Breaking the Code

Story by naturescall on SoFurry

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A young padawan discovers the true nature of the Jedi order and so much more.

"Padawan?" a voice called out in the darkness, stirring the young padawan from her sleep. Kayln was a young Jedi initiate who had been through what seemed like eons of training on the core worlds. Now in the final days of training she was being sent to the Jedi temple on Tython. She was taking a lengthy shuttle ride to the somewhat out of the way little planet. As her eyes fluttered, adjusting to the ever increasing light levels, she looked around to see an older gentleman in traditional Jedi attire standing at her doorframe.

Kayln hurriedly looked at a small holographic display on her nightstand, "Oh no, we haven't already landed have we? I didn't sleep through the initiation ceremony did I? You aren't Master Tyuth are you? Oh, how will I ever become a Jedi Knight with performance like this?" Kayln began to rush around the room gathering her supplies and hurriedly stuffing them into a large knapsack.

"Settle down padawan, we have not yet landed on Tython, I was just going to drop by and let you know that we'll be landing in approximately an hour," the older Jedi said with a laugh. Kayln stopped in her tracks, stopping to breathe.

"My apologies Master..." she said looking to the clearly elder Jedi.

"Oh no, I'm afraid I am no master, simply Tal, Tal Jade, Knight of the Jedi Order" the man said chuckling, "If you'd like they're having dinner on deck three. I thought you might want to eat before we landed".

Kayln simply nodded, sitting back on the bed, her tail slowly coming to a rest from a previously frantic sway, "Ah, thank you much so honorable Knight Tal. I shall join you shortly; there are just some things I have to get taken care of here." Tal nodded happily leaving the door frame.

The anxiety at the thought of having missed the ceremony passing, Kayln anxiously grabbed her tail, gnawing on the tip ever so slightly. "How am I supposed to become the first Jedi Knight of my people when I can't even focus on getting up at the right time? What if I had overslept? And look at me here, gnawing on my tail like a cub!" the thought caused her to spit her tail back out. She walked over to the small lavatory so that she could clean her face with a bit of water. If she was going to be a nervous wreck, at the very least she could be a nervous wreck who looked half decent. She quickly changed out of her rather bland night gown and into the more elaborate robes of a padawan. She had been waiting nearly fifteen years for this, since the first time the Jedi had come to her home world and seen her as a potential candidate for the order.

Her parents realized that it would be a positive for the tribe if even one member could find themselves working with a group as well known as the Jedi. She had been all but raised by the Jedi since she was a small child and now she finally had the chance to prove to herself, her parents, and even the order that all of the training was worth it.

She quickly made her way to the mess hall on the third deck, admittedly hungry. Spread out on the table was a rather sparse meal consisting of dried sewer eel, a side of traxa root, and a small glass of water. It was nothing that Kayln wasn't used to. The Jedi were not well known for their elaborate dining, or truly elaborate anything for that matter. Even her robes were nothing more than a variety of brown shades knitted together in a pattern letting all other Jedi know she was a padawan. She hungrily scarfed down the meal, hoping that she could spend just enough time eating and then get back to her room to meditate. There was no need to walk on Tython a complete nervous wreck.

Before she could finish the last dried eel; however, the intercom shattered any dreams of finding time to meditate "ATTENTION: All passenger and crew, now here this, we will be landing at Tython's Landing Port 156 in 3 minutes. I repeat we will be landing at Tython 156 in 3 minutes. Passengers will be expected to offload in a timely manner". Kayln sighed before setting the plate down and picking up her knapsack. She slowly made her way towards the ship's rather cramped exit way, only to see she was surrounded by several other padawan, some who she had known from her training class and others from the variety of Jedi training centers.

As the door slowly opened, a rush of the Tythonian air made its way inside. It was refreshing to breathe in something other than recycled air. Kayln slowly stepped out onto the small landing platform and quickly realized that there would be no welcoming party. Instead a simple protocol droid stood at the center of the platform quickly dispensing directions for each of the new padawan. As she approached, the droid began to scan its list before looking her over. "Kayln Tidehunter, Padawan, you are to report to Master Tyuth. You will find Master Tyuth teaching in the second chamber of the Temple," the droid said in a monotone manner before handing her a small map with directions. Kayln quickly scanned the map over, looking to see where she would be needed.

She began to wonder down the corridors before her, nearly bumping into several high ranking Jedi along the way. For one of the most important temples to the Jedi order, Tython was suspiciously devoid of large corridors. It took her very little time to finally come to the room with Master Tyuth. It was clear that he was currently in the middle of a class. Several Jedi Knights and even some masters sat and listened as he lectured. "Great," Kayln thought, "Of all the Jedi Masters to get assigned to, they assign me to the one who teaches other masters," her mind raced as a small lump began to form in her throat.

