Shifting Towards the Present

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A wolfy little TFTG

Yes, I know that wolf transformations are cliche. Yes, I know I have a list of other things to do; however, sometimes you just have to go back to the basics.

Anyways, let me know what you think of this one. I was slightly trepidatious to have such a . . . well, abused female protagonist, but I think it turned out pretty well all things considered.

Oh, also, this one was definitely influenced by this old TF sequence that Arania did.

That one has always kind of stuck with me.

Disclaimer: If you wish to keep your chakras aligned than don't read this. Your delicate balance of humors will be disrupted by kinky transformative animal sex, among other things. It would be unwise to continue unless were willing to twist your perfectly good qi into a unidentifiable pretzel of wanton desire. (This is pornography - Do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so)

Shifting Towards the Present

It was hard to explain, it wasn't that she was comfortable here, just less uncomfortable than anywhere else. The rough grass on the dark hillside tickled her legs as she sat, looking over the gray forest in the moonlight. Repositioning her legs, she pulled shiftlessly at her skirt as she lay back against the cool earth and remembered . . .

She still didn't know why they had done it, it simply seemed inhuman. One night as she was drawing a bath they had suddenly burst into her house both wearing black balaclavas, indistinct in her memory even as the specters of her thoughts terrified her. Wide eyed with her robe clenched tight around her she had asked what they wanted before the taller one sent her world spinning as she fell to the floor, eye blinking, quickly turning too swollen to open.

Everything after that was a haze of terror and memories that she could barely force herself to remember, while at once, she could never forget. The feeling of duct tape against her skin, so tight that it felt as if her hands were on fire, burning until they finally went disconcertingly numb. She could remember the oily voice of the smaller one, " . . . teach you a lesson . . . c-cut you," his stutter bothered her. Was this to make up for something? Screaming had only lasted so long as the knife's razor tip danced along her skin ruthlessly. She ran the scars on her arms and legs as she shuddered in the cool night air. She really wished he had just killed her.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She couldn't do anything. Seeing their faces in the paper weeks after the police came didn't help. It didn't matter, she didn't know them; but she could never forget that they had made her powerless. She remembered this place, even though it was so dark. The feel of tacky drying blood, two rough whiskered faces scrubbing against her, insulting her everything she as the smaller one drew lines of bloody red pain all over her. There was a certain point where they had kicked her, wanted her to move, but she just lay there, looking up at a similar cold moon with mute appeal.

Other than a faint rustling, it came without warning. The tall one went down with a whumph, as she turned her head to see, there was a snarl and a gurgling hiss. The man's throat was bloody strings and a massive dark furred animal stared at her with amber eyes, blood dripping from its jaws as she could feel its hot panting against her skin. The short one with the oily voice had screamed in wordless terror before the thing lunged at him barreling them both over. They rolled a few times, but the wolf like beast had ended up on top, with his powerful jaws clamped around the scrawny human's neck. She could still hear the crack of bones as it shook its head, looking directly at her. All she could do was watch in horror, falling back, so tired, she remembered the feel of her own tacky blood drying on the grass beneath her.

Before it had left, the great shaggy beast had inspected her. She had no clue as to why it didn't devour her on the spot, or crack her bones like it had the two men. The cold sniffing against her skin, animal eyes appraising her, and a warm gentle lick was all she could piece together as she tried to remember. She was powerless, but this thing, whatever it was, took pity on her? She might never know, but every few weeks she would come out to this spot and try to remember it.

She had lived somehow, but she couldn't forget. As she lay back, head nestled amongst the soft clover, she couldn't help but remember, that powerless feeling, and the desire to break free of it. Her life was still hers, but all that she had, or ever would have seemed like and illusion that could suddenly be ripped away. She envied the creature in a way. It resided outside of all this, a strong independent force, but somehow . . . caring? She sighed as she looked up at the stars, the world just seemed like a hollow puppeteer's stage, and she couldn't stop seeing her own fraying strings.

