Belial: Control

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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By Von Krieger

_Girl. Girl. Wake up!_ _Lazy! Sleeps all the time! Eat, Center! Food! Eat! Open mouth._ Center groaned and opened her eyes, which never did her much good at all. Since her change she couldn't see much more then vague shapes if they were right in front of her face, and the if it was light or dark out. She could never sleep for more then an hour or two at a time without her master wanting something.

"But, I'm not hungry." Center whispers, it's the loudest noise she's capible of, her vocal chords were just about removed entirely in her change. _Open. Food for Center to eat._ _Too big for us, Center has to eat it._ Center groaned, they must've caught something big. Well, catch wasn't the right word. She pulled herself up from the ground, working the kinks out of her lithe body.

"I don't want to eat it, I'm full." _Liar. Center is not full!_ _Center refuses to eat it because she thinks it's cute._ It was one of her rabbits, the ones she had been breeding larger then usual, just for fun. Before her change that is. "I don't want to eat it. Let it go." _Nope. Nope. Rabbits for eating._ _Center eats rabbit, or we wake up Five!_

Center didn't like that at all. "Please, don't make me eat it." Tears started to pour from her nearly blind eyes; she loved her rabbits. She didn't want to eat one of her pets. Center felt a sharp smack on the end of her serpentine face. _Eat!_ _Need food, make eggs._ Center dropped back to the ground and curled her tail around herself. They wanted her to lay eggs again.

A sharp pain appeared suddenly on the back of her neck. _Next time twice as bad!_ _Next time, more then bite!_ Her master was serious, and wouldn't let up until she gave it. They could do worse things to her then hit and bite her. Without a word she opens her jaws, and begins the long process of taking the still living creature down her throat and into her belly.

_Good girl._ _Very good._ She felt her tears being licked away by a pair of heavy forked tongues. She shuddered; she hated snakes. She pulled her serpentine body up off the ground, tilting her head back, to allow gravity to aid in getting the warm meal into her belly. Their belly really. She wondered what horrible thing she'd done to deserve this form. Center had hated snakes all her life, and now she was essentially an entire nest of them.

Other then herself, there were an additional nine living creatures that were part of her body. She could feel her entire body, but there were parts of it she had no control over at all. The nine snakes didn't think of themselves as nine, they though of themselves as four. Master was the two to the immediate left and right of her head; they were the only ones that could talk, if they wanted to. Usually they just commanded her telepathically. The serpents that comprised Master were about four feet in length, half again the size that her arms had been. That was what the originally were.

Hunter was bigger, lower on the body, about on level with the upper pair of her four breasts. Center had no idea why she had those still, as just about the rest of her body was reptilian. The demon had probably thought they made her look cute and fuckable. Each of the Hunter snakes was about six feet long, and were venomous. Rather then kill, their venom paralyzed. If they could swallow Center wouldn't have to be woken up when something large was caught. But Hunter's throats didn't link up with the shared stomach of their body. In addition to their venom, they had another prey catching form. Spitting. They could spit a stream of sticky liquid quite a ways. Center didn't know how far, she couldn't see, and she never felt like asking Master. It was far enough though. They had a store of enough of it inside to cover a human. Or so Master has told her.

Center lacked hair, her once long flowing mane of it had been replaced with a number of smaller serpents, four to be exactly, and six tentacles. The four snakes on her head, two on the left, two are the right, were known collectively as "Little One," who wasn't very talkative to Master. Mostly all they did was eat small things, mice, bugs, birds, anything they could fit down their smaller gullets. They weren't very big, at least compared to the other five snakes, about the size of a common rattlesnake. The front two were about three feet in length, the back closer to six. There was a tentacle before and after each.

Center's head also sport numerous other serpentine appendages, but they didn't move. She supposed it looked like she had a set of nightmarish looking dreadlocks. She had control of two tentacles, which were thankfully the ones she actually liked. The other four were controlled by Little One, and they tended to stray were they weren't wanted. Center didn't like them at all, they were cock tipped.

The ninth snake was the only one that slept more then Center, for which she was grateful. Five, like Center, was blind. Except he had no eyes at all. Or a mouth. There wasn't very much that was snakelike about him except his physical construction, he lacked scales as well. Center hated him and his one track mind. Five was their cock.

Five, at full length, was about four feet long, and looked sort of like a horse cock. A dark colored semi-sheath along the first foot and a half of length, followed by two and a half feet of slick, writhing snake-cock. Like the reptile that they were, Five spent most of his time inside their body. There was no outward sign that Center and the rest were a hermaphrodite, and Center was grateful for that. Considering most of the time they were slithering on their belly, any outward male genital features would be uncomfortable and painful.

They had other genitals however. Five was just another serpent that the demon had probably tacked on for fun, and hir own twisted pleasures. Just below Five were their 'real' cocks. Two of them, like a true serpent. They started from the same place above Center's vaginal opening and pointed slightly toward either side. Center didn't think of them as a part of herself, Little One usually was the one who used them.

Below that was Center's portion of the genitalia, concealed in the folds of scaly skin that kept that portion of her body from getting dirty, was her pussy. It served no biological function, since that part of her body had been given over mostly to storing Five. Their real pussy was down by the end of Center's tail, and that one worked. Worked as in produced eggs, she'd laid three a few months after her change. As far as she could tell, 'her' pussy was basically for Five to fuck.

Center hated that, every time it happened she was essentially being raped by her own body. She had no idea why she felt like that; she didn't care at all when she was made to fuck herself with their real cunt. As for Center, Center wasn't her name; it was what Master called her, mainly because she was the middle. She was in charge of locomotion, and she was the only one that could move their thirty-foot long slimy body.

