Pins and Needles, Part I

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#10 of Patterns of the Grand Design

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of eighteen. The characters depected are copyright Radical Gopher. No character in this story is under the age of eighteen.



"Oh, GOD! Not AGAIN!" The naked blue vixen tossed aside the covers and staggered across the cold, hardwood floor to the bathroom, dodging between piles of cardboard boxes. The sudden movement woke Victor Peabody and he looked up in time to see the bathroom light snap on and Sapphire kneel quickly in front of the toilet bowl.

Sliding into a pair of sweatpants, the red-furred fox followed his mate into the bathroom. He knelt next to her and began firmly massaging the back of her neck, staying with her as she retched noisily into the bowl. When she finished, he helped her up and guided her back to the bed, laying her against the pillows. He pulled up the covers then poured a glass of water from a carafe that sat on her night table. He handed it to her and she quickly downed its contents.

"Why the hell do they call it morning sickness?" the vixen groaned. "It's still the middle of the goddamn night!"

"Actually, it's three-thirty A.M. Doesn't that count as morning?"

"NO!" she responded irritably. "It's still dark outside. It's not morning when it's dark outside."

Smiling, Victor leaned forward and kissed his mate on the forehead, brushing aside a few stray blue-black locks of hair. "Wait here. I'll be right back." Rising he disappeared from their room.

Sapphire grumbled to herself as he left. She pulled down the covers and examined her body yet again. The bulge of her abdomen was becoming more than a little noticeable as the child within her formed and developed. Her fingers gently traced the curve as a sweep of different emotions washed across her. They included love for Victor, satisfaction in knowing she could nurture life, pride in her unborn child, frustration with the unpredictability of her magic in the last few weeks, and anger that her once svelte body was destined to become bloated and ugly. This last feeling was mitigated slightly by the certain knowledge that it would not be a permanent condition. She pulled the covers up once more.

The todd returned a few moments later carrying a cup of lemon ginger tea and a paper plate of crackers. She quickly drank the tea, which settled her nausea, but didn't want to touch the crackers. Victor, however, wouldn't take no for an answer.

"You need something in your stomach, just in case you have to throw-up again. The doctor insisted."

"The hell with him, the vixen muttered. "What does he know about djin obstetrics?"

Victor held up a cracker and daintily fed it to her. "You're half-mortal now," he reminded her, "and he does know more than a little about Zorr physiology."

"Maybe," she replied between bites. "But I swear sometimes it seems like he's more interested in finding out why my fur is blue then how our child is doing."

Victor chuckled and offered her a second cracker. "Well you have to admit... a Zorr with blue fur is rather unusual. You know... I never thought to ask that. Why is your fur blue?"

Now it was Sapphire's turn to chuckle. "Silly fox! My fur's blue because my magic is blue."

"I have no idea why that should make any sense."

"The color of magic is determined by the soul. It becomes an outward mark of who they are. My magic is blue therefore I'm blue. Get it?"

Victor held up another cracker, which the vixen quickly ate. "I always thought you could change your color at will. I saw you do it that time you disguised yourself as a human."

"That was a chameleon spell. It's only good for as long as I avoid using magic. Remember what happened when I realized I'd forgotten my apartment key?"

The fox-morph nodded. "You spelled the lock open and your skin turned blue. I'd thought the magic had glitched."

"Luckily no one was around to see it," she chuckled, nipping absent-mindedly on another cracker. "A blue human would have been a lot harder to explain than a blue vixen."

Victor raised his eyebrows slightly, "Does this mean that Gwen 's going to turn into a green skunk?"

Sapphire smiled and sighed. "No, silly. She's a full mortal. I'm a magical creature... more or less,' she added. "When a mortal learns to cast spells, their eyes become the color of their magic. You're Gwen's familiar. What color are her eyes?"

"Green... but now that you mention it, I think they use to be blue."

"Bingo," she said. "Magic reflects the soul..."

"...And the eye's are the window to the soul," Victor finished.

The vixen reached for another cracker and discovered the paper plate was empty. She looked up at her mate and laughed. "You really are a sneaky fox, aren't you?"

"The word is clever, my dear, and it's a centuries' old tradition, even among us constructs." Victor set the plate on the floor and slid under the covers. He pulled Sapphire to him and gently nipped at her neck. She sighed happily, nestled her chin against his shoulder and quickly drifted off to sleep. The todd felt the slight bulge of her stomach against him and pulled her in tight, twining his legs with hers. His eyes closed as he joined her in slumber.

* * * *

"Well... that's two down and only about twenty more to go," Gwen observed as she folded the now empty cardboard box into a flat square. The anthrop-skunk brushed her hands off and reached for another box. She was interrupted by a knock on her door. Pulling her bathrobe tight around her, she strolled over and opened it up. There stood Sapphire dressed in an ornate shirt, slacks and housecoat; all made from white silk. Behind her floated a silver-serving tray containing a teapot and two cups.