A faint rustling drew her from her somber contemplation. Sitting up very quietly she pulled her knees up against her chest and slowly looked around at the gray moonlit night with wide eyes. They were dead, both of them, but she still saw their shadows everywhere. As she turned her head slowly, a shadow rose out of the darkness, strong, shaggy, feral, and . . . familiar.

Breath catching in her throat, she held herself very still. The beast was just like she remembered it; larger than a man, but not quite entirely animal. Its ears were perked up and its fluffy tail raised as it stared at her from the edge of the trees. She was scared, but not in the same way she had been before. She had to know. Why?

With an animal gait, the huge beast crawled closer, legs stretching and gripping like a dogs while it's front paws seemed somehow more human. She held her breath as it approached, not knowing if she wanted it to come closer or suddenly stop and go bolting back into the forest. Padding forward with a sinuous but powerful gait the beast paused, close enough to her that she could see its dark nostrils twitch as it breathed. Slowly, hesitantly, she raised up an arm in front of her, not sure how to react to this sudden monstrous apparition.

It huffed around her fingers, whiskers and soft fur rubbing against her skin delicately before its wet hot pink tongue slipped out and lapped at the side of her hand. The thing was so dog-like, moving in with lowered head as it stepped closer, eyes looking up at her while its flexible back was bent down like it was a bowing puppy. Hand trembling, she let it rest on the back of the beast's neck, fingers combing through the thick dark pelt as it pulled itself around her.

As the thing's fur dragged through her fingers while it pulled itself in front of her, she began to breath again. She couldn't quite place it, suddenly the air felt different, not quite an odor, but an almost palpable sensation. With its haunches still under her arm, the seemingly well mannered animal turned in and lapped across her cheek, tongue flickering in and out with hot laps as she laughed and pulled back with a giggle at the thing's almost friendly insistence.

When was the last time she had felt so safe? What was wrong with her? She should be trying to find answers, why had this thing saved her? It had to be the same animal, those topaz eyes were unmistakable, and so intelligent, warm, but somehow distant, almost lonely. She pressed its neck away as it playfully poked in for a few more overly friendly laps at her nose, and it turned away with a happy huff of air. It barely seems like a wild animal at all, she thought to herself as she watched its powerful body move. Far from being disgusting, the beast's scent was warm and comforting, like a memory of a home she never had.

The animal's body was turned away from her, but it looked back with its broad but flexible neck, ears twitching hopefully. A blush rose to her cheeks as she realized that the animal was prominently male, its furry waving tail above a taut set of dark fuzzy balls and smooth pink anus. It was so unabashed, looking back at her, and she laughed at its innocence. It had never learned to be ashamed of its body, nor would it ever have the chance. She nervously ran her fingers over the scars on her arms as the beast let out a whine, almost seeming sympathetic.

As she watched the beast's hindquarters turn around, her nose huffed instinctively. The pale human skin darkened as it became leathery and wet, but she didn't even notice as the palpable sensation in the air began to intensify with a deep rich musky odor. She subconsciously licked her chops as she thought about the sly beast's waving tail.

Rubbing against her side like an over-large cat, the animal rumbled in approval as her hand combed again through its fur, fingers beginning to scritch and scratch, making his loose hide twitch in pleasure as his tail wagged. It pulled itself forward as she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, at ease for the first time in so long. As the panting beast pulled in closer, brushy fur rubbing against her side, her scratching hand drifted lower, rubbing against the thing's flanks and then the soft fur of its belly.

Its long body rubbed against her, cold nose sniffing at the back of her neck, and then licking out at her ears as she let her hand drift along the thing's soft underside. The flesh was just so soft an warm, she brushed against it with her fingertips, loving how it twitched and jostled, and how the big animal leaned into it. The playful beast nibbled at her ears, growling happily as they sprouted a thin coating of white fuzz. She inhaled deeply, taking in more of that comforting sensation. Warmth seeping into her, puffing pants of warm air sounded against her ear as she let her hand squeeze gently, tracing along the thing's animal . . . !

