Keeval-da: Trouble At The Inn

Story by Etalrian on SoFurry

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#4 of Children Of Keeval-da

The next part after "Keeval-da: Scars of Passion". This is not smut like my former writings but it progresses the story along. Besides, how many times can an argonian female get raped in her life?

Thanks again to 'Gadamlu' for use of Olaf. Hope you enjoy this part as much as the rough drafts I had sent along the way. If I missed some tags please let me know so I can add them.

Grim awoke first that next morning after his bout with his wife, Keeval-da, in a sticky mess.

Grim's pillow was caked in blood that ran from the vicious bite Keeval-da placed on his shoulder. He had to pry himself from the fabric carefully to avoid tearing open the wound she left. Looking over at his now peaceful Keeval-da, Grim smiled.

She looked so calm and peaceful it really appeared as though she couldn't have done the things she did last night. Grim nudged her naked form that clung about him in his 'not so gentle' fashion. "Pretty eyes? Time to wake up!" She inhaled deeply blinking a few times before rubbing her eyes.

When she had proper vision she saw the dried blood on her hands. Pulling back in fright she noticed the pillow and with a fearful expression she looked at Grim. He was smiling ear to ear despite the wound made by some clearly viscious bite near his neck. "GRIM! What happened?"

Grim was still grinning like a mesmerized idiot sitting up next to her overlooking her body. "Pretty Eyes let Grim feel her soft pink colors last night, Pretty Eye's was amazing... bite hard though." stroking his injury gingerly.

"I BIT YOU?!" that is when she noticed the taste of blood in her mouth, the coppery saliva that she maintained even overnight. The taste made her gag slightly in disgust. Keeval-da felt tears well in her eyes as she flung her arms around him. "I'm so sorry, I don't even remember doing that." she suddenly realized from his new erection they were still naked and in bed. "I didn't hurt you? Did I?"

"Grim is strong and willing. Pretty Eyes got dark and scary but felt so good." Grim rubbed his hand up her thigh while she watched. The scales near her entrance had been marred by their escapade but she was still thrilled from the actions that transpired. "Grim..." stopping to kiss him "I..." he placed a finger over her lips and rubbed her clit with his other hand getting her to squirm under his touch. "Grim is happy with Pretty body, nothing changes that."

There was suddenly a heavy knock at their door. "Hey, I know yall had a good night... We all do, but your both an hour late for the morning shift! So get down here and get to working!" Ruthford was always a bitter man but the first part sounded more amused. Keeval-da was blushing shyly pulling the covers around her. "Everyone heard us?" Grim started to chuckle saying "Pretty body REALLY enjoyed herself with Grim." "Dark eyes made loud cries and made Grim make them too." He added while obviously trying not to laugh.

She was both embarrased and concerned she had hurt Grim in such a way. Grim noticed the solemn visage she wore and put his hand under her chin forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Grim is fine. Grim enjoyed every minute of our night together. Do not be sad." with that he kissed her gently before moving off the bed to get dressed.

-What if I hurt him again? I can't do that to him! He says he's fine but how could he be?- She wondered as she watched him grimace putting on his shirt. The scabs that were created last night managed to open a bit on the edges putting fresh blood on his shirt. the bruising from her strong jaws and the unexpectedly tight grip of her claws were easily noticed until covered by the brown tunic. He stopped at the door and turned as if waiting for something.

"What are you waiting for?" "Pretty body to show off her colors before I head downstairs. Grim won't get to see them again all day." Keeval-da couldn't hold back the giggles. still laughing she removed the covers, sat on the edge, and spread her legs for him. She noticed how sore she was when she spread her folds for him with her fingers. "Mmm, Grim has a great idea for desert tonight!"

"What's that?" she said removing her fingers and moving towards him with careful steps. "Raw Argonian on a firm mattress." Grim swept her into a 'Sailor's kiss' when she came close enough then quikly went out the door.

He managed to break her worries and fears for humor and romance again. Something she realized long ago he had a knack for doing with her "Oh, your good...". -We never did eat our diners- Looking at the 2 cold bowls of honey rabbit stew with a few flies eagerly slurping up what they could of the meal.

