Never Trust Appearences Pt.2 - The Faithful Love

Story by Fur lover on SoFurry

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#2 of Never Trust Appearances

I know it took me a while getting this one posted, but with work and all, and also my stupidity, it took a lot of hard work XD DISCLAIMER: This story is meant for 18+ adults (21 in some countries) and contains m/m scenes. Blah blah, if you don't like thish shorta shtuff, THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING READING IT?! o.O Anyways, hope you like it! :D John was a little nervous about getting in a car with another guy, especially someone like Rob ... It had been some time since the last time he had fun, and Rob was such a nice Canine, he couldn't stop starring at him. The little fox began to blush and turned whenever Rob would look back at him, hoping that he hadn't noticed him. "So, what do you do for a living, John?" The German Shepherd said as he drove on the dark streets of the night. The little fox looked up at him and said: "Well, I am the supervisor of a company packing fudge." He thought of what he has just said, and how he sounded awkward, he quickly corrected himself. "I mean, ummm ... We make fudge and package it for businesses! "He said, just looking down blushing. Rob laughed as he drove. "You are real cute when you're shy like that, but you don't have to worry, I won't bite... Much! "He said with a wink. John just sat there, blushing, as silence dominated for the next 15 minutes. * * *


  • * * They finally arrived at Rob's place... It was an apartment and a little too nice. "It's not much, but it's home..." The Shepherd said as he unlocked the door. John walked in after Rob and his eyes grew wide. "It's a really nice place!" He said as he looked around in wonder. "Well, a few things here and there, bit decor, that's all" He said, waltzing over to the kitchen. "Come in! Make yourself at home! The fridge is over there if you want something to drink ... Have a seat, I'll be with you soon, just need to get a bit of food ready for our little dinner." Rob said as he threw a few spices on the sizzling pan. "You'll love my spaghetti!" John took a seat on the leather sofa in the living room, and looked around quietly. Rob flicked a remote control in the air and lit the stereo, which had a mix CD in it, and it began to play a slow waltz song. "I just need to make the sauce, spaghetti's already cooked, it won't be long" As Rob kept working his sauce in the kitchen with spices and herbs. "Ok!" Said John. He then heard his stomach growl a little. John looked around and saw Rob at the counter ... He observed him hovering at the stove with a little vegetables and some spices. He then turned around and decided to just watch TV a little, when he felt a some pressure on his bladder. 'Oh great!' he thought to himself. He stood up and walked about halfway to the corridor. "Where is the bathroom?" He said, holding his fly with this "Hurry up, I have to go!" look on his face. "Down the hall, second door on the left" He replied. -- 3 minutes later -- "Ah! That feels MUCH better!" Said the little fox, as he came in the kitchen. "Perfect timing my little fox!" Exclamed Rob, as he put two plates on the table in the eat-in kitchen. John sat down, as Rob. Seems as if it were the Only thing he is good for! They began to eat the spaghetti ... Once John took his first bite, he thought he thought he wasn't on earth anymore. "Oh my God! You are a VERY good cook!" Exclaimed the little fox as he began chowing down on spaghetti as if he hadn't eaten in days. Rob giggled in modesty "It's not that great is it?" But when the words reached John, he had already finished his plate. "I guess It WAS good huh?" John just nodded. "Would you feel for seconds, John? There's plenty, you know." "No, thanks, I'm pretty full actually, I just ate a little quicker than usual." He said, with a little bit of a red tint on his face. Rob could just laugh at John's actions. "You're real cute, you know." He said with a smile "It's strange, but I feel a strong attraction towards you for some reason, I don't know why ... The only thing I DO know is that I can't break a heart as gentle as yours ... That sounds kinda corny doesn't it? I must be tired or something." He said, feeling a bit awkward now. All the little fox was thinking was that he might have a good chance in a nice relationship ... He wasn't really looking for it, but it looked promising. "No, it's O.K., I feel the same way about you."said the small fox finally throwing away his timid side "I was in bad relationships before, and it had always ended in grief, and I always wished one day, that I could meet someone who had the same feeling as I do..."He started thinking about His past relationships, and how he fell deeply in love "I really ..." He bursts into tears for the next part "... I... had really bad relationships ... " Rob came to him and looked down to arrive at John's. "Don't worry about it, I experienced the same thing, I know what it's to go through poor relations like that, I had some heartbreaks as well. " The little fox just caught him in a hug. He didn't know why, but he felt as if this would really work for him for once in his life. Rob picked him up and started to walk towards his bedroom. The little fox clung to him like a child to a mother, and fell asleep. The Shepherd laid him quietly in his bed while he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "Who would have thought it would end up this way... Here I thought I was only going to ask someone out for a quiet evening, and John was kinda cute, I never thought I'd feel that way again about someone..." He thought to himself, just smiling, as he looked at himself in the mirror. Rob finished in the bathroom and proceeded to going to bed with his new life. As he got into bed, the little fox cuddled up to him, while the Shepherd just put a arm around him and fell asleep instantly. * * *


