Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's. Chapter Three.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Doggie Do's and Doggie Dont's Chapter Three By Roofles

Tom woke up still groggy and half asleep, freezing his balls off. It had to be at least sixty five degree's outside. And inside was just as bad, if not worse. Even in pants and a tight shirt he felt the chill of the morning air nipping at his flesh. Tired as he was Tom just laid across the couch, kicking a leg up over the side as he laid out ignoring the cold due to his laziness brought on by just waking up.

A warm fuzzy arm brushed his face like a ray of fresh sunlight. It's fur was soft, thick and fluffy but most of all warm like a heated blanket, it radiated warmth. Tom curled his body around rubbing his face along that arm and resting with it draped along his chest. The fingers of the paw began to rub his shirt. The strong paw pads could easily be felt through the thin shirt Tom wore and the longer he lay there half twisted on the couch the more those fingers rubbed and probed at his chest. It was a nice massage he had to admit. The pleasent feel was beginning to coax him into slumbers grasp once more.

Axon eyes opened heavily his fingers working on their own accord. He only noticed Tom had slid closer to where he had laid after the scent of lavender and honey sickle woke him from his sleep. A lovely scent that was beginning to become his favorite. Most of the dogs conditioners and shampoo's were unscented however for his sensitive nose couldn't take it. Axon moved forward curling his arm around the half asleep man on his couch wanting nothing more than to crawl up and around him and snuggle up from behind. His muzzle rested just behind his head. His other paw drifted from the floor, to the couch, to Tom's back unsure of where to put it.

The saint bernard just rested, rather uncomfortable, partially on the couch the rest of his bulk splayed out across the floor. The side table was digging into his side and the egg shape chair he picked up at a flea market was causing his leg to cramp. Axon didn't move however.

The side of his muzzle nuzzled the side of Tom's head; Axon's other paw ran down his spine and back up with only the middle digit. Axon continued to rub his chest but as Tom wiggled closer he brought the paw down to his stomach. Rubbing it slowly around in semi circles before dipping it down and underneath to feel the bare flesh against his fingers. The man shivered at his touch but didn't shy away. In fact Tom ended up moving closer and Axon found himself giving the man a rather awkward hug, his muzzle resting on top of his shoulder.

Tom stirred as a paw drifted a little too close to his waist line. "Axon?" He mumbled, yawning loudly propping himself up on his arm. He looked over at the dog who had quickly pulled back his ears folding back guiltily.

"Mornin'." Axon said pulling back further and sitting up.

"Yeah." Tom grunted blinking a few times. "Were you cuddling me?"

Axon raised his paws up defensively. "In my defense you started it."

"Oh." Tom blinked a few times. "Ok then." He nodded as if that was indeed a reasonable explination for it. And Tom just laid back down on the dog's large arm that had mostly withdrawn. "Hm...why are you naked?" Tom asked in a mumbling voice enjoying his fluffy pillow.

Axon looked down at himself, blushing under the dark fur on his face and wondering why Tom had looked in the first place. The blush was hidden under his fur but a tell tale sign however was the inside of his ears. The grew a faint pinker; however the way they folded back and his face became downcast was in itself a tell tale sign. While some features were hidden underneath that fur the dog's expression showed through loud and clear even when he tried his best to hide them.

"Last night." He mumbled remember how he had taken his boxer's off to water the fire hydrant.

"You saw me asleep got so worked up you just couldn't contain yourself?" Tom said with closed eyes curling up on the couch as he spoke. He stretched rolling onto his back and yawned loudly. Axon wasn't sure why he leaned his face into. He licked his nose afterwards thinking how stupid he was to doing so.

Tom opened his eyes slowly looking at him then back the ceiling still half asleep. "My face isn't sticky and I'm still wearing my cloths. I think it's ok for you to be naked." He laughed sitting up slowly and rocking his neck from side to feeling the stiffness in it caused by sleeping as he had.

"Well I can change that if you like." Axon offered casually. Tom weighed the pros and cons of it before shaking his head.

