Friendship Developed: Chapter 2

Story by Prosecutor Lang on SoFurry

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Part 2

Memories were so precious to Axtel. He often lost himself in them, as they were a part of his life that was close to him. People accused him lately of being scatterbrained but in his mind he knew that just didn't know what they were missing. Axtel was brought back to reality by the slight shove on the shoulder. He looked over. It was Aurania.

"Hey!" Aurania said in a tone almost that of yelling. "What is it?" Axtel exclaimed as his mind finally returned to reality. "You've been daydreaming the whole time, Class ended five minutes ago! Aurania said with a smile on her face.

"Oh" Axtel slightly chuckled, "Sorry, I tend to do that a lot." He looked at his friend and smiled back. His friend smiled back at him. "It's all good" she said with somewhat a hint of sympathy in her voice, "Let's just get out of here. I'm done for the day and need to head to work."

"Damn, that's right! I need to head back to the apartment to take care of some things!" Axtel said hurriedly as he gathered his books. "I'll get a hold of you later! Aurania barely had time to respond before Axtel was out the door and on his way. A smiled ran across her face as she headed out herself. "That boy, talk about something else."

Axtel's apartment was only just about a half mile down the road from the college itself. He walked the same route every day, well almost every day. The task of getting yourself to even go to class proved to be quite difficult at times. The walk back was always an adventure of its own. He enjoyed the chance to be able to think about things without being distracted by an outside source. The standard thoughts found their way into his mind. "I'm hungry, I'm bored, and I want to take a nap." His mind always raced when it got to him though, to Koten. He found his thoughts regarding his friend took up the majority of his mind. They always did even before their relationship became this close, but now the thoughts always turned to the same things.

His friend's built well-toned body, his personality, and even the scent of him. The thoughts of him always raced in his mind. He was completely smitten with his horse friend. His mind inevitably wondered to what he had dreamed about in his math class, that first encounter. This memory always drove him mad, and just the thought of the his stud's dick sent him into a state of fluster. He felt his own knob tighten up at the thought of Koten.

He just wanted to get home and see his friend. To feel his friend, To taste his friend, And to love his friend.

Axtel strode down the campus stairs with these memories stuck in his mind. The thoughts followed him even when he was well off campus. It was a college town and the sound of students poorly maintained cars could always be heard in the distance. He always saw the inevitable college kids who did nothing but party passed out, hanging off porches from parties the night before. Axtel was never much of a partier. He wasn't the most social either. He had always just found it easier to keep to himself, but he did enjoy an occasional drink or two every once in a while. The remainder of the walk home was rather uneventful. He passed the local restaurants and two gas stations on his walk home. Nothing out of the ordinary.

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, Axtel arrived at his apartment complex. The walk took a standard 30 minutes and today was no different, even with the swirling thoughts of desire in his mind. His knob had maintained its strength even after the journey. He smiled and only thought about his friend. He was happy to be home. Koten would be back in his embrace soon.

Axtel climbed the stairs to his apartment and pulled out his keys. He muttered angrily to himself. He always had trouble remember which key was for the apartment and the one for his family's home. After what seemed like an eternity, Axtel inserted the key into the door and turned it. The door gave a familiar jolt and then opened. Axtel dropped his books onto the floor near the door where anything too lazy to be put up laid.

On the hook near the door was a slightly torn grey jacket. The jacket belonged to Koten. Koten had to work on weekdays, while Axtel took care of his classes. He was on his last semester and hopeful to graduate, as working part time hours the majority of the weekend and classes during the weekdays proved to be quite stressful. He couldn't help himself and picked the jacket up off the hook and held it close to him. It still held the scent of his friend. The scent brought a smile to his face and warmth in his heart. Koten made him so happy and he hoped to always do the same. They both longed to be free of their obligations. Free so that he and his friend could find their own place somewhere. Somewhere far away, far away from the stress of everyday life.

All they needed to be happy was each other.

Axtel put the coat back onto the hook and walked into the kitchen. The apartment itself wasn't anything amazing, but it did enough for them to live together. It had the standard household design. Kitchen, living room, full bath, and one bedroom. He had always been more domestic than most people he knew, and had no issues keeping things clean on a daily basis. The only part that remained dirty was a stack of dishes in the sink, dirty from the dinner the day before. Axtel smiled to himself and proceeded into the living room. The dishes would wait, and for a very good reason.

The living room itself wasn't much to look at it, but Axtel was happy with it. The only piece of furniture that sat in the room was the medium size couch the two of them had bought together at a yard sale for fairly cheap. It was nice enough to warrant some nights cuddling and enjoying each other's company and that was enough. At the far end of the room was a small desk which held Koten's computer. Koten was a big gamer and frequently participated in "raids" which Axtel always enjoyed watching. He didn't understand what exactly was going on but as long as Koten was happy, he didn't mind in the slightest.

Axtel tidied up what he could, not too terribly worried about it. Just enough to keep the place looking nice but perfect wasn't really a goal. Nothing was perfect. He sat down on the couch. He grabbed the quilt from the top of it and pulled it onto him. The quilt had been his since he was a child and was quite attached to it. It was calming and warm and reminded him of home. He wrapped himself in it and laid his head down on the soft pillows on the end. On the arm was his phone, which he laid it on sometime after arriving. Pressing the button on the top the screen lit up and showed the time. 4:30 PM. 2 hours.

Koten would be home in 2 hours.

Axtel smiled and laid his head down once more. He didn't have much else to do. The dishes left in the sink would prove a later pleasure, and all of his work was caught up. His mind wondered slowly as his eyes shut.

He felt his mind wondering his thoughts. Everything that had happened, how they met, school, the future, the past, everything. How would things work out for him and Koten? He wanted things to work, more than anything.

