumsy. I easily deflect his first blow with my trident not even feeling the initial impact. Each of his following attacks is the same.

For several moments I toy with Harandoom blocking or deflecting every single one of his attacks with ease. Eventually my desire to make him pay for what he has done to me and to Shadow takes control and I launch my own attacks at him. I start easy, allowing him to block my attacks then I get faster and harder with each blow till he is fighting for his life and I am the one in control.

I constantly drive him back step after step till panic begins to form in his eye. That's when I land my strongest attack yet. He raises his sword to block my trident but it is a futile gesture. The moment our weapons meet his sword shatters into many pieces and my trident continues on its path breaking his arm.

He lets out a howl of pain as he holds his right arm to his chest with is left hand. I spin around and land a blow on his left leg breaking his shin causing him to fall on his back in even more pain. I take a few steps towards him and lower my trident down so the center point is pressing against his throat.

At that moment I see the look of defeat in his eye. He knows that I now have the power to kill him and can easily do so without a moment's hesitation. I press my trident forward just enough to pierce his skin and get a trickle of blood to flow down his neck. I am just about to drive my trident through his throat and sever his spine at the base of his skull when a paw gently grabs my hand.

Luna's voice reaches my ears, "Seeker, stop. You have beaten him." I glare down angrily at Harandoom. With a shaking voice I speak back to her, "He killed Shadow. I can't let him get away with that." She gently pulls my hand back causing my trident to move away from his throat. "I know what he did Seeker, and he will pay for that crime. His pack has already tied up his inner circle and surrendered to us. We will have a trial and he will be punished by law. Shadow would not have wanted you to kill him in anger."

Her words strike a chord within me and my anger vanishes in an instant. She's right, Shadow would never have wanted me to become a killer, least of all in his name. I drop my trident to the ground where it dissolves into a splash of water as I collapse to my knees. Tears begin to flow freely from my eyes as sobs begin wracking my body. Sorrow and grief taking the place of the anger I had just moments before.

Several large wolves move forward and tie up Harandoom and drag him off to be confined while Luna wraps her arms around me trying to provide me comfort in my time of need. But no one can help with the pain that is tearing my heart out right now.

Tears continue streaming down my face as I once again block out the world around me. Nothing there holds anything for me now. The most important thing in the world to me is now forever beyond my reach.

The sounds and voices around me all blur together till one phrase catches my ear as someone shouts out. "I NEED SOME HELP! HE IS STILL ALIVE!" The sound comes from where I left Shadow laying. I manage to pull myself out of my sorrow and look up. Jasper is leaning over Shadows body holding what's left of his now blood soaked shirt to Shadow's chest. He yells out again, "HURRY, I NEED ANY ONE SKILLED AT MEDICINE OR HEALING! HE IS STILL ALIVE BUT BARELY!"

Hope sparks to life in my heart and pushing Luna to the side a bit roughly I scramble over to where Shadow is lying and grab his hand. Putting two fingers on his wrist I hold them there waiting on a razors edge, hoping beyond hope. Then I feel it. It's faint, very weak, but it's there. A pulse. Shadow is still alive, but barely.

I grasp his hand in both of mine and hold on for dear life as though by holding on to him I can keep him alive through sheer force of will. Soon there are several more wolves around us, one takes Jaspers place and is putting pressure on Shadows wound while the others do their best to try and stop the bleeding before he loses any more blood. The ground around him is already a dark muddy red where he has lost far too much blood.

Tears continue to stream down my face dripping to the ground beneath me. I hold Shadows hand tight and close to my heart and talk to him. "I know you can hear me Shadow. I want you to fight with all you have. I already thought I lost you once, I can't lose you again." I look down at his hand in mine.

One of my tears falls from my nose and lands on my ring. As soon as the tear touches the ring the four gems begin to glow brightly. As the glow increases the sounds around me begin to get slower and softer. I look up and everyone around me is slowing down till they eventually freeze in place. Looking around and I see that everything has frozen. The rest of the wolves moving about the square, the fires in the buildings and rubble, even the smoke in the air has frozen in place. Then I see movement out of the corner of my eye.

I turn to the source of the movement and I see a wolf with golden brown fur moving through the smoke, but not disturbing it. As he gets closer his face comes into view. It's my father. He smiles down at me, pride shining in his face. "Congratulations Seeker, you managed to stop the greatest threat to the world since we lost Atlantis."