  • * * The next morning, as the sun started shining through the bedroom window, on the John's face. "Argh! BRIGHT! Turn it off!" He shouted as he then noticed that it was actually the sun shining in his eyes. Rob then appeared in the door "You alright?" He called as John cringed in the morning sun. John then noticed that he had fallen asleep in Rob's bed. "Ummm... Did I overstay my welcome?" He said, blushing. Rob just laughed at the way the fox was cute. "No, no, no, don't worry, I'm actually quite fine with it, truthfully, I appreciated having someone sleeping next to me for once. Now get up, lunch is almost ready." He said, as he disappeared into the kitchen. The little fox got up on the bed and put on a pair of pants, and then walk in the kitchen. He didn't bother to put a shirt. "So, what's for breakfast?" The asked the little fox timidly. Rob just watched him with a smile "How do pancakes sound?" "That sounds great!" Exclamed John, with a wide smile. He then looked around and back to Rob: "Do you mind if I use your phone for a few minutes?" He said, pointing towards the first phone he could see. "Sure, go right ahead" Said Rob "There's another phone in my room if you want a little privacy." All the little fox said "Ok, thanks!" And he was gone in the bedroom. John picked up the phone and started dialing Brent's number. Ring.... Ring.... Ring.... "Hello?" Came a voice on the other end. "Hey Brent!" Said John. "John? Is that you? How'd the date go last night?" Asked Brent, sounding a little excited. "I'm at his place for the time being and he's making breakfast ... He's so cool ... And I think I like him, maybe more than like him!" The little fox was now laying down in bed with a large smile on his face as he went on with the conversation. "He's so sweet and loving..." "Did you two have sex last night? You seem to have really enjoy it!" Said Brent. John could almost hear the snickering on the other end. "Oh please... I'm not that kind of guy Brent, who do you think I am? Anyways, how did you do last night, after I left?" Asked John curiously. "Well, I met this guy and left and with him... He took me to his place. He was driving a REALLY nice car." Brent said joyfully. "Really?" Did YOU have sex last night, Brent?" John snickered at the thought of Brent, always claiming that he was "Straight", yet was still fooling around with other guys all the time. "Honestly Brent, are you sure you're straight? Sometimes I wonder..." "Oh shush! Well, it's not what it seems to be anyway. Well I have to go, I have a few errands that I have to get done, we'll talk later, K?" John didn't even have time to say "Bye!" When Brent had already hung up. "It's ready!" Shouted Rob in the kitchen. John began to rush to the table. "Smells great! I bet it's just as good as it smells!" Said the little fox before he buried his face in the food. Rob just giggled, just watching him eat, and thinking how it was so cute. -- After breakfast ... Approximately half an hour later -- "Do you mind if I take a shower, Rob?" Asked John, tilting his head as he finished his sentence. "Sure, go ahead, I have to go take one after." Said Rob, parting for his room to get some clothes. John just looked at him and thought it would be a great opportunity. "Do you want to come with me? It should be fun" He said, winking at him. Rob jumped at the chance, eager to get some clothes ready for his shower. John was undressed in the bathroom when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist slowly. He trailed the hands to the body behind him and rubbed Rob's sides. "You know, I wish we could stay in this position for the rest of our lives... But the shower's waiting, and I have yet to see YOU naked!" He said with a curious giggle. "Well, well, I guess I do owe it to you, hope you like what you see!". He said with a snicker. John just watched. "Hurry up, I wanna see what you've been hiding from me!" He said with a malicious smile. The shepherd finally pulled down his pants, revealing an erection that needed some important attention. "Whoa, I knew I felt something pretty big, but didn't think it was THAT big!" He said, twitching his ear. Rob just looked at him with a red glow building in his face. "Would you just get in the shower, you silly little fox." He replied, watching John's rump the whole time. The little fox bent, wiggled his bushy white tipped tail in Rob's face, and started running the shower. Once the shower was about right, and he jumped in and signaled at Rob to follow. John began soaping himself up while Rob stepped in, and was handed the soap afterwards. Rob soaped up, but as soon as the small fox turned around to face him, he grabbed him in a kiss. They stood there kissing, for what appeared to be hours while the shower kept running on them both, but only a few seconds had passed. They felt each other, their hands wandering on every inch of each other during this moment. Rob then picked up the little fox, and held him in this position for a moment while John wrapped his legs around the Shepherd's waist. Rob started to lower the small fox on his erection that had been throbbing. Once the large member kissed the tight pucker, John shivered. "Are you ... Ok? Do you want to stop?" Question Rob, worried about the expression on the little fox's face. John just looked him in the eyes and nodded yes. Rob let the little fox descend until the head entered the tight entry. John grimaced in pain and hid his face in Rob's shoulder. He stopped for a second, concerned about his little fox. "Keep going ...." John Said, looking in the shepherd's eyes with confidence. With this, Rob started to lower John again, until he was hilted. Rob stopped there, watching the expression John's face. John had an expression of horrible pain, mixed with pure ecstasy. The shepherd slowly began to withdraw, while John kept his face hidden in Rob's furry chest, begin to feel empty, until Rob eased it in again, not as slow as the first time, but still slow enough not to hurt the little fox. The shepherd had a large knot that is trying to push in as well, but it was too early. He didn't wan't to hurt the little guy. Rob maintained this pace, trying not to hurt John. Rob started to slowly accelerate the pace, while John felt pure excitement. Rob knew that the fox was somewhat close to climax, and it was so with him as well, as a matter of fact. He couldn't hold back any longer, he would have to knot... "John... do you want me to..." Was everything he could mutter out, when John looked at him and nodded "yes". At that time, he immersed himself completely inside John, with his huge knot that tied them together as Rob's seed started to spew out from the sides of his shaft. John erupted on Rob's chest just after. John yelled at the mixed feelings of pain and ecstasy. John just kissed his new lover, as they bathed in the afterglow of this wonderful event. They were still standing there, as the shower head sprayed water on their bodies. Rob decided to just fill the bathtub and take a bath, it would be much easier for both of them for the time being. -- They eventually got themselves clean -- Rob held his little fox as they sat on the couch in the livingroom, both watching TV. The Shepherd looked at John. "So, how did you like that, John?" He said with a smile. "It was..." He thought of his words. "Wonderful... But now I am tired..." He said, yawning. The next thing Rob knew, John was asleep in his arms peacefully and gently cuddled in his chest.