
Story by hillbilly guy on SoFurry

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#2 of from my roo

a story about a little walk in the mountians from my roo

another birthday gift from a roo http://darokko.sofurry.com/

~"And you do this all the time huh?" Darokko complained as he trudged up the steep hill behind the blue tick hound.

"Yup, Iove it out here." Brant said happily, not at all minding the hill or the heat. Both males were sweating under the blazing sun as the hiked up the densely wooded hillside, the fallen leaves and sticks gave a satisfying crunch and snap underfoot, the only thing the Kangaroogan enjoyed. Well....Not the only thing. Darokko gave a few fleeting glances at the dog leading him out into the wilderness, feeling a little guilty thrill as he watched the stronger male walk along.

Brant's back muscles were quite visible under his sweat soaked shirt as he moved with a mixture of masculine grace with a touch of clumsy charm, a sight that couldn't help but turn the smaller male on a little. Despite his steadily growing arousal, Daro still played the role of the unwilling participant.

"Where exactly are we going again?" Whined the roogan harder, letting out an dramatic sigh.

"Just the top of this hill, now quit 'yer bitchin'." The hound dog let out a hearty chuckle, not truly meaning the last part.

"Oh you haven't heard 'bitchin' yet." Darokko said, playfully mocking the dog's southern drawl. "Couldn't you have least picked a cooler day to do this?"

"Naw, it's not worth it if you don't have 'ta work for it a little." Brant chuckled again, this time looking back at the roogan following along. Darokko didn't look as tired as he thought he would have, the city boy had some stamina to him. "Besides, it's not much farther anyway."

Darokko merely sighed again, following in relative silence, still giving the occasional mutter of indignation or despondent sigh. Brant was right, in no time they reached the crest of the hill.

"So, whatta think?" the hound dog said with a slightly smug grin.

For the first time today, the roogan was speechless. The hill was overlooking a picturesque lake , the clear water was calm save for the random breeze playing across the surface. Trees that grew tall and proud outlined the lake keeping it fairly hidden from the less adventurous.

"Eh, I've seen better." Darokko said with a grin of his own. The dog just sighed and rolled his eyes, reaching down to strip the sweat soaked shirt off. The roogan was indeed impressed by the lake, but he was more impressed with Brant. The hound dog was toned and strong from farm work, construction, and a little recreational boxing on the side, overall quite the distraction from a mere lake.

"I guess there ain't no pleasin' you is there?" Said the hound, walking over to the roogan.

"Nooooope. Guess not." Darokko smirked, examining the lake.

"You sure 'bout that?" Brant gently curled his arms around the roogan's smaller body, the strong paws quickly finding their way around to Daro's pants. The roogan only smiled wider, leaning back against the hound dog's body while Brant grinded a hard and long bulge against the side of his thick tail. Both males were silent save for the soft moan or growl, they both knew what they wanted and other was more than happy to give it. In a small flurry of movement Darokko's pants were lost, leaving him only with his shirt on his back and a huge grin on his muzzle while his stiff member throbbed with his heartbeat.

"So, what do you think?" Said Darokko, turning to face the hound dog with his dark violet erection. Brant pondered for a moment, rubbing his short beard with one paw while the other smoothly unfastened his own pants, letting free his own endowment. The hound was, in a word, gifted. Brant allowed himself another smug grin as he lined up his malehood against his friends, shaming the kangaroogan in both length and thickness.

"I've seen better." Chuckled Brant, reaching down to caress Daro's shaft sympathetically. The roogan's long ears fell as the hound dog's joke bruised his massive ego, the paw against his cock not easing the sting.

"Hey hey, I'm just kidding, baby." His smug smile had become warm and familiar as he gave Darokko an affectionate lick on the cheek. "Remember that time in the cabin? You made me come pretty hard."

Darokko's confidence began to return. "Yeah...Say, think you would be up for something like that again?" His tall ears perked up at the prospect of getting a second chance at taking his hound again."

"Uuuh, maybe later baby." Brant clumsily evaded the question, but flexed his cock a bit so the tip spread a few thin strings of pre against the roo's fur. "What about I show you what it's like to get fucked in the great outdoors?"

Brant's question was more like a statement as he cleared away a few stray sticks before kneeling down, winking up at the roogan. Darokko huffed in frustration because he knew that a wink means he was going to get nailed and he was going to love every second of it. The growing grin the roogan's face betrayed him as he kneeled and assumed the proper ass reaming position.

"Look at you presenting yourself, I must have you trained pretty well." Brant couldn't help but give the roogan's rump a firm squeeze as he stroked himself, spreading pre over his houndhood. Darokko growled fiercely , glaring back at the dog behind him and threatening to get up.

"Sorry baby, I couldn't resist. With such a sexy ass..." The hound trailed off and the roogan's anger was quelled as he watched the distracted dog's muzzle disappear under his tail.