Downstairs Reynolder was serving drinks to a few early risers, among them Weilandrel who was sitting idly at the corner table facing the wall. When Grim turned from the stairs Reynolder gave him a look he had not seen since the day he got married to Keeval-da. "What? Why does 'Thick man' look at Grim so?" "Oh, no reason, you lucky dog you!"

"Grim is a man." he replied with innocent confusion. Reynolder belted a hefty laugh. "Yeah, you are! Keeval-da must be some fiesty girl in bed..." "Pretty eyes has best colors Grim has known. Smooth greens, sharp reds, soft light greens, bright oranges, and tight pink!" "Uh, little too much info for this old man Grim." He chuckled while slapping Grim's shoulder and got a yelp from him.

"You get hurt hunting last night?" He asked seeing the blood begin to stain his tunic in the shape of a large animal's muzzle patterned bite wound.

"No, Grim never hurt hunting." There was a long silence while Reynolder examined the growing blood stain which outlined the shape of the mark. This combined with the wide grin on Grim's face, and daydreaming quality in his eyes as he looked at nothing gave Reynolder a conclusion that made little sense.

I look of bewilderment found its way to his face and his mouth hung open with a gasp of surprise. "Nooooo..... You mean, she did that? Last night?" "Dark eyes was amazing." "That... is a bit uh... yeah, so... what is on the menu today?" He asked to change subjects.

Keeval-da came down going straight to work bashfully avoiding eye contact with Reynolder. -Damn it! I can't believe he heard us last night, how embarrasing!- suddenly she noticed Weiladel in the corner, she had taken some of their advice and covered her ears with her hair. Keeval-da no longer understood why she accepted her notion to fornicate in place of paying the rent but also still accepted it as right despite her mind now telling her otherwise. "Excuse me."

"Keeval-da, hello... did you desire payment early today?" The elf asked it so candidly that it made Keeval-da choke on the words she planned to say. "Uh, no... Weiladel, I..." she was interupted by a hand over her muzzle as the elf spoke sternly to her. "Careful! Ears are everywhere... Now, what is it?" "I was wondering about last night." She nervously wringed her hands "What we did feels wrong."

The elf showed little concern merely holding her pendant forward to Keeval-da saying "If you would rather not talk about it, then don't. I will pay for tonight later." There was a glow of pink but it faded fast. Keeval-da blinked a few times as if confused then said "You're right, we can talk about it later. Don't forget about tonight!" -Did I just agree to tailfuck an elf for a room again? hmphhf, stranger yet... why am I smiling about it?- Not merely smiling but swaying her tail happily despite not realizing it.

Keeval-da spent most of her shift avoiding Reynolder's odd looks and shying away everytime Grim waved at her from the kitchen. Grim was leaving to hunt the dinner meal when he whirled her around for a kiss goodbye. "Bye bye Pretty body! Grim will won't make too much tonight in case we let it get cold again." Keeval-da stood in shock of his candor in front of the crowd of whistling, snickering, and cheering occupants that littered the INN. He left briskly waving merily in ignorance of her embarrassment.

She felt like running away but could only stand covering her stunned face with her hands before laughing at her lover's innocent but foolish behavior. Weiladel had touched her arm then to get her attention. "Keeval-da, he loves you dearly. You must know he means well, yes?" Keeval-da stopped laughing wiping the unformed tears from her eyes. "I was laughing at him. Although I am quite embarassed."

"I sensed sadness in you. Is something wrong? I thought you two shared a powerful exchange of passion last night." That statement stripped the Argonian from her laughter entirely and morphed it back to concern and embarassment. "How do you... oh, right." "I know more from the desires I sensed then the sounds I heard." Suddenly she glanced around the room nervously. "What is that supposed to mean?" Quizitively.

