A Vampire Story - A Love Not Lost

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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A Love Not Lost

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"Derek...!" A voice growled from the center of a half circular table.

A wolf that was on his paws and knees whined a bit as his name was called. He had his head down and his eyes closed. It felt like every eye in the room was zeroing in on him as he coward there. "Y- Yes?" He cried out putting his ears on top of his head as he looked up to the shadowed figure that was talking.

"You know what you must do. You must seek out a lion named Alistair Hawkins. He should be on a plane heading off to San Diego tonight. Make sure you bring him back here to me." The figure smirked slightly in the shadows.

Derek nodded and bit his lip looking up, "...But for what reason... He's a mortal coming into -"

"We all know that..." Said a voice from two places to the left of the middle speaker; this voice was a bit more soft. "...but as you would soon find out is that this mortal is different from the rest. We have taken the most necessary precautions. This is why we need you to retrieve him for us. You're the only one of our kind that can."

The wolf put his ears up and twitched them a bit as he heard the second speaker talk. He rose to his feet brushing himself off a bit. Derek raised an eyebrow as the second speaker finished talking. "I'm the only one that can do it?" He tilted his head feeling more confident in himself.

"Yes..." said the center voice again, but this time a bit lighter than before. "...You're our newest member to our society, and you know what to do in the "mortal" world. More then what we know right now being who we are for so long."

Derek nodded and looked down closing his eyes. "Alright, understood... I'll bring him back."

* * *

It was a bright Saturday afternoon as a passenger plane started to descend landing at San-Diego airport. A lion by the name of Alastair was looking out of the plane window down to the ocean below. He twitched his ears slightly as he heard the pilot start to speak over the intercom. "We'll be arriving in San-Diego in a few minutes. Make sure you keep your seatbelts fastened until the plane comes to a complete stop at the airport. Thanks for flying on North-West airlines and we hope to see you again."

Alistair sighed as he saw the ocean leave from under him as they were landing. He looked down and made sure his belt was secure before they touched down. He nodded to himself and looked around the plane; there were several other passengers aboard with same intentions he had, and others just out for a vacation. His intentions where not clear yet to him, but he will find them out really soon.

He felt the plane hit the ground as he closed his eyes and sat back relaxing a bit. In a few short hours he would be in his hotel room lying on a nice comfortable bed; maybe even enjoying a nice nap. He breathed in and breathed out evenly as he opened his eyes and looked out the window again. The plane came to a complete stop at one of the terminals. The pilot spoke over the intercom one last time, "Again, thanks for flying on North-West airlines and we hope you have a wonderful day."

Alistair unbuckled his belt and got up from his seat. He looked around the plane to see everyone else doing the same thing. He sighed a bit to himself as he sat down and waited for everyone else to be finished. He put his elbow on the hand rest placing his paw on his cheek as he noticed a guy that was sitting next to him. It looked like he had been sleeping all through the flight which was odd because this wasn't an over-night flight.

The lion sat up a bit so he could take a better look at him. He looked like a normal everyday wolf, but something was off about him. The wolf wore sunglasses that covered his eyes and he was wearing completely black cloths. Alistair also noticed a garnet pendent around his neck. He tilt is head a bit as he found himself drawn to it, but he shook his head as he looked around seeing that everyone was done getting their things. The lion looked back at the wolf and saw that he wasn't waking up. He took his paw and placed it on his shoulder and shook him slightly. "Hey, where here; you can wake up now. Don't you want to get off?"

The wolf moved slightly and opened his eyes, but Alistair couldn't see because of the sunglasses. The wolf looked around confused for a second and then looked at the lion. He then remembered what he was doing and sat up. "Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to sleep for this long." He yawned and stretched out a bit. "Are we in San-Diego already?"

Alistair nodded and watched the wolf with an eyebrow raised. He wanted to know why he was wearing black and more importantly sunglasses on a plane. He just shrugged it off and stood up moving passed the wolf a bit to get his stuff down from the baggage area. Alistair's tail accidentally swiped across the wolf's nose. The lion looked back as he was getting his things down. "Sorry about that, it's a bit cramped if you'll understand."

The lupine shook his head as he grinned. "You don't need to apologize. I understand the situation, but if you please sit down I can get my stuff." At this command there was an eerie glow that came from the garnet pendant around his neck. The wolf looked down and saw it react and quickly put a paw around it to stop it. He looked back up to the lion nervously, but he saw the lion already sitting down beside him. "Stupid necklace, always reacting to commands. This time I didn't mean it as command only a statement." He looked to the lion and tilt his head a bit seeing gray and lifeless eyes. "Man...this lion took to this necklace fast though; it didn't even react all the way to the command before I stopped it and he's already out of it." He let out a small sigh as he got up and got his stuff from the baggage area and snapped his fingers. "You'll forget everything you saw just now." There was another glow from the pendant as the memory of their meeting was stripped from the lions mind, or so he thought.

* * *

Derek sighed a bit out of relief as he found himself sitting on one of the beds found in the hotel the lion was going to stay at. He closed his eyes and lay back onto the bed.

"This is no time for you to be napping..."

The wolf opened his eyes and sat up startled a bit as he looked at who was talking. It was a man in a dark cloak with a hood over his face. All Derek could see was a muzzle of a feline and nothing else. The figure was wearing the same pendant that he himself was wearing. "Yeah, I know that..."