I swallow hard and look in his smiling face the tears still flowing freely from my eyes. "But I might lose Shadow because of it. I'm sorry if I don't share your pride at that. But if I lose him I will have lost my world."

He kneels down across from me and runs a hand across shadows forehead. "He acted with true Guardian bravery today. He was more than ready to sacrifice his own life to save yours in order to give the world one more chance. If that isn't a good enough reason to grant him Guardian ships I don't know what is." He looks up at me with a smile. "What do you say son?"

I stare at him confused, "Of course I would give him that if it meant I could save him, but only the four ruling masters of the Guardians could do that." He smiles at in that soft way of his that is quickly becoming infuriating. "Well you accessed abilities and powers today that officially made you a master of the Guardian priests."

My confusion grows even more and it must have shown on my face because my father only let out a small chuckle. "I am talking about your new trident my son. You didn't think that you got that just because you were angry did you?" I turn my right hand and look down at my tattoo then up at my dad. "You mean I am a master now?" He nods and keeps smiling at me. I just shake my head. "So what if I am. I would still need a master of air, earth, and fire to have a hope of saving Shadow now. I can't do it by myself."

He reaches over and grabs my hand and pulls it toward him. "Normally you would be right Seeker. But the other masters and I made sure that when this day came you would have the power to do by yourself now what took four of us to do then." I just look at him confused, to fatigued physically and emotionally to put up with riddles and half answers. With a tired sigh I close my eyes and lower my head taking a moment to calm my mind before I open my eyes and look back up at him. "What are you talking about dad? I am too tired for these riddles you seem so fond of."

He just smiles and pulls my ring off my finger then sets in the up turned palm of my hand. "Just watch my son." I look down at the ring lying in my palm. For a moment it does nothing but lay there. Then the gems begin to glow softly and the ring rises an inch above my palm and begins to spin slowly. The gold of the band starts to liquefy and drops away from the gems forming a puddle in my palm. The liquid gold is warm but not hot. Slowly it begins to flow along my hand toward my wrist. When it reaches my tattoo it forms a thin gold outline around the blue of the trident. From each point a line of gold stretches back towards my hand.

Then the four gems, still spinning around each other in mid air move towards my tattoo as well. At this point my father begins to speak, "Inside each gem is the essence and power of the four Guardian masters who helped to forge this ring." The ruby is the first to separate from the group and drifts down to the center point where it liquefies and forms into a small red sword connected to my trident by the gold line. "The ruby contained the power of the Fire master. The power to create Fire Guardians is now yours."

The emerald moves next and settles by the left point and liquefies forming a green hammer. "The emerald contained the power of the Earth master. The power to create Earth Guardians is now yours as well." The diamond begins its journey now and comes to rest above the right point where it also melts and forms into a white bow with notched arrow. "The diamond contained the power of the Air master, my power. The power to create Air Guardians is now at your command."

The sapphire descends from where it is and touches my trident and its light begins to pulse. At the same time my tattoo begins to glow and pulse in sync with it. My father begins to speak again, "To reach this point you had to become a water master yourself, so the power to create Water Guardians is already yours. Because of this the Water master has instead placed a unique power within the sapphire." The gem and my tattoo begin to glow steady and merge. "The power you are now being given is to enhance the powers of all Guardians. Now not only will each Guardian be able to summon their weapons but they will also be able to summon Atlantian made armor as well." I look up at him in surprise and he smiles back at me. "You will also be able to summon your own set of armor."

I let out snort or laughter, "That would have been more helpful earlier today." He laughs as well, "Perhaps my son, but you had not yet earned that power. You had to pass this final test first. A test that you succeeded at beyond my wildest dreams. You are every bit the wolf I knew you could become and so much more." He looks down at Shadow, "And it is due in no small part him. It was your love for him that allowed you to take the final step to becoming a true master."

He takes my hand in both of his and looks at me with more pride in his eyes than I ever saw from him in life. "It's time for you to save him son. You now have the power and the knowledge within you. It is up to you to use it." He lets go of my hands and turns to walk away speaking over his shoulder, "I will always be with you my son, forever. I am so proud of you and I could not love you more."As he walks away he is obscured by the smoke and vanishes into the darkness.