"Ah, Ms. Tidehunter, it is a pleasure having you join us here today," Master Tyuth said drawing the attention of the entire class to Kayln. Were it not for the tawny spotted fur that covered Kayln the others would have surely realized she was blushing. In lieu of the attention, the young padawan simply nodded. "Ms. Tidehunter is joining us from the Jedi training facility on Miriko. Now, as you might have already noticed, she is from a recently discovered race, the Kreetathan. Ms. Tidehunter, please come forward to the front of the room". Kayln simply nodded, the lump in her throat growing ever larger. She stepped forward to the platform at the center of the room. "Now, you'll notice the Kreetathan are a bipedal feline race. They have an approximately 2cm long coat of fur which will grow or shorten in length according to the Kreetathan seasons. They also have a prominent tail, clocking in at approximately ½ the length of the females of the species and ¾ the length of the males."

As Kayln watched, the room full of Jedi seemed to be taking all manner of notes. Her mind went was a filled with a mixture of irritation and embarrassment "Oh great, now I'm the class science project," she thought. "Does anyone have any questions regarding Kreetathan biology? I thought now might be a good time before myself and Ms. Tidehunter ship off to the temple for assignment," Master Tyuth continued.

Several hands in the crowd shot up as the various members of the class room began to scrawl through their notes. "What do we know of the Kreetathan mating rituals?" one of the younger Jedi in the front of the room piped up. "That's a fantastic question and perhaps one Ms. Tidewalker here can answer," the Jedi Master said patting Kayln on the back.

"I... uh. I'm afraid I know about as much as you do. Being raised off of the home world and by the Jedi makes that sort of thing low on the priorities list," she said trying to hide her utter embarrassment at the matter.

The class as well as Master Tyuth chuckled at her response, "Of course Padawan," he quickly looked at a holographic clock on the wall, "Oh look at the time, I believe myself and Ms. Tidewater have a council meeting to attend. Remember that Master O'garth will be teaching the class while I am away. You will treat him as you have treated me". With that the class quickly dismissed itself, the groups of Jedi flooding their way into the hallway outside.

Once the class finally filtered out, leaving just Kayln and Master Tyuth in the room Kayln began to speak, "Permission to speak freely Master Tyuth?" a hint of irritation was clear in her voice.

"At all times padawan. Those who repress their thoughts and covet their emotions are doomed to a most untimely fate," the aged Jedi replied with a bit of a chuckle.

"What in the seven moons was that about? What was the need of dragging me in front of the class like some kind of anthropological discussion?" Kayln responded, the growing irritation now barely hidden, "What are their mating rituals?" she continued mockingly.

"Padawan when you walked through those doors you looked more nervous than a Bantha before a slaughter house. Remember the code; there is no emotion, only peace. Pride is perhaps one of our most powerful and damaging emotions. When we give into it we are left weakened. Much as the next several months shall be, you will learn from me everything I know. This includes small things like having our deepest seated cultural values of "taboo" and right and wrong challenged. If you can't deal with silly questions like how and when your people have sex then how do you intend to take the greater challenges of life?"

Kayln pondered for a moment, thinking over his words, "I suppose you are correct Master, I apologize for speaking out of line".

"There are no needs for apology padawan. If we do not make these things clear here and now then they will sneak up on us and destroy us down the line. Also, call me Karith; the whole 'Master Tyuth' title is so dreadfully dull. Also may I ask what your name is? I feel like Tidewater is far too formal, and if your records are any indication then I won't be able to call you padawan for very long."

"Kayln, Mas... Karith" she replied politely, "But if we must be devoid of emotion, then why did yourself and all the students laugh at my response?"

Karith chuckled, patting the young padawan on the back, "Because Kayln, it was a genuinely funny response. If this whole Jedi affair ever falls through you should consider a career in comedy. Now, I believe the council has some manner of archeological dig that they would like you and I to investigate. The problem of course, as it is with these kinds of things, is that it is on an isolate desert world at the edge of Republic territory. Are you ready for an adventure padawan Kayln?"

"Of Course Master Karith," she replied, her ears visibly twitching at the thought of going on her first mission for the Jedi Council.

"While we are there, perhaps you and I can take some time to put together a lightsaber. I imagine that wondering around without one has made you feel rather naked as an initiate of the order," Karith continued beginning to remove a small backpack from behind the podium.

Kayln grinned, nodding a bit, "It would be an honor sir,"

"Good, we leave in 25 minutes. I apologize that you won't have more time to spend on Tython, but the council considers this a matter of some urgency and the quicker we are through with it the better. Luckily, it would seem you already have your bags packed," he said gesturing to her knapsack, "We will drop by a small facility on Coruscant. There we can pick up any supplies we might need for the swamp. You'll find our shuttle at Port 154".