"Nothing, I speak too freely. I'll be back to pay for tonight later." Weiladel moved swiftly to the door and left into the mid day sunlight. -Wonder what that was about?- keeval-da thought. She headed to the back room getting the broom and began sweeping up when she noticed two males aruguing. One was pointing at the door and the other was shaking his head. Unable to make out the words from the distance Keeval-da had the urge to creep closer with her sweeping. An urge she decided to obey.

The opposite male stood up, raised his voice in anger, and spouted off "I am tellin' you, that..." he sat back down as a third male came over from the window. Now Keeval-da realized where she had seen them before, they stopped by asking about an elf, likely Weiladel, about a day ago. The third male noticed Keeval-da also, thrusting an arm around her waist when she got close enough. To her disapproval he pulled her up against his broad body and said "Ah, we meet again lass! Your slender figure would be worth a heavy bounty to me."

"That's nice of you to say, but I am married." She retorted wanting to end the conversation quickly. "Shame..." He slid his arm from around her waist with obvious intent by running his hand down her back and over her tail. "Happin' to hear ov n' Elf this way since we last spoke?" Keeval-da turned to look for Reynolder but the mercenary stood up fast forcing her to look him in the eyes as he held her muzzle close. He slipped the hand under her tail and moved it between her legs which got her eyes to spark open and her body to tense up. "Well, Lass? Had ya'?"

Her heart was racing and she on impulse darted her eyes looking for an escape route. "Hey! I think you've had enough fun over there..." It was Reynolder with a loaded crossbow and four other customers who were now advancing with an array of random 'weapons' at the calm male and his two startled associates who also drew weapons. One gripped a hand and a half axe and the other drew two small knives. "Leave, NOW!" Reynolder commanded to which another patron added "I think you better do what he says."

The mercenary removed his hand from Keeval-da's underside and she briskly moved aside towards Reynolder. "Okay, okay, I was just playin' aroun' with the lass. Ne'er meant any harm be it." "let's go fella's, we got what we came fer'." The other two looked puzzeled but looking back again at the angry folks, that looked like a mob militia in the makings with the newly unseated group added to the four, decided to agree with the apparent leader of the group.

"By the nine! Thank you Reynolder!" She said hugging the man she felt his heart beating hard. "We wouldn't let him harm you Keeval-da!" came a voice from one of the regulars that was echoed by more in the group which counted seven now.

Keeval-da suddenly felt Reynolder putting more of his wieght on her as he dropped the bow to the floor in a loud 'Thud'. He clutched his chest and fell against the counter before slumping gently to the floor on his back with Keeval-da's guiding arms. "Reynolder! Are you alright? Speak to me!" His retort was shuddering inhales with quick jolted exhales. She gripped his hands with her own and squeezed. -Please don't die! Oh please, don't die on me!-

The others gawked onward praying for his survival in their own ways most clutching their hats or lowering their heads in silence. A couple bolted out the door seeking help, probably from the guards or town healer. His eyes darted back and forth rapidly. He squeezed her scaled hand tightly, the action was jittery and randomly spasmed.

Tears were running from the corners of his eyes as she watched his fearful expression on his face before he finally closed his eyes and began to calm down. His breathing relaxed slowly and his grip on Keeval-da's hands became more continuous and strong. His breathes lost the shuddering and jolting traits they adorned and soon after he opened his eyes looking upward (least in his opinion) toward the wall behind him.

"Thank the gods, I thought I was going to die." Most of the men around the group quickly wiped their faces, some claiming they were staring too long and their eyes teared up to relieve it. Others had more rediculous excuses.

"You had me worried!" She hugged him tightly around the neck. "At least let me get up first, You had me worried too." "Don't ever do that again!" He chuckled a bit before grabbing his chest again "Ow! Okay laughing hurts... It was not my choice you know." He looked around the room seeing everyone standing around without drinks anymore. "Hey, buy a drink or get out ya mooks!" That cleared the odd feeling for the night while they all got back to buying drinks.

Later that night Grim was returning with a deer and once again during their regular routine found Olaf and Dender, the town guards walking near the outskirts of town. Grim walked up heaving the deer over his uninjured shoulder like a sac of potatoes. The sight caught Dender offguard, as it was no small deer.