"Good morning!" the vixen said cheerily. "Care to join me in some tea and scones?"

Gwen bowed formally, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Indeed I would, Maestro D'Zauberin."

Sapphire responded by bopping the skunkette firmly on the top of her head with her palm. "Oh for heaven's sake... would you please stop doing that," she chuckled. "It's embarrassing." The vixen conveniently neglected to mention that the bow had given her a nice look at Gwen's ample cleavage. She gestured and the tray settled itself down on the coffee table. Sapphire took a seat on the couch.

"Where's Victor this morning?" the Lappe asked. "I thought he had the week-end free to help with the unpacking."

"Museum called. Apparently their new deputy curator misplaced a couple of paintings and they needed him down there to supervise a computer search."

"I hope he remembers to be home by seven. Moonrise is at 8:20 and it's full tonight."

"He'll remember," the Zorr replied. "He's always been good at remembering the important stuff." She looked around the room. "It appears you're settling in nicely. What do you think of the place?"

"Love it," Gwen replied. "I didn't know living above a garage could be so wonderful."

"It's a carriage house my dear, not a garage. They didn't have cars back then."

"It's still very roomy, more than I would expect, even for an old, nineteenth century, up-state farm property. How are you adapting to the big house?"

"Well enough, though unpacking is slow. It would go a lot faster if my magic weren't so erratic these days. The pregnancy is absorbing a lot of my manna."

"I didn't know, " Gwen said. "Does that mean your baby's going to be a djin?"

Sapphire shook her head. "Not if I can help it. The spells I'm using are to make sure the child is born mortal."

"I don't understand."

"Let's just say Victor and I talked about it and we both want our baby to be part of this reality and not the one I'm from. It's easier, less complicated. Besides, the life of a djin isn't all skittles and beer. When I eventually return to my normal state, I go back to that whole "slave of the lamp" gig. I don't want that for my kits."


"Oops. I mean kit, don't I?" Gwen didn't say anything. Instead, she squinted and looked at Sapphire's abdomen. Her eyes glowed green for a moment or two then she looked up."

"No... I think you really did mean kits. Does Victor know yet?"

"Not yet," she whispered, "and don't you go telling him. I want to. I love seeing the deer-in-the-headlights expression he gets on his face whenever I surprise him with something new. It's just so... appealing "

"You're evil, in a cuddly sort of way," Gwen laughed, picking up the pot and pouring them some tea." She looked at the tray. "I though you said tea and scones? Where are the scones?"

"Did you read the scroll I gave you on summoning?" The skunkette nodded. "Good!" Sapphire pulled a piece of scone out of her shirt pocket and handed it to the Lappe. "Now, use what you've read. Feel the shape of what's missing and call it to you."

The girl looked across at the djin. "Should I be trying a new spell without Victor here as my familiar? I mean, how will I stabilize my manna flow?"

"Victor won't always be around when you use magic. You need to try walking occasionally without the crutch if you're going to become a mage."

Gwen closed her eyes and began breathing deeply, sensing within herself her own store of manna. She tapped into it and shaped it using the words and gestures she'd learned from the scroll. The small piece of scone drifted out in front of her, hovering on the air. She reached with her mind, feeling the missing shape, drawing it to herself.

The skunkette peeked with one eye and watched as a green blob of magic began to coalesce in front of her. It took the shape of the missing part of the scone attaching itself to the original piece. It solidified for an instant then exploded, throwing crumbs everywhere.

Gwen squeezed her eyes shut as her face was pelted with bits of shattered brisket. Across from her she heard the vixen softly clap her hands together.


The skunkette opened one eye and looked skeptically at the djin. "It blew-up."

"Yes... Yes! You blew it up. But you did it here, on the receiving end, not in the kitchen. You actually drew it here first."

"So how is that wonderful?"

Sapphire smiled. "Most apprentice mages would have sat here for hours without any results at all. You drew it to yourself in only two minutes. THAT is an accomplishment"

"But it still exploded."

"Not to worry," the djin replied. "A little more practice with the pronunciation and gestures and you'll be able to draw almost anything you want to yourself, or draw yourself to something else, providing you've got a piece of it with you."

"The Law of Sympathetic Attraction?"

Sapphire nodded. Gwen brushed the crumbs off her bathrobe and plucked a rather large raisin from between her cleavage. "What a mess. Let me get my mini-vacuum."

"Don't bother," the vixen said. "I'll get that." She twirled her finger in the air and a small whirlwind about six inches high materialized in her hand. She whispered something to it and it began flitting around the room, scooping up bits of decimated scone from everywhere. Within seconds, it had dropped all the crumbs into the trash and vanished.

Sapphire glanced at the small clock on Gwen's mantle and stood. "That's all for today, dear. I've got to be at the house when the plumber arrives. He's putting in our new water heater today." She reached across and hugged the skunkette tightly. "You did good today. Keep up the reading and practice exercises. We'll pick this up again tomorrow."

