The Prelude - The Servant and the Prince

Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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#1 of Legends of Azell

Update! 02-12-2013, when re-archiving my stories, I noticed the story messed up and it has be rectified

Within the bowels of the servants quarters of the palace sat a young Vixen, preparing for the end of the long and arduous work day. She was garbed in a plain black dress, deeming her as a member of the cleaning staff hired by the King and Queen of the land. Her bright red fur flashed brilliantly from the flickers of the dancing fire within the fireplace as she prepared her water for her cup of tea for the night. She gently let her long hair down from the bun she had it up in as she turned in for the night. She was then startled by a sudden rapping at her chamber door.

"Who is it?" she asked to the door as she slowly walked to the door.

"It is I, Jordan," said a calm and charming voice from the other side.

She rushed to the door and quickly opened it. On the other side, she saw that strapping young princely white lion on the other side, garbed in very elaborate outfit. He slowly entered into the vixen's room and smiled widely, closing the door behind him. She blushed, knowing full well he hardly comes down here, and when he does, he normally has a special request.

"What brings you down here my lord prince?" she asked.

"I have something I wish to tell you Cecilia," he whispered gently. Before she could reply, he gently pulled her into him and a warm embrace as the two met eye to eye, her green portals staring into his cyan colored iris. She found herself at a loss for words, blushing brilliantly in the flickering light.

"My lord!" she gasped, but did not attempt to pull away. "What are you doing? were you not to be married to one of the princesses of the land?

"No," he replied gently. "I told my father I refused."

"But your father!" she began only to have the lion's finger brush over her lips.

"Pay him no heed," he said softly. "He said there was a law of the land that if I impregnate any female from our land, she will be wedded into the royal family, and I've chosen you Cecilia!'

"My Lord!" she gasped. "I am merely a humble servant of the house Gavin, why would you choose me my lord?"

"I have admired you from afar for far too long Cecilia. For many years as you have worked here, I thought of the palace as a garden, and all of the people in it were flowers. Each of them being plain and boring flowers. But You Cecilia, You are the rose amongst the lillies, unique, yet beautiful. Strong and Independent."

The vixen blushed even more as she looked away in embarrassment. Here she was, a simple servant being seduced and wooed by the prince! She could not think of anyway to respond to his advances. She looked back into blue portals of eyes.

"Cecilia, I will not force you into anything you wish to do," he said softly as he placed his finger gently under her chin.

"I," Cecilia stuttered softly as she blushed. "I will carry your child my lord, for I too have watched you from afar."

Jordan gently smiled as the two shared a gentle embrace lips softly as he wrapped his arms around her back. He started to untie her dress from the back gently they exchanged heated kisses. Once it was untied, the dress quickly dropped onto the ground, exposing that gorgeous slim and busty body. As their lips parted, the vixen slowly began to unbutton the prince's shirt as the two began panting wildly with lust and passion. As Cecilia finally unlatch the last button, the prince quickly threw that button up shirt to the ground and quickly takes off his pants.

Jordan then picks her up suddenly and lays her on the bed. He lays on top of her and reunited their lips as he touched over his lover's body gently. As she sighed lightly as she felt that paw gently run over her hip gently, her ears fall against her head in gentle bliss as they continued kissing. They would part lips once again as the young prince then slide his member gently into her gently, causing the vixen to moan loudly. She wrapped her legs gently around his hips gently as he began thrusting into her suddenly, breaking her hymen and taking her virginity. Her arms wrapped around him and began gripping his fur tightly. She panted heavily as the two lovers locked eyes once more as the lion began to gently thrust into her hungry folds.

"ooooohhhhh Jordan," she moaned aloud to her lover as he continued thrusting. "Jordan, you're so big!"

Jordan then began kissing the young vixen's neck, causing her to groan even more as he took that lion's cock. her head reared back, moaning and loosing herself in the ecstasy of the moment. His thrusts began picking up in speed slowly, but did not get any stronger as he too began to moan softly around her neck. She gently bites her lower lip gently and took each thrust, her paws roamed up to his flowing mane suddenly, gripping it tightly as she enjoyed every minute.

Suddenly, Jordan slowly turned over in the bed so that vixen was now sitting on his member. His eyes glazed over as he watched the vixen take over. She began rocking her hips back and forth gently as his paws locked in on her hips, holding onto her as she rode him. He watched as her breasts bounced with each rock she made on his member. Her lower lip started to quiver with anticipation as her moans started picking up with her rocking. He frantically began to pant heavily with each rock, gently thrusting into each him thrust she made.

"Cecilia," he moaned softly. "You feel so wonderful!"

She once again reared her head back as her rocks started picked up faster and faster. Her moans grew louder as she began picking up speed. With that, Jordan gently sat up, and moved to the edge of the bed. She kept riding him as he gently began to lick her breasts gently. They both could feel how close the other was to being pushed over the edge. They wanted this, they wanted to consummate their hidden love, they wanted to become pregnant. Suddenly, Cecilia gripped on the Jordan's shoulders suddenly as her insides begin to violently contract around his member as she rode him. That finally sent the young lion over the edge, thrusting up into her suddenly and deeply as he spews his seed deep inside the vixen's awaiting folds. She felt that warm, filling feeling wash over her suddenly as she stopped, her head leaning in to give her lover a gentle nuzzle.

"Jordan," she panted heavily as she opened her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder gently, "I... I love you."

Jordan smiled and held her close, nuzzling back, "I love you too Cecilia..." he replied.

The two lovers lay down together and slowly drift to sleep, The Servant and the Prince, such an unlikely pairing...