He plopped it down at Olaf's feet saying "Cut face! Grim wanted to show you something tonight!" Olaf raised an eyebrow but said nothing while Grim pulled back the collar of his tunic showing a large bite mark and the scar it was already becoming. "Grim has a scar too now!"

"Nasty bite there..." Olaf looked at it a moment adding with a unsure expression "Wolf?" "Nope! Pretty eyes!" Olaf attempted probably the most surprised look he had ever expressed. It created new lines in his face that had previously never been needed. "Your wife? Aye, that is a keeper Grim! The fiesty ones are the best lovers." "Pretty eyes is THE best!" he said beaming. Olaf chuckled saying "Suppose so."

"You do Grim a favor?" Odd change of subject but Grim was known for it. "What is it my friend?" "Grim can't carry other part of dinner..." Pointing at his shoulder. "Cut face and Runt boy take deer to INN? Grim will make extra for them!" "Runt boy?!" Dender said with offense. Olaf smirked at Dender's reaction to his new name. Olaf stroked his chin in a toughtful fashion while making an audible "Hmmm...".

"We are on duty! We can't go back to the INN till we finish making our rounds." Dender said so matter of factly that he was appauled when Olaf simply said. "You've got yourself a deal Grim. Make mine a double Portion!" "But, Sir! We..." Olaf had just scowled at the young guard shutting him up like it was a command. "When was the last time we had any troubles here, eh? Grim needs a hand and we're giving it to him.".

"I can't believe this! Your going to lug this carcass back to town just because this..." "Front or back?" Olaf interrupted him. "What?" Dender asked confused by the sudden question. "Front... Or... Back?" Olaf said slowly while motioning to the dead deer. "What about..." Dender was now rigidly pointing to their route. "FRONT OR BACK?" Repeating the question louder actually improved the authority when it came from a man like Olaf. "Front." Dender said defeatedly grabbing the front legs and walking backwards. Olaf rolled his eyes but let him do it.

Grim had already begun walking back off into the woods waving again calling out "Back with rest soon! Fix great meal for 'Cut face' and 'Runt Boy' tonight!" "Stop calling me 'Runt Boy'!"

As they walked the deer back towards the INN they noticed a woman darting inside quickly followed behind by two armed and armoured men. Olaf dropped the deer abruptly and looked at Dender. "Get your axe ready..." Olaf took off in a brisk walk to the INN while drawing his crossbow. He had fit a bolt into the unit and readied it, swiftly walking ahead of Dender who had yet to recover from the unwarned drop of weight. He pulled his axe and rushed behind Olaf.

The night crowd had slimmed to three, two renters of the remaining rooms and a regular who hides out from his wife some nights. Ruthford had taken over for reynolder after his event that afternoon. Ruthford had been informed of the three men who caused a scene and 'over induldged' in Keeval-da's company.

Everything was quiet till Weladel jerked the door open and ran inside holding the pendant tightly in her hands. "Quick you have to hide me! Do you have a back door?" "Whoah, what is going on?" "There's no time, they are behind me. Do you have a rear exit?" "This way." Keeval-da stepped up sensing the urgency in her tone and pulled her to the back. Ruthford followed beside them asking again "What is going on here?" he said reaching for the doorknob. They heard the front door open as Ruthford opened the back.

The sudden realization of events came to Keeval-da "Those three men, they were looking for...". Once Ruthford opened the door a axe cleaved deep into his neck spurting blood across the walls and on Keeval-da's stunned face ceasing her words mid sentence. Ruthford fell to his knees. The axe was jerked from his nearly decapitated neck and he flumped forward. His head rolling awkwardly askew on it's new hinge. She would have stayed paralyzed in disbelief had the man not spoke his next word so loudly that it shook her back into the moment.