"If I got a litter of puppies my sister would never talk to me again." He laughed, Axon noting how he said sister rather than relatives or family.

"They'd be so cute though." Axon joined in, lowering a paw down to cover himself as he turned around. Although his front was hidden his flagged tail showed off his ass , something Axon hadn't really thought about and maybe subconsciously wanted to do. He took a seat on the far side of the couch keeping both paws over his groin.

"A bunch of fluff balls running around might be a small problem. They don't allow dogs at my apartment." Tom said with a loud yawn. He laid his head back, jumping up a bit realizing the dog had taken a seat where his head had previously been; his head nearly landing in said dog's covered groin. Tom laughed a bit sitting up, still with his legs dangling over the side and groggy as if having just one to many jello shots.

"Funny." Axon said having braced himself as Tom nearly rested in his lap and disappointed that he didn't. Axon felt conflicted over it. Wanting it at the same time fearing that he'd get it. Being naked wasn't helping his nerves either.

Axon shifted in his seat as Tom got up excusing himself for the moment to use the "big dog's room." The saint bernard watched him go. The second the door shut Axon was on his feet about to run down to his room and slip whatever boxers he could on. The dog stopped however still covering his groin. Tom had said it was ok that he was naked. James never seemed to mind, hell the two dogs always walked around naked or in just their boxers when they hung out indoors. Tom was just another friend that he could do that with. Yet if he were to make that threshhold Axon felt that he would never be able to cross the friendship line if it were indeed drawn on the ground.

So very timidly with a tuck tail, Axon took a sit back on the couch keeping his groin covered. "C-could you grab my boxers for me?" He said loudly so Tom could hear him. He was sure it was still there on the bathroom floor.

And with a flush, the sound of the sink followed by the door unlocking Tom came out with the boxers in hand. He tossed it over at the dog who pulled back, falling off the couch onto his ass with his legs splayed out, an arm behind him the other waving an accusing finger at him. "Get your dity underwear away from me."

"We've been over this," Tom mused resting on the back of the couch now and looking down at the dog spread eagle on the floor. "These are yours. Although I think they're used." Tom said pointing down at the cushion where the garment had fallen. He looked away though not wanting to stare at the naked dog who only seemed to remember the fact that he was.

Axon quickly covered himself with a paw grabbing for the garments. He brought them to his nose before snifing them suspiciously before eyeing Tom. "These are yours, aren't they?"

"If they were they wouldn't fit you." Tom said turning his back on him now and resting back. "Then again if they were mine, would you still wear them?" He laughed crossing his arms still cold and shivering.

Axon eyed him. Resniffed the garment. Before standing up slowly and clumsily stepping a leg into each one almost falling over as he did so. Axon pulled them up slowly waiting for Tom's next move but the man just waited, shivering making the dog feel bad. So he pulled them up, adjusted the waistband that had twisted inward on itself before crawling up onto the couch on his knees. He wrapped his heavy arms around the man and pulled him back roughly, catching him off guard.

Tom fell back against the furred body with his legs up and over the back of the couch. The fur ran over his arms and back, over his chest as he was hugged tightly with those burly arms and cushioned by the thick tree trunk like legs like a particularlly large, fluffy blanket. Tom was about to say something until he felt the warmth wrap around him just as the dog had. He could hear the heavy, labored breath of the dog and if he closed his eyes the steady heart beat pounding behind his head like a steady beat drum.

"Sorry about that," Axon apologized for something else. Not even seeming to think grabbed him, pulling him back over a couch and bear crushingly hug him was a problem. "I never keep the heat on. There's kind of no point." He laughed and the sound vibrated in his chest.

"Well thankfully I have a dog blanket to keep me warm." Tom said far softer than he meant to. A slight flush had filled his cheeks and he was enjoying this far more than he'd ever admit. The arms were strong and held him securely in place. Tom doubted that if he tried to move he could but at the same time was sure the dog would let him go. Pretty sure anyways.

