All In The Family: Daughter's Consolation

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The sound of the door closing made FD lick his lips a little bit and his eyes went back to the bed where his son and wife lay. His tail lashed back and forth as he moved his hand down to play along the tip of his cock and spread the syrupy precum along his girth and trailed all the way down towards the base of his shaft before moving upwards again. With a shiver he forced himself to stand up and flicked his tail behind him as he watched Ropes' eyes widen a little bit and his son lifted his head to peer at him with a slightly confused look. The drake grinned at him as he slipped out of the darkened room and towards the door. He paused only long enough to grab his robe from the back of the door and slipped it on over his obvious arousal and the mess that glistened against his belly scales.

I wonder if she'll struggle or simply give into the urge.. He drew in a shivering breath and heard Ropes whimper behind him as the bed creaked. His lips quirked up in a grin.

Trust any son of his to find his second wind so swiftly. That would keep them entertained at least. His tail lashed back and forth wildly as he padded into the hall and tilted his head down to see a glimpse of pale tan and the flick of a white spotted ear. His lovely Helena, his beautiful little girl, so like her mother in so many ways..

~ ~ * ~ ~

Helena tossed her bag onto the couch and fought the urge to kick the offending furniture. Her tail tip lashed back and forth restlessly as she crossed her arms up and over the top set of her breasts as she looked at the TV that was still on some inane show. She'd been a little surprised to see the downstairs deserted so early in the day, but at least the door had been still unlocked so she could get in. She could hear movement upstairs and assumed that her parents were still awake, which was just as well since she had several things to tell them about. Especially about her damned brother and the trouble that he had caused. It wasn't even minor trouble either, it had ruined her carefully made plans for the weekend as well as her best friends.

Hiss had agreed to come with them and had seemed relatively excited about it, though more distracted then she was used to seeing him. She'd told him about one particularly sweet puma that he had a crush on that would be showing up later during the weekend and he'd barely perked up at it. Instead he'd packed with such haste that she'd been forced the take over for him to make sure he didn't spend the entire time borrowing other people's supplies. And he'd been even worse when leaving, he'd pretended none of them existed. She and her friend had sat in the back seat as he drove and he'd barely said two words, he just kept checking his cell phone as if waiting for a message. And then...

Damn him! It's not like I needed him to drive! _ She flopped back on the back of the couch and ran a paw over her smooth fur. _He could have just said he didn't want to go.

_ _

He'd dropped her and Leesa off at the cabin, alright, and bolted the moment he got there leaving them without two of their bags and no way to check in since her purse was in the car. He hadn't even answered his phone when he'd called her. He'd seemed as though he'd gone selectively deaf the moment he'd pulled out of the drive. She could only assume that he'd used her as an excuse to bypass their rather lenient parents to do something he'd been forbidden. Though, what that would be she had no idea. Ropes and FD were a pair of the mildest parents she'd ever met, and they tended to be alright when they left as long as they had a good idea on when they'd return.

They didn't even mind that Helena had every intention of spending her weekend with a rather attractive orca that had caught her eye. The big male had been idly dating her for a while and had finally hinted they should find someplace to be alone to do more than just kiss and touch. She'd spent all weekend thinking about the many things they would do together, preferably naked. Her mother had only cautioned her to be safe and use protection, though the demonic feline had a small indulgent smile as she spoke. It wasn't like her mother had always been older and married.

"Love, what on earth are you doing back.." The sound of her father's voice brought her head up as the drake peered down at her from over the railing of the stairs. "We thought you'd be gone for the weekend."

"Hiss took off on us. He took the car, my purse is in the car and we left two bags in there. He barely gave us time to get out so we couldn't even check in." Helena growled her frustration and snapped her tail as her sire came down the stairs and frowned.

"That doesn't sound like him." He glanced down at her one meager bag and back to her. "Are you sure he didn't just go to park the car?"