With that Karith left, leaving Kayln to ponder what the elder Jedi had said. There was not arguing that the statements made by her fellow Jedi irritated some part of her; though, she was not sure how to react. Was she supposed to just ignore statements like that? To be made subject to invasive and unneeded questions all at the sake of the Jedi code? She would have to speak with Master Karith in more length when they made their way towards Coruscant.

The small data pad that the protocol droid had given her provided her with a decent map of the area, and it took her very little time to find port 154. Much to her dismay, Master Karith's idea of a transport was what most people considered a short range fighter. The weapons arrays had clearly been stripped in favor of more fuel cells, and all ideas of comfort along with them. She found Karith stuffing his belongings into a small hatch at the side of the vehicle.

"Master Karith?" she asked hoping that this was all some rouse and there was in fact another transport cloaked nearby.

"Ah yes, Kayln, what do you think? Isn't she beautiful? I rebuilt her from scrap myself!" he replied enthusiastically.

"Scrap?" she replied, her head shaking ever so slightly.

"Yes indeed, she was blown out of the sky during the Sith attack on the old temple. I've been putting her back together for some time now. She'll make the flight to Coruscant, and the once we're refueled it should be no issue making it to this desert world," He said patting the rather dilapidated craft on the side, causing a small metallic panel to fall off. "Oh don't mind that, that's not important... I'm pretty sure".

Kayln examined the cockpit to discover that the interior was not meant to hold two people, but had only recently been refitted for such a thing. The passenger's seat consisted of a small metallic box with what looked to be an old and recently washed Jedi robe thrown atop it. She quickly pointed at the robe as if to question if that was to be a seat or not.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, the council didn't give me much of a heads up with regards to taking on a new padawan, so the more recent changes are a bit rushed," the Jedi master said smiling, finally getting both her and his supplies crammed into the small compartment at the side of the ship, "Whelp, I'm ready whenever you are".

Kayln simply nodded climbing atop the small makeshift seat and looking for any manner of restraint.

"Oh no need to worry about that, this thing rides as smooth as a Tauntaun on ice," Karith replied climbing into the front seat of the contraption.

Kayln simply bit her lip and latched her small claws around the material of the robe to, at the very least, give the illusion of safety. With that, a small cockpit began to close around the two signaling that the "ship" was ready for takeoff. The roar of the motor caused everything to shake, a number of panels and instruments showing all number of error codes and warnings. The shaking and jolting continued as it slowly but surely left the ground of Tython. As the clouds began to vanish and the stars appear, Kayln held her breath momentarily, expecting the entire charade to come crashing back to the ground at any moment.

Much to her surprise, despite an endless number of buzzers and warning lights, the craft sailed along happily into the quiet sky of the night.

"I'm about to make the jump to light speed, we should be at Coruscant within the next day or so. I hope you don't mind if I sing; it helps me focus on things," Karith asked from the front of the vessel.

"Of course not Master Karith, I brought a long a small novel in case the ride got choppy anyway, plus I'd love to hear you sing. If your terrible at it then I can record it and black mail you with it later," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"I like you Ms. Kayln. I think you and I are going to have a fantastic time on this little trip of ours," he replied happily. The seemingly easily to please master then began to hum a well-known Jedi meditation chant.

Kayln listened happily pulling a small data pad from her pocket and beginning to review the material. It was an old novel written by one of the Jedi masters about a Grey Jedi who had struck out against the order and gone into hiding. She wasn't sure if it was a piece of fiction or truth, but it was incredibly enjoyable and very well written.

As the flight continued on, it had become apparent that Master Karith had fallen asleep at the helm of the vessel. This wasn't of great concern to Kayln; however, as these kinds of ships often had an autopilot, or at least she was hoping that the Jedi Master had remembered to install one before leaving Tython. It was not the Master's subtle snoring that was bothering her though; in fact it was something far more primitive then that.

Slowly she became dizzy and the palms of her paws and feet felt far hotter than normal. It took a few moments, but she began to piece together what was bothering her.

"Oh for the love of the Night Lord, now of all times body?" she said in a whisper. She quickly began to think through all the things she had packed and realized that she hadn't brought any medication to deal with this kind of thing. Luckily there was no doubt a vendor on Coruscant who could provide her with some kind of pill to suppress it.

On the home world, when a young girl would go into her season, if they did not wish to be afflicted by the condition they would simply eat from the fruit of one of the nearby trees to surpass the symptoms. During her training as a Padawan she had experienced just such a thing several times already, and the local doctors and nurses were more then understanding and had given her a round of injections and pills to contain the problem.

