Ch 1 Falora, Part 3: Death

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#3 of The Chase

March 26, 2342 - New Hope Colony; Random Back Ally

(10:15 AM) {Five Months Ago}

When Lliam saw the man was going to kill the girl he charged as fast as he could into the alley. The moment he entered the alley a large flash of light from lightning aided him by making him nearly invisible in the bright light. Within that limited amount of time that the lightning flashed, Lliam managed to bypass the woman and ran up to and grab hold of the man's wrist and pointed it and the gun towards the sky as it fired. Using his free paw at the same time he grasped the man's throat and slammed him into the wall while the blinding light still surrounded everyone.

"Ack" the man let go of the girl and brought his free hand to his throat the instant Lliam had a hold of him. When the flash from the lightning ended they were all surprised to see Lliam there.

Lliam removed the energy pistol from the man's hand before aiming it square between his eyes. The man started squirming as he tried to free himself as Lliam tightened his grip around his throat. Through muffled words the others could barely hear the man scream "NO" just as Lliam pulled the trigger. As his body went limp, Lliam let go of him and he fell with a splash as he landed in a quickly growing puddle of water; a large burn mark between his eyes showing how he was killed.

Lliam was looking down at the person sprawled out at his feet. His long hair hiding the look on his face as he remembered when he was forced onto his knees and had a gun placed to his own head years ago. He sighed as he heard the adult female say "MaiGhan! Timmy, are you two alright!?"

They both chorused "Yes" as she hugged them tightly.

"I thought I told you two not to wonder around" She said sternly before saying in a more relaxed tone "Though I didn't expect this to happen, I'm glad you're both safe."

Lliam looked over his shoulder at the three of them and asked with sincerity "Are you three alright?"

The adult looked over at him with a studying kind of look as she said "We're okay, where did you come from?"

Turning to face her, Lliam said "I heard those kids there scream and arrived just as you dropped in, are you a... martial artist or something? You had some pretty good moves."

"Yeah... or something." She said; still sizing him up. Due to the rain and his long hair she couldn't see his face or his eyes. She was about to ask him another question when he knelt down and stripped the upper portion of armor from one of the humans.

"What are you doing?" She asked him as he attempted to put it on.

Finding it to be just a little large Lliam replied "Putting this on to increase my chances of survival." Once it was secure he moved his arms a bit and found the armor was restricting movement due to the shoulders and arm armor. He reached up and easily ripped the shoulder and arm part of the armor off leaving the remainder of the armor looking like a vest.

She noticed how easily he removed those pieces of the armor; a task nearly impossible for an ordinary person, but didn't say anything and kept watching what he was doing. After he removed those pieces he looked around before picking up one of the guns "Do you have any training using one of these?" he asked holding up one of the rifles that the humans had used.

She smirked and said "Probably more than you do."

Lliam didn't second guess what she said; she'd have to prove it shortly, as he threw the gun towards her. She easily caught it as he stripped the corpses of more energy cells before standing up and walking over to her. "Here" he said and handed her some "It'd be best if you stick with your kids and guard them."

After handing her the power cells, he put his hands to his face and swept his soaking wet hair back and out of his face. She had a good clear view of his face now but the thing that caught her attention was his eyes. She could tell he was albino with the color of his eyes but the gold glowing ring around his irises was what she was looking at.

After loading a fresh power cell into his rifle and making sure it was locked into place he looked at her and said "I'm Lliam by the way."

"I'm..." She looked like she was about to say something else but instead said after sighing "I'm Kathy. Tell me, do your eyes always look like that?"

He had stepped up to the entrance of the alley and was peeking around the corner when she asked. After a few moments he looked back and said "No, but you're the first who hasn't acted strangely to seeing them like this and not know anything about me."

She chuckled before saying "You're not the first person I've met whose eyes glowed. Though you're the only one I've met whose eyes only had a glowing ring around them."