"No, Leesa had to call her parents to come pick us up. It was embarrassing." She snapped and kicked the edge of the couch again just to try and make herself feel better.

FD tilted his head slightly and she dropped down in the chair with a grumble as he didn't seem the least bit moved to anger. He looked more bemused as he stared at her and she flushed a little bit as a particular scent that she picked up from him. Her parents had been open about sex since she'd come of age, Ropes had always believed in being honest and open instead of hiding it away. She knew enough about it to know the sharp sweet scent that was coming from the gold and crimson scaled drake had come from his arousal. There was even the faint sweet scent of female on him which made her squirm a bit more against the cushions. That meant she'd likely interrupted her father and mother enjoying a rare moment in the house alone.

Her cheeks flushed a bit more hotly as she imagined why her mother wasn't coming down as well. She licked her lips and turned her head to one side as she kept her eyes away from her father in the dark burgundy robe that he favored. The scent was a confusing scent, and it was mingled with the handsome image of her draconic father with his proudly marked head and the toned body that still made most of her friends giggle nervously when they saw him. He was older, but he hadn't gone to seed like other adults, he kept fit and it showed. Especially with a robe that partially showed the brilliant gold of his chest scales. She bit her lower lip and fought the strangely primal reactions to the scents and sights as she had a hundred times before.

"I'm sorry, my dear." FD dropped his hands to either side of the chair and went down to one knee to be more on a level with her. "How terribly disappointing for your weekend. I'm going to have to have a talk with him when I see him next."

"Yeah... I'll probably just go to bed." She mumbled and couldn't keep the heat from her cheeks. "No use staying up and being pissed."

Normally it wasn't so bad having her father near. His hands rested on the arms of the chair she was settled in and he was barely touching the edges of her elbows with his fingers. She was entirely aware of the warm strength of his body near her and her heart skipped a beat as she swallowed nervously. The past week of getting herself built up for what she had expected to be a grand climax had left her nerves rattled and the warm aroused scent of him that continued to linger made her breath catch in her throat as he leaned forward. His hands came up as if he were going to hug her as he always had when she'd been little. A paternal hug to take away her disappointment.

The hands slipped against her shoulders and pulled her forward so she was pulled up close to his body and against the velvety feel of his bath robes. His hands moved downwards and caressed down along the curve of her hips before kneading gently along them with the thumbs trailing upwards. He didn't try to hug her tightly, but let his lips brush against her cheek as she nestled in close. The safety in his arms was absolute and let her relax as she tried to forget her anger and upset about her weekend. He'd always helped make her bad days better. Except.. this time his muzzle dropped and licked lightly along the curve of her neck as his fingers trailed along either side of her hips and towards her back.

"There's no need to go to bed angry.." He murmured softly and she tensed up a little bit as the fingers trailed from her hips all the way towards her knees. "Not when I can make your night a little bitter."

"... D-daddy.." She stammered and swallowed nervously as the teeth teased a touch lower and his breath spilled teasingly against her.

The drake leaned back and trailed his fingers upwards to slip right along the edge of the t-shirt she was wearing and his muzzle tilted down with a grin as she felt his claws teasing the edges of her shirt. It wasn't a paternal look. It was filled with heat as he crouched down and lowered his muzzle to lightly rub right along her upper breasts.

"Ahh, your mother let me know you had plans this weekend.." He purred out softly and she flushed even more at that seemingly innocent comment. "And I think you shouldn't go without. So let Daddy help..."

His fingers hooked against her shirt and he dropped down to his knees as she watched in shock as he lifted her shirt up. She didn't know what to do or how to respond. Her heart started to beat faster as he pulled it high enough he could drop his muzzle down and run his tongue in a caressing stroke right around the curve of her belly button. It sent a rush of heat through her that she couldn't stop. She knew she should pull away and stop him, but at the same breath the scent of him, the sight of his handsome form roused a forbidden pleasure in her as his tongue flicked up higher and he peeled her shirt up far enough that she had to raise her arms so he could peel it off her shaking body.