"I'll just have to drop by a pharmaceuticals droid when we reach Coruscant," she said to herself quietly.

The discomfort lasted through the duration of the flight, causing the young Kreetathan to lose her focus several times while trying to read the novel. The burning sensation between her legs made sitting for such an extended period of time uncomfortable. She squirmed and fidgeted constantly throughout the flight, thought it never once woke up Master Karith, or if it did she certainly couldn't tell.

As the ship approach Coruscant air space, Master Karith seemed to stir knowingly in the pilot's seat. He calmly and expertly took the ship out of hyperspace and below the massive and bustling space traffic above the planet of Coruscant became visible. Like a shining mechanical marble in the night sky, the small clunky craft navigated through hundreds of small ships and freighters making its way to small and cramped landing pad.

"Alright, I'm going to take care of the fuel situation. You get whatever supplies you need and meet me back here in about an hour or so. We are still on a fairly stringent deadline regarding this issue," Master Karith said with some amount of confidence in his voice.

Kayln simply nodded, hopping down from the small craft into what seemed to be a rather active market square. Countless vendors and individuals meandered about trading their wares and services. Kayln quickly pulled her hood over her head, making her way towards a small map. After determine the best place to buy what she was looking for she set off, letting Master Karith know via communicator that she would be back soon.

As she traveled through the expanse of Coruscant, she noted the city world still seemed to be recovering from the Sith attack at its core some years ago. There were still some buildings crumpled and destroyed, left in disrepair as they hung over the crowded and busy streets below. She saw countless species and her ties to the force made the presence of each one almost overpoweringly clear. Between the estrus and her training as the Jedi it became difficult to focus on her travels. After some amount of stumbling; however, she finally managed to find a droid selling all manner of objects."

"INQURY: Master Jedi, what items do you wish to obtain today?" the small protocol droid buzzed at her.

"Oh it's just padawan, thank you though. I was wondering if you might have any EAG-136?" she asked in a quiet and nervous manner.

"RESPONSE: Yes, this droid does have the material known as EAG-136. Will you be requiring a," the bot paused for a moment as if it was searching its databanks for something, "vibrator for use with EAG-136? We have several of these items in stock and at bundle purchase rates".

Kayln drew back at the response, pulling the hood of her robe further over her face "Oh, um, no... thank you though. The EAG-136 will be fine"

With that, the droid quickly handed her a small package full of injections, "NOTE: This product is primarily used with Cathar subjects, volatility is unknown with Kreetathan species,"

"Oh, thank you, I'm aware of that. Have a nice day," Kayln responded quickly. Without a moment's hesitation she loaded up one of the injections and stabbed it lightly into her forearm. The relief was almost instantaneous, with her mind becoming clearer and her focus returning. With enough injections to last through the estrus she began to make her way back to the ship.

As she stepped onto the landing pad, she noticed Master Karith speaking in a very serious manner with a Republic General.

"Ah Kayln, I'm glad you've returned. I'm afraid we're going to have to step up our departure even more. General Sep'kar here just informed me that the republic received a distress call from a rim world near where we were heading originally. We're going to deal with the issue," Her master said with an upbeat tone.

"Of course Master, the Order lives to serve. May I ask, what was the nature of the distress call?" She responded, hurriedly throwing her supplies into the already crammed cockpit.

"Approximately 45 minutes ago, we received a distress call from the cruiser Alamac in the Denorius belt from one of the smaller moons there. The distress call was faint but came with an encoded republic transmission. You and your master were already headed in that direction, so I was hoping I could have you investigate,"

Kayln nodded, hopping into her makeshift seat, a mixture of pride and anticipation barely visible in her eyes, "We'll find your cruiser General, of that you can be sure".

Karith simply shook his head laughing, "I'll see you when I return Salem, tell old Master Dolbath he still owes me that crystal".

With a quick preflight check, the cockpit of the small craft came slamming down and they were propelled into the vastness of space once more. The trip to the Denorius belt would admittedly take a bit longer then the trip to Coruscant form Tython, but at the very least Kayln was satisfied with the notion that her primal urges wouldn't be presenting any issues.

After a relatively uneventful flight, the craft sailed quietly into the Denorious belt. Unlike the skies above Coruscant, Denorious was littered with all manner of rocks and asteroids, and not a single ship to be seen in the night sky.

"I'm not seeing any ships on sensors," Kayln responded staring into the monitors in front of her, "And certainly not one large enough to be a republic cruiser".

"Confirmed," Master Karith responded, "It looks to me like the distress code isn't coming from within the system, or even above the moon. It looks like it's coming from the surface of the moon."