The world begins to move again and the sounds and voices gain volume and speed returning to normal. I look down at my hand and my new tattoo. All of that happened in the space of a heartbeat. Each part of my tattoo glows softly with its respective color and I know instinctively what I must do.

From next to me a voice I don't recognize says, "We have to stop his bleeding, he won't survive if he loses any more blood." Another voice says, "We are doing all we can, we just don't have what we need." A third voice says, "His pulse is getting weaker, we are losing him."

I look down at my tattoo then at Shadows face and I know it's time. Speaking loudly I say, "Everyone get away from him." There are several confused looks and looks of shock on the faces of the wolves around me. "But we are trying to save him" One voice says. I smile softly, "I know you are, but you can't save him. Only I can save him now." Another voice says, "You're mad with grief, you don't know what you're saying." A pair of paws goes to pull me away but I stay firm. Another pull and my patience runs out, "I said... GET AWAY!" As I yell the last words a burst of energy that I can't control or explain explodes from my body and pushes everyone several feet away, dazed but unharmed.

All around the square every eye is on me but I ignore them. I look down at Shadow and smile at him. "Hold on my love." I take his right hand in my own and place my left hand over his heart and focus. A blue glow starts in my tattoo then quickly spreads across my whole body. As the glow spreads I feel my wounds heal and my energy return to normal. When the glow reaches my hands where they hold onto Shadow it pauses for a moment then spreads to him.

As the glow spreads along him however it turns from blue to a warm red. Soon his whole body is glowing in the warm red light. I keep my focus and watch as his wounds begin to heal. The hole in his chest stops bleeding then begins to shrink till not even a scar is left. While the wound was healing his body began to stretch as he grew taller by over two feet and his muscles became more defined and expand to match his new size. After the wound is healed his eyes snap open and he takes sudden deep breath and begins panting, his eyes darting around wildly. My heart leaps for joy at the signs of life but I can't stop now.

For a few more moments the glow surrounds his body then it begins to recede towards his right hand eventually it's gone and I let my focus relax as I smile down at my mate. I let all the love I feel for him show in my face. His eyes eventually focus on me and recognition fills them. He reaches towards my face with his left hand, but he is still very weak and his hand shakes. I take his hand in my own and press it to my face as new tears fall from my eyes. These are tears of joy now however, joy at having Shadow back. He swallows weakly and speaks in a whisper, "Seeker.... How? I thought... I was dead."

I smile down at him as I speak, "I know, but I decided that I couldn't live without you. So with a little help from my dad, I was able to save you." He looks up at me with confusion, "What do you mean?" With my free hand I grab his right hand and lift it so he can see his wrist. His eyes travel from me to his wrist then widen in surprise.

On his wrist now is a red sword tattoo in the same place as my trident. "He quickly looks back at me with wonder in his eyes. "Does this mean?" I nod, "Yes love, you are a Fire Guardian now."

All around us there are gasps of surprise but I ignore them focusing entirely on Shadow grateful that he is alright now. He coughs a bit then asks, "But how?" I put a finger to his lips to silence him. "I will tell you later, right now you're still weak and need to rest ok." He just nods and I start to get to my feet lifting him in my arms as I do so. He wraps his arms around my neck and presses close to my chest.

Standing with my mate securely in my arms I look around at the wolves gathered in the town square. I make eye contact with each one in turn before I begin speaking. "Today we all suffered in a fight that was brought on by one wolf. That wolf was defeated here today. That defeat has cost him his position, his power, and his control over his pack." Several wolves from Harandooms pack nod as murmurs of agreement travel through the crowd.

"All of us have lost friends and family we care about today. Some of us were lucky to not lose everything." I feel Shadow tighten his grip on me. "We all now have a choice before us. We can choose to all go back to our homes and try to rebuild our old lives alone. Or we can choose to work together to rebuild what was destroyed here and create a new home for all of us." Shadow's head presses softly against my chest and I feel his breathing grow shallow as he drifts asleep.

"I will let each of you make that choice for yourself. If any from Harandooms pack wishes to start a new life I will meet with you one at a time to discuss the possibility of staying here and joining us. But I warn you, after today that life will not be easy, you will have to earn the trust of not only my pack but the villagers as well." With that I turn and leave the square, holding my sleeping mate close to my chest as I begin making my way through the slowly burning buildings toward our home.