"You haven't forgotten anything about your assignment right?" The figure crossed his arms.

Derek shook his head fast. "No, I just have a question... Why is it that when I just give a basic command, my pendant, that you gave me, reacts to it when I don't mean it in the first place?"

The figure pondered the question a bit before answering. "The pendant will react to any command that you give a mortal regardless of what it is. It will send him or her into a trance like state doing whatever it is you asked or commanded them to do. This only works to the person you where speaking too, and in this situation it would be the lion."

The wolf nodded a bit in understanding, "Yeah, I'm sorry... I'm kind of new at all this." Derek put his ears down and looked down to the ground, full of the shame that was in him.

The cloaked figure grinned slightly and shook his head. "Don't you worry about a thing; just remember to bring him back to us." With that he vanished leaving the wolf to himself.

Derek nodded closing his eyes. He sat there for a few minutes thinking on how he was going to get this job done. The wolf new all about Alistair's life from the higher-ups; he knew about his childhood and his teenage years. He even knew that the lion was gay, though he never made it public.

The wolf just sighed and stood up. He was gay too, but everyone in his society knew about it because he himself was bitten by a gay vampire. He laughed a bit going back to the time when he was bitten, but shook his head getting out of his trance like state. "I got to go pick Alistair up..." With that he vanished.

* * *

Alistair sat there for a good minute before he came to with all his baggage in paw. He shook his head as he looked around a bit confused on where he was. He then remembered that he was on a plane to San-Diego to escape his family and his passed. He gave out a little sigh as he stood up and worked his way with the other passengers to exit the plane.

He wondered through the airport coming to the entrance. The lion looked around some until his eyes fell upon a sign that said: Alistair Hawkins. He smiled a bit to himself as he walked over to meet the driver that was taking him to the hotel. "Hi, my name is Alistair Hawkins... I'm the one you're looking for."

The driver looked at the lion and merely nodded in his 'ok' putting his sign down. "This way, please sir." The driver turned and walked out the entrance of the airport with the lion tailing him.

Alistair tilted his head to the side a bit as he watched the driver. For some reason the driver looked very familiar to him. The lion noticed that he was wearing black and had a glimpse of what he had around his neck when he came up to him; it was a red pendant in which he thought he saw before, but he couldn't remember for the life of him. He just looked down and shrugged it off not really much caring any more as they came to the car.

The driver pulled up to the hotel about an hour later as Alistair got out of the vehicle. Alistair went over to the driver's side as he fished out his wallet and gave him a tip for his services. The driver smiled and shook his head at the offer. "Sir, I'm going to be your driver for the whole week. You don't need to pay me just yet. Just call me when you want to go somewhere and I'll be here as soon as I can."

The lion put the money and his wallet back into his pocket. He nodded to what the driver said and turned to walk into the hotel.

The driver smirked a bit to himself. "Yeah, you don't have to pay me just yet, but in time you will... I'm going to see to that." With that, he took off driving up the street as his car vanished.

* * *

Alistair put the card key into the slot and opened the hotel room door. He stepped inside and looked around it a little. He put his stuff down near the door and went over to the bed. He sat down and sighed a little, feeling a bit depressed. The lion looked over to the sliding glass door that led out to the patio. He made sure to get a room that had a good overlook of the ocean.

The lion stood up and walked over to the door and slid it open. He walked outside and placed his paws on the railing leaning some against it. Alistair sighed slightly and looked out towards the horizon loosing himself in his thoughts. The sun was still high enough in the sky, so it couldn't be passed mid-afternoon. He came back to after a minute later and just stayed there enjoying himself.

* * *

The car reappeared in a parking space just outside the hotel. He sighed as he switched off the engine and just sat there for a few minutes as he thought to himself. He found it harder and harder to complete this request for the higher-ups knowing that the lion was "special" as they put it. The last couple times the wolf has been with him Derek couldn't keep his eyes off him. It was a good thing he wore sunglasses all the time.

He bit his lip and cursed under his breath as he hit his forehead on the steering wheel. He absentmindedly started to rub his crotch feeling it swelling as he thought more on the lion. He gasped slightly as he caught himself and took his paw away placing it on his leg. "Damn it..."

"Is there something wrong?" Said a voice from the other seat; this voice was different then the other one that had came to him before in his room. It was a bit more forceful, but still had gentleness to it.

Derek sat up straight in his seat as he was startled for the second time in that one day. He looked over to the cloaked figure and shook his head. "No, everything is fine. It's just... I'm finding it harder to complete this job you gave me."

The cloaked figure nodded a little, "Well, I see that you now know what we are talking about when we said this mortal was different from the rest; which is why the lion would be the perfect fur to be with us."

The wolf looked down to his lap and nodded in understanding. "I don't know if I can keep on going with this though. I mean, if my feelings keep on getting in the way. I may do something I will totally regret. Plus, I'm falling for a complete stran--" His eyes widened. He had barely caught what he was saying in his throat. He turned and looked over to the figure, but saw that he was smiling; not what the wolf was expecting.

The figure chuckled a bit and put what Derek said last in the back of his mind. "Just get him to us okay?" The hooded figure then disappeared.