It felt as though these thoughts traversed his mind for less than a minute. In that instant he felt a familiar hoof on his shoulder. Sitting up quickly wasn't the best idea, Axtel's head spun slightly as he focused.

It was Koten, sitting on the edge of the couch with his arm on Axtel's shoulder. "Hey babe, I'm home" Koten said with a smile. He learned forward and gave Axtel a long kiss and ruffled his coal black hair. "Looks like you feel asleep when you got home, too bad you didn't wait for me" He said with a slight smirk on his face. Axtel was disoriented. He had been asleep for 2 hours yet it only felt like an instant. Koten picked himself off the coach and headed into the kitchen. Axtel stood and stretched. His nap felt a million times more interesting than his math class from earlier in the day. Throwing the quilt onto the couch, he headed into the kitchen right behind the horse.

"How was your day babe?" The horse asked while grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"It was alright" Axtel responded, "Just another boring day of class, hell I didn't even really pay attention."

Koten laughed as he headed into the living room. "That sounds like you" he said with a smile, "Always hard to keep your mind on things huh?"

Axtel followed behind and sat beside him on the couch. "Well only on certain things" the fox commented, "although it's not hard to focus when you're involved."

Axtel always loved to flirt and knew Koten enjoyed it as well.

"Hah!" The horse exclaimed, "That's what I thought. What? Can't get enough of me already?"

Axtel knew he could just respond but decided it would be more to show the horse just how much he wanted of him. Without saying a word the fox moved hand onto Koten's thigh. Koten looked down, beer in hand and smiled. "Get too it" He commanded. The fox was more than happy to oblige.

Slipping his hand into the horse's jeans, he began to feel his cock. It was limp but that wouldn't stay that way for long. Axtel began to stroke it with his hands, gentle caressing it and enticing it to extend. It was quite the site being upwards of six inches or hell even. Koten let out a satisfied grunt. "Fuck... I always forget how good you make it feel" He said leaning his head back on the couch. The fox smiled and continued. Jumping up, he unzipped the remainder of his jeans and pulled them down, fully exposing the horses fully eruct cock. Axtel felt the lust burning in his chest again. This dick was his and he wanted it in every way possible. The thought of this set his knob to hard as stone. He couldn't help it. "I can't get enough of you, ever" the fox grunted with a slight quiver of desire in his voice.

The fox dipped his mouth over the monstrous cock. It was massive and taking it all would be an ordeal, but he would sure try. Sending his tongue up and down the horse's shaft was an experience like no other. Its taste was something beyond this world. He could taste the salty sweetness of precum erupting from it. His tongue progressing up and down, from the tip to the shaft. His own knob was leaking severely as well and he couldn't help reaching into his own jeans and jerking himself off. He was burning with lust for the horse. He couldn't think of anything else in the world anymore except pleasing him. If it meant his dick for the rest of time, it would be a fate he would find nothing bad about.

Koten flared his head back in pleasure. He looked down at the fox, swallowing his whole cock and was amazed. "I think it's time to sure you how much I want you" the horse said with a smirk on his face. Axtel couldn't think anymore. He was stuck in this form of animalistic sexual lust. The horse motioned for the fox to stand up. Axtel did as he was told and looked at the horse, his face flushed and his heart racing. "Please..." Axtel exclaimed, "I want you in me. I just want you to fuck me."

"That's right, you're my little whore." Koten said with an even more demanding voice. This voice drove Axtel even wilder. He just wanted to be dominated by the horse. The thought of Koten just using him as he wanted, as his plaything caused his breaths to become short and fast. Axtel removed his pants, soaked with pre cum and stood over Koten's dick. He slowly lowered himself onto the horse's cock. Each inch burned as it penetrated his tight ass. The foxed gasped in pleasure. It felt so good to him. To be completely penetrated by the horse meant nothing but the world to him.

Koten slowly bounced the fox on his dick each bounce becoming faster and harder. Axtel moaned repeatedly, the feeling was so much better than he could imagine. He could hear the horse telling him to moan like the bitch he was. He did as he was told. The pace became quicker and quicker each thrust bringing him closer to Cumming.

"Fuck!" Koten yelled "Get ready you little whore!" Before anything else could be said the horse let out a thunderous roar and released his seed straight into the fox's ass.

Axtel could feel the seed creeping into his stomach. "I'm your cum dumpster!" The fox moaned with passion, "That's all I want to be!"

The seed pouring into every orifice it could find. He could feel it slipping out his ass and sliding down the cock still imbedded in his ass. The horse put his hand on the fox's back and grabbed the nap of his neck.

"Alright whore, now you can cum" Come on! Cum for me you little bitch!" Koten roared. Axtel couldn't hold it anymore, he had reached his point. He moaned one final time and could do nothing but cum. His seed spilled out onto the floor, the convulsions sending more and more out.

Koten slowly picked the fox up, removing him his dick slowly. It had gone deep. Axtel let out a weak moan and fully removed himself from the horse's grasp.

The fox collapsed beside his master gasping in short breathes. He looks up at the horse who had been smiling at him. Koten leaned over and kissed the fox. "I treat my whores well don't I? Koten muttered under his breath.

"Fuck yea" Axtel retorted, "That was amazing." The fox leaned over into the horse's grasp. Koten grabbed him and held close to his chest. "I know that hurt you at least a little bit, I never want to hurt you" Koten said with love in his voice.

"I know" Axtel said, "It's a little sore, but I love you so it's ok. The fox smiled at his man.

Koten smiled back and kissed him, "I love you too babe."

"Now, let's get cleaned up so we can make dinner ok?" Koten smiled.

"Of course" the fox said standing up feeling some of the cum slip off his leg, "I have to take care of my man"