The bar chap3

Story by devons_Blades on SoFurry

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#3 of THE BAR


I woke up with a massive headache.

Hangover. Ugh. I thought as I noticed I was in the bathroom, my face in the toilet. I looked over as the door opened, and Serpentess walked in.

"Hey there you." I said weakly.Hangovers suck I told myself as I plopped my head onto my arm and drifted back to sleep.

I opened my eyes again, noting the fact I had a blanket over me and I was no longer in the bathroom but in my own bedroom.

How the hell does this work? I wondered as I sat up in bed, my headache weaker than before.

"Ser?" a voice said beside me as I sat up in bed.

I didn't bother looking over as I recognized the voice instantly.

"Welp, I'm going to uh...go do something I have to do that involves me leaving the house." I said stupidly, trying to come up with an excuse.

I could tell she was rolling her eyes by the way she sighed as I stood up and stretched.

"Peri.Perior." She said as she slithered out of the room.

I quickly got changed and put my white Nikes sneakers on before fishing the card my boss had given me on Monday from my closet floor.

I think today is like uh...Thursday? I should probably go check out the big deal about this card and the location on it. I thought to myself as I walked out of the room and bounded down the stairs before walking out the front door.

A few hours later I arrived at the downtown subway station, a door stood out of the way where not many people would notice it unless directed like I was.

"This must be the place then." I said as I knocked on the door.

Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed me, pulling me through the door before slamming shut behind me.

When I regained my balance I saw a rather large, muscular man in a tuxedo hovering over me.

Holy shit! This guy's huge! I thought. He could totally smash my face into the wall if he wanted to.

"Name" He said, seemingly more or less like a command than anything.

"Huh? Oh, uh... Devon Davison." I said somewhat unsure what was going on as my head was still spinning from him grabbing me so quickly.

He nodded and stepped to the side, revealing another door.

I walked past him and opened the door that led me into what seemed to be an elevator.

An elevator? Hmm. Weird. I thought as I felt lighter for a second as the elevator started moving.

It felt like hours had passed before the elevator finaly stopped moving. When the doors opened I saw a room, mostly empty save for the man that stood in the center and the train tracks.

"Hey!" I called out, a hand in the air.

The man turned around to face me as I walked closer, his own hand in the air for a moment.

"Nice to meet you. Name's Devon" I said once I was within earshot

"Likewise. I'm Charles." He replied.

"So. What're you waiting for?" I asked curiously.

"Just the train that'll bring us to the real 'fun'." He said, emphasizing the word fun.

Awkward moment I thought.

"Oh. Cool." I said even though I had no idea what he meant.

"First time here I'm guessing?" Charles asked.

I nodded as a Train came to a sudden stop in front of us.

"Whoa. Big train." I said. Charles laughed as we boarded the train the doors closing behind us before it rocketed off, causing me to stagger at the sudden speed burst.

"If I were you I'd close my mouth when this next door opens." He said as the train came to a sudden stop again, sending me into the floor with a thud.

"Ow. That's a pain in the ass." I said as I stood. I hurried to catch up with Charles, who was already off the train, which sped off the moment I passed the doors.

Holy shit I could have died there. I thought as I caught up with Charles.

"Well I'd suggest keeping your mouth closed when these open." He said as we neared a pair of doors.

"Why? What's" I started before the doors opened and a greenish blue mist encircled us, getting in my mouth.

Oh god this stuff is DISGUSTING I thought as I coughed up a lung.

"I warned you." Charles said as I looked past the opening doors.

My jaw dropped at the sight of what lay behind them.

Pokémon and Humans.Having sex.

Men, women didn't matter. They were fucking in the open. A bartender stood behind a counter, a few people sat at the stools in front of him, soon finding a partner and joining the many other people in their sex escapades. I walked a few steps forwards still unable to believe my eyes.

This is Madness. I must be dreaming. There's no way this could be real. I thought as I closed my mouth, making sure I didn't swallow a fly.

Madness?Maybe. Dreaming, nope, and it's real alright. A voice said in my mind.

I twirled around instinctively and noticed the Alakazam behind me.

"Hey you can show the new guy around right?" Charles said as he started walking away.

Welcome to the bar. We have private rooms or you can do it out here in the open. Which do you prefer? The Alakazam asked, its voice calm and gentle, yet commanding at the same time.

"Uh...Private?" I said.

_ Do you have any specifics in mind?_


Here at the bar we have many different species of Pokémon, surely there must be one you've wanted to...You know.

"Oh. Well uh...Hmm. I'm not sure."

You have five seconds before I choose for you. The Alakazam said

Hmm.There's so many different types to choose from. It's hard to narrow it down to just one. Well I'd better just choose randomly. I chooooooooose... I thought to myself

Floatzel it is. She said as she began to walk away.

"Wait what? I wasn't even thinking of that!" I called out.

I said you have five seconds before I chose for you. You'd better hurry up, a newbie like you? Who knows what could happen. She said as I glanced around the room noting that a lot of the Pokémon were giving me 'the eye' scaring the living shit out of me.

"Uh...Wait for me!" I called as I chased after her.

The Alakazam, whose name was unknown to me, led me into a large corridor after taking me through a door in the back, on the other side of the counter which the Bartender was standing behind.

Do you like foreign music? She asked

"Say what now?" I asked somewhat confused.

Just listen. She said as suddenly the newest song by PSY, Gangnam Style, started playing.