"That's not a good thing," Kayln responded quickly, "If there is an entire cruiser full of people trapped down there, we're going to need a bigger ship to get them off".

"Let's figure out the why of the situation before we begin to jump to conclusions padawan, we still haven't seen the Alamac yet," Master Karith's firm and confident voice responded from the front of the craft, "I'm going to take us closer to the planet's surface, the storm there is causing a lot of interference with the sensors, it's possible we just aren't seeing through it properly".

The craft slowly descended into the atmosphere of the planet. Then as if some kind of great ocean storm, it began to rattle as it had done when first taking off from Tython.

"Uh oh," were the only things that Karith said before the craft began to shake violently, tossed about in the planets atmosphere like a toy amongst giants. Kayln's head was slammed against the roof of the vessel knocking her unconscious.

When she came to, Master Karith was standing above her, "Kayln?" he said quietly.

"WHAT? What happened?" she called out trying to move her head about.

"Don't get up too suddenly, you took a pretty nasty blow to the head back there. Also, try to remain quiet, I think we're still being tracked."

"What?" she said, an intense pain suddenly making itself known in her forhead. Her hand reached to hold her aching cranium before she realized she sitting against a tree, "Where's the ship?" she said with a groan.

"It's somewhere several hundred yards under that swamp," Master Karith said motioning to a group of large trees which appeared to have recently been burning, "I had to make a somewhat untraditional landing. I managed to get you out just before the ship was dragged under the waters of the swamp".

"Did you manage to get anything from the ship before it went under?" she said with a cough, trying to stand. As she stood, she was struck by a wave of dizziness causing her to reach out and hold her weight against the nearby tree.

Her master held up a small box, "It's a tent, 2 weeks worth of rations, and a first aid kit. Problematically the distress beacon and most of the other useful supplies went down with the ship".

Kayln simply shook her head, still trying to regain her footing, "Well... this is a problem," she said letting out a coughing laugh, "I always hate it when the people who were supposed to rescue me crash themselves.

Master Karith chuckled "This is probably going to put a dent in my plans to see those ruins, but on the bright side I don't think the Alamac crashed here."

"I'm not seeing the positive in that statement Master," she said slowly beginning to scan the horizon, looking out into the vast and seemingly endless swamp like jungle.

"Well I think this was all a trap. On our way over here I began to look for the Alamac's flight path information... except that ship hasn't been in service for damn near 10 years," he said, pushing away several low hanging vines.

"Oh yes, now I am seeing the bright side of this," Kayln said with a dull tone, "Who would send up distress call from a 10 year old republic cruiser?"

"Probably the same person who left this," Master Karith stopped in his tracks, bending over to pick up a small object. Kayln turned to see what her Master was holding. A mixture of horror and confusion crossed her face.

"No... you don't think," she said, an evident fear in her voice.

"Calm yourself Padawan, and yes, a Sith data pad usually means exactly what you think it means. We're going to need to stay vigilant, and beyond that we're going to need to setup camp," Karith said beginning to make his way through the trees looking for any signs of a clearing.

As they began to trek their way through the jungle, one of the many items that had gone down with the ship began to make its loss evident. The same feelings that had struck Kayln on their way to Coruscant came flooding back to her, causing her somewhat more sensitive nose to even pick up on her own now prominent scent. Kayln simply grumbled to herself, as Master Karith seemed deeply immersed in the Sith Data pad, reading it endlessly as they crossed tree after tree.

Finally finding a small dry clearing, the two Jedi took their time to set up the make shift emergency tent. If the ride they had taken to this world had been small, then this tent was absolutely tiny. It had barely enough room for one person.

"One of us can sleep at a time, that way there's always someone on watch," Master Karith suggested, "You go ahead and get some rest, I know that you're probably still recovering from the wounds you suffered during the crash. Plus I'd like to read the rest of this data pad; it could give us some insight into those who tried to lure us here".

Kayln nodded, accepting the idea with little question. She rolled out the small sleeping mat on the relatively dry ground and crawled into the small cramped quarters of the tent. Problematically the small and poorly ventilated enclosure made the circumstances of the situation all that much worse. As she tried desperately to get some amount of sleep the constant scent of her own heat brought her mind racing back to the brink of insanity. She tossed and turned in the small frame of the tent trying to find someway to block out the various sensations and ideas that were running through her head.

"Is everything alright Kayln?" Master Karith said poking his head into the small tent.

Kayln shook her head deciding that perhaps meditation would be a better approach, "Everything is fine master, thank you for the concern though".

"Padawan, after my many years of teaching it becomes apparent when a pupil is trying to hide something from you, what bothers you?" He responded a sort of fascination in his tone.