The leg's squeezed his sides, his arms his chest and a large head came down to nuzzle the side of his face. "Yesh, we doggies are good blankets." He chuckled. "You...don't mind this do you?" Axon finally asked not wanting to but feeling guilty afterwards.

"Let's just say I'd freeze to death otherwise?" Tom laughed rubbing his back against the dog's chest. He got another tight squeeze in return and an affectionate lick which made the man blush even more.

"Well if that's the case I'm going to sneak into your apartment late at night, turn off the heat and join you in bed. For your own health of course." Axon grunted feeling himself get a little too comfortable in this position.

"So you endanger my health? To save my health?" Tom thought it over as his eyes closed trying not to think of the situation he was in too much, read anything of it and just enjoy it while it last. The dog had a musky scent that helped him relax, not pay attention to it and in the overall the pro's outwayed the con.

Axon felt the butterflies dance in his stomach, couldn't help the grin on his face and the pounding of his heart as he held him. It was an act he had done countless times with James but it was just somehow better. He wasn't sure why though. Maybe it was the lack of fur he could feel slipping his fingers under his shirt to rub his stomach. Wanting nothing more than to strip him of every garment and rub himself against that bare naked body. Maybe it was the smell coming from him. A mild thing that was probably dismissed by the man in his arms but with his sensitive nose he couldn't miss it. It was very...good. The only word that came to the dog's mind.

The next hour seemed to pass quickly. Axon was unsure how long he held the man but it was too soon when Tom finally said he had to go. It was far later in the day than either had planned spending most the night watching the movies. Tom claimed he had other plans that day and Axon felt stupid for even thinking he was lieing with that soft, gentle face of his. Axon just didn't want to admit to himself the fear and doubt inside still wanting nothing more than to lock his around the man and shove his tongue down his throat. Very classy he had to admit though.

Axon waved the man off from his doorstep still in nothing but the fur he was born with. He had tried to make several plans with Tom but he seemed to be busy tomorrow and the next couple of days. And Axon himself had plans helping out at the facility he worked at; covering for a coworker he just wanted to keep on good terms with.

Shutting the door Axon rested back against it with a low groan in his chest. He slid down landing on the floor with a loud thump. He thought over the last several hours. Replaying them in his head thinking if he could have done anything differently. Something he could've done to make the man realize that he was worth the effort. Worth the trouble. Worth being with. He could offer so much that others couldn't. Something real.

Tom seemed so jaded however. Not in an offensive way but Axon felt if he had just pulled his pants down and jumped ontop of him the man would just shrug and go with it. No dismay or comfort while at the same time just putting up with it. The dog didn't want that. To just be "put up with" like some unwanted child. He wanted, needed more than that.

Axon closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. His tail slowly began to wag, slapping against the floor like an arm. Just thinking of Tom made him feel happy. Good about himself. And about him. Like some kind of childhood crush. And it was on that note he got up and planned on taking an extra long shower...

Later that night...

"One more rep. I know you can do it. Come on. Seven. Eight. Nine. And... Ten! Good job!" The hyena said letting go of Tom's ankles as the man sat up panting heavily, sweat dripping down his face as if he had just come in from a rainstorm. "Great job," the brown striped hyena said placing a large paw on his shoulder giving him a congradulating shake.

"Give me five, would ya?" Tom smiled at the hyena, the hyena's snout practically in his face.

Reggie nodded but kept a paw on his shoulder a bit longer than Tom felt comfortable with. The hyena was in good shape. Lean but muscular thighs and arms bulging from every angle, his chest was well define but he still had the genetical hyena gut that was barely contained in the skin tight dark gray shirt he wore. It only helped show off what Tom already knew was underneath it.

Reggie had asked him out after the third day of the physical therapy. Even working there it was ok for him to date a patient, it was just heavily frowned on. Tom turned him down not wanting to complicate his treatment any further than it needed to be. That was just the type of guy Tom was. No conflict and no drama. Turn the other cheek, just forgive and forget.

