A Digi-God's Wrath~

Story by soonico on SoFurry

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#2 of Merukimon <3

This story is done by my marvelous friend=http://www.furaffinity.net/user/animeloverchaos

And the art is done by me:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8073816/

A Digi-God's Wrath

A story for Soonico

By: AnimeLoverChaos

Just outside of our well known solar system, lies an undiscovered asteroid like planet that orbits around our solar system. On the small asteroid, lies many land masses, most of which are in the form of an archipelago, some were more distant from the other mounds, forming small islands that were spread out though the vast "oceans" of light blue water. One Island was larger than the others, and more inhabited by the furry-like life forms that inhabited the asteroid. The island was called an abomination by the other islanders throughout the miniature planet because of how they denied all use of technology upon their homeland. Technology was banned from the island because of how it sucked societies into financial corruption, hatred against one another and many wars were started over how advanced each of the colonies were. Many lives were lost within those wars; colonies were overrun by other power hungry fools who used their wallets before whatever sensibility that was left by the empty shell that was a brain.

The Village Island known as Territhal was a loving and caring colony of furs. However, every once in a while, the other power hungry colonies would make a foolish attempt to try and invade Territhal and claim the land as their own. But little do the invaders know, the land was once watched over by their God. A mega sized musky wolf that went by the name of Spencer, who would cast his godly wrath down upon the pathetic invaders and wipe them off of the face of the planet by involving his own pleasure into the punishment. The other colonies would later learn of Territhal's deity and eventually left it alone, until the day that the Musky Canine deity would pass on into the spirit realm due to natural events. The news spread widely throughout the entire planet that the Mega sized wolf that was protecting the island had passed, causing yet another war to commence within the seas surrounding Territhal.

The once calm and peaceful seas, that surrounded the loving island, were swiftly being invaded by many battleships from the other countries. Soldiers rained firepower upon one another from the "safety" within their metallic death traps. Time after time a few cannon shells misfired and hit the peaceful land its self. The villagers began to run within their makeshift huts and hide until the war in their seas came to a halt. One villager that went by the name of Merukimon ran to the mountain range that over looked the small village, where a statue of the past deity that over looked the land, watched down upon the village like he did before his passing. As Merukimon knelt down before the statue to say a prayer, he was visited by the spirit of Spencer, their deceased deity, who even in spirit was still dressed in his ceremonial loincloth, which was placed upon the statue. Even in spirit, the deity's musk was over whelming as the scent flowed into Merukimon's nostrils. The spirit dawned his patented sly grin as he leered down upon his former worshiper. "Rise for your master, my servant." Spencer chuckled out. As Merukimon stood up to gaze upon his spirit Deity, he watched as the spirit placed a finger upon his forehead, causing an icy shiver ran down his spine as the transparent finger gently touched his sweat ridden forehead. "Territhal needs a new god, my little one. I have chosen you to replace my duties. Watch over the village and protect your fellow villagers from the tyranny that lies over our gentle flowing waters. I bestow upon you all of my powers which you may use to your heart's desire, only If you vow to protect our worshipers." A flash of blinding white light shined from the tip of the spirits finger, and slowly casted around Merukimon's body, goose bumps shivered all over his body as he felt the power surge throughout his figure.

"Oh yes my lord, I do vow to watch over our worshipers. I cannot thank you enough for the pow-"Just as Merukimon looked up from his bow, the spirit was gone in an instant, the heavy scent of the former god's musk slowly fading away as Merukimon looked down at his apparel, which had changed from his ceremonial loincloth, to the loincloth that was warn formerly by Spencer himself!

Before he could say another word, his body raised high into the sky, his head breaking through clouds as he dawned a new height, his paws sank into the soft earthy soil as he grew higher and higher past the mountains, his shadow cast over the ocean, where the battle was commencing. The new deity gave off a sly grin as his loincloth began to bulge rapidly, creating a dampen spot of precum that coated the head of his member. With one massive step of his gigantic paw, he stomped down over the mountains and trudged onward towards the battle. The villagers came out of their huts in awe at the massive figure darting towards the battle, without a word, the peaceful village began to work once more, however they had begun to work up a feast for the massive figure when or if he got back..

Out within the sea, battleships were raging with warfare, sending cannon fire and an armada of bullets to each other's ships. The ocean in between the battle was being littered with ammunition, oil spills and bodies of the deceased soldiers as many hours passed by within the battle. One battleship's captain had his sights set on the peaceful land, his thoughts about conquering the massive land. Suddenly, his face went from a determined look to a look of pure horror. The other battleship captains and he watched in disbelief as a massive beast stomped over the hills and towards the ongoing battle. The ammunition stopped flying through the air as the soldiers eyed the titanic beast heading in their direction, his flowing green hair blew in the wind, along with his tan loincloth that barely covered the bulge he was carrying in-between his legs. Every stomp he took towards the water sent a shockwave throughout the entire land, the trees shook violently, some of them even toppling over like buildings during a violent earthquake.