"Shhh!" Lliam motioned with his hand for her to hide as he did also. She had just gotten herself and the kids out of view when a few more of the humans passed by. They were followed by several vixens; whose ages varied between mid twenties to mid thirties. Lliam noticed that most of them had children with them; all of which were young girls between four and eight.

Once they passed by; followed by several more humans, Lliam left his hiding spot and stood up. "What the hell?" he said as Kathy and the kids came out behind him.

"That's strange... even for the Outcasts." Kathy said as she stepped up to the entrance of the alley.

Lliam stepped up beside her and as they both watched the Outcasts turn another corner Lliam said "So they're the Outcasts huh?"

She gave him a calculating look at his question as he stepped out onto the street. The heavy downpour that had been relentless made it difficult to see and hear but it was finally starting to lighten. Making sure there were no other Outcasts around, Lliam signaled for them to exit the alley.

"I'm guessing you don't know much about the Outcasts?" Kathy asked as she watched the opposite direction Lliam was.

"I just learned about them about ten minutes ago. All I know is the original Outcasts use to be Freelancers and that these Outcasts work for the I.F.H.W." he said and looked back over his shoulder at her. "I've been stranded on Daminia for the past seven years and was rescued from it just days ago. What I've learned about them was from my family that lives here." He told her.

"Alright... if you want I'll tell you more about them later but first, what do you plan on doing?" Kathy asked.

"I plan on following those Outcasts to find out why they're taking those vixens and children hostage." Lliam said then added "If you want you can tag along, otherwise you'd best get to a shelter."

"Oh? And who do you think you are, telling me what I should do?" Kathy asked with some humor in her voice.

"Ex-Special Forces is the who, and the reason behind me telling you to do that is so those kids remain safe." Lliam let her know.

"Oh they'll remain safe even without me." She said and looked at what appeared to be a watch. She smiled and looked at the kids before saying "Okay MaiGhan, hold onto Timmy." MaiGhan did so as Kathy put the watch on MaiGhan's wrist.

MaiGhan looked at it like Kathy did then said "Don't get hurt, we'll be waiting" before she pressed the sides of the watch and disappeared along with Timmy in a beam of light.

Lliam was wondering why she had said that when they were beamed up by a transporter. His eyes went wide in surprise after seeing the kids vanish. Kathy noticed his look of surprise and said "I have my own ship in orbit and it was right above us just now."

"You mean you three don't live here?" Lliam asked.

"No, we had just stopped to get some supplies and stretch our legs when these Outcasts showed up." She said to him.

Lliam shook his head as he started to head off in the direction that the Outcasts had taken. She followed closely behind him as they made their way along the side of the street. Glancing over his shoulder Lliam asked "So, why did you stay and not head up to your ship and escape?"

"I'm not going to just tell you, if you prove you can be trusted... then I'll tell you." She said but was thinking "I want to find out who you are, only certain people can move as fast as you did with eyes that can glow."

Lliam shook his head and said "Sure, it's not like I can give you an order or any..." just as he was struck on the head from the side by the butt of a gun; sending blinding pain throughout his body. He yelled in pain "Fuck!" the moment the gun hit him and at that same moment he heard gunfire. Looking to the side that he had been attacked from, Lliam saw Kathy firing her rifle at the armored up human who had attacked him.

As the human fell to the ground Lliam stumbled and nearly toppled over as well. "Oh my head." He groaned as Kathy came to his side.

"He's dead, are you okay?" She asked as he put his hand to the side of his head and brought it in front of him.

It was stained red with some of his blood but there wasn't a lot; or maybe there was due to the rain washing it away. Shaking his head a little he said "I'll live."

"If there were any others near here, they know we're here now." Kathy said.

"I figured as much... fuck that smarts. Come on, we'd better hurry but be careful." Lliam said as they continued after the Outcasts.

They easily heard screams and gunfire from around the colony. Lightning still flashed in the sky as it continued to rain, they continued down the side of the street until they crossed a point where the rain just ended. They both looked up and realized that the more they followed that group of Outcasts, the closer to the center of the enemy's ship they got.