Shaking her head in shock, she quickly withdrew her hand from between the animal's legs, pulling herself back in shock as she realized what she had been doing. What was she thinking? Her hand traced nervously along the long scars above her knees as she looked down in shame. The beast whined at her sudden perplexity, completing its circuit around her, flanks and batting tail rubbing against her as it sniffed at her trembling fingers.

The animal didn't seem to mind her scars at all, pink tongue sliding down next to her fingers as if trying to comfort her. It just didn't seem to know how to be ashamed. She wanted to run, hide from its probing eyes; however, as it looked up at her with nothing but innocence in its eyes she couldn't bring herself to be afraid. Letting her slender hand rest on the thing's massive dark furred head, between its twitching lupine ears, she again began to scratch as the ears twisted in pleasure.

The reassuring tongue lapped at her worrying fingertips until she relaxed, leaning to the side, letting her hand spread out in the cool grass as the huffing warm slip of flesh ran tenderly over her marred flesh. Her memories were still there, she remembered the slim blade cutting callously into her, with the constant reminders that she could never stop it. She closed her eyes and leaned back as the wet tongue washed her shame away. She had tried to hide for so long, but now she didn't need to, the beast knew, but it did not judge. It let its furry head rest on her leg, huffing up at her as she scratched the side of its massive head.

Pressing in, fuzzy ears tickled the insides of her legs as the beast pressed inwards, lapping up at the inside of her thighs. She felt the hot breath pant against her before the bold tongue lapped against the thin cotton of her undergarments. The male scent was intoxicating, but in a liberating way. She wanted to feel self conscious, to be surprised and indignant; but this thing was so expressive, so open that being caught in shadows of the past was now a choice that she could choose to ignore.

Sliding forward cautiously, the beast's muzzle drifted under her dress. With a gentle snap, the thing grabbed her panties with its powerful jaws, and with a sharp jerk, made quick work of them. She grabbed a hold of the animal's soft head with both hands as its ears folded back and a cold nose sniffed at her nether regions. She didn't know whether to push the huffing muzzle away, or pull it closer. She was confused, but at the same time, she felt more in control of her life than she had since the incident. If she wanted to she could simply get up, walk away, but that was not what she wanted at all.

Pleasure subsumed her as the hot strong canine tongue ran around the edges of her labia, cold nose sniffing at her clit with innocent curiosity. Her moan of pleasure was brought short by a stifled laugh as she saw the thing's ears twitch underneath the cotton fabric of her dress, what a curious beast this was. Squeezing her hands against the sides of its head, she licked her own darkening lips as the lapping intensified, tongue pressing against her twitching lips and folding, barely sliding between them in a way that sent shivers up her spine.

She couldn't help it, pulling in at the fuzzy head, urging it deeper as the licking became more adventurous under her bulging garment. As the tongue drove deeper, her own tongue licked up over her darkening chops, brushing past the cold saltiness of her own changed nose; however, she was so focused on the sensation of the beast's hot tongue slowly sliding into her that she didn't even notice how odd her own body was becoming.

The great wolf hunkered down on its strong haunches, hand-like paws grasping her thighs as he nibbled at her clitoris. She moaned as his strong tongue sank past her outer folds and pressed inside of her, straining in and lapping out rhythmically. Hips rocking as her inner walls clenched against the slippery tongue, her hands absentmindedly rubbed the wriggling beast's velveteen ears. The hotness of the eager tongue sliding into her was intoxicating, filling her senses as it writhed while she clenched around it.

Her brown hair parted slightly as her ears began to pull up into points, thinning, smoothing out, and sprouting a soft coating of snow white fuzz. The animal's hindquarters rose up as it leaned in, taut legs pushing him against her, fur tickling the insides of her thighs as he licked noisily. Somehow, the tongue seemed to be getting bigger as the beast growled a deep bass rumble, lighting up her insides while she grasped its broad shoulders.

Soon, the warm huffing of the cold nose made her hair stand on end, it was like her clit was becoming more and more sensitive, the laps around her hot swollen labia were interspersed with the thing grinding against her clit, nibbling at it with animal teeth, and it felt infinitely better every time. She couldn't see under the rustling of her skirt, but she didn't care. It felt amazing, tender and passionate. Every lick seemed to draw the passion out of her further and further, causing new sensations that she had never before even imagined.