As I leave my pack follows me. Rick, Jasper, Luna, Tabatha, and Eve form a loose circle around me keeping everyone at a distance so that I am not bothered with questions right now. Soon most of the other pack is following us as well dragging Harandoom and his cohorts along with them as prisoners.


The journey back to our home is a long and silent one. No one speaks to anyone each wolf is lost in their own thoughts thinking about what had happened. When I reach the front door Rick quickly steps ahead of me and opens the door for me. I give him a nod of thanks and make my way inside. In the main room is what can only be described as a triage center. Rosalie, Aaron, and the three omegas I left behind are busy moving around the villagers that have made it here and are helping them with any wounds they may have. Some of the uninjured women seem to have found the kitchen as there is a constant flow of children carrying bowls of soup around to everyone who can eat.

When we enter Rosalie stops where she is and hurries up to me a grin on her face. Then she sees Shadow in my arms and her smile vanishes in an instant. "Is he ok?" She asks as soon as she gets to us and starts trying to check for wounds on both of us. I nod, "He is fine, just needs some rest, there are others that need more help than us though, please see to it that they are cared for while I take him to bed." She nods and bustles out of my way going to start bandaging those who followed me.

As I head up the stairs I hear a few complaints come from Rick and Jasper about not needing any attention but Rosalie quickly has them shut up and submitting to her care. I can't help but smile at the force of nature she is. She doesn't take crap from anyone.

Reaching our room I quietly walk inside and set Shadow on our bed before closing the door and blocking out most of the noise from the rest of the house. Not caring about how dirty we still are I lay down next to him on the bed and pull him close feeling his breathing and heart beat through my fur.

As I lay there listening to him sleep my own eyelids begin to get heavy and all the stress and fatigue from the last several hours finally takes its toll on me and I drift off to sleep holding Shadow in my arms a small smile on my face.


Several hours later I wake up and stretch out. For a moment everything feels normal. Then the memories of the past day flood back to me and I reach for Shadow to reassure myself that he is ok. But he isn't there.

Panic begins to fill me and I start looking around the room frantically for him. Then the sounds of running water reach my ear. I look to the bathroom and the door is cracked open and steam is coming out of it from a running shower. My panic subsides as I realize he is only in the shower.

Then a grin reaches my muzzle and I move quietly to the bathroom. I quietly walk into the bathroom and take off what's left of my cloths throwing them in the trash bin as they are to stained and damaged to bother cleaning. Once I am out of all my clothes I silently slip into the shower behind Shadow and wrap my arms around him.

He nearly jumps out of the shower at my touch then looking up at me a smile grows on his face. "Why did you do that? You scared the crap out of me." I chuckle and hold him close as the water soaks into my fur washing away the dirt and grime. "Well you did leave me alone in bed. I nearly lost you today so I don't plan on letting you out of my sight for a very long time."

He presses his back against my chest leaning his head on my shoulder. He then straightens up and turns around looking at me in confusion. "Didn't you use to be taller than me?" I smile at him, his head now just lower than mine making him about eight and a half feet tall now instead of the six foot two when we met. "No, you used to be shorter. That's one of the perks of being a Guardian. You gain some height and muscles." He looks down at his right hand and slowly turns it over revealing his Guardian tattoo. "So everything that happened...." He looks up at me with a touch of fear in his eyes. "That wasn't just a dream was it?"

I shake my head sadly. He then puts his hand on his chest where Harandoom stabbed him. "I can still feel the sword piercing me. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would actually." I wrap my arms around him and pull him close pressing our chests together. I talk softly into his ear, "I'm sure you can love. But that is only a bad memory now, one that will fade in time."

He presses into my chest and we just stand there under the warm water for several long minutes. Then he asks, "Did you kill him?" I let out a slow sigh, "No, I didn't kill him. I very much wanted to but Luna stopped me before I could." He leans back just enough so he can press his lips to mine in a soft kiss before he continues. "I'm glad she stopped you. I wouldn't want you to be a killer. That's what he is and you are nothing like him." I can only smile at him letting my love for him show in my eyes.

Then he gets a mischievous grin and turns me so I am blocking the water from him. While the water feels good running down my back now I can't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion at his actions. Then one of his paws grabs on to my balls and starts rubbing them around and I know what his intentions are.

