Transformation Intro

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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the intro to a transformation series that I'm taking on. It's only going to be a few short clips.

So there you are, standing in the room, completely naked. You know what you're here for, and you don't regret it at all. With your heart beating a little more rapidly than normal, you can't help but survey the room. For many, this would be appalling, and in some cases, grotesque. This is not the case for you and a select group. There is no where better that you wish to be, especially at this moment.

Behind you, the door opens, and he enters. You quickly turn around and see him. He is a thing a beauty wrapped in the cloth of desire. Standing before you is a creature that you have only seen in your dreams. That creature with which you would do anything to become. Anything at all.

This is why you are here. He has seen your thoughts and invaded your dreams. He knows your desires, and he knows that with which you keep deepest inside you. As he walks forward, your body shivers in both joy and terror. All reason tells you that this is wrong, while all of you heart tells you this is right. He takes you hand, strong and commanding. Guiding you to the table, he helps you up and then straps you down.

The cold metal is a shock to your body, but it quickly adjusts. He turns the table so that you are now vertical. The wrist and ankle straps hold you in place. Your bare flesh exposed to him. He could do with you what ever he wanted. Instead, he has plans to share a bit of his gift with you.

Everything comes to focus, every bit of your life. This only lasts for a moment though, because he has brought out the syringe. The glimmering needle on top of the plastic barrel. Inside, a silvery liquid. Even though the plunger has it held in place, it seems to dance, almost as if though in anticipation.

He brings it towards you, gently pushing it into your arm. It's a sting that isn't pleasant. He pushes the plunger. The liquid enters your body, coursing through your veins, giving his gift to you.