"YOU!" The mercenary, with freshly red coated boots, said to complete the sentence Keeval-da had begun, pointing at Weiladel who turned running back the other way. There was a sound of weapons being drawn but within seconds three loud thumps were heard in quick order. Keeval-da turned the corner from the back room to see her three costumers wrenched from life. One just now being tossed over a table with his own knife jutting from his throat, another with two small throwing daggers in his chest, and the third still clutching the sword of the lead mercenary which held him to the floor.

"Aye, lass!" He licked his lips before he jerked his sword from the floor and twisted it in the dieing man, who's apparent last effort seemed to be choking up as much of his blood as possible before spilling it through the gapping hole in his gut. "Wish ye' weren't forced to see all this mess." His words belied the truth as he pulled the blade out and swung it outward to splatter her and the elf with more blood. Weiladel turned about looking at the three men as if focusing on something above just their heads. "Red's such a fine col'r on a woman." He said approaching them. "Really puts me n' te' mood." licking his lips.

Keeval-da knew this would end badly being both outnumbered and out flanked but she drew her knife and prepared for a fight. "Oh, HO! The lass has spirit! I like that, but I can't play. Gotta get her out befer' the guards be comin'." Weiladel held her pendant at the man behind her and said "I'm certain the bounty would be better if it only needed to be split among two of you."

The man stood there pondering it briefly before the leader piped up "HEY! Remember what te' client said? She can trick ya inter thin's with that nick nack o' her's." The man shook his head before advancing on Weiladel further.

"Wouldn't you get more for two maidens?" She said looking at the mercenary on the far side of the room. "Besides, you could even take the Argonian as your slave. She's better alive then dead." "I won't be raped again... NEVER!" Her face twitched with rage and her knuckles flexed on the hilt of her small knife. "That's the spirit, come on lass!" He motioned her forward at him. As she moved in on him with a furious charge she heard weiladel speak up again.

"Not like you will get a choice once he holds you down!" Keeval-da stopped in her tracks at the audacious comment. "WEILADEL!?" She was caught offguard feeling the hilt of his sword smack into her wrist flinging her knife far away. He quickly maneuvered around Keeval-da holding the blunt side of the blade across her neck and both her hands to her side with his other large grubby hand.

"She's right you know... I can do almost anythin' to ya from here." He said wiggling his hips against her backside. She knew the hard object pressing against her was his codpiece, she wouldn't give him that much credit. He licked the side of her face causing her to turn aside to avoid the small wiggling tongue. "We should just take the elf and go!" Said the lightly armoured merc taking his throwing daggers from the corpse and putting them back in his harness.

The axe wielding mercenary was now holding Weiladel tight around the waist nudging his head from the tosser to the lead mercenary, almost like a code signal. The thrower looked confused then nodded and prepped a knife. "I think we can take 'em both, look at 'er. Such fiesty elegance... I bet the 'lizard' feels lots' differ'nt then other girls. is it true that you only have one hole down there?" His hand moved fast to her front gripping her dress and pulling it higher while she attempted to stop him.

Suddenly the door flung open with a loud crack. The door lock had shattered and behind it stood a man with a scar over his eye, a boot still midair from the kick, and a unloaded crossbow. The cry from their right signified the other merc had been struck dead center of his lightly armoured chest and the solid 'thunk' sound told everyone he was not falling from the wall for a while.

The remaining mercenary on the other side shouted aloud "Damn! The guards should have been on the other side of town!" while the lead mercenary shoved keeval-da to the floor and charged toward Olaf. Olaf turned around the side of the building and Dender took his place with axe in hand. The mercenaries face lite up with surprise seeing the axe swinging wide towards him.

There was a swoosh of wind, the thump of two heavy boots on wood and a sickening 'Shhherrllackkk' sound. Keeval-da looked up in horror to see the young guard impaled on the mercenaries sword. Olaf caught Dender as he was thrown off the blade and quickly returned to butt the recovering leader with his crossbow's stock. A loud thunk rang out and the merc leader fell over in his heavy platemail. Weiladel screamed being thrown by her long hair into the remaining guard, Olaf, who stumbled back pushing her out of harms way barely in time to block the axe meant for his leg. These mercenaries fought dirty and the tactics they used were well expected by Olaf's experience with bandits.