Derek blinked a few times and blushed slightly as he thought about what he was going to say. He opened the door to the vehicle and stepped out closing it again. He looked up at the hotel and shook his head a bit and giggled to himself as he made his way to the entrance. "Today is going to be a long day, and I know it's almost over."

* * *

Altair went back inside his hotel room and looked around. He sighed to himself as he shook his head putting his paws through his eyes. "I thought this vacation would do me some good, but it looks like I'm as lonely here as I was back at home." The lion put his paw down next to his sides and walked over to the bed. He took a seat, putting his paw on the edge of the bed to support himself.

He sat like that for a few minutes and shook his head as he thought to himself. "This isn't getting me anywhere." He sighed as he looked to one of his pillows and decided to take a little nap to pass the time by. He lay down on his back placing his paws on his chest and stared at the ceiling. "Who knows, something good might come from this trip." He chuckled to himself to that thought and was soon off to his dream world.

* * *

The head of the hooded vampires put his elbows on the table placing his paws into his chin. He was smiling slightly as he watched the lion through a crystal ball. He was the only one in the room at the moment until he heard a knock at the door. He sighed slightly not taking his eye off the sleeping lion. "The door is open, you may enter."

The door creaked open as another hooded figure entered the room taking a few steps in and then stopping again. He put his paws in front of him and bowed respectively, "sir..." He started to speak and then stopped to think about what he was going to say as he came back up from the bow.

The head sighed and stood up taking his eyes off the crystal ball and looked over towards the hooded figure behind him. He put his paws up and took his hood off revealing himself as a lion. He stepped out of the chair area and faced his visitor putting an arm on the headrest. "I hope this is good, because you're stalling for time in which I need."

The hooded figure nodded as he looked head vampire and then bowed again. "My sincerest apologies..." He looked back up to the lion. "I don't mean any disrespect, but do you think it's wise to send a novice vampire that hasn't been with us for a long time on a job you gave him?"

The lion pondered this question for a moment as he looked back at the crystal ball. He then looked back and nodded his head. "Yes, I think I did choose the right man for the job."

"But sir..." The figure removed his cloak revealing himself as a fox, "Must you reconsider." He took a couple steps towards the lion, "What if Derek actually fails this..."

The lion put a paw to silence him and shook his head closing his eyes, "No, he won't fail this. Everything is going as planned. I will say this though... My plan is for both Derek and Alistair's benefit." He put his paw down and watched the fox.

The fox opened and closed his mouth, but couldn't think of a comeback to this logic, "Okay sir, I hope you know what you're doing." The fox sighed slightly as he put his cloak hood back over his face and bowed again. He then turned and left the room closing the door behind him.

The lion chuckled a little to himself as he looked down to his feet. He then closed his eyes and shook his head putting a paw up to his eyes and rubbing them a bit. He drummed a finger on the back of the seat, "Trust me, everything is going as I planned." He said this to no one in particular as he turned around and took his seat again returning to watch the lion through the crystal ball.

* * *

Derek was up in his room lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He placed both his paws in the back of his head and closed his eyes. A picture of Alistair played inside his mind as he relaxed. He smiled slightly to himself as he pictured the lion naked and he licked his lips. He then opened his eyes and blushed slightly as he realized he had a slight boner in his jeans. "Ah fuck..." He sighed a bit once again and sat up on his paws looking back at the time; it was almost 8. "Oh man, where does the time go...?"

After a few moments Derek got up out of bed and stretched. He yawned slightly and walked over to the sliding glass door where the balcony lay beyond. The wolf opened it and shuddered slightly at the nice breeze that coursed through his fur. He smiled slightly as he went out and closed the glass door behind him. Derek walked over to the railing and leaned his forearms against it putting up his head and closing his eyes letter the sounds of the ocean carry him away.

The wolf breathed in a bit enjoying the night air as he opened his eyes. He looked straight up to the moon as it showed full over the ocean water. He then noticed a small glowing coming from his pendant as he looked down at it. He tilted his head a bit picking it up with his paw and looked at it more closely. He then looked around, "where...?" He looked down to the path and saw Alistair walking up the path and down the steps stepping onto the beach. "Hmm..." He placed his necklace down and jumped off the balcony and landed slowly and silently on the pavement below.

Derek stepped forward a bit and followed the lion with his eyes as he tilt his head. "Where is he going...?" The wolf made his way slowly over to the stairway where he could see the lion clearly. Alistair mad his way to the middle of the beach and just sat down. He put his knees up and wrapped his arms around them placing his chin on his knees. He was clearly, to the wolf, just relaxing there and enjoying the night like he was doing up on the balcony.

The lupine chuckled as he made his way down the stairs and onto the beach itself. He made his way casually over to the lion forgetting that he was on a job to bring that same lion back to the leader. He finally got up to the lion and stopped a bit to the side of him, "Hey, do you mind if I sit here?"

* * *

Alistair woke up slowly a couple hours later. He opened his eyes and stretched out into the air letting out a yawn. He sighed as he noticed that it was almost getting dark and he placed his paws on his chest. He turned his head slightly so he could look at the clock on the bedside table; it was close to seven thirty. The lion shook his head as he sat up and leaned back on his paws, "What a great way to pass the time." He shook his head and looked out the window and saw a glimpse of the sun half way down over the horizon.