Growling in pleasure the beast smelled her developing scent, changing into a peppery musk that tickled his senses even as her body changed. A thin coating of white fur developed on either side of her labia, and the flesh around it loosened as the tongue drove into her. The hot fleshy walls squeezed tighter and tighter together as he flickered into her depths until the began to merge, thin ribbon of pink slowly subsumed by fluffy whiteness, leaving him licking at a soft empty patch of smooth furred flesh that jostled under his tongue. Her clit was throbbing, pulsing as it began to swell, turning from a fleshy pink to a deep crimson color with veins marbling it underneath the skin as it twitched, pushing out with every lap.

Yowling in pleasure, she rocked her hips against him as his tail wagged while his haunches bobbed and tail swayed with each hot ravishing lap under the cover of her skirt. Her clitorus swelled longer and wider, tapering to a chiseled point as the beast's paws grasped her thighs and its muzzle pushed in with an animal eagerness. As long hot strokes ran up the smooth white fuzz under her swollen clit, the loose skin bunched up around the base of the swollen organ, forming a pliant fleshy sheath around the base, wrapping around it until only a crimson tip peeked out of the top. The tongue darted into the new sheath of skin, making her growl in pleasure. The animal could feel her nails began to condense into blunt dark claws as she pulled its head tighter against her body.

Indescribable body wrenching bliss shot through her, and her lengthening tongue lapped out into the cool night air. The fickle beast was pressing into her in a different way, sliding around the bulk of her clit, and stretching out her queer feeling flesh. Something was throbbing, pulsing as the sensations continued and the slavering hot mouth breathed against her. Something in the air caught her attention, a new smell, deep and rich, peppery and virile; she could not say why, but it was somehow familiar, like she knew exactly what it was.

With one last wrenching lick, the animal's broad shoulders pushed in and its tongue lapped up past the smooth jostling flesh between her legs, and up her new crimson prick, causing her to yell out, wordless shout ringing in the night. It withdrew with a huff, tongue lolling as it backpedaled out from under her skirt and shook its thick fur, looking up at her with a jubilant gleam in its eyes. Her eyes met with the animal's, no, his gleaming amber pools. He was so expressive, deep and caring, she leaned back and squirmed in pleasure as the soft cloth of her garment rubbed against her. It felt good, brushing her flesh, but what . . . how?

Her bewilderment was interrupted as the wolf began to pad around her, turning at first so that she could again see its exposed anus and balls, jostling as its bushy tail waved. It was enticing, the tangible scent drawing her forward, seeming perfectly natural as she leaned in and sniffed at the base of his tail, taking in his powerful musty odor, painting a perfect mental picture of him in a way that sight could never hope to do. The brushy tail batted her in the face coyly as he stretched out and padded around her, leaning in against her side, sniffing and nibbling at the nape of her neck.

While he circled around her his tail wagged gently, brushing against her face and breasts. She realized that something still throbbed under her skirt. The fabric had settled oddly, having wrinkles in places she didn't expect. Reaching down with trepidation, too focused to even see that her nails were thick black claws, she pulled the hem up slowly, heart pounding in her chest and echoing through her body. White fur radiated out from between her legs, and her eyes widened as she saw something that was not human, not female in the least. A throbbing red tip poked out of a thick animal sheath, throbbing as her eyes widened. She recoiled in shock, hands accidentally tearing through her skirt-front with new-found strength and animal claws.

His head rested in the crook of her shoulder as he saw her freeze and begin to panic. He wurfed softly against her pointed ear. She began to try and cover herself, scrambling around with the tatters of the front of her dress, but only tearing it further. But before she was consumed by frustration or anxiety she realized that the creature didn't seem to care. His breathing was steady and reassuring in her ear, and all he seemed to want was to help her calm down. Wouldn't this wolf-like thing be repelled by her deformity . . . or, it was an animal, was it repulsed by her humanity? Either way, it stayed there, huffing its concern against her changing form.