Tossing his crossbow aside he pulled his dagger and lunged forward cutting a neat and deep line across the merc's abdomen. Catching movement in his peripheral Olaf sprang forward dodging under an upward sword swipe from the lead merc's floor position but in the landing caught the shaft between the axe blade and hilt to his face. Olaf fell backwards slowly giving the illusion of a feint but upon hitting the floor Keeval-da and the rest knew it was not.

The bleeding merc held his stomach to slow the flow. "The bastard cut me!" He grunted in pain before adding "It's pretty deep too..." Weiladel had already gotten up to run again and was now being pulled back to the floor by the leader who had still yet to right himself. A situational error he now had time to recitify. Weiladel was still clasping her pendant in hand struggling to pull free from the mercenary while it glowed a bright pink she begged "Keeval-da, Please help me! Don't let them take me.".

Keeval-da expected the guards to prevail and suddenly realizing they had not went for the nearest thing she could find to fight with... the broom. It was not a good choice, but a panicked one. She swung it hard breaking it over the axe wielder's helmet. He turned and laughed at her. Well, that is till she ran the broken shaft into him, just above his breastplate. She huffed with expelled effort and kicked the man cleanly in his family jewels before tossing his limp body aside.

"I should thank you for this mess, ya managed to off the others and got me the full bounty on our Elven princess here all to meself. I planned to poison them after the reward was givin' anyhow." He dragged Weiladel to a chair and sat her down roughly. Keeval-da desperately wanted to run away but something kept her here, ready to fight for this strange Elf.

Weiladel was looking up the stairs before she held up the pendant again this time saying "I bet those Argonians are tight, and smooth. Be a waste to let that..." He jerked her pendant away from her and delivered a hard smack to her alabaster toned face. The red mark was quite visible against the natural paleness of her flesh. "WEILADEL!? WHY would you say such things!?" Keeval-da was beyond pissed at her. "No more silly tricks ELF! I do agree though... sucha fine figure shouldn't be wasted hastily. "

Keeval-da found herself giving an internal monologue -When this is over she is a dead woman. DEAD! Why am I staying to protect that bitch? What is wrong with me? She has basically told him to rape me twice now! ...Why am I holding an axe...-. Sure enough, during her thoughts she had gone on 'autopilot' and had picked up Dender's axe after an impressively artful roll.

She was used to knives but she doubted a knife would get past his heavy plated armour. Keeval-da swung at the mercenary and found out exactly what happened to Dender... There was a swoosh of her axe as it swung directly at him and then he suddenly appeared (likely, magical armor) one foot behind and slightly elevated from where he was when she started the swing. The thud of his heavy boots as they rejoined the floor came next and keeval-da closed her eyes tight expecting that sickening sound which quickly ended Dender's valorius rescue to repeat again tonight. -That's it. I'm a dead girl... Grim...-

'Thump'. Keeval-da was struck, not by sharp blade but with the hilt which had completely knocked the wind out of her. She fell and rolled over seeing his grinning face linger over her sprawled out form. He sheathed his sword and looked back at Weiladel, "If you leave, she dies... Then I will find you again. Next time there will be no such offers of life." She meakly nodded glancing up the stairs briefly.

He moved in close on the Argonian but walked around behind her. Keeval-da heard his gauntlets hit the floor as she reeled in pain on the floor. Her ribs hurt, possibly some were broken, it was painful to breath and move. Feeling his bare hands clasp her tail made her double the efforts to escape. He pulled her by the tail to the middle of the INN and stepped down on her dress between her legs, avoiding her tail, to pin her in place. She couldn't pull away and she coudlnt turn over with his calf tween her thighs. She dreaded the sounds of buckles being undone, his helmet meeting the floor, and even more dreadful the sound of his codpiece tossed ahead of her.