The hyena had taken it on himself to be his trainer afterwards as as way to "show that there was no hard feelings." It was clear to Tom the hidden agenda in the matter. He put up with it but at times the grabbing or slapping of his ass did get to him.

"I'll grab you one of the drinks." Reggie said finally letting go and getting back up. He jogged over waving at one of the other patiants who was relearning how to walk. "Looking good Jim, keep it up! Your making great progress." The hyena was always positive about everything, always jogging everywhere, eating healthy and have the whole healthy body equal healthy life style that showed in his own everyday life.

Tom liked that quality. But at the same time hated it. Sometimes things were "awesome" or "great." Sometimes things were just shitty...

The man got up and walked over to the bench. Every wall had a mirror on it making even him feel a bit self conscious about himself. Just how he walked, his facial expression and the slight gut he was getting. He was sure Reggie was helping him with everything but how to loose a gut. Tom did feel good about himself though catching himself in one of the full body mirrors. You were suppose to work out in front of it to correct your form and to "appreciate yourself" as Reggie always said.

Tom was sure he could stab the hyena with a knife and have him apologize for running into it. And ask if he was ok. Tom wondered if he was Canadian or something.

He took a seat and placed his head between his legs still breathing heavily. His heart was beating fast and with every beat a slight sting came with it. Tom prefered to ignore things rather than just except them. It was easier that way he thought as he held his chest trying to even his breathing out.

"You alright?" Reggie asked jogging back over. He jogged everywhere. And when he wasn't jogging somewhere he was jogging in place. It was like he was rubbing it in your face that he was healthy and fit. Always in a good mood with the cup half full philosiphy made it really just seem like he was rubbing it in. And at the same time it made you feel horrible for even thinking that such a happy person could in fact be generally happy and good hearted. "Here. I got your favorite." He said sitting down next to Tom and opening the bottle up before giving it to him.

Tom didn't ever say it was his favorite. Just always prefered drinking it over the other ones as the rest tastes like stale bread. The health drink was a natural energy drink that really did help if you were able to chug it down that was. "Thanks." Tom said with a smile ignoring the paw on his shoulder and thigh as the hyena sat a little closer.

"How's the pain? On a scale of one to ten." Reggie asked his eyes full of concern and his grip tightening slightly.

"A three if that." Tom said breathing out heavily after drinking half the bottle. "Its like a small headache, in your chest." He laughed but coughed a bit afterwards. A paw rubbed his back afterwards.

"Well we're almost done. We just have one thing left to do but I got some plans I have to do here. You'll be getting another trainer to cover for me. I have to help my sister out with her kids. The babysitter canceled at the last moment so I volunteered. I love kids. They are so cute and such little stinkers." Reggie said overly energetic and although Tom was finishing his drink he was sure his tail was wagging. The hyena went on for the next couple of minutes until Tom said he was ready, a minute earlier than planned, to continue.

Next came cardio for half a half hour. Reggie was running beside him on his own treadmill at a higher incline and double the speed with energetic, assuring comments such as: "Your doing great!" "Keep it up." "Let's do the next speed, I know you can do it." "You made good time last time lets go an extra ten minutes." And those comments were exactly why Tom wasn't about to date him. Everything else could be put aside but the fact of the matter was Tom was sure above all else that when it came to sex the hyena would use those same pep talks. "Let's kick it up a notch." "You did great last time lets go twice as long reverse style!" "Don't wear yourself out now. We still have to do it five more times!"

And Tom was thankful pulling the safety hook out of the machine so it slowed down to a stop as Reggie said he had to get going. The hyena sniffed under his arm with a laugh. Tom was sure he was flexing the whole time while he did it. "I think I need a shower. Next time you can join me." He winked, stuck his tongue out with a tone that clearly said he was joking as well as saying he wouldn't say no if Tom said yes. Several comments like that were always exchanged between the two since Tom had turned him down. A one sided exchange that was. Give a hyena an inch and he'd take a mile.