The lion looked down at his lap after about a minute and started to think a little to himself. He sat up all the way and turned his body so that he could put his foot paws on the ground. He put his elbows onto his knees and clasped his paws together as he closed his eyes and looked to the ground. "Well, no reason to stay here any longer. I think I need some fresh air."

He stood up and walked over to his suite case and decided to change out of the attire he was wearing all day today. Alistair picked out black pants with a dark red shirt follow by a black vest, "This should do it." The lion smiled slightly to himself as he made his way into the bathroom and took off his old clothes placing them into the laundry basket and putting his new clothes on. Alistair looked at himself in the mirror and nodded liking what he saw.

Alistair left the bathroom after he brushed his teeth and groomed his mane a bit. The lion made his way over to the sliding glass doors and drew the curtains just looking out to the ocean beyond. He placed his paws in the back of himself and relaxed. He looked at the beach and thought how wonderful a nighttime stroll would be. He grinned at the thought and turned around and walked out of the hotel room locking the door behind him as he went.

The lion made his way out of the hotel building and started to walk down the path next to the beach. He had his paws in his pockets as he looked out over the ocean just enjoying the night air. The lion came to the steps that he saw from his room from the balcony and made his way down them to the beach. He didn't stop walking until he found a comfortable spot that was close enough to the ocean, but not far away either. He sat down putting his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. He placed his chin on them and relaxed a little more as he twitched his ears to the sound of the waves.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" came a voice from behind him.

Alistair looked back and noticed the same wolf that he saw before. He nodded slightly not really saying anything; in fact, he didn't know what to say at all. He looked back to watch the waves crash into the shore.

Derek sat down beside the lion watching him for a bit leaning back on his paws. The wolf then sighed and looked down to his lap closing his eyes. He opened them again and noticed that his pendant was still glowing. He shook his head slightly as he took it off and stuffed it into his pocket, "Damn thing is annoying as hell." He replaced his paws to the back of him and looked up at the moon in the sky.

The lion nodded thinking and then looked to Derek, "I don't want to sound rude or anything, but who are you. I think we met two times before if I'm not mistaken." He thought a bit more as he averted his gaze from the wolf, "I think it was on the plane and you were also my driver." He placed his eyes back on the wolf and waited for a response.

The wolf looked at Alistair a little puzzled tilting his head slightly and thought. "Huh, I thought I erased his memory from that incident on the plane. I think they were right about him being special." He closed his eyes and looked down at his lap again as he nodded, "Yeah, your right, you did see me on the plane and as your driver." Derek looked back up to the lion, "...and on who I am..." He averted his eyes to the sky pondering if he should tell him or not.

Alistair watch him closely, "You're a vampire aren't you?"

The wolf looked back at him surprised, "I... uh... yeah... but... how did you know?"

The lion smiled slightly and looked out to the ocean again, "Well, it wasn't hard for me to figure it out. I know what a vampire wears and know what they look like." Alistair looked back at Derek, "The sole indicators that I knew you were a vampire was from your eyes and the way you dress. That pendant, which you stuck in your pocket, was another one I've seen before." Alistair stretched out a bit and placed his paws in the back of him leaving his foot-paws where there at.

Derek nodded and thought as he twitched his ears to the sound of the waves. He then tilt his head slightly, "Wait, did you say you've seen my pendant before?"

Alistair nodded and sighed, "It was from when I was captured and raped by one." The lion put his ears down to his head and looked from the wolf to his lap closing his eyes. "I saw the same one around his neck and it was glowing at the time. It put me in some kind of trance and that's how I was raped. I somehow got out of it and managed to get away before he could bite me; in which I knew he was going to do anyway. That's all I remember and wish to forget. I guess one thing came out of it that I sort of don't regret. That's when I realized I was gay," Alistair smiled slightly and then blushed when he realized that he had admitted his biggest secret to a complete stranger. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. In fact, I think half the stuff I said just now I shouldn't have." He bit his bottom lip.

The wolf was watching the lion as he spoke and chuckled a bit at the last thing he said. He shook his head, "Don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me too much." He smiled and looked up to the moon. "I'm gay as well, so you're not alone there." Derek looked over to the lion once again, "Plus, I think you're cute."

The lion blushed even more crimson as he heard what the wolf said. He then leaned over and licked him on the cheek, "Thanks, I think I needed that." He sighed and then wrapped his arms around his legs again. "It seems I'll never find the right person. I need to quit looking if I know what's good for me."

Derek totally forgot what he was supposed to be doing for the other vampires. He watched Alistair for a moment feeling really bad for him. The wolf then scoots over and nuzzled his head on the lion's shoulder murring slightly, "I wish you wouldn't say that."

Alistair blushed and looked at the wolf, "Well, it's true... unless..."

The wolf tilted his head and watched Alistair with a confused look. "Unless what...?"

The lion just sat there and thought for a moment, "I don't know... It's funny... I think I've seen you before somewhere. I don't mean from earlier on and you're definitely not my rapist." He turned and looked to the ocean wrapping his arms tighter around his legs. "I don't know a long lost friend that I haven't seen in years?" Alistair chuckled and shook his head a little. "Sorry, I'm just flapping my muzzle. I know I don't make much sense; forget I said anything."