He moved his hands to her tail gripping the hemm around the hole that allowed her to wear it comfortably and ripped it apart. Once the dress was torn all the way down her back the lifted the remaining upper portion up over her showing off her blue underwear. He grabbed her tail again, this time lifting it up so that it fell over his shoulder. She twisted and tried to lower her dress but he just shoved his large hand down over it letting her own dress keep her from reaching him.

She swung her tail across his face. Keeval-da struck him a second time and scurried slightly forward before he caught it and pulled her back again. "Oh, I didn't know ya could move it like that! Kinky." She looked at Weiladel with a fearsome glare. "I am so going to kill you after this is over." "I'm so sorry..." The Elf was ernest but Keeval-da honestly could care less how sorry she was. She was not the one about to be raped! As the words left her mouth Keeval-da noticed a figure coming down the stairs but was distracted again by a stubby finger pulling her panties aside and then trailing over her slit.

She tensed up immediately. "my my, you r' a bit too tense lass, I have not even started with ya yet." She cringed in discomfort feeling his nubby digits spreading her folds open slightly. Keeval-da tried hard to look behind her for a way out of his hold but her eyes locked on how focused he was on her pussy. "Mighty fine, I didn't expect you to be so pink inside." He said when he gripped the rim of her panties and pulled them down slightly.

Keeval-da was relieved when she noticed he didn't know how to get her tail out from the panties while holding it. Then he yanked them painfully hard. It had only managed to stretch them out and hurt her but he tried again. That second yank did the trick, well close enough, they didn't tear off completely but they stretched and ripped enough he had a good view and unhindered access to her small vent. "Thar we are. ol' willie is in good shape tonight."

As he eased forward nugging her entrance there was a sudden smashing sound and a wet splattering around her... Reynolder spoke up saying "You alright my dear?" "Could ya have waited till he actually raped me??? That would have been so much better!" "Sorry, I was looking for something to hit him with after I snuck around behind him." He said dragging her from the toppeled form that was moaning.

Upon looking at him when standing again she noticed broken glass laying about and some stray flowers and water. "A vase? REALLY? All the weapons on the floor and you hit him with a vase!?" "He's getting up!" The elf's cry startled them all as the mercenary grabbed his sword from it's sheath again and walked towards them. "Ya damn, fools! I will kill you both and send your skanky butt back to the high order!"

He trapsed forward three steps before a deer knocked him to the ground. A dead deer, more precisley the deer Grim had killed for dinner, which was now laying directly atop the mercenary bandit. "You threaten Grim's wife? Kill our customers..." looked down at the unconscious Olaf "Hurt my friends?" Grim turned oddly red in the face and stomped to the man who fumbled with his sword freeing it from under the deer only in time for it to be kicked across the room hard enough to ricochet off the hard wooden walls. "Oh, shit." he muttered as Grim picked him up and flung him back down on the floor.

Picking him up again Grim set him to his feet then while holding him in place knocked a fist print into his platemail. "WHAT ARE YOU?" He cried in fear after seeing this man simply punching dents in his enchanted heavy plate armor. The reply was one short word "GRIM!". He sent one more punch to the plate which apparently crushed the merc where he could no longer breath as well as sending him several feet back. The man gasped for several seconds on the floor then faded to death. Grim had already turned and walked to his lover.

"Pretty eyes is okay?" Sympathetically. "I'll be alright, Grim." Covering her naked lower half with her torn dress and ruined undergarments. "Thick man?" "I'm fine." Said the shaky but unharmed INN owner. "Who you?" pointing at the Elf. "Since you killed the mercenaries I can explain completely. I am Princess Weiladel of the Torin Phar clan-" "Elf." Abruptly. "I... Yes. I was sought after for my..." It was obvious Grim was not paying her any attention when he next interrupted her with, "Pphhffff." and waving her off to check on Olaf.

After leaning strangely close to Olaf's face he came up with a light smile declaring "Cut face... not dead." He clapped his hands together "Good! We all eat good tonight! Grim is making Cinnamon Venison with carrot stew on the side." He looked around briefly then reset a nearby table before heading to the kitchen.