"Kreetathan mating rituals," she responded in a frustrated but lighthearted manner.

"I'm afraid I don't follow Padawan, is this still over what happened in the classroom on Tython?" he asked with concern.

"No sir, every year for 2 weeks out of the year, my people go through a Season or Heat. On the home world to suppress that... problem we eat from the fruit of a small tree."

"I see... and I'm guessing there aren't any of those trees out here are there?" he responded calmly.

"No sir, I bought some suppressants when we were back on Coruscant, but they were on the ship," a growing frustration was building in her voice.

"Ah... and how many days?" Master Karith asked nervously.

"It started while we in flight from Tython," Kayln responded, trying desperately to center herself, "And the Jul'mak as my people call it has a tendency to only get worse as it progresses. It makes it very hard to focus on things... or sleep".

Master Karith simply nodded, pondering for a moment, "Couldn't you just... well masturbate?"

Kayln blushed so deeply that it seemed even her robes turned a tint of pink, "I, um," she said biting her lip, "With all do respect Master".

"I can leave for a few moments if you'd like," he offered.

"Give our tactical situation, don't you think it'd be a bad idea to split up right now," she asked, still trying desperately to focus on her meditations.

Karith simply nodded, "True enough. Attempt to meditate on the issue and if that is not enough I can always get really interested in reading Sith data reports".

Kayln nodded, "Trying sir".

As the night began to grow, the meditation became increasingly difficult. It seemed with each passing hour the urges inside Kayln grew in ferocity. What had started off as a simple nervous itch was grown into a raging inferno. Her loins ached terribly as she attempted to focus on anything but her own body. Even the slightest breeze cause Kayln's fur to rise, her spots glistening in the light of the small campfire Karith had constructed.

Kayln attempted to focus on anything but herself, trying to think of Padawan combat tactics or even the dull numbers and statistics from Republic Logistics, but none of it was able to stem the anguish within her. Her whiskers trembled and her breast ached causing her tongue to slowly make its way around her lips. In a moment of intense desperation she finally broke her meditation to look up see what Master Karith was doing. As best she could tell he was reading through the Sith data pad intently, focusing on very little else.

She grumbled to herself before looking down and realizing that the crotch of her pants had become damp. She quietly made her way towards the tent, trying to cover the entrance as best she could. As soon as she was satisfied with the job she had done of concealing herself, she began to quickly remove her robe, taking off her already damp pants and shoving them into the corner of the tent. With only a small white undergarment covering her chest and most intimate area, she quickly reached a paw down, running it across the fabric above her aching loins.

The simple touch and pressure against the fabric sent raw waves of energy up her spine, causing her to gasp just slightly. She moved her paw ever so slightly, pushing against the fabric and into her soaking wet folds. She bit her lip as the material pressured against her aching entrance. She began to play with clitoris through the fabric causing every muscle in her body to tense up. She teased at it, running a single digit along her entrance, moaning ever so slightly.

The added attention didn't help; however, instead the burning needs, the desire only intensified. She quickly found herself pushing that a single digit even deeper into the fabric, spreading her folds ever so slightly.

"No, I am Jedi, I am stronger then this," she snapped at herself, "I didn't train for fifteen years just so I could get stuck on some swamp and masturbate".

She began to search for the pants she had stored at the side of the tent, but doing so only caused her scent to overpower her once more. "Master Karith did say it might help though..."

With the shallow reassurance, her hand quickly dove under the fabric, touching against her furry swollen nether lips. Her back arched and her tail went rigid as her digit came to rest on her quivering folds. She quickly retracted her paw realizing it was now covered in her own juices.

"Damnit, I am Jedi, this isn't right," she said quietly.

With that, she began to remove the fabric covering her swollen lips, revealing them to the moist air inside the tent. She tossed the soaked coverings in the corner along with her pants, her hand diving down between her thighs and running against her needy entrance.

"I can't fight this," she said "I'll just have to defeat it in another way... that's all".

Kayln pushed a single digit between her folds, causing her to noticeably gasp. She began to slowly draw the digit in and out, her claw raking against the delicate skin inside of her, drawing a mixture of pleasure and pain. Within moments, she found her other hand diving between her thighs rubbing against her sensitive clit.

The pressure and attention caused her passageway to begin to contract around her digit, causing even more of her feminine juices to leak out onto her thighs. She reached up from her clitoris, her paw traveling under the garment covering her chest and began to reach for her breast, pulling and twisting at the nipple.

She moaned even louder now, no longer seemingly concerned with Master Karith.

"By the seven moons, why have I not done this before," she called out, slipping a second finger into her needy entrance, spreading her aching nether lips further apart. She continued sliding her finger in and out, her breathing becoming shallower and her nipples ever more sensitive. She almost seemed to bounce atop her paw, her free paw quickly pulling off the fabric covering her chest. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to a climax, but the burning inside of her still not satisfied. It wasn't enough.