As she felt it nuzzle against her cheek and wrap itself behind her shoulders, tail lowered in concern, she realized that it didn't care. This thing, this handsome animal liked her. Not just her body, or her past, but some intangible unchangeable aspect that she thought she had never had, or at least lost long ago. It was strange, but strange was nice. Strange was a change from the muck that had made her life a living dream, simply drifting without purpose.

In a fit of rashness that she hadn't felt the likes of in years, she grabbed the wolf's head in her changing hands and kissed it as hard as she could. The beast's animal ears perked up in surprise as her lengthening tongue scraped past his sharp canines. He lapped into her mouth as well, feeling her face begin to wrench out slightly as her nose turned up all the way at the end of a blunt forming muzzle. As their tongues entwined her palate grew fleshy canine ridges, and she marveled over his hot flavor as her lips darkened, becoming black and thin as she grew soft white stubble and thicker twitching whiskers.

As he drew back from the kiss, tail wagging again, he nuzzled against her hair as it pulled back, changing into a light gray coat while white fur grew in along her cheeks. Rubbing against her, he brushed his tail past her face as he ran a blunt claw down her bare leg, teasing the developing fluff that was sprouting there as well. She turned as the great tail slipped over her shoulder and batted her in the face, taking in a great huffing breath. Those plump testes made her mouth water as she breathed in the thick male scent, and the wolf panted in a canine grin as she put her cold black nose up to his balls and took in quick huffing breaths.

His great head leaned down over her stomach and grasped the waist of her tattered skirt, yanking off the unneeded fabric in a quick motion. She looked down at his mischievous panting face as he lifted his hind leg up to the side, balancing precariously as he revealed his taut, dark, fuzzy canine sheath, throbbing crimson point leaking a bead of clear passion, testes tight against his strong body under it. She breathed in his potent musk as his prodding head sniffed at her new white fur sheathed canine addition. He tentatively licked the hard red tip and huffed in laughter as her whole body stiffened. Again he licked out at it, tongue sliding slightly into her sheath and then spilling out, down the loose empty flesh under it.

Panting in sensation, and not knowing exactly how to reciprocate, she leaned in towards the canine member revealed to her, surprised when her growing muzzle bumped into the tip of it. Her tongue flicked up of its own accord and lapped the drop of clear pre off her moist nose and she let out a bass rumble of satisfaction at the flavor; smoldering passion condensed and so very personal. The wolf dragged it's tongue against her throbbing prick demonstratively, eyes looking up as best they could from his twisted angle.

She let one of her increasingly paw-like hands rise up and cradle the thing's balls before taking the whole pulsing tip into her mouth. The thin skin was electric in her maw, and she nibbled at it with the small teeth between her growing canines. Below her the wolf shuddered his approval and lapped across her member again teasingly. In jerking halts the great hot wolfhood began to slide deeper and deeper into her mouth as it grew out of its pliant male scented sheath. His tail beat a pleasured tattoo against her back as she began to suckle on the growing meaty cock.

The animal's muzzle hung open in bliss as she swirled her tongue around his prick and gently squeezed his throbbing balls. His hind leg pawed at the air in pleasure before coming to rest against her broadening shoulder. The fur on her face was expanding, growing in white along her chin and light gray on the back of her neck until it descended under her tight knit shirt. Likewise, with every lick thick fur radiated out from her crotch, running down her thighs in a fluffy white avalanche, and prickling up under her increasingly uncomfortable turtleneck.

Pushing farther into her growing muzzle, the hot shaft throbbed and jerked as she teased it with her long hot tongue. It had an odd shape, gracefully bulging in the center, but soon her panting nose bumped into a hot wall of flesh that strained against the animal's furry sheath as it pressed out, causing the beast to shudder and growl in pleasure. She lapped out at it as the knot of flesh grew larger, a bizarre example of anatomy that she couldn't deny, was incredibly attractive.