"Back to normal for Grim I guess." Reynolder proclaimed while shaking his head. "Does this happen commonly." Asked Weiladel due to Grim's seemingly uncaring demeanor "No, Grim is just... Unique." "Grim has his own way of dealing with troubles. Cooking is one of them. Being with me is the other." Keeval-da said looking at Grim who quickly waved back blowing her a kiss.

"Keeval-da! Have you noticed this place? There are multiple dead customers, a dead guard, blood verywhere, and... Where... Where is Ruthford?" She pursed her lips and looked down solemnly then towards the back door. Grim came around the back corner suddenly with blood on his hands.

"Oh no... My boy, is he..." Reynolder's breathing became suddenly taxed. "Thick man, Ruthford... not eating tonight..."Grim became visibly swallowed and his eyes glistened but not one tear fell. "Ruthford is in peace, I cook later after Laying to him rest." He turned slowly and returned to the back room. Reynolder was weeping "My son is dead? My only son!" He got up and kicked the dead mercenary on the floor. "YOU BASTARDS!" He continued to kick the lifeless lump a few more times before settling into the fact. "I need some air..." He left the room shaking uncontrolably.

"I am truly sorry... I never should have come by your INN. I should have given them what they wanted." "What they wanted? I thought they wanted you." "Well, mostly they wanted this..." She walked over and retrieved the pendant from the floor it fell to when the mercenary dropped it. "They were sent after me for having it."

"This was all for a amulet?" "No, a Pendant. The Lurt del Torin Phar. In my clan's secret language it means Binder of Hidden Desires." noting the confusion on the Argonian's face she continued. "It can be used to manipulate others into doing what you desire... so long as they also wish it somewhere deep down. That is why I had to tempt him to attacking you, I could tell he wanted to and The Inn keeper needed the distraction to succeed."

"So, the reason I didn't run away?" Keeval-da thought out loud. "You had the want to help save me." "And our night together?" Now questioningly. "Still available anytime you wish it... though could we skip tonight?" "Definintly."

A voice from the floor interrupted "Ughh, my head..." Olaf was stirring awake. "Are you alright? You were so brave to face those men even after your comrade was felled." Said Weiladel as she stooped over him. Her cleavage hung low in his view and added to an illusion caused by his daze and the lighting of lamps above. "Aye, it is my duty afterall." Looking at the elvish face he had to think a while. "Am I dead? Are you an angel?"

"Still, very brave, and modest. No, I am an elf." She almost seemed happy. "Poor Dender, brave lad. I will inform his kin. How's everyone else?" Notioning now to Keeval-da. "Ruthford is... gone." She said holding back tears again tonight. "I see. That is a tall loss. He was a good man. Grim?" Reynolder came back in around the same time as Grim did saying "I... need some time alone. Grim, Keeval-da dear, please look after the INN while I morn.

"Grim will take care of it... Grim has seen worse." He hung his head low before adding "Much worse." Olaf gathered his crossbow and left to file the incident with the guard captain. Reynolder shut himself in the room he shared with Ruthford. Grieving over his lost son. Keeval-da sat up most the night trying to forget the events of the night mostly the near rape and the axe cleaving most of Ruthford's neck apart. Weiladel Sat in her room quietly wishing she never left the slaver with the pendant. While Grim Cleared away the bodies and cleaned the building.

Weeks later after a long night Keeval-da curled up in the sheets next to Grim. He put his arm around her and snuggled up close. "Pretty body ready for another round?" "Grim! You didn't even finish healing from last time." "But Grim misses your colors." Grim said nudging her muzzle with his nose. "Grim, I Have to tell you something... I think I'm pregnant."

He stared blankly a moment before saying "Gri."

"Couldn't even get your name finished that time?" "No, 'Gri'. That will be name of Grim's first son." "Gri?" "No like?" "Gri..." Keeval-da thought momentarily before accepting his choice. "Okay, but I get to name the next kid." "Hmmm, alright. But we name her after you." "Maybe this IS a girl Grim."

Grim only smiled and nudged her muzzle again before slipping a hand between her thighs. "Next time, pretty body, Next time."