Here to Stay

Story by Jelly of Doom on SoFurry

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Our story opens on a late and cold winter afternoon. It was nearly closing time at the shop, and Auriun was in the middle of working on a dysfunctional Macintosh G4 someone had dropped off earlier that day. The customer said that Apple no longer supported hardware for the iMac G4, and he had been having problems loading anything from his hard drive. Auriun, only ever having worked on Windows PCs, told the man he would take a look, but no guarantees.

Auriun Fox was a handsome gray wolf fresh out of college with a BS in Computer Engineering. He was 23 years old and lost touch with many of his childhood friends upon entering college. After his graduation, he moved to a small town called Wheaton where he rented space at the local strip mall for his computer workshop called Computer Exchange. Not two months into his small business, a cute red fox requested that he repaired a PC that wouldn't boot up after a power outage. Upon filling out forms of phone numbers and names, Auriun realized that this fox was Kodi Starpaw, one of his friends from the varsity soccer team he had played on for his high school extracurricular criteria.

Auriun had the Macintosh opened up on his workshop desk and was tinkering around inside, looking for the hard disc drive. Auriun had never had any experience with Apple computers before, so he had no idea where inside the cramped computer insides he needed to look. Upon looking inside the green back cover, he found a torn sticker that said:

ty void


Hmm. Auriun found this very confusing. "Why the fuck...? Why is the void warranty sticker on the inside of the computer? Tarded Apple..." He began to silently complain about Apple Computer and the lack of sense the developers used when Kodi entered.

Auriun turned around to see who had entered. Upon seeing Kodi, he put an overly annoyed face and tone and said, "Stupid fuck, can't you see we're closed?"

He stood up to greet his friend who replied, "You'll close soon enough, with that exploding Apple logo on your sign."

Smiling, Auriun went over to greet his friend who threw a hug on him. Auriun, who was adjusting to recently coming out to Kodi, hugged back, not sure if he should squeeze or barely hug back at all.

"What's goin on?" Kodi didn't usually come by the shop. They usually hung out on XboX Live, playing Forza Motorsport 2, Halo 3, or just hanging out in private chat.

"It's been a while since we did something fun, and I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie and catch some dinner?" Auriun seemed a little confused. He could have sworn that Kodi didn't like going to movies, remembering from the high school soccer team cook outs and movie outings that Kodi always went home after the cook out.

"Uh.. Sure! That sounds great. Lemme just finish up here, I gotta clean up this mess of dust some dude's Mac left all over my desk."

After Auriun had cleaned up, he flipped the sign on the door so the side that said, "Sorry, We're Open" was facing the inside of the shop, locked the door, and started heading towards the DeLorean DMC - 12 Kodi bought off of eBay motors a few months ago. Auriun didn't walk towards his own car because he didn't have his own car. He walked to work and the grocery store from his apartment because they were 5 blocks away.

After pulling down his door, Auriun buckled himself in and began some random conversation about how Kodi had been doing since they last saw each other.

Upon arriving at the theater, they decided on seeing Transformers. The theater in Wheaton didn't play new movies; it played recent movies in HDDVD quality in 5 different screens in Dolby Digital surround sound 7.1. That was pretty much the only point of going to this theater instead of renting the DVD to watch at home.

As they entered the theater, Auriun asked, "Hey, do you wanna get some popcorn and soda to share?"

"Sure," Kodi said with a smile. He seemed very happy about something. Auriun wondered what it was. He walked up to the counter and asked the acne-ridden kid behind the counter for a large soda and popcorn. He handed the kid a twenty-dollar bill, and handed the popcorn to Kodi. Auriun took his change and an extra straw. They walked into theater 4 and sat down near the back. They watched the ads before the movie and got comfortable, tossing their coats into a nearby empty seat. Auriun saw Kodi look behind them and at the seats below them. They seemed to be the only people in this theater. Strange enough for a Friday at 7:00 PM.

Once the movie had started, the lights dimmed and things got very dark.

The rumbling voice of the theater's Bose Acoustamas subs shook Auriun's bones.

"Before time began, there was... The Cube."

Auriun and Kodi finished the soda and popcorn very quickly. Auriun, who had seen Transformers before, got up to throw away the empty food containers. When he returned to his seat, he leaned back and relaxed, crossing his legs and placing his arms on the arm rests. During the movie, Kodi put his hand on top of Auriun's and leaned his head on Auriun's shoulder without drawing any attention to himself.

After the movie, they stopped at Hudson's Bar and Grill for a drink and a burger. They walked in and were seated by a girl whose nametag said Melissa. She gave them menus and said, "Can I get you two gentlemen something to drink and an appetizer?"

Drinking alcohol was something new to Auriun. "I'll have a Corona Extra with a slice of lime." The only reason he knew what to order was from years and years of his father having a Corona Extra with a lime slice every time they went out to eat

Kodi ordered a Corona also, not being a heavy drinker either, but being someone who can pick out a good beer from a bad one. Kodi could also pick out a smart person from a really fuckin stupid one. For instance: in Kodi's mind, someone who says 'Corona tastes like Mexican piss.' is a really fuckin stupid person.

They ordered a Texas Rose from the small appetizer menu and they asked for some dinner rolls. Around ten minutes later, Melissa came out of the kitchen with their huge fried onion and a basket of dinner rolls. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah, we are," Kodi responded immediately. "I'll have a medium-rare t-bone steak with some steak fries."

Auriun never really acquired a taste for steak.

"Would you like our soup of the day? Today's flavour is spicy chili."


He had eaten steak at countless family dinners and formal parties, but he had never developed a taste for the rough, chewy, bland meat.

"And for you, sir?" she said to Auriun.