Tom shook his hand though and got a hug in return from the male, who didn't even seem to mind him sweating profusely. "This was great. You were great. I'll be looking forward to next time." Reggie said rubbing his paws on his arms. Tom blushed a bit thinking of those words as if they just had sex.

"Me too, Reggie. I'm glad I have you as a trainer." Tom said honestly although he figured the hyena would read more into it than there was.

Reggie perked up at his words waved him off as he jogged across the room giving compliments and assurance to everyone as he went. "My replacement will meet you in the court." Tom felt a bit guilty as he waved him off. That positive attitude of his did annoyed him a bit. But holding his chest for a few seconds he dismissed the thoughts as the pain vibrated through him with every heart beat. Life was good but it still sucked at times.

He let out a slow breath going back to the bench where the empty bottle was. He took a drink of it anyways getting the last remnants at the bottom, making a face afterwards at the nasty taste of it. He grabbed his towel and wiped his brow of sweat and tossed it over his shoulders heading in the direction of the court. The last thing he always did was finish up with a simple game of tennis. A fun active sport that he chose over the others available.

One was able to choose the work out available with help and guidance from their own personal trainer. While some exercise were manditory and others weren't available for all the patients most were. Able to fill up any free spot they had for the time alotted for them. The facility had a very relaxing vibe to it. And everything about it was trying to bring the quality along with it. From relaxing music to plant life all over the place. And the sound of water running without any clear or visible fountains. It only made Tom want to take a leak.

Tom slipped into the empty tennis court grabbing a racket from the side. He weighed it in one hand then the other as he made his way into the center of his side. The room was a bit compact with only the court and a small side walkway next to the door that was mostly taken up by equipment.

Tom looked himself over in the far sidewall mirror. It took up the whole wall and Tom was rather surprised it didn't have several cracks in it. Then again most people here could barely hit the ball, let alone with any force. It was more about cordination and getting to the ball. He was one of the few that probably could play a real game here. And on that note he felt a bit guilty as he had with Reggie. He'd have to apologize to the man...before he could do something to annoy him.

He was wearing only short white shorts and a tight white shirt with blue markings running up the side. A classic tennis uniform made from some fiber materials that helped the skin breath. It was fancy for the place that was only still around thanks to donations and care of the community. Most of the machines were donated and several of the stress balls were old and slightly deflated. It was only the care of the trainers that really kept this place up and going.

The door opened up behind him after ten minutes of waiting. Tom Had half a mind just to call it short this day. He still had four other times he had to do it this week.

"Sorry I'm late," the jack russell terrier said shutting the door and keeping his back to him. The dog's fur was a mess and he was quickly trying to smooth it down and fix his hair. Make sure his whiskers were straight and his bulge wasn't too noticeable in the short black shorts he was wearing. The blue markings on the side of his uniform was red rather than blue, the sign of a trainer.

The dog turned around with a smile his fur still looking ragged; he was one of the jack russell's with a rough-coat that always looked like it was sticking out in every angle. His face was extra fuzzy because of it. He had the brown mask markings on his face and ears with a full white body; except his left paw that was brown gloved. The dog had a smile on his face as he clapped his paws together looking at him with a wag of his tail.

"Tom Burnski." Tom said offering a hand as he walked over. The dog took it and in common fasion lifted it up to sniff. The jack russell almost offered his own paw though Tom had no inclination of sniffing it.

"Clyde G. Cowley." The dog said energetically. "I'm not family with your routine so if you can help me out that'd be most appreciative."

"I only have a small defect with my heart. Tachycardia is the only real issue that comes up and its mild. This is just more of a prevention." Tom said not adding the part where it was only delaying the inevitable. "Doctor's said I wouldn't live past my tenth birthday and yet here I am." He laughed a hollow laugh that for all apperances seemed real.

"Alright, sounds good. Sounds good." The dog nodded and said not having anything else to really input on the matter. "We'll go at your speed."

"Sounds good." Tom nodded giving him his racket and picking up another on. "Its a bit too heavy for my left side." Getting a smile from the dog.