She didn't like the slime very much either. It seemed that just about every exposed inch of her scale-covered skin produced a lubricating smile. It never seemed to dry out. The grove where Center lived was absolutely saturated with the stuff. Animals seemed to love it's slightly sweet taste, it killed insects, and it plants seemed to thrive on the stuff. The berry bush that Center had planted the day of her change had grown extremely large, and was thriving. In the six months since she planted it, it had grown of a size that Center and her parts slithered under it's thorny tangles for shelter.

The berries had become ripe not long ago, and they were the size of throwing rocks. Center enjoyed them; the rest of her body loathed them. The rabbit was nearly to their belly now. Center slid her forked tongue out of her mouth and flicked it around, smelling the air. It was going to rain in a little bit. She liked the rain, it felt cool on her skin, and it made her vision clearer. Center supposed the creature she was based on was a water-based snake. There wasn't a body of water around big enough for Center to completely submerse herself in to test that theory. Closest thing was a shallow, muddy creek.

The creek might be deeper further on, but Master didn't like venturing very far away from their nest. Center was glad she had chosen to live in just about the middle of nowhere; they weren't hardly any humans around for her and her body to bother. She shudders, the venom was wearing off and the rabbit was beginning to squirm. She slides a tentacle tip to her belly, feeling the creature's struggles.

She hates herself for what she feels now, like her other parts, she too is beginning to enjoy the feel of still live prey wriggling inside of her. Hunter curls up to sleep, wrapping around Center middle under her breasts, and then up the back. His heads nestled between her neck and those of Master. Master loops a coil around each, to prevent them from falling off. Her body slept in shifts. If it wasn't her body, Center might find it funny.

She feels a gentle nuzzling against one of her nipples, then another, and then on all four. Little One wanted to play. "Not now, please?" Center whispers, feeling so tired. She was always tired. She knew Little One was connected to the rest of her more completely then Hunter or Master. While she could feel everything through the whole of their shared body, Master and Hunter could feel next to nothing beyond their own control. Centered suspected Master felt nothing at all beyond the stomach, while Hunter could feel the 'feedback' from Five. Little One however seemed to be connected to all of her. She could feel the tiny snakes flinch whenever Master bit her.

Master yawned and decided to nap as well, looping down between her breasts, between her sides and Hunter's coils, crossing over behind her back and then resting between the two coils of Hunter wrapped around her abdomen. Center can feel two cock-tentacles rubbing softly against the sides of her mouth, and two more trying to get her to open herself 'down there.'

Center almost enjoyed Little One's touches. Sometimes, not just during sex either, she felt as if they were caring, almost loving. Sometimes when the rest of her body was sleeping, and she was unable to do anything, she'd just lay there and cry. The way the eight appendages wrapped around her sometimes, it was almost like a hug. Or snake entwined with one of her tentacles, was that meant to as close to holding her hand as Little One could get?

She'd been fighting against the other parts of herself for at least half a year. Center sighed; she didn't know why she struggled anymore. There was nothing in it for her. She couldn't see at all, and would be unable to do anything without Master's help. Resisting wouldn't change her back to the way she was, nothing would. Not even another demon would be able to break what had been done to Center.

Center. She even thought of herself like that now, nothing more then a part of this body she'd become imprisoned in. She slumped to the ground. She was the only part of the whole that resisted, and when she did Little One was hurt as well. She could feel Little One's reflexive urge to strike back whenever she was bitten or head-butted by Master, the sudden tensing of the tiny serpentine bodies, then a forced relaxation. She could feel Little One's touches all over her body. She stopped resisting, opening her mouth and releasing the muscles that held her pussy closed.

"There, I'm yours now. Do whatever the hell you want to me, I don't care." her whisper had a harsh tone to it. Rather then dive right in, the prodding shapes pulled away, settling into their normal positioning at her side, or behind her back. Center hears a sound from far away, something big is moving throw the trail that's been made through the grass.

Center rolls over onto her belly and flicks her tongue out. Scent carries a long way, and Center's serpentine sense of smell catches it easily. She licks her lips hungrily. She knows what the smell is; she could taste it all over right after her change. The scent makes the sleeping portions of herself stir, all of them. Center begins to feel incredibly aroused. A moment ago she wasn't at all willing to engage in sex, now she can think of doing nothing else.

Five awakens, remaining inside the body for the time being. Center has a strange sensation in the lower half of her tail, around where her one egg is situated. She heads off in the direction of the scent, that of a female. A human female. Part of her wonders what this sudden lust is from, she'd seen, well smelt, human girls before while in this form, but she'd never had this reaction before.

But she had never wanted to do something with all her parts before. Not really. She thought of the trio of eggs she'd laid three months earlier, how they never hatched, no part of them sure what they were supposed to do. But now? Now they knew what to do. They knew that they didn't lay their eggs in a nest; they laid them in human females.

Center thought she should be disgusted at that fact. But shi wasn't. Shi, shi'd just thought of hirself as a shi. Was this what shi had been fighting this long? Center had been the connection to all the parts of hir body. And that was exactly what they were, parts of hir body. Not different creatures. They were all hir. They'd always been hir.

Hir change hadn't stopped, but it had stalled. Shi would only be in full control of hir body when shi accepted it. Shi blink hir eyes, all nine pairs. Shi could see again! Shi looked hirself over, shi was beautiful. Orange and black mostly, with some tan on hir underbelly. So pretty. Shi knew why shi had been so lonely, so sad, so frightened. Hir personality had fragmented to hir different heads. Center slithered through the grass at a speed shi had never known shi was capable of. Shi knew the girl would be frightened at first, disgusted, lonely. But she would come to love her new body, just like her soon to be mother had come to love hirs.