He bared her two pairs of breasts and let out a prum of eagerness before his nose dropped down and his agile lips caught one of her nipples. The heat of his tongue flicked upwards and caressed right over the sensitive nub while she arched her back and let out a soft whimper. She pressed back against the chair as she felt his fingers sliding along the breasts under the first pair and his fingers cupped right up against them. He squeezed gently and dimpled in the warm softness while her nipples were pressed down against his palm. His teeth nibbled lightly and caught along the tip of the nipple before his tongue caressed in slow sweet circles that left her trembling.

His hands gave a gentle stroke beneath the curve of her breasts and slipped downwards to glide along her belly as she moved her hands hesitantly to the firm curve of his shoulders. She'd never felt like this with any of her dates, she'd never felt the sudden, almost painful, rush of need that made her stomach tense up. She wriggled against the chair and finally let out a weak cry as his fingers caught against her pants. It was echoed with a throatier female cry from somewhere else in the house. She blinked a little bit and tried to figure out where the noise had came from, but her father had other plans. A deft twitch of his fingers tugged her tight jeans open and his broad hand slipped down to cup her mound through her panties.

"Daddy!" She jerked slightly as his fingers kneaded lightly, "Th-this isn't right.."

"It isn't?" The drake tilted his head to one side and shifted on his knees so she could see that the robe had started to loosen. "I will stop if you wish me to, Helena." His fingers gave a curling stroke inwards that wedged the silk of her panties just between her folds until he was brushing along her sensitive clit.

"I..." She stammered a little bit while she let out a whimpering moan as the fingers kneaded right along her sensitive clit. "N-no don't stop, Daddy..."

"My good little girl." He rumbled and licked along the edges of his muzzle. "That's what Daddy wanted to hear."

His hands slipped along her folds and she wriggled as he firmly gripped the tops of her tight jeans and pulled her forward. Her rump slipped over the edge of the chair as he peeled the denim down over her scaled hips. Her breath came faster and harder as it slipped down right over the curve of her rump cheeks and her panties went with it. Part of her was screaming that this was her father, the man who had raised her, but the rest of her body was suddenly warm, over heated, her heart pounding and eager as he exposed her soft folds. The soft lips were gleaming wetly as he let the material fall down towards the ground and his muzzle nuzzled between her breasts before licking downwards.

His breath was warm and teased her fur as she moved her paws down to grip his shoulders. The drake rumbled and gave an odd wriggle as his hands dropped away. The thick material of his rope slipped away until it hung open over his chest and the warm scent of him grew a bit sweeter on the air. She let out a soft noise in her throat as the robe soon only hung in place because of the paws she rested on his shoulders. He moved his paws back up to grip her hips and dropped his nose another inch so that his tongue danced downwards and fluttered slightly. She opened her mouth as he trailed towards her thighs and nearly told him to stop. Nearly let doubt rule her instead of desire, but his seeking tongue dropped down swift and eager and the words fell away.

The cougar cried out sharply and arched backwards as the tongue flicked right between her vulnerable folds and pushed them open. The tongue tip flicked upwards slowly to trail right along the swollen nub of her clit as she moved her legs up to curl along the curve of his shoulders. The drake let out a low growl that vibrated through her as his tongue gave a coiling twist and caressed in slow teasing circles. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a soft moan as the tongue slipped lower and suddenly started to caress right along her opening in slow powerful strokes. Deliberately curling and gathering up the sweet arousal on the tip of his tongue as his legs shifted beneath him and he had to arch his neck to maintain his position.

He didn't touch her like the boys she had dated had, with half fumbling attempts to please her. He knew what he was doing and he used his tongue with confidence to stroke and caress places that sent shivers down her spine. She finally had to move her hands back to grip the back of the chair as he flickered his tongue back up to her clit and teased around it so that she bit her lower lip and dug her nails into the cloth of the couch. Her breath came in short hard pants, barely able to hear the noise of a male snarling somewhere else in the house. All she knew was the sudden hot flush of need that ran through her and consumed her. She wanted nothing else then to feel him push her over the edge as his tongue flicked up and ended by slipping over the bridge of his own muzzle.