Oh snaps! Cool beans. I thought to myself as I waited for the music to kick up.

The moment it did, I started dancing my hands out in front of me, crossed at the wrists as I bounced up and down alternating legs.

What are you doing?

"The Gangnam style dance duh!" I replied as I moved one of my arms to the air, spinning it around as I jumped up and down, my other arm making half a square in front of me.

"Oh my gosh! Hey look that guy's dancing! Let's do it with him!" A voice said. I looked over without moving my head as about five people came running over, dancing along with me.

We all suddenly stopped as did the music before continuing in earnest.


"Opaan Gangnam Style." We all said as we put our hands on our hips, our legs flailing around wildly.

Wow this is insane I'm surprised such a song is so popular. AND I'm leading a flash mob of people dancing to it. Awkward. I thought as the music stopped again, ending the song.

Everyone cheered and walked off.

"That was random, but kinda fun." I announced.

That was the strangest thing I've seen in my life.

"Yeah but you have to admit it was slightly tempting when so many other people doing it." I said smiling.

Not at all. She replied.

"You are so lying. I can see it in your face." I stated.

W-What!? No you can't! She said, looking away.

"That just proves my point!" I said, laughing hysterically.

S-Shut up! She said, flustered, her face gaining a faint, red tint.

I laughed even harder now before she stormed off.

"What the? H Hey! Wait up!" I yelled as I ran after her.

Suddenly she stopped as a counter came into view. I fell to the ground with an 'oof' as I bumped into her.

"Ouch! Don't stop so suddenly!" I said, rubbing my nose. I looked at her confused as she cleared her throat in a slightly threatening manner.

I heard sounds of someone hurrying to stand, a 'thump' And a 'Shit!' before a somewhat bald elderly man stood up, fixing his clothes hurriedly.

"Oh it's you. What do you want?" he asked with a bit of attitude, looking at the Alakazam.

"Hey pal, I don't know who you are but don't go being a dick, or I'll jump over that counter and kick your ass. Kay?" I said a little bit of anger showing in my voice, pointing at him as I spoke, catching both him and Alakazam by surprise.

"What did you just say you little twerp?" He retorted. I scoffed at him.

"Oh yeah like that's an original response. Not." I said, crossing my arms.

Who is it Dave? Another voice said into my mind as a Gardevoir appeared from under the counter

"What the hell? Okay this is awkward." I said, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

You two know you're not supposed to be doing that on the job. The Alakazam said.

Now things just got weirder. I thought to myself as the Gardevoir let out a groan of annoyance.

Why not? It's not like anyone come through here. She said

You're supposed to be helping us find a room. The Alakazam retorted.

"Hardly anyone has gone down corridor number two, so there should be some free rooms there. Happy now?" The guy named Dave said arrogantly, resulting in a sharp glare from me as I walked away with the Alakazam.

We arrived at yet another long corridor, with lots of closed doors on either side, promptly labeled '2'

We finally stopped at an open door, the room with in was circular and everything was in the shape of a taco.

Well now. This is NOT your average room I thought as a large, flat screen TV appeared, making me yelp in surprise.

_Calm down. It's just a TV_The Alakazam said.

"I see that now." I replied.

She pressed a few buttons on the screen and suddenly a Floatzel appeared on the screen.

"Hey Marla. I got a new guy here you think you can handle him?" The Alakazam said in plain English.

The Floatzel said something in her own language and the Alakazam nodded and stepped aside.

I looked over to find I was being watched. The Water type's eyes glaring at me hungrily, giving me that eye I was already so accustomed to.

I heard the Pokémon say something before the screen went black.

"You can speak English?" I asked

"Yeah. She can't exactly hear telepathy over the screen could she now? But most Pokémon here haven't bothered to learn English so use this." She replied, handing me a headphone like device.

"Holy crap! This is one of those newer Pokémon to human language translators! And judging by this part here it's one of the high tech models." I said as I pointed to a particular part of the device. "The owner of this place must be rich if they give one of these to every member of this place."

"Not everyone. Just you."

"Just me..." In repeated as I placed the translator into position, the words the Alakazam had said finally hitting me. "Wait What?" I asked, but it was too late, she was already gone.

I jumped as a knock came at the door.

Ignoring the anxiousness I was feeling, I opened the door. The moment the Floatzel on the other side saw me, she grabbed my shirt, and walked in, closing the door behind her before throwing me onto the bed.

Why am I so anxious? This isn't the first time I've had sex. But this IS a first I've had with a Pokémon. I thought as the Floatzel crawled on all fours, bringing her lips to mine in a fiery kiss, her hands working the buttons of my jeans, her tongue forcing its way past my lips. I could feel a cool breeze on my bare legs as she removed my jeans, throwing them off to the side. Suddenly she broke the kiss, sliding backwards, my now hard manhood brushing against her fur before her face arrived at its destination.

I gasped as she flicked her tongue across my tip. And again.And again.

I groaned softly as her mouth enveloped the tip, suckling ever so gently as waves of pleasure spread throughout my body.

Instinctively I thrust my hips forwards, sending more of my manhood into her mouth. She put her hands on my hips, stopping my thrusts as she sank down lower on my shaft, her tongue coiling around the tip and squeezing lightly.

I was having the time of my life by the time her nose reached my hairs, my tip rubbing against the roof of her mouth gently as she bobbed her head up and down at a steady pace.