Derek returned his head to the shoulder of the lion and listened to what he said. When Alistair finished he was quiet for a moment pondering placing his paw on his thigh. "You know, maybe your right on that." He looked up to the lion and placed two fingers on his cheek turning his head to him so that he could have a better look. "I do remember an Alistair from the eleventh grade a few years ago, but you can't be the same one can you?"

Alistair shrugged, "I'm not sure... what's your full name; maybe I'll remember it."

"My name is Derek Johansson..." He tilted his head a bit watching the lion to see if he remembered him or not.

"Um..." He took his arms from his legs and positioned them behind him as he spread out his legs. The lion then looked from the wolf to the heavens thinking about Derek's name. He sat there for a few minutes pondering about his passed and the eleventh grade. He then chuckled and smiled as he returned his gaze back to the earth and looked at the wolf. "Yeah I do remember a Derek Johansson from eleventh grade, but something happened to him in the middle of the year. Nobody really knows what though. Are you telling me that you're him?"

Derek blushed slightly and nodded.

"Well, it seems like I do know what happened to you after all; though it did take me a few years to find out. I'm glad that you're here." Alistair leans in and licks the wolf on the muzzle.

The wolf blushed a bit more and then leaned his head on the lion's shoulder once more nuzzling into it a bit. "You know, I don't remember you as the gay type. I always thought you where straight along with the others."

"I was until that rape incident and that happened after my graduation." Alistair sighed slightly. "I really don't want to talk about it right now." He leaned his head on the wolf's just relaxing.

"Yeah, I guess I know what you mean; I wouldn't either if I was you." Derek closed his eyes and snuggled up to the lion.

Alistair took his head up and looked at the wolf, "Now you have to tell me what happened to you and why you're like this now...?"

The wolf sighed and thought back to when he was first turned into a vampire, "Well, actually... I think I was one of the unlucky ones" He shook his head on Alistair's shoulder, "I can't remember what happened to me. I think it had something to do with the pendant, but that's all I know."

"Right, here we go with that blasted pendant again." The lion put his head back onto Derek's. "I'm just wondering if that's the only tool they use to bring somebody to their side."

"I don't think so; there have been rare occurrences, such as the one where in now, that the person they're trying to capture cooperates with them." The wolf stares out into the distance as he said this just relaxing at the lion's side; he places his paw on the lion's thigh and moved it up and down slowly not even thinking on what he's doing.

Alistair, however, did notice as he looked down at Derek's paw and started to purr a little. He placed his arm around the wolf and bought him a bit closer. He then started to nuzzle into Derek's head fur, "You know, I think when I'm with you like this; I feel complete. I've never felt like this before, and it feels nice."

Derek brought himself closer to the lion and murred at what he said, "Yeah, I know what you mean..." He opened his eyes and took one last look at the ocean and then picked up his head and looked at Alistair.

Alistair did the same thing and smiled slightly as he leaned in and kissed the wolf still purring happily. He placed his paw on Derek's as he closed his eyes slowly.

The wolf murred as the lion kissed him and he kissed back with equal want. He flipped his paw around and took the lion's and held it there tightly never wanting to let it go. He closed his eyes slowly and tilted his head a bit licking at the lions muzzle for entrance.

The lion giggled slightly in the kiss and opened his muzzled so that the wolf could enter his muzzle. Their tongues started to lap at each other's as Alistair moaned slightly in the kiss. He broke the grip of the wolf's paw and placed his instead on Derek's cheek as they started to fall to the sand. Their kiss lasted for about another minute and they slowly broke apart with the lion smiling at the wolf. "Hey Derek...? What's it like being a vampire...?"

Derek shrugged slightly, "its okay... I guess... I can't really complain about it. Though there is one thing I don't like about it."

Alistair tilted his head caressing the wolf's cheek lightly, "...and what is that?"

The wolf looked away and closed his eyes. He sighed slightly as he twitched his ears listening to the waves of the ocean crashing on the beach for a moment. He then looked back at Alistair, "Loneliness... when I was turned into a vampire... I was separated from my family, friends, you... It seems like now I have a different existence then everybody else, and I don't like it. I want to be with everybody again and not have to deal with this any mo - - "

The lion cut him off with another passionate kiss to quiet him down. The kiss seemed to last forever to both of them, but it only lasted for about two minutes before they broke apart slowly. Alistair looked into the wolf's eyes and shook his head, "Derek, I don't want you to say stuff that is not true; you do have someone who cares for you. That person is me, and nothing of what you are is going to change any of that. You can forget about loneliness; all I want for you to do for me is be happy."

Derek chuckled slightly and nuzzled into the lion's cheek, "Thank you, I got to remember that there are still people who care in the world. I just managed to come across one who did." He smiled and kissed the lion again placing a paw lightly on the side of his muzzle. Derek closed his eyes slowly and brought himself closer to Alistair. He murred as their tongues lapped around in each other's mouth. He was truly happy to be with this lion.

* * *

The elder lion smiled and chuckled to himself as he saw the wolf and the lion together on the beach through the crystal ball. He had his paw under his chin as his elbows leaned on the table, "Perfect, exactly what we want." There was a sudden knock on the door when the lion sighed and thought to himself. "This better be important..." He turned his head slightly and called, "You may enter." The lion turned and continued to watch.