The vixen took her tea set and left, waving her tail cheerily. Gwen stood for a moment at the open door and watched as she walked down the steps and crossed the yard back to the main house. The girl slowly closed the door. She felt her hand tremble slightly and wondered why. She brought the sleeve of her bathrobe up to her nose pad and sniffed. It was Victor's scent. It must have been on Sapphire when she came over and now it had transferred itself to her robe.

This wasn't good. Since first meeting the two Zorr, Gwen had developed a crush on the todd. When he volunteered to be her familiar that attachment had been strengthened. The skunkette was more than a little afraid she might be falling in love with him. True, he'd always been the gentle-fur; never taking advantage of her or showing her anything more than friendship, but it was getting harder and harder to deny her feelings. She cared for him, but she also knew he cared for Sapphire. She was his mate and he was nothing if not devoted to her.

Gwen breathed in the todd's scent. Her whole body trembled. It was bad enough to have a fixation on Victor, but it was complicated by his curse, one that had been imprinted on him in the course of helping her. For each of the three nights of the full moon he would involuntarily transform into a small pseudo-dragon. On the surface, that didn't seem so bad, but during that time his scent became entwined with dragon musk, one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs ever found. Gwen might have laughed at the irony of it were she not currently ensnared by his perfume.

The Lappe stripped off her bathrobe and tossed it away from her, but it was too late. She felt her body grow warm to the touch and her nipples become erect. Her nether lips moistened and seemed to pulse in anticipation. There was just no getting around it. Gwen was as aroused as if she was in heat and she had to seek relief, one way or another.

Quickly searching through a box, she dug out several items and laid them on the table next to the couch. She spread out a thick towel then positioned herself and stretched her legs languidly across the cushions. Reaching down with one hand, she brushed her petals lightly. Gwen could almost feel the heat rising from her mound. She reached again guiding her middle finger up and down her slit, spreading the moisture she found there evenly.

It took only a few strokes before her finger plunged into her cunt and began massaging the inside of her passage. It was quickly joined by her index and ring finger as she searched out her G-spot. Her other hand busied itself with a small pair of soft, foam pads which she clipped to her nipples. Small-insulated wires ran from the pads to a tiny box about the size of her palm. She tapped the control twice, then lay back and with her now freed hand she started massaging he clit. A tiny electrical pulse danced down the wires and onto her nipples. She gasped in pleasure. She had set the pulse to repeat once every fifteen seconds and she was already anticipating the next one eagerly.

Her right hand finally found her G-spot and the skunkette started stroking it slowly, very slowly. She took a deep breath. She could still smell Victor's scent, almost as if he were lying next to her. It suddenly dawned on Gwen that Sapphire had been sitting on the couch. Naturally it would have transferred from her to the fabric. The dragon musk made her feel lightheaded, increasing both her sensitivity and desire. The current snapped again and she thrust up with her chest, moaning.

Further down both her hands danced across her mound, tweaking her clit and rubbing the interior of her passage. The Lappe's thighs convulsed and her hips rose in an effort to drive her fingers even deeper into her mound. She moaned again, louder. Her throat convulsed as she tried to suppress scream of pleasure. Gwen stopped massaging her clit long enough to snatch a small pillow from the couch and jam it into her mouth. Her body convulsed once more. The moan was deep and throaty, but muffled. Had it not been for the pillow, she was certain she would have been heard outside, probably by Sapphire.

Both of Gwen's hands went back to dancing across her mound. Again she convulsed and pushed upward with her hips. She closed her eyes and pictured Victor, lying atop her, nibbling at her nipples and suckling them like a baby. She imagined his soft, red fur brushing back and forth against her stomach as he thrust in and out, in and out. Her muzzle lifted and she imagined his lips dancing across hers, his tongue diving against her own.

Gwen's fingers were moving constantly now, faster and faster as they brushed against her passage and massaged her nub. The stimulator pulses had increased to about one every five seconds. Then, it happened.

Like a wave crashing onto the beach she suddenly exploded as an orgasm seized her body. Her sex clamped down on her fingers and her nectar flowed from her in a series of small spurts. Her back arched off the cushions as she humped her fingers. Her nose pad flared and she screamed and huffed into the pillow. Her mind swirled under the sensory assault. It seemed to go on, and on, and on until, like any wave it stopped and began slowly receding back to the ocean.

Gwen gasped, removing the nipple clips and pillow from her mouth and letting them fall to the floor. She smiled, eyes closed, as she basked in the glow that suffused her whole being. She inhaled, breathing in the todd's scent and sighed his name. "Victor... Victor. Oh, Victor."

The Lappe opened her eyes, and found herself looking up at a blue-furred vixen. Sapphire stood at the open front door holding a small basket of scones, eyebrows arched.

"Am I interrupting something?"

To be continued...