"Uh, BraaAAAH!" Darokko yelped loudly as a warm and flat tongue swiped over his tailhole, leaving a layer of blue tick hound drool in its wake. A second lick sent a shock of pleasure up the roogan's spine and a jet of his pre against the ground. Brant got a little lost in the act as he lapped franticly around the tightly puckered ring, readying it for himself.

"Nnngh...H-Hound?" The sound of Darokko's voice yanked Brant out of his trance, his long tongue hanging from his muzzle as he looked up.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm ready."


Darokko chuckled as the dog seemed a little disappointed to stop the foreplay so soon, rising back to his knees to level the tip of his shaft with the roogan's saliva slicked tailstar. Brant was silent as he concentrated pushing himself against the tight pucker, Darokko on the other hand wasn't nearly as silent, formless sounds spilling from his lips as he was slowly and delicately spread open.

"Oooh...That's it baby, just relax..." Cooed Brant softly as he watched the head of his cock slip inside the roogan's silken insides, a stiff shudder running up his spine as the warmth surrounded him. His tail was a dark blur as he watched the smaller male writhe as he pushed more of his shaft deep inside. Both males let out a guttural groan as Brant hit Darokko's prostate, the roogan tensing, clenching slightly around the houndhood but this only made Brant push firmer. Drivels of pre and saliva started to run down Darokko's balls as he was gently hilted, stifling his moans as the thick knot pressed against his ring of muscle. The kind dog waited a few moments, letting his partner get used to his size, rubbing along the roogan's side and tail with one paw while the other held their hips together.

"Ready?" Brant asked, his voice telegraphing his newfound desire.

The question didn't register with Darokko's lust addled mind, which was enough of an answer for the eager hound dog. The mask of composure dissolved, leaving only raw and unhindered ache between the two males as Brant gracelessly drew his hips back then thrusting back into Daro with a stiff grunt. The roogan didn't have much time to react as the hound did it again, the inward buck cutting his cry of pleasure short.

The air was charged with feral lust as the two males when at it in a wordless fervor. Brant growled as he leaned over the kangaroogan's back as hugged around his chest tightly, his thrusts feeling more natural as generous paw clutched Darokko's neglected shaft which pulsed and dribbled a little more pre over the furred fingers. The roogan was in heaven, with the combination of his hound's stiff shaft buried deep inside his rump and the strong paw cradling his own shaft it took everything the smaller male not to lose himself on the spot.

Brant seemed to beat Darokko to the punch. The stimulation quickly became too much for the hound dog, the rhythmic flexing of Daro's rump only drove him to slam his hips harder into the roogan's and the low groans and cries of pleasure were music to his floppy ears. He couldn't stop himself any longer. Brant leaned in closer and nuzzleed firmly against Darokko's lowered head before letting out a long and soulful howl as he erupted, losing a load of searing hot blue tick seed deep inside his friend. Darokko wasn't far behind him, the sensation of being filled only pushed him to empty himself against the forest floor as he growled weakly. The Brant shudder hard as he clutched the male under him as his flood slowed then tapered off, leaving his musky mark deep inside Darokko.

"Oh...That was...Different. " panted Darokko as his climax ended, leaving him in a passionate haze as the afterglow started to set in.

"Different? " Brant was out of breath himself, tightening his grip around the roogan's chest before carefully rolling on his side with Daro in his arms.

"You didn't tie." Darokko reached back and softly held the thick knot of hot canine flesh in his palm, spreading some of the stray natural lube on it, drawing a deep rumble in the hound's chest. "I uh...Really like when you tie."

Brant chuckled as he nuzzled over the hybrids face, feeling the flesh turn hot as he blushed under the dark fur. "Well, ya know how long it takes for my knot to go down, and I though you wanted ta' fuck me?"

Darokko's eyes lit up as he glanced up at the hound who was smiling back down at him. Daro's shaft started to stiffen once more, despite climaxing not but a few minutes ago. With a relaxed slowness, the big hound slowly and grudgingly tugged his hard cock free from the roogan's tight and now cum filled tailhole before curling his thick arms under his chin and raising his wagging tail nice a high for Darokko.

"Have I ever said how much I love you?" Darokko's mouth hung open as he scrambled to feet.

Brant just wagged his tail a bit faster. "Naw, how about you come and show me."~

keeping warm

a birthday gift from my roo [http://darokko.sofurry.com/](http://darokko.sofurry.com/) "I still can't believe you have never seen snow before." "What's so hard to believe about it?" A pickup truck ambled its way up a winding mountain...

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Die fightin (part 1)

Intro Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder chased after it like a stamped. The only thing that gave any light in the pitch black night was the flash of a lightning bolt, showering the forest floor with blinding light turning the area white...

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