"We're really going to have to be careful from here on out." Kathy said.

"I'm guessing you've fought them before?" Lliam asked as he slowed down a little.

"On many an occasion and I've had my fair share of wounds from 'em to." She said, checking behind them to see if they were being followed.

"What are they like in combat?" Lliam asked as they neared a corner.

"These Outcasts are just normal humans with advanced training. If I see one of the True Outcasts, I'll let you know. They are the ones who are dangerous." Kathy said as Lliam checked around the corner.

"Hold on." Lliam whispered as he spotted the group they were tailing. They were about a hundred feet away and turning another corner. "Okay, let's go." He said and turned the corner.

"Right behind you." Kathy whispered as they both hurried towards the next corner.

On the way Lliam asked "So... True Outcasts? What's the difference between them and normal Outcasts?"

"The True Outcasts are the ones who use to be Freelancers before and during the Freelancer Civil War. They're... sorta like immortals, only in the aspect of not dying from age... or at least not for a very long time." She said.

"Hmm... so they're like Freelancer Delta then." Lliam said to her surprise.

"How do you know about Delta?!" she asked as she stopped.

Turning around to face her he said "I've known Delta for several years, my brother knew him longer. Before I became stranded on Daminia, I offered to help him hunt and kill the enemy he was after. But then I ended up on that planet and my brother joined him instead."

After a few moments of thinking and adding things up, she asked "Is... is your brother's name Rrahkarr?"

"Yeah... what's wrong?" he asked after seeing the look on her face.

Her eyes slowly widened as he told this to her. She took a deep breath before asking in a shaky voice "You... you said you name was Lliam, that's short for William right?"

Growing a little bit cautious, Lliam said "Yes... how do you know his name?"

"You're Rrahkarr's little brother! You... you're alive." she said, dumbfounded. "I've known your brother since he joined the Freelancers!"

"That means you're a Freelancer too, right?" Lliam asked.

"I don't think he'd mind if I told you but yes I was; I was known as Freelancer Lu..." She started to say when her eyes went wide as a mist of blood sprayed from her chest and the smell of blood permeated the air. A moment later came the sound of a rifle going off as she fell sideways to the ground.

Lliam's eyes went wide the moment he smelled her blood and when she fell to the ground he hurried as fast as he could to pick her up and get behind cover as they were fired upon. He managed to get behind a building thanks to being near a short alley. He set her down as gently as he could before looking for where she was shot.

It was easy to tell where she had been hit; the hole in her chest was obvious, and she was coughing up blood. "T-that bastard... shot at me." Kathy said.

"He didn't shoot at you... he shot you. God this is bad, he shot you with solid round ammunition." Lliam said in a worried voice.

"OH god it hurts!" Kathy said in a pained voice. "I... I can feel it. It didn't g-go through." She added.

"Shit... I'm no medic, I can't handle this." Lliam said when his ear twitched. "SHIT!" Lliam yelled as he grabbed his rifle and aimed at the entrance to the alley as several Outcasts appeared and started to fire on them.

Due to the confined space, Lliam couldn't avoid all the shots being fired and was hit a couple times in the shoulder and leg but was able to kill all the Outcasts with well aimed shots. He limped to the entrance of the alley while holding his shoulder with a free hand and checked to make sure they were all dead; he noticed one of them had only solid round weapons on them including a sniper rifle.

"Fucker!" Lliam said and turned the check on Kathy. When he turned around he froze to the spot. He stared down at the prone lifeless corpse that was Kathy; some stray shots had hit her in critical areas leaving her dead. Her eyes were still open and stared blankly at the Outcast ship that hovered over the colony; a single tear falling from her eye.

"I'm... I'm so sorry..." Lliam said before leaving the alley with a hateful look in his eyes.