The wolf gave occasional laps and nibbles to her member as it pushed out, but it was seemingly too small for the large plump sheath it sprang from. It still lacked that hot knob of flesh and nothing but loose soft furred skin hung below it. He panted in time with the sucking of her clever mouth as she lapped at the underside of his knot around the girth of his rod already pressing against the back of her throat. Whining, his lips curled up in pleasure as she stretched her maw wide, and engulfed the knot, teeth pressed gingerly against the throbbing bulge as her fangs flanked the fleshy base of his cock below it. Her dark huffing nose was buried under the soft heft of his balls, and she could feel them start to tense and pull in needy convulsions.

Her mouth was so soft and warm, yanking at his shaft passionately as her fangs brushed softly against the base of his knot. His tail flagged in the air, waving wildly, ass clenching as he began to come thick hot waves of animal seed straight down her gullet. Her eyes widened as she felt the spurts of liquid heat pouring into her. The wolf's head bent down and began to lap furiously at the loose skin of her velvet furred empty sack in furious bursts along with his jerking release. She pulled her muzzle back as she lapped up the seed so that she could taste every immeasurably perfect ounce roll down her long slippery tongue. Two bulges blazed into existence, beginning to fill out below her sheath, settling down with a firm pressure that was coaxed on by the furious wet hot lapping maw of the wolf.

Her needy mouth sucked and lapped up every last drop of seed as her new testes began to swell into their proper hefty size below her. The tongue licked across them, pulling them to one side, and then the other, then pressing between them as they jostled and began to churn. Soon a bead of clear fluid welled out from the tip of her member as the base began to swell. She twisted and writhed as a proud fleshy knot formed at the bottom of her shaft, which swelled larger and larger until it rivaled the size of the wolf's own. It licked and lapped at the swelling bulb of flesh and occasionally returned to her soft new testes as drops of clear pleasure seeped from her pointed tip. As his orgasm subsided she let his exhausted member slide out of her mouth, cleaning up all the musty seed and wolf spittle left on it as he awkwardly lifted his leg from her shoulder.

His golden eyes turned up to her in that canine way, whites showing in the corner as he ran his tongue up her member one last time. She was squirming in pleasure, but also beginning to scratch at her arms, as her fur was puffing out at the edges of her shirt. Grabbing and yanking, the garment was difficult to remove as she was larger than she remembered being, but her strong claws tore through the thin material easily, and she ripped it off in a long motion, exposing her warm fur and pert breasts to the cold night air. Her front was subsumed in a matte coat of pearly white, while a thick slate gray ran gracefully down her back.

While she did this, the wolf's attention was drawn to her calves and feet, rubbing together awkwardly, trying to pry off her tightening shoes. He nipped at her simple flat foot coverings and yanked them off, smiling when he saw black claws poking through her socks. As she tore off her shirt, he peeled off her socks revealing her fluffy white fur and broad padded paw feet, which he sniffed and licked at the leathery suede pads while her feet swelled out, paws becoming broad and canine, much like his own.

As he lapped between her changed toes she held her paw-hands up in front of her face. They were wide and strong, with blunt pads on her palms and fingers, soft whiteness insulating every digit. She rubbed her fingers together and marveled at how sensitive the tough brown pads were. Stretching out her entire body with a groan, she lay back and let her paws rest on her furry breasts. Pillowy whiteness subsumed them, but her stark pink nipples were still visible, and she brushed over them with her clawed thumbs. Her entire body felt so good, and she rubbed her paws all over herself as her legs cracked into their perfect animal positions.

Now with curiosity rather than horror, she brushed a paw tip against her twitching member, hissing at the lance of pleasure that shot through her. Her drifting paw palmed her heavy balls, growling at their warm heft as she realized that she wanted so much more. The handsome wolf sniffed up her body, tail wagging as he nuzzled against her side, whining slightly to communicate his desire. Understanding without the need for words, she rolled off her back and on to her new legs. It felt so natural to be on all fours, hind legs taut behind her, new paws spread out, digging into the ground. Her member bobbed below her, constantly reminding her of its presence as she took a few tentative steps.