I fight back a soft growl of pleasure as he fondles my balls. He starts to get down on his knees as he says, "It feels like a lifetime since I last played with these." I smile down at him, "In a way it was." He presses his nose up against my sack and takes a deep breath. The air moving across my balls tickles and I have to suppress a laugh.

Smiling up at me he opens his mouth and takes both of my nuts in his mouth and starts to suck on them while his right hand moves to my sheath and squeezes my hardening cock encouraging it to grow faster. His left hand moves around behind me and firmly grabs my ass giving it a good squeeze as well.

I have to place on hand on the wall to keep from collapsing as he rolls my balls around in his mouth and massages my every growing dick at the same time. The sensations running up my spine causes my vision to begin to blur a bit.

He keeps rubbing on my sheath stimulating my cock into swelling even more. Soon it is peaking out into the warm air of the shower. Almost as soon as it is exposed to the open air Shadow releases my nuts and starts licking on the pointed tip. His tongue rubbing along my already sensitive member only encourages its growth even more and soon it is standing at full attention completely out of my sheath with my knot beginning to form.

Slowly he takes my cock into his mouth and begins sucking gently on it. I can't help but moan out in pleasure as his warm moist mouth encircles my throbbing appendage. As he sucks on my cock getting more and more insistent about what he wants I feel my knot expand rapidly filling his mouth till he has to pull off it or risk getting it stuck behind his teeth.

Pulses begin running through my shaft as I begin to shoot small bursts of pre into his mouth. Just as I am about to come however, he pulls off and stands up pressing his lips to mine. As his lips part to allow my searching tongue to enter his mouth the taste of my own pre assaults my taste buds. He had collected it in his mouth to share in this kiss. That act only increases my arousal. As we break apart from the kiss I look down and see that I am not the only one affected in this way. Shadows own bright red cock is standing hard from his crotch demanding its own attention.

Wrapping my paw around his cock I slowly pump on his cock getting low moans and growls of pleasure. Before long he is leaking pre out his tip. Wiping some up on a finger I bring it up to his mouth so he can suck it off.

After he cleans off my finger he turns around and places his paws on the wall while lifting his tail. He looks over his shoulder and gives me a needy look. I am all too eager to fulfill that particular need of his.

Stepping up behind him I press my throbbing cock between his ass cheeks and rub it up and down just enjoying the sensations. A needy whine comes from Shadow as I continue my motions. On one rub I pull my hips back a bit farther lining the point of my shaft with his hole and push forward.

He lets out a soft yelp as my cock pierces into his tight hole. I let out a long moan as I feel his body pulling my dick deep into his rear passage all the way to my knot. I just stand there for a moment enjoying the feeling of the hot pressure being applied to my cock.

Eventually I start pulling back out only to push back in again just before my tip comes out. Over and over again I push in and pull out of the hot tight passage. Soon the familiar itch of my coming orgasm starts building just behind my balls and I double my efforts.

With each thrust I go harder and faster pressing my swollen knot against Shadow's tail hole. I notice that one of his hands is no longer on the wall but is now furiously working his own shaft in time with me pounding into him from behind.

With one final push I grab hold of his hips and pull them back to me as I push my own hips forward with the intention of driving my knot deep into him. With an audible pop every inch of my knot enters into his rear which then clamps down tight behind it tying us together.

The moment my knot enters him he lets out a howl as is orgasm rushes through his system causing him to paint the showers wall with his white seed. With each burst of cum shooting from his cock his already tight passage pulses even tighter around my dick sending me soaring off the edge into my own orgasm.

Letting out my own howl as I feel my balls draw up tight I fill his ass with all the seed within them and then some. For several minutes we both just stand there shaking as our cocks continue to pulse and shoot cum.

Eventually we begin to come down from our peaks and start to enjoy the afterglow of our mating. As the world stops spinning around me I pull Shadow so he is pressing up against me and I just hold him close, my chin resting on his shoulder as we both stand under the warm stream of the shower waiting for my knot to go down.

After several long happy minutes of just standing there with my arms wrapped around the wolf I love I feel my knot shrink and soften enough for it to slip free from his hole and begin to slide back into my sheath till its next performance is needed.

Slowly and reluctantly I let go of Shadow so we can finish cleaning up properly and head back to bed. After changing the sheets of course, after all we did just sleep several hours covered in dirt, smoke, and blood. That would kind of defeat part of the purpose of the shower. Though a repeat cleaning like this one doesn't sound like too bad of an idea....