There was a slight pause before the door opened and another hooded figure walked in, "Sorry to intrude on you sir..." He stepped in and closed the door behind him making sure it was closed quietly. He then turned and looked at the back of the chair where the lion was sitting and made his way towards him. The figure smiled slightly to himself as he put up his paws to his hood and removed it revealing that he was a middle aged wolf. The male stopped at the lion's side and looked at the crystal ball, "So, how are things with Derek and Alistair?"

The lion leaned back in the chair placing his arms on its rests. He looked at the wolf with the same smile he was wearing earlier. "Everything is going fine; just the way we both wanted it to go. I'm glad that our sons are now together again."

The wolf gave a slight nod and then sighed. He crossed his arms and looked down closing his eyes thinking.

The elder lion tilt his head still watching the wolf raising an eyebrow, "What's wrong, I thought you would be happier than this?"

Derek's father looked back over to the lion putting his arms to his side, "No, just thinking of how sad Derek was when he first left his school and his friends behind and came here. He didn't want to leave, but he knew it as well as I did that it couldn't be helped." He looked back over to the crystal ball. "Sooner or later he has to return to this place, otherwise..." He paused for a moment and shook his head. "I really don't want to think about it."

The lion studied the wolf and shook his head. "Don't worry about it so much; you where at the meeting sitting right next to me when we sent him to go fetch this "target". Plus we were planning this about a week after he became a vampire. We both saw how upset he was after him leaving everything behind. Now it's up to him to finish the plan and by the looks of things..." He looked back to the crystal ball for a moment and then looked back to the wolf, "He's doing exactly that."

The wolf looked at the crystal ball and nodded some and then thought to himself a bit. Derek's father then looked over to the lion again, "Well, what about when you told him to bring Alistair back here? I don't ever remember that being in our plans unless you're suggesting that my son should..."

"Well that's up to the both of them. I'm not going to force anything that would harm my son. What father would I be if I would do that; plus this place, I think, is a hundred times better then the rat hole he lives in now." The lion's smile faded as he pictured how his ex wife was treating everyone in the family; beating them shitless for no apparent reason. He shook the thoughts out of his head and continued to watch the crystal ball.

Derek's father looked from their kids to the lion. He couldn't help but remember his wife who had died in a car accident before he had become a vampire; but right now wasn't the time to be thinking on that. He nodded knowing what he was talking about knowing his ex well. Derek's father shook his head and didn't say anything; He just sat down in a chair next to the elder lion and continued to watch their sons.

* * *

Their kiss lasted forever as the wolf murred and placed a paw on Alistair's chest gliding it down slowly to his mid-section. The wolf broke the kiss slowly as he placed his paw on the lions groin and gave it a light grope. He leaned into the lion's ear and whispered, "I hope you don't mind." Derek gave his ear a quick nibble as he stopped and watched the lion.

Alistair smiled and looked at the wolf shaking his head, "Why would I mind, this is what I wanted for a long time. To have someone I know by my side."

The wolf smiled and nodded as he laid his head on Alistair's shoulder looking out to the ocean. He twitched his ears to the sound of the waves as he wrapped his tail around the lion's thinking a bit to himself. He bit his bottom lip and then looked at the Alistair again.

The lion smiled and looked up to the moon wrapping his tail around the wolf's. He felt eyes on him and tilted his head slightly as he looked at Derek, "What... is ther - -" he was then silenced by a passionate kiss as he purred and closed his eyes.

They slowly went to the ground as they wrapped their arms around each other; it wasn't long until they were both in the nude and still kissing, their cocks rubbing up against each other, pre mixing on their stomachs.

Alistair found himself rolling on top of the wolf as he broke the kiss slowly. He opened his eyes and panted some looking down and watching the wolf below him, "Wow, didn't expect that..."

Derek grinned and licked the lion's cheek, "I can see that you enjoyed that." He giggled slightly and watched the lion placing a paw on his cheek. The wolf was silent for a minute, "You know what else that you might enjoy?"

The lion furrowed is brow and tilted his head, "And what might that be?"

"Lay down on your back and I'll show you." The wolf winked still grinning.

Alistair let out a giggle and nodded doing what the wolf asked him to do as he laid down on his back. He looked at Derek afterwards wondering what he was going to do.

Derek sat up as the lion got off of him and putting his paws into his lap. He waited until the lion was situated as he murred looking over the lion's nice toned body. When Alistair was ready the wolf went onto his paws and knees and made his way over to him; he murred looking down at the lion's member fully erect. He licked his lips and then descended licking the head as a spurt of pre landed on his tongue.

The lion groaned slightly placing one of his arms on the sand and placing his other paw on his chest, "ugh... Derek..." He placed his head on the ground closing his eyes starting to pant lightly.

Derek looked up at the lion seeing him in pleasure as he looked back down at his pride. He took one long lick from the bottom to the tip and placed the head into his mouth savoring the taste of pre that landed on his tongue. He placed another couple inches into his maw starting to fondle the lion's balls lightly with his paw. The wolf started to bob his head slightly as he lapped around the lion's cock head.