"My little girl.." He growled the endearment with a heat she'd never imagined she'd hear from him and it made her shiver.

His hands moved up to grip her ankles and forced them higher up while she watched his agile tongue dancing over his muzzle. The nostrils flared a little bit as she was pushed back against the back of the chair. The fingers teased along her ankles and forced her legs up so her knees were bent up all the way to her chest. FD rumbled low in his throat as he loomed over her and released her ankles so they dropped down over his shoulders so she couldn't lower them. His hands moved down to cup either side of her hips and pulled her up just a touch. Helena trembled slightly as she tried to get in a solid breath, she was lost in a hot rush of anticipation. She wanted this, she wanted it badly enough that her body was almost aching with need.

When she glanced down the line of his body, she was able to see the shaft that jutted up proudly from her sire's loins. The ridges ran along the underside of the dark black shaft and trailed all the way down to the bulge at the base. The tip drooled out a clear dribble of precum that rolled downwards and traced along the ridges. Her breath came in short pants as he rolled his hips forward so she watched him slipping forward steadily. The soft white fur along her inner thighs was soon marked with the syrupy wetness as the tip edged towards the soft outer lips. His back arched as he rubbed his glans up and down along her folds gently, gathering up her own wetness with each planned movement.

Helena sucked in a breath and opened her mouth to say something, anything, but the words died on her lips. The powerful drake rolled his hips forward and she cried out as the cock tip spread her lips open and the grip on her hips became a bit more firm. She curled her legs over her father's shoulders as inch by inch the thickened spire pushed into her body. Her inner walls were spread open wider and wider while she bit her lower lip and tried to brace herself as best that she could. His pants came in short hot puffs before FD groaned out and gave a rough buck of his hips. She let out a cry as the ridges plunged into her slickened eager body, her silken walls squeezed down tightly around him and clutched from the base all the way to the tip.

A hot viscous dribble of precum oozed out of the tip and spilled into her body as he drew his hips backwards a few inches so the ridges popped out with lewd wet noises. She barely had time to brace herself before he plunged forward again, a powerful stroke that forced her to strain around him almost too tightly. She'd never been with an adult, only her boyfriends who were still relatively young. The drake was large and knew exactly how to angle his hips so the plunging ridges tugged and caressed over spots inside of her that drew a short cry out of her throat. She moved her hands up to press against his chest and curled them downwards slightly as he growled down at her and ducked his head lower.

The heat of his tongue caught right against her nipple as the drake coiled the slippery appendage around it and his teeth tugged along the edges. He drew it into his maw eagerly and worked his lips so her nipple was entirely treated to the hot slippery touch. The fingers on her hips gripped her as he drove in again, hard enough that the base of his cock nearly shoved against her soft outer folds. Something hot and slippery oozed inside of her unprotected body. She let out a whimper as the tip drove the slickness deeper inside of her as the ridges tugged and pulled back out again. The large scaled body loomed over her as the drake cupped his tongue right beneath her nipple and gave it a teasing suckle.

"C-condom, Daddy... we should.. have one.." Helena got the words out just as he slammed forward again and the tip of his knot shoved right up outer lips. More slippery precum oozed out of the tip and coated her inner passage as he let out a low throaty laugh.

"No we shouldn't... I'm not one of your boyfriends..nnf.. who has been god knows where.." The drake drawled out and rolled his hips forward and the swollen base rubbed right up against her sensitive clit.

"B-but..." She tried to get a protest working, but he pulled backwards slowly and steadily that pulled the glans nearly past her lips.