Joyously, the beast circled around behind her as his tail batted against her muzzle playfully, and she nipped at it in jest. He sniffed at her taut balls, and huffed against her backside, causing her to suck in a breath redolent with the musk of virile maleness that hung in the air. She let out a surprised bark as the hot tongue began to lap against her exposed anus, which twitched and pulsed under the slippery contact, spreading out into something more suited for a canine. She whined at the new sensation, member twitching as she panted and shifted her weight from foot to foot. With a surprising shove that made her eyes water, the tongue slipped inside of her, and she felt herself clench around him in a way she had never imagined before.

The tricky beast pushed in and then dragged out, pressing against something inside her that made her bark in pleasure, hot tongue seeming to pull harder and harder as she felt her muscles begin to pull and clench in a new way. She bent down with her front paws and raised her hindquarters into the air, quivering with sensation. As he lapped, a nub of tugging flesh began to push out over her ass, and he nibbled and pulled at it as every yank jerked at the muscles of her tight anus. She could feel herself moving against him in a bizarre way as her new tail lengthened, gaining a thin undercoat of gray fur on the top, and white underneath. He lapped all the way down the growing appendage, starting at her clenching ass, and running down the entire length as it tugged and puffed out into a thick lupine tail that she wagged happily, haunches wiggling as her new flag whipped about and batted against his face while he snapped at it playfully.

Her new bushy tail bobbed behind her as she padded around and sniffed at her lover's face, lapping across his muzzle as she stared into his beaming eyes. He looked back at her, watching as her eyes blazed into a liquid golden hue. A broad stripe of gray fur ran back from her moist nose, streaming down her powerful back where it, seeped over her haunches and continued down to the tip of her tail. The rest of her was covered in snow white dense fur that was redolent with her new powerful canine scent. They leaned their heads in against each other in a lupine hug as they were both content; but she was not yet satisfied, and she danced from paw to paw as her throbbing cock still desperately begged for some kind of sweet release.

Smelling her eagerness, the dark wolf lapped across her black nose before turning his back to her. She watched in surprised silence as he bent his front paws down, raising his sumptuous canine ass into the air for her to see, and smell. She couldn't help herself, craning her neck out as she sniffed at the tight pink tail-hole nestled amongst the soft dark fur, muscles jerking as his tail wagged erratically above it. He whined as he felt her panting breath pause, and she began to lick at his testes with her broad pink tongue, jostling the loose exhausted flesh. Licking between the two furry balls, she dragged her tongue all the way up his soft jostling flesh until it scraped wetly over his taut anus. She licked her chops gleefully as he let out a muffled barking gasp of pleasure.

Engorged member throbbing in the cold night air, she lapped at his ass roughly, loving how his entire body quivered and her own hefty balls tightened as a drop of pre dripped down slowly onto the brushy grass below her. With a huff, she lay her hot tongue on his pulsing entrance and slowly, firmly pressed in, feeling his passage part around her, clenching desperately as she flickered inside of him. Drawing out again, she pushed in harder, further, building up a huffing rhythm while he whined in bliss, well-muscled thighs quivering. Her world was enveloped by the heady male scent at the base of his tail, the brushing of his fur against her nose, and that tight ass grasping at her tongue as she made him squirm in delight, writhing around inside of him. But her lust was building to a fevered pitch and she couldn't put it off any longer.

Her strong new paws grasped at his hips as she pulled herself slowly on top of him, breasts mashing against his back as she grabbed onto his thick furred flanks. She could feel the stilted wagging of his tail under her, tickling her between her thigh and underbelly as she pushed herself into position with straining canine hind-paws. Claws digging through his fur, she grabbed a solid grip on his haunches as her tongue lolled out and her hips began thrusting needfully of their own accord.

He flexed his supple back, raising his ass higher, whining as he felt her hot throbbing member rub past the cooling spittle on his spent testes. Her weight was so comfortable on top of him and he panted in anticipation as the pointed red tip slid up past his fuzzy coal furred taint. She buried her nose in the thick ruff of dark fur on his neck as her desperate thrusting intensified, hot breath seeping thorugh his rough coat as she huffed in his overwhelming male musk.