Merukimon felt a deep grin grow upon his muzzle as he stomped into the water, feeling the cool refreshing liquid soak into his fur and splash against his legs, thus creating little waves that crashed into the battleships that could only stare in awe at the immense figure that trudged towards them. The massive giant placed his hands upon his firm hips as he belted out towards the little ships in front of him "Pathetic microbes! Far too long, your insolence has plagued these lands, polluting your air with your industries and businesses while your inhabitants beg and pleas for help but you only increase their pain. Such vile scum like you does not deserve to see the light of day! So you will pay for making my people suffer!"

Before any of the ships could even retaliate, the massive, dark blue skinned being took in a deep breath of air, his cheeks puffed out as he took in the oxygen, his eyes slowly widened as he exhaled towards the battleships. However he did not just exhale, he exhaled a steady stream of intensifying fire that washed over the armada of ships before him. The Soldiers that were out on deck of each ship were first hit by the unforgiving blaze of flames, they screamed out in pain and agony as their fur was set ablaze, as if their bodies were coated in gasoline. Then their skin boiled uncontrollably, as if they were a pot of water left on an open flame, bubbling until the water evaporated into steam that merely evaporated within seconds. Their skin deteriorated, along with their flesh and bones, only to remain a burning pile of ashes upon the deck.

The giant took in a deep breath of air once his flames ceased, his sight was set upon the mass of melted ships that now polluted Territhal's waters. He raised one of his drenched footpaws over the wreckage and slammed it upon the remains of the mechanisms of war, the shells crumbled under the immense weight of the Digimon's sole and sank down to the sea floor, only to rust away within the length of time.

With a smug, toothy grin upon his muzzle, Merukimon stomped his way back towards his village, his massive dark paws creating prints upon the earthy soil, the coolness of the ground he walked upon seeped all throughout both of his destructive paws. The ground shook intensely with every step he took until his shadow loomed over the small village, the micros within their safe society watched their god loom over their heads as they immediately fell to their knees and bowed to their new overlord.

"Hello my little bugs, I have crushed our beautiful land's enemies that littered our peacefully calm waters. Their battle ships and corpses are now pestering the sea life upon our oceans floor, only to be forgotten within time. I dare those corrupt countries to try and attack our peaceful land again!" The villagers below him cheered happily for their new deity, knowing that they would be safe for here on out...

"Now my little ones, your god's stomach is craving a hefty meal! Bring it to me at once!" Merukimon slowly sat down around the village, the ground buckled and cracked from his immense weight; as he knelt down to take his seat, the shadow of his massive rump blanketed over a small hut that housed a couple of worshipers who had no idea their god was looming over their house. Once Merukimon's massive rear came in contact with the weak material of the hut, the small structure crumbled under the immense weight of the giant, the micros trapped within the hut could only let out a short scream before their fates were met by the massive rump of their deity. Their bodies exploded in a red gooey paste under their god, Merukimon felt his shaft start to grow hard from the immense pleasure he was feeling, his erection stood out from his loincloth, precum began to flow out of his shaft like a small, clear and lewd river of pleasure. The river flowed through the center of the village, catching a few unfortunate villagers within the sticky and slightly odorized water, they could only try to swim within the thick, clear precum as they were carried away from the village and dumped into the larger river, only to get carried out into the vast ocean that surrounded the land.

He watched as his worshipers brought him a long tray of assorted fruits, vegetables and meat, the aroma emitting from the delectable feast traveled up within his nostril caused his maw to drool intensely, creating a small lake of his own drool in between his legs and landing upon some other villagers that had gotten too close to the sack of their god. Merukimon reached one of his massive handpaws out towards the tray, scooping up a majority of the feast and brought it over his gaping maw; bits and pieces of fruit and meat fell from in between his fingers and landed upon his incredibly sized erection, splattering upon his thick meaty shaft as it layed upon the soft earthy soil of the village. As Merukimon released his handpaw, letting the mass of food fall into his giant maw, he felt a soft blush come over his muzzle as he felt the small hands upon his meaty shaft. Once his catch was firmly nestled upon his tongue, he clamped his jaw shut and looked down at the small worshipers at his throbbing cock as he chewed his delicious meal; the micros around his shaft pushed their bodies into the massive throbbing flesh, trying to pleasure their god for saving their lives. As Merukimon swallowed his catch, he wrapped a handpaw around his thick shaft, trapping some of the worshipers within his grasp; they began to squirm intensely against the deity's erection, trying to free themselves but to no avail.