The lion let out a loud purr and then a moan of pleasure. He placed the paw that was on his chest next to him as he took out his claws and raked them into the sand placing them to fists and then out again. His head was up with his eyes closed as he panted with lust lightly humping into the wolf's wanting maw.

The wolf closed his eyes as he continued to bob off the lion's pride. He placed a couple more inches of his cock until it hit the back of his throat. The wolf stopped there and continued his treatment as he fondled more of the lion's balls with his paw. He made sure to bob to the lion's humps as much as he could, trying not to let it go into his throat; He had other plans and didn't want him to get off in a hurry.

Alistair was smiling and panting heavily by this time as he continued to put his paws into fists and then out again. He loved what the wolf was doing to him, it feeling so good. He let out another moan as he continued to fuck the wolf's maw wishing this moment would never end. He placed his right paw onto the wolf's head as he started to guide him on and off his member. He looked down at him opening his eyes letting out another lustful grunt, "Don't stop... please..."

Derek twitched his ears to the lion's words then put them down on top of his head. He didn't want to stop either; he wanted to feel the lion's seed go down his throat with a powerful orgasm, but he also wanted to do something else other then blow-jobs. He continued for about a moment more as he caressed his balls lightly with his paw and lapped over the member bobbing lightly. Derek then, reluctantly, took his muzzle off the lion's pride and looked up. He smiled lightly as he stopped caressing his balls, "Sorry hun..." The wolf made his way to the side of Alistair lying down licking his cheek.

Alistair purred as he watched his mate lay next to him. He nuzzled into Derek after the wolf licked his cheek, "Apology accepted." The lion stayed by Derek's side relaxing as his tail swayed gently against the sand. A few minutes creped by as they continue to cuddle and a thought struck the Alistair; which made him blush lightly. He nuzzled under Derek's chin and purred softly, "I want to feel you inside me."

Derek looked at Alistair and placed a paw to the side of his muzzle, "Are you sure?"

The lion's blush deepened as he looked from Derek's gaze onto the water of the ocean. He thought about it for a moment more and then looked back at the wolf nodding. Alistair smiled and closed his eyes nuzzling into Derek's chest purring, "I've wanted that since I met you the first time."

It was now time for Derek to blush as he listened to Alistair, "I've wanted it to as well. I just never knew that you did."

"Well now you know..." Alistair's blush faded slightly as he slowly kissed Derek softly on the lips; a low purr resonating from his throat. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss a little, wrapping his arms more around the wolf.

Derek murred and closed his eyes deepening the kiss alongside the lion. He rolled on top of Alistair breaking the kiss for a second and smiled. He looked into the eyes of his lover and then resumed the kiss lapping at the lion's lips for entrance.

Alistair purred as he was forced onto his back by his wolf. He looked into Derek's eyes as well before they started to kiss again. He wrapped his legs around the wolf's waist as he opened his mouth for his lover's tongue. Their tongues wrestled within each other's mouths as their precum mixed on their stomachs.

The wolf broke the kiss and looked back at Alistair panting slightly licking the lion on the nose, "Are you ready hun?"

The lion smiled and nodded, "Please be gentle..."

Derek positioned himself further down placing the tip of his cock to the entrance of the lion's hole, "I will..." The wolf groaned slightly as he started to push slowly into Alistair's tight ass. He watched the lion for any sort of discomfort.

Alistair groaned as he felt Derek's member enter him placing his arms around the wolf's neck. He showed no discomfort like he did this a thousand times, but in reality it was only a couple in his near passed. Alistair wrapped his legs tighter around Derek and panted, "I want to feel more of you... please..." He closed his eyes and put up his head slightly.

The wolf only smiled to this comment as he slowly hilted Alistair's hole. He stayed there for a minute as he twitched his ears hearing the lion start to whimper and pant. It seems the lion wanted it more than he did at this moment and time. The wolf placed his paws on the lion's sides and starts to evenly take his member out and in slowly, making a slow rhythm as he started to mate with his love.

Alistair smiled and held onto the wolf almost for dear life as he grunted out of pain and pleasure. He tried to open his eyes to look at his wolf, but found himself closing them again with a moan. The lion loved the feeling of Derek's maleness in his rear. It made him feel complete making him forget everything except this moment.

Derek watched and tilted his head watching the lion in complete pleasure. He never knew how much Alistair wanted this. He chuckled lightly to himself and started to feel himself get lost in his own pleasure as he moaned out closing his eyes. Derek started to go faster in and out of his love, his knot growing as it started to leave his sheath. The wolf gasped and started to nibble on Alistair's fur feeling it bumping against the lion's anal ring.

The lion gasped as well and groaned loudly out of pleasure, "Oh Derek... fu-ck..." He placed his neck even closer to the wolf's nips, "Please... tie me..." He swallowed and panted his tongue lolled out.

The wolf didn't have to be asked twice. He started to take his cock in and out of the lion's hole fast and hard. Derek took his muzzle away groaning in absolute pleasure. Time seemed to slow down for him as he stopped groaning. He looked down at the lion's neck and licked his lips hungrily. He opened his mouth wide as his vampire fangs grew. The wolf sunk them into Alistair's tender flesh lapping up the blood that met his lips. He smiled a little as his eyes flashed and that continued for a moment more before he let Alistair go. Time sped up again as he realized that he knotted the lion before he bit him, so all Alistair felt was a love bite.