No matter how deeply she pressed with her fingers or how furious she stroked her nether lips her insides simply continued to burn with need and desire.

Frustrated, Kayln stopped, the high seeming to come down ever so slightly, the burn in her ears seeming cooler. "That'll have to do," she said, "I can just mediate to the rest out, that's all there is to it".

She quickly began to gather her garments, hurriedly putting them back on and collecting her thoughts before stepping outside of the tent.

She began to sniff the air, realizing that perhaps she hadn't been the only one enjoying her time in the tent. She looked over the Master Karith who still sat quietly reading the Sith data pad.

"You know, Kreetathan have a much better sense of smell then you humans. I also spent 15 years with a group of growing padawan. You don't really think I've never smelt that distinctive odor you humans give off do you?"

Master Karith began to laugh, "Well I guess you got me. Even masters of the order are subject to our own... shortcomings".

Kayln simply sighed, still panting from her experience, "Well at least I know that Jedi Masters aren't the supposed lords of virtue the masters in the temple used to make them out to be. It's good to see somewhere under that line of order, rigidness, and preaching a living breathing creature still exist. I suppose it just goes to show that you aren't all the robots I thought you were".

"It is no good to let the code become law. It is simply suggestions for being the best person we can be. Even the masters have to break it every once in a while for the greater good".

"The greater good? I don't know if I'd call getting ones rocks off the greater good". Kayln said with a laugh.

"Well when someone as beautiful as you comes along, it is a damn near shame to not do something to show the Universe you recognize that beauty," Karith responded, still reading the data pad intently.

Kayln blushed, "Well I know that has to be against the Jedi code somewhere".

"Probably, but there's a lot of times the Jedi Code can be... a rather confining thing. Even the great masters recognize this. That's why they arrange for things like marriages and the likes," Karith still had his eyes completely locked on the data pad before him.

"Wouldn't even flirting with me at some level put your job in danger?" Kayln asked, placing her hands over the small campfire, trying to focus on its heat rather then her own.

"Probably, but the Jedi Council certainly isn't here right now, and I dare any of them to have sat outside this tent and not had the same thoughts run through their minds".

"So you really think I look beautiful," Kayln asked sheepishly.

Master Karith looked up from the data pad, "If you were not a Jedi, you could become a fashion diva on 1000 worlds, you look amazing," the Jedi master stood, walking over the young padawan, "What makes you think you don't look good?" his hands rested on her shoulders, caressing them in the light of the fire.

Kayln shivered at Karith's touch, the blaze inside her seeming to reignite, "I just, I've never had another person in the order look at me in that way. They always saw me as just another padawan or student to teach," she said, her lower lip resting against her teeth, "You don't look too bad yourself Master Karith".

The Jedi Master laughed, pulling down the hood on Kayln's robe, "The Jedi order is many things, but one of those things is learning to appreciate what life offers us. We can't just turn things down for the sake of a rigid code. We must find joy in our lives," he brushed against her furred head, scratching at her spotted ears. She didn't even realize she had begun to purr.

"Do you think... what if we?" she thought out loud.

"Well if that data pad is any indication, then you and I are the only living thing on this planet for a very large amount of distance. We could always find out," Karith responded, breathing against the fur of her neck.

"I... I don't know. I mean when my people mate, it is for life. And what if I... well you know?" her breathing had become even more shallow.

"We'll cross those bridges when they come up. Right now, it's just you, me, this very cramped tent, and a lot of swamp; I don't really see the downside in livening things up a bit. Plus, we might be able to satiate that need of yours. It's terrible to try and teach a padawan when she's distracted," his hands began to wonder down her robe, making their way from her shoulders to her side, bringing him close to the young padawan.

Kayln responded by pulling Karith's head to her shoulder, biting at the skin along his neck, "Well then, lets find out shall we?"

With a giggle, she quickly threw her robe to the side of the tent, crawling inside. Karith soon followed suit, throwing his own robe and lightsaber to the ground. Kayln watched as the very traditional looking Jedi began to throw off his garments. His jet-black hair and incredibly muscled structure revealed itself in the moonlight. She gazed at her teacher hungrily, beginning to once again undo the clasp to her own pair of soaked trousers.

"I've always wondered just how far those spots really go down," he said, gazing over his pupil's form, taking in the sight of her, "By the code, this is all too crazy, but it's been one of those days," he exclaimed, crawling next to Kayln in the tight confines of the tent, "Beyond that I have always wondered, just how many nipples do your people have Kayln? I've always heard that you come in batches of 8,"

Kayln giggled slowly lifting off the fabric covering her chest, "I guess you'll just have to find out".