She was barely able to brace herself before he drove forward again and his growl came out sharp and snapping. She was rocked back against the chair as the scaled hips clapped up against her and the knot pushed up had against her outer folds. Her silken passage clenched down and suckled hotly around the ridged shaft as he drew backwards a few inches and then pushed forward again. Some of the slippery precum oozed out of her passage around the swollen cock, mingled liberally with her own growing arousal. She lost any thoughts of protesting the fact they didn't have a condom and his cock was forcing the virile precum ever deeper inside of her. All that mattered was the rush of pleasure that was building inside of him.

The fingers clutched against her hips as her father's weight pressed down hard to pin her in place while he started to draw back and plunge forward in short hard thrusts. They rocked her body as the talons gripped a bit firmly against the soft thick fur of her hips and the spread sheath was soon shoving right up against her outer lips. The knot pressed inwards and her body was forced to strain open around him as she jerked backwards and let out a high pitched cry. Wider and wider he forced her to strain open around him until she thought she couldn't take another inch of his girth. The grip on her hips shifted and she was pulled back until the knot sank inside of her with a slippery sound of precum being forced out around it.

Her back arched upwards from the couch and she let out a ragged cry. Her muscles clamped down around him only to have her father dragging his hips back so the knot pulled free of her aching folds before instantly driving forward again. His thrusts shortened until it was only his knot pulling out and pushing into her. Her legs tensed up over his shoulders and she tried to arch her back as he let out a baritone rumble and pressed his weight a bit more firmly against her. The familiar scent of her father was mixed the scent of arousal and sex on the air as he expertly used his knot to rub and grind against her clit over and over again. The firm rubbing thrusts left her writhing and bucking under him as she was pushed closer and closer to the edge.

FD curled his lips back and let out a rumbling growl before plunging forward so the knot spread her wide, too wide. The ridges were growing more pronounced as the heavy cock started to swell inside of her. She squeezed her eyes shut as she was pushed past the point of pleasure. Her inner walls started to milk and squeeze around her father's shaft as the ridges caressed in short hard strokes as he kept trying to thrust, despite the fact the base was swelling wider and wider, forcing her to stretch and locking him in place within her unprotected body. Her walls helped him and squeezed the cock tightly in pulses that were timed with the pounding of her heart.

Her father gave a sudden rock forward and the swollen tip shoved right against the barrier of her cervix before he gave a final jerking thrust. She couldn't do anything but writhe under his weight as the first hot syrupy rush of his cum erupted out of his tip. The thick splash hit against her cervix as she twisted and squirmed under him. The virile seed pushed deep inside of her as his trembling hips gave a series of slow rolling thrusts. The fingers slipped up along the curve of her ass cheeks and gave them a playful squeeze as she was left shaking beneath him. The virile seed plunged deep inside of her unprotected body with each and every throb of the onyx black shaft.

"D..daddy..." She whimpered softly and his muzzle lifted up and brushed right along the curve of her muzzle.

"A lovely way to make up for your spoiled trip.." FD rumbled and ran his fingers upwards along either side of her furred sides. A gentle caress that trailed up to the lower set of her breasts.

"I.. yes..." She blushed hotly as she felt the swollen base throbbing within her passage.

The drake let out a low rumble and slowly rolled his hips forward, pushing his tip just a touch deeper so the thick seed spilled into her. There was no hope of escaping it, not when the knot helped lock it all in place. She could only hope that she wasn't in season and that she could find a way to explain it to her mother one way or another.

From upstairs the soft noises that had been in the background started to grow louder. She'd heard them while she and father had been busy, but she hadn't been paying attention. The unmistakable sound of her brother could be heard, but, more importantly, she heard the short cries of her mother rapidly growing in pitch. Her ears flicked back on her head and a blush rose up to her cheeks as her father deliberately rolled his hips down against her and stirred the thick obsidian shaft within her passage.

"Perhaps we should see how they are getting along with each other hmm?" He growled out softly and ran his fingers upwards to brush over her nipples so she wriggled.

"Yes, daddy...' she flushed hotly, and wondered just what had been happening while he'd been making her way back home.

_ _