Merukimon began to stroke his handpaw along every inch of his erection, feeling the bodies of his worshipers being ground against thick vainly erection squirm and lick their tongues at his shaft. A few unfortunate micros popped against his hefty member, splattering upon the sides of his penis, their remains used as lube as he stroked himself off even more. More villagers were scooped up by his handpaw as he let out a pleasurable growl, his handpaw filled with worshipers was placed at the head of his mighty penis, the villagers trapped in his grasp, stared down the abyss that was his throbbing cock slit as it spewed precum out within the village, creating a bigger, thicker river of his precum. The worshipers within his handpaw tried to hold on to their deity's handpaw as he slowly turned his hand sideways, most of the micro sized villagers fell like little ragdolls down into the gaping slit of their god's erection. They tried to grab onto the fleshy walls of their master's urethra walls, but to no avail their small handpaws slipped upon the precum ridden walls, only to scream helplessly into the dark, slightly scented abyss, only to end up in the sticky white ocean that dwelled within the massive sack of their deity.

Merukimon Grinned as he stroked his immense cock even harder, feeling every throb and little squirm within his urethra. His tongue slipped out of his muzzle as he let out a loud moan that shook the village to its core, his cock head aimed down at the small village as he let out his hot sticky and thick seed spurt out of his slit. The villagers below him could only stop and stare in awe and fear as the massive cum-like tidal wave came down upon them, quickly picking them off of their feet and sending them drifting away from the safety of the village. Huts and micros were swept away by the instant tidal wave that came out of their deity's shaft. Merukimon began to pant out as he watched his little village float away from him in a lewd tidal wave of his own creation, he let out a dominant chuckle as he give his fingers a quick snap, immediately spawning his village back in front of him. His worshipers stared in awe once more at their deity as they bowed upon their knees to Merukimon.

Another giant grin grew upon his maw as he let out a light chuckle; he then raised his footpaw over the little group of worshipers in front of him, the massive shadow blanketed over their bodies. Their sky was filled with the dark, sweaty underside of their gods sole as it slowly came down upon them.The massive shadow slowly becomes darken as his massive footpaw slowly hits the ground.The villagers quickly runs away from the bigfoot but its too late as the the bigfoot finally slams the ground in a red pop being exploded."Now I want you to lick my feet up!"As merukimon commands them to do his request the villager starts walking towards his gigantic feet,touches its big skin and stick out its tongue then starts licking it.Merukimon feels ticklish as all of the villagers keeps licking around his gigantic leg."*chuckle*Keep doing it.How about you lick my whole body then."The villagers accept his another request and started climbing to his big body and uses its tongue to lick every of his body."*chuckle* That's enough.I'm already covered with your saliva."All the villager stopped and they sees His body is already covered in saliva.Merukimon decided to lie his head down to the ground so he does it and his head is slammed down to the ground making people felt the ground shake.Right now Merukimon is feeling comfortable while the villagers is stuck in his back body and some of them are stuck in his big green hair."Aaah~That is more like it." Merukimon chuckles from being restless.Suddenly merukimon felt a little pain coming from one person who disobey the God."You monster! You've killed my family and you must pay for your sanity!" One of the villager yells at the giant god."Hmph.You slave,grab his arm!"He commands the villagers to grab his both arm so that he wouldn't run away and they bring him infont of his big face.Merukimon then grabs the angry villager right up to his big eye."So You little pest don't really like me,huh ? "He questions the anrgry villager."Damn right,You killed my family and I'm not gonna follow you anymore!"He has admitted angrily at the giant god."Hmph!Very well then."As Merukimon talks he move the villager infront of his giant mouth then suddenly his big lips slowly opens and stick his big tongue out and starts slurping the small villager."Mmmm you taste so much better."He keeps licking him more and more until his saliva starts to produce more onto him.Merukimon now wants to toss him into his mouth and closes his mouth to chew him up.He chews like a gum as the villager has gone through a lot of pain like being beaten by his gigantic teeth and keeps hitting through his mouth wall while he screams helplessly then Merukimon swallows him down from his throat that it made the villager slip down and lands into his stomach acid. "*Burp*Aah that's more like it. " Merukimon grins happily as he rubs his stomach infront of everyone else."Now you slaves.Bring me more of these people who disobey me ! "He commands the villager as they have started finding them all.Some of them ran away from the giant beast and some of them has been caught and some of them have been hiding in a blind spot.So far they have caught at least two-thousand villagers who have disobeyed the giant god.Since Merukimon sees on how many villagers there are he decided to make them have thousand villagers in one row.He commands the first row to go infront of his big buttock.Merukimon then widen his buttock to show the villagers his anus and they make the disobeyed village to get in as soon as possible.Some of the disobeyed villagers refuse to but these commanded villagers declines their words and forcefully push them in directly to his big anus as they go further while Merukimon feels the pain and keeps growling.Suddenly when these villagers gets into his anus they can't get out anymore because is too tight and slimy that they could only barely move their bodies except that they've been sucked up until they went up to his stomach.Merukimon felt relive and pants out.Now Merukimon commands the last row to go infront of his big croth.Merukimon looks at the villager's face like they're really thirsty."You all look so weak.I bet you want to drink something right ? "They look at the giant god and give a thirsty look.Merukimon decided to face his penis infront of the villagers and they're curious to see his meatus going close."Better drink it up!"The villager sees something coming out from it penis and it produces yellow liquid flows out like a river.Some of them are flown away while drinks up the urine."Aahh~Much better.Now you betrayers!"He starts to grab all of the betrayals in to his giant hand then he pushes everyone into his meatus down hard while Merukimon feels more pain from his penis.He keeps pushing them more until he feels like they are inside of his big sack and they'll be trapped in there until the villagers felt as they're melting under his hot semen."That will teach them not to disobey me!Who else is disobeyed me !" All the villagers are too scared to admit so they had no choice but to be with the giant god.Except there's 3 people who runs directly to his big body and admitted that they truly wants to support Merukimon more.He chuckles as he loves to see these supporter rubs his big sack ball.Merukimon commands them to lick his ball and as a reward he'll lick them back.So they had agreed and starts licking it as soon as possible.He felt refreshed and ticklish as they lick rapidly.The three worshiper passed out and collapse and Merukimon promised to give them a reward by licking them but he din't really mean by just licking it he means that he'll definitely slurp it up into his mouth then he gulps the worshipers down into his stomach.