"Uhh... I'll have a full rack of your 'Prize-Winning Baby Back Barbecue Ribs.'"

"Would you like regular barbecue sauce or Dave's Insanity Gourmet sauce?"

"Hmm. I'll take the Dave's Insanity sauce."

While they waited for their food, Auriun and Kodi talked about the movie, some stuff that had been going on in the NFL, twenty questions, that game where you pick an object off of the wall, and the other person has to ask questions about it and guess the object.

After about a half an hour, Melissa came out of the kitchen again with the steak, ribs, and soup, looking delicious. By this time, Auriun had had three beers, and was managing to hold himself up well, for not being a drinker. Kodi was making sure not to drink too much. He still had to drive home, and was still on his first beer.

After a long dinner and some good conversation, Kodi looked at his watch. "Wow, 11:30."

Auriun said with a chuckle "Wow, r-really? Y-you wanna head back to my place and play some XboX?"

Kodi smiled. "Sure thing. I've got work tomorrow, so we can't stay up too late."

Kodi paid the bill and stood up, offering his hand to help up Auriun. They headed out to the car and drove to Auriun's apartment. Lucky for Auriun, he lived on the second floor at the top of the stairs right by the entrance, so he could get to his room quickly after he got a movie or XboX game that he wanted to play immediately.

After making their way up to Auriun's apartment, Kodi took a seat on the soggy loveseat in front of Auriun's surprisingly nice TV.

Auriun went to the kitchen and got them glasses of water to drink.

"Wow. That's a... nice TV."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. You can read the text in Dead Rising on that TV. I like it."

"Whaddyou wanna play?" said Kodi, standing up to look at Auriun's DVD rack.

"Uh... Halo? Halo's always fun. If you wanna play ranked, you can take a minute to recover your Gamertag to my hard drive." Kodi did so while Auriun went to the bathroom.

After Auriun got back, he sat down next to Kodi. Kodi turned to look at Auriun. After a few seconds, he leaned over and planted a full kiss on Auriun's lips. This took Auriun by surprise, but he just let Kodi snake his tongue into his mouth. Auriun lapped at the invading tongue. Kodi leaned back and smiled at Auriun.

"Whoa... what was thah for? You're not gay..." Auriun said in a daze.

"I never said that. When you told me that you were gay, you opened a whole new window for me. And remember, in high school, I never dated a girl once, never had a girlfriend during college."

"Oh... well... in that case, c'mere, you..."Auriun mischievously dove onto Kodi and planted an invasive kiss on Kodi's lips.

Kodi started to rub Auriun's back, slowly removing his shirt. Auriun broke the kiss for a moment to let his shirt be removed. He then dove back onto the kiss and wrapped his arms around Kodi to turn the pair of them over. It sure is fun rolling around on a squishy loveseat, Kodi thought to himself. Auriun started to imitate what Kodi had just been doing.

After both of their shirts were removed, Kodi started to rub his chest against Auriun's during their very deep kiss. Auriun started moaning as Kodi started to undo the zipper on his tented pants. Kodi pulled away from the kiss to move downward to hook Auriun's low-rise briefs and pants under his fuzzy nut sack. He took a deep breath of Auriun's strong male musk. He then licked the drop of pre-cum off of the cock standing out proud in front of him. This attracted an even louder moan out of Auriun, who was enjoying this new Kodi very much. Kodi quickly dove onto Auriun's cock and began bobbing up and down, twisting, and lolling his tongue on it. He began playing with Auriun's knot with his left hand and fondled the fuzzy nut sack with his right.

Auriun was having the best blowjob he'd ever experienced from someone he'd known for the past nine years. Later that night, he wondered why this hadn't already happened.

Kodi was performing in Auriun's crotch better than he had ever performed on the soccer field, and he could tell from the moans coming from Auriun that he was about to receive a mouthful of wolfy seed. After several minutes of pure pleasure, Auriun moaned, "Kodi... hmf... I'm gonna..."

Kodi's response to this was, "Mm-hmm." And he started bobbing, twisting, lolling, and fondling faster until he received a warm and salty surprise filling his mouth. He simply let all of Auriun's cum flow into his mouth, and then he sat up. Kodi didn't swallow. This was Kodi's first load, and he wanted it to last. He began to roll it around his mouth with his tongue and swish it all around to get the wonderful taste all around his mouth.

Auriun lay there, sinking into his orgasm. He felt something warm touch his tail hole, and when he opened his eyes and looked up, he saw that Kodi was preparing to mount him with a smile plastered onto his face. Auriun simply smiled back, spread his legs wider, and put his hands out, pulling Kodi closer to him.

"Go ahead," Auriun said, a look of love in his smile.

Kodi pushed in the first inch of his length into Auriun's tail hole. Pain struck Auriun's face for a split second, making Kodi say "Are you ok?"

"Yeah... It feels good... Keep going."

Kodi pushed in further very slowly until he was hilted inside Auriun. He pulled out to the last inch and pushed back in and started pumping his cock into Auriun's tail hole, watching the look of pain vanish from his face and turn into a look of pure pleasure. Kodi continued pumping in and out of Auriun for five minutes, until he finally grunted out his final words of the evening.

"Auriun... I'm gonna finish... hrf..."

"Oh yeah... tie us together... plant your seed..."

With a final thrust, Kodi unloaded his cum into Auriun's tail hole and thrust his knot into the pink pucker, tieing them together. Kodi collapsed onto Auriun. He propped himself up on his elbows and sunk a deep kiss onto Auriun's lips, and then he fell asleep with his new love in his arms.

Ariun pulled Kodi close and said, "Kodi... please... never leave..."

"Don't worry. I'm Here to Stay."

... First story... blah.. blah.. blah.

Tell me what to do different and stuff.