He walked over the corpses of the humans but fire another blast into the one with the old style sniper rifle before he continued after the captives. It only took a few minutes to pick up their trail and after following it a few blocks; evading a couple large enemy squads heading out into the city along the way, he found what looked like a makeshift base. It was in the middle of a park, a couple of the dropships and even a small transport had landed there.

Lliam's wounds had mostly healed by the time he arrived at the base and while scouting out the park he noticed that the park had two sides that were elevated and decided to take the high ground in order to better see everyone down there. After finding a suitable spot behind a bush that was next to a tree, Lliam spied on the camp.

"Hmm... thirty or so Outcasts, several with heavy weapons, most of the others look like they have energy rifles. Wait... who's that?" Lliam thought as an Outcast; wearing what looked like a very old design of power armor that was heavily modified, walked out of the transport.

This Outcast started giving the others orders. Lliam noticed that the others looked afraid of the one and made him think back at what Kathy had said. "He must be one of the True Outcasts... like Delta. But where are the captives?"

Just as he thought that, the captives he was following were brought out and commanded to sit on the ground. He noticed the True Outcast pull out a small piece of paper and started walking from one end of the captives to the other. Every so often he'd stop and look at the piece of paper; which Lliam figured was a picture, while holding to see it and the person he was looking at.

When he got to the end of the captives he shook his head and made a signal with his hand. Lliam's eyes went wide at what happened next. Several of the other Outcasts lined up and aimed their weapons at them all. Without control Lliam yelled "NO!" but the Outcasts fired on the women and children.

Grabbing his rifle Lliam charged at top speed towards the Outcasts. He didn't fire aimlessly; instead he took aim while everything seemed slower to him and fired on them. He scored quite a few headshots as well as fatal injuries on the Outcasts as he raced into the camp. They fired on him as well but being that he was in a wide open space, Lliam easily dodged the incoming fire.

The True Outcast was watching Lliam as he moved and Lliam watched him as well but he made no move to attack. A lot of the Outcasts noticed how Lliam moved and instead of attacking, they retreated till all who were out there were Lliam and the True Outcast.

"Hmm... You have some good moves there pup." The True Outcast said.

"I take it I was right in my assumption that you're one of the original Outcasts." Lliam said while on guard.

"Oh... you even know a little something about what I am. Tell me pup, what's your name and who are you related to that was tested on like me? I know that's the only way you can do what you do." The man asked as he took off his helmet.

This man stood at six foot one and was wearing mostly cobalt blue colored power armor. With his helmet removed Lliam could see the man had light brown colored wild medium length hair. He had a scar starting above but in the middle of his right eye that continued to the middle of his cheek. His eyes were brown except the right one which was milky white and blind. He had a short mustache and a beard that that started under his lips and spread out to cover his chin.

He reached for something and Lliam prepared to fire but relaxed a little when the man held a toothpick and placed it in his mouth before saying "I am Mateo, a former test subject of the Electus project."

"Wait... you're a member of the Electus?" Lliam said in surprise.

"You even know of the Electus? No, I'm not one of the Electus... to them I'm a failure. That's why I'm just a grunt. Tell me your name!" Mateo said.

"I don't give my name to the enemy." Lliam said.

Mateo started to shake his head and smiled before surprising Lliam by moving faster than he could and appearing less than a foot in front of him. Lliam didn't move because of his surprise. His eyes were wide and there was a piercing pain in his gut. Looking down he noticed that Mateo had stabbed him with a blade.

Then, faster than he could process what had happened he started to feel cold and could hardly breathe; he even noticed blood spraying from himself. Mateo had quickly pulled the knife out of Lliam's gut and slashed open his throat so fast that Lliam didn't even feel the blade cut through. In the same move he had sheathed the knife as Lliam fell to the ground.

"You should have told me your name pup." Mateo said as he pulled out an energy pistol and aimed at Lliam's head "At least you won't suffer long." He said; strangely, in a sad tone of voice before firing the weapon.