Alistair gasped and then groaned as he felt the Derek's knot penetrate him. He groaned more as he felt wolf's loves bite. Everything was too much for him as he roared and started to cum heavily into both their stomachs and chests; the lion's anal ring closing on Derek's knot.

Derek couldn't take much more either as he howled up into the air and let his orgasm take him over. His seed pulsed heavily into the lion marking Alistair his. The wolf collapsed on the lion totally spent as they both basked in their afterglow.

The lion smiled and looked up to Derek and licked at the wolf's muzzle, "You know... That love bite you gave me really didn't hurt. If anything, it gave me more pleasure; which I find strange." He thought about it for a moment and then shook his head slightly, "I guess it doesn't matter." Alistair yawned and closed his eyes falling asleep in Derek's arms purring at the feel of the knot in his tail hole.

"No, it doesn't matter right now my love, but I'll tell you what it is later." Derek smiled as he held the lion tight and teleported them into Alistair's bedroom. They lay on the bed as Derek was still wide awake stroking the lion's main with his paw watching him sleep. His knot soon subsided as he pulled himself out letting a bit of a moan escape Alistair's lips, but other than that, it didn't wake him. Derek sat on the edge of the bed and sighed a bit to himself, "I'm just wondering if I did the right thing in biting him... I know I was supposed to bring him back, but..." He looked over to the sleeping lion unaware he had two visitors in the room. "I love him too much..."

"...And that's exactly why I told you to get him in the first place. It wasn't for us, it was for you."

Derek blinked and twitched his ears as he turned his head to the direction of the voice. His father stood there watching him and Derek quickly covered himself up. "How long have you been there?"

"I haven't been here but for a few seconds. We saw how much you cared for Alistair when you first turned so we've been coming up with a plan to help the two of you get together."

The wolf tilted his head more with a bit of confusion and a blush on his face, "Oh.." He turned his head a bit more and saw another figure with his hood down standing right next to him. This figure looked like the lion that was sleeping next to him, "...And, umm, not be rude... but... who is he?"

His father grinned and stepped forward and revealed who he was with. Derek's mouth dropped as he recognized him as Alistair's father, and what was more intriguing that they were both holding paws. "Mr. Hawkins, I didn't know you were gay, I thought you had a wife. Which is why..." he turned his head to the sleeping lion.

Mr. Hawkins chuckled and nodded, "Yes, well, I did have a wife, but nothing stayed true with the two of us and we separated." He looked to the wolf that was standing next to him. "And that's how we met, but let's not get into that shall we?" he smiled and looked over to the sleeping lion, "Okay, I think it's about time that Alistair hears everything that happened. He disserves to know everything." Mr. Hawkins went over to his son and kissed him on the cheek. He then started to shake him slightly to get him up, "Hey Alistair time to wake up son."

Alistair opened his eyes slowly and yawned. He tilted his head and looked up to who was waking him in the middle of the night. His eyes grew wide, "Father!?" He scrambled out of bed forgetting he was in the nude as he hugged his father tight, "God, where were you all these years?" Alistair started to cry a little in his father's arms, "I missed you..."

Mr. Hawkins smiled and looked at Alistair, "I'll explain everything from start to finish if you want me too... but first would be a good time to have clothes on."

Alistair looked down at himself and blushed nodding, "Yeah, clothes..."

"Here..." He stepped back from Alistair and snapped his finger. A black robe appeared on Alistair's naked body; the same he and his mate were wearing.

The lion looked down at the robe and smiled. He then looked back up to his father and gave him another hug, "Thanks..." He let go and went to the bed and sat down.

Derek, already in his robe, sat down next to Alistair and cuddled up to him, "You look good hun."

Alistair blushed lightly as he wrapped his arm around the wolf now watching his father, "So what were you going to say?"

James, Alistair's father, sighed, "After your mother left me, I began to travel the world before I was attacked by a vampire. I should have died, but I didn't. Instead, I, too, became a vampire. I continued to travel the world. That's when I bumped into Tristan here."

"It was love at first sight, but James told me that we couldn't be together. It took me a year and a half of chasing his tail for me to finally get a reason of why. He told me that he was a vampire and that he didn't want to watch me grow old while he stayed young forever," Tristan told them as he gripped James' paw a little harder.

"That's when Tristan told me that he would become a vampire if it meant that he could be with me forever. So, I bit his neck and he turned." James finished.

Alistair tilted his head and looked from Derek to James, "Wait, Derek bit me. Does that mean that I will turn as well?"

Derek stopped nuzzling into Alistair and looked down almost like he did something wrong, "Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push this on y-" he was interrupted in mid sentence by a kiss from Alistair. It lasted but a few seconds, but it was full of passion and love.

"Thank you, Derek. Now I can spend eternity with you."

Derek blushed and looked at Alistair and then two their father's. It seems that all was well, "I guess I did the right thing after all."

The lion nuzzled in Derek's neck fur, but didn't say anything; he just smiled.

* * *

Sorry it took me so long to post anything. I guess I was too lazy for my own good. Hope you enjoyed A Love Not Lost. I think I'll be starting on the fifth chapter soon, if i don't get lazy again. Anyway, thanks for reading.

~ Alpha