Karith looked on with awe at the girl's body, taking in every inch of her. Her spotted tawny fur coming to a cream colored chest free of spots, 2 small perky pink nipples protruding from ample sized breast. He placed his hand on top of them, feeling them between his fingers, "Such soft fur," he exclaimed, running his hand down her chest, "Oh there they are, hiding eh?"

Kayln giggled, as his hand managed to find the other less pronounced nipples along her chest. Karith's hand was resting just above the fabric covering her nether region. She could feel every breath he took against her neck, causing her to shiver and her tail to flick about wildly. He began to nibble at her rounded ear causing her to laugh, "That tickles, I've never had someone biting my ear".

"I think we're going to be exploring a lot of unexplored territory tonight," he responded, he ear still in his mouth. She watched as his hand ran up and down her chest, dancing across her ample breast. His free hand snaked it's way up her thigh making its way between her legs, "Well I guess we don't have to worry about lube do we?" he said, touching the soaking fabric.

The foreign touch caused Kayln to go rigid, not used to another's presence so close to her most delicate region. She watched as the hand slowly snaked its way under the band of elastic, pulling the fabric down slowly but surely. Her breathing increased, "Should we be doing this? Are we going to get into some kind of trouble?"

"You let me worry about that, you just relax... and enjoy," he responded, letting go of her ear. She watched as he crawled back out of the tent for a moment, and then positioned himself so that his head was between her thighs. Her eyes widened as she watched Karith began to bury his face between her legs, feeling as his mouth began to make contact with her inner thigh, kissing it. Her tail squirmed wildly.

"You seem like you've done this before Master Karith," her voice raspy as she felt his tongue traveling along the delicate fur between her legs.

"Maybe a few times before," came a muffled reply, the hot breathe now just a mere inches from her swollen folds. Then like a bolt of lighting, she felt as his tongue brushed against her, causing her to wrap her feet around his form, her claws nearly tearing at the material of his pants. The tongue slowly speared against her opening, working slowly but surely, spreading her apart. She began to moan in ecstasy, raking her claws against the ground beneath.

"Ok, that's a lot better then my finger," she exclaimed, "I'm not the first padawan who's gone into heat on her first assignment am I?" She simply heard a muffled chuckle as his tongue once again ran through her folds, darting in and out, his hands making their way down his own form, puling his pants off. She looked over to see his own swollen member pushing against the soft fabric containing it. Using her feet she help to free it from its fabric prison.

The licking and biting at her nether region increased, causing the young padawan to squirm helplessly in the small tent, "Come on then, I want to see if you can put out this fire better then those pills could," she cried out. Karith continued his assault, his hands now joining in the Frey, pinching and rubbing her sensitive clitoris and mound.

She watched as Karith pulled his face from her nether region, smiling at her "I think we're going to work REALLY well with each other," he said crawling over her. She watched with nervous anticipation as his rigid member was now hovering between her legs. She wrapped her paws around his neck bringing her face close to hers "I can't wait to find out if you're a master of all things," a smile crossed her lips. He quickly leaned in to kiss her before taking a hand and guiding his swollen tip against her folds.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

Kayln nodded, slipping her tongue into his mouth and thrusting herself towards him, sending his member spearing through her delicate folds. Her eyes opened wide as she felt him beginning to stretch her insides more then her finger ever had. She was no expert in these matters, but Master Karith had to be a reasonably well-endowed individual.

She moaned as he brought himself to a hilt, his balls resting against her formerly virgin entrance. Deep inside of her, his member rested moments letting her get used to his girth. Then he began to pull out "Oh god this is amazing," Kayln exclaimed.

"It gets better," Karith said, spearing her once more, this time with even more force. She felt as her tight inner walls locked around him. Like the rhythm to a dance, the two's bodies were interlocked, making more commotion then a herd of Nerf on the plains of Alderaan.

"Oh god, I think I'm going to..." Karith said, his voice nearly breathless, but before he could finish his statement, Kayln knew exactly what he meant. She began to feel warmth growing inside of her, Karith's member twitching with each spurt. She felt as stream began to make its way down her leg and past her cervix. The warmth of seed made its way towards her fertile and waiting womb. The fire in her belly was finally quenched, as the seed continued to trickle its way in, coating her insides. Kayln shivered as her tunnel squeezed and milked at the member within, coaxing out every last drop.

The two sat breathlessly in the tent, panting, "That was... incredible," Kayln managed to say. "

Yeah we're going to have to..." Karith began to say before he was cut off by the all too familiar sound of a lightsaber being ignited. Karith closed his eyes "Damnit..."