With a sudden body wrenching shove, her member caught in the tight flesh of his needy ass and he clenched around her throbbing tip barking in pleasure as she let out a howling ululation, sinking into him. He was so tight. She could feel his hind legs dig into the grass as every thrust drove her deeper into his hot confines. Wagging frenetically behind her, her tail lashed about in time with her steady thrusting, spreading him wider and wider as he whined in pleasure below her. She growled as her throbbing hot member's forward progress was haltingly stymied while her knot bumped against his taut ass and rocked both of them together.

She shifted her weight from paw to paw on her hind legs, scrabbling at his thick furry thighs as she tried to drive home the bulbous base of her pulsing need. Thrusts slowing, she pushed forward in longer harder squeezing wrenches that began to stretch his pink ring of flesh wider around her before sliding frustratedly back every time.

Feeling the hotness of another wolf inside of him was driving him mad as he growled and whined, pushing back into her with every thrust. His exhausted member peaked out of his sheath and swelled in time with his raging heart, bobbing against his soft belly fur as they rocked together. Soon the clenched paws grasping him felt his needy prick, and moved in, sandwiching his growing penis between fuzzy white fur and teasing padded finger circling around the tip, clenching with every hammering push from behind.

All of her passion wasn't enough though, his abused tail-hole still resisted as she madly used all her strength to try and drive her knot home. His fevered clenching was intensifying, but every-time she thought they were there, she would slide out after being so close. She rest her chin in the crook of his shoulder and tried pulling her mass forward, growling as he clenched around her driving shaft, but she needed more, something solid, she didn't want to hurt him, but her mind was engulfed by an inferno of need. He wurfed up at her in assent, leaning his head back as she opened her steaming jaws wide and clamped down on the tough loose skin and thick fur of his ruff.

Eyes watering, she thrust with her straining hind legs, digging into the sod beneath her feet as she pulled herself forward with her powerful neck muscles. His clenching anus tensed as it widened around the base of her knot, protesting even as he desperately needed her inside of him. With a harsh growl, her entire body contracted and she shoved, straining every ounce of her being, ring of tight flesh twitching wildly as suddenly, it pulled her in, clenching hotness engulfing her massive knot and locking her inside of him, clamping spastically around the base of her member as her fevered rocking began to both push and pull him underneath her. Their clenching testes mashed together as her tail stood straight up, hanging in a penultimate moment of need as she felt a hot liquid pressure rise within her.

Jerking up, her cock crashed out waves of male essence that spattered molten pleasure into his insides as he felt her testes twist and contract against his own. Every screaming jet of seed was accompanied by a body wide clenching pleasure as she rammed into his abused ass which held her firmly in its hot clenching embrace. Her teasing hand-paws were all slickly smeared with his own pre, and one clenched around the base of his growing knot while the other teased his hot chiseled tip, squeezing roughly with every jolt.

He didn't have a chance, balls bunching up as his anus began to spasm with previously unimaginable vigor. Thick ropes of hot steaming wolf musk painted the ground beneath him as his clenching contractions drove her own orgasm into an extended howling climax, tail flickering as she jerked and pulled anew as he ravished her overstimulated cock. They bumped and rubbed, howling as they fucked each other, aching balls mashed together until finally every last ounce of energy had been lovingly drained from each of them and they both stood panting amidst their virile passionate scent in the silence of the moonlit night.

The new wolf pulled her hips back experimentally but his hot flesh still held her tight within him as he whined under her. She apologized, nibbling at a twitching ear as he reciprocated by lapping up at her soft white chin. There was really nowhere she'd rather be, than tied so infinitely close to this beautiful creature. He simply and flawlessly loved her, and she realized that she didn't need to know why, the truth of his love was enough. Huffing against his neck, they both toppled awkwardly to the side, and she wrapped her thick furred arms around his broad chest, pulling his warm furry body against hers as their wagging tails slowed. For the first time in years, she was actually living in the present, content and warm as they both drifted off into a satisfied slumber.