Merukimon was about to lie down again but suddenly he heard a clapping sound coming from no where as Merukimon turns his head around to see who's clapping while his big green hair fling through all the villager."*Giggle,I'm very fascinate on how you treat your slaves like that." Merukimon was shocked to hear that familiar voice as it turns out that voice belongs to the Spirit of Spencer but he's still puzzled as where's Spencer is."Master ?!Where are you ?!"He tried to shout out."My I am not actually around here.Where I am talking to you right now is in your head."Merukimon is shocked to hear about that."You did a good job on handling all these.I'll be giving you this power as a reward."Merukimon is curious about this reward he's talking about until he felt a tingle as he happens to look up to a full moon.He started to stare more at the full moon as Merukimon began to feel the fear by growing more and he also felt his bone is growing stronger and tough.He is beginning to feel the pain as he's jaw is extending out into a longer jaw but the pelt's jaw itself is about to attach with his real jaw forming into a big wolf jaw.He bent himself wrapping his stomach with his hand as he felt like he sprouted dark green and blue hair on every body parts including his leg and his black skin too as he's growing more muscular.Now its hair is covering the whole body including his pelt itself getting attached to its body.As the progression is finally complete he left out his scream which is turning into a long howl as his fur is finally complete.Now Merukimon is grasping some air as the villager looks at him with their fear look.

As he finished grasping air he suddenly reveal himself by leaning his head back and gives a big howl.His not merukimon but he's Weremerukimon because his appearance of him is his light green-blue fur covered around his entire body,his hair aren't changed,his jaw is now a wolf jaw with muzzle.Weremerukimon looks down at the villagers,squats down and gives a big roar to the villagers then all of them felt the fear and runs away.

WereMerukimon lift his left foot and stomps the first building then he starts to jump around the other building to make himself enjoy and chuckles at the same time in this situation.Some of the villagers were unlucky as WereMerukimon just randomly stomp on anyone who's near him until they're exploded in his big footstep.While Weremerukimon stomps every houses he also grabs some of villagers and toss them into his mouth and chew them up and swallow them into his stomach.While he stomps and eats the villager his penis suddenly becomes harden so he decides to sit on the ground with the intense speed and it landed to the ground with a big earthquake.He smiles happily and chuckles as penis is becoming bigger and tougher.He scoopes all of the villagers who's alive as he stroke his big shaft.This time he's stroking faster than just now and some of the villagers died from slipping too fast.He gives a big roar as he strokes even harder and faster until he has release the total massive cum-like-tidal wave but this is one can melt all the villagers out.When they've been soacked by his cum their body melts like a liquid down to his cum.Weremerukimon gives a pant out as he watches the village is totally covered with his cum.

The sun rises as his appearance is changing back to his normal form.When he's in normal form he blink his eye and watches how the situation happened."Woah.Did I do this?I guess the village is totally destroyed."He felt something in his penis as he peed on the village as a final visit."Now that is destroyed.I'll go find another village to worship me."He now leaves the destroyed village as he gives a evil laughter and walks away leaving his big footpaw along.
