Ingress 5

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#5 of Ingress

Jason tossed and turned in his bed, grumbling faintly to himself and then kicking the blankets off. He had turned the air-con off earlier as it had been rattling, and he was already regretting the decision.

Lyra had been sent home at Jason's insistence. He had to work, do chores, and all of that boring stuff. A slow time at the bar where he worked some mornings had given him plenty of time to ponder on what he had done.

He had fingered a pony.

A talking pony.

It was bizarre to him. But not because of the simple physical act. More; it was bizarre because he wasn't weirded out by it. Whenever Jason though of a 'real' horse (because somehow, talking ponies coming through an interdimensional portal just weren't real enough), it just didn't tickle his fancy. In fact, it tickled something a little closer to his gag and vomit reflex. But Lyra? The mint-maned unicorn who could likely kill him with a touch of magic... he was actually attracted to her.

Which was bizarre!

What was even worse was, she was an awesome girl. Cute, bouncy, playful, and as he had discovered, naughty! Not to mention she was interested in him, which might have more to say about her sample size than her standards. But still!

Jason couldn't help but let his mind wander to the future. How would a relationship even work? Would he just have this magical cupboard in his upstairs bedroom where his non-human girlfriend would come from?

Even just thinking about it was bizarre. But what really disturbed Jason was that he was thinking about a future with Lyra. There were no plans, there was no intent to try make a future with her. But he wasn't discounting the possibility in its entirety.

And that scared him.

After a while, a fitful sleep took Jason, and he tossed and turned his way through several hours.

Suddenly, he was wide awake.

Wide, wide awake.

Jason couldn't shake the feeling that someone was in his room with him. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing up, and he had the strangest urge to leap from the bed and run from the room.