When You Were Young
a song that cynder sings to spyro
You saved my life
Did you even know
How close I was to being gone
You thought you saw
Something good in me
Something I've never seen
But you made me believe
I could be worth something
And for that I must
Thank you
There was a time
I was sick of this life
Until you can along
And you picked me up
Nothing to lose
Nothing to gain You stood beside me
And eased my pain
Through your kind words
I developed self worth
I saw myself
As a dragoness
So I took my life Into my hands
I took it back
I redeemed myself
You were my angel
And you still are
You're everything I believed in
When I was young
You saved my soul so please
Accept my gratitude
If I could do the same
I would go to ends of the earth
Men die and the worms feed
Upon their bodies
But one hand, one word, kept me
From decaying
Take this back
Could we regress
To an easier time
Without need to suppress
Playing out this life
Recalling songs we sung
In the key of indifference
Just like when you were young
Tomorrow is another day
Another chance for things to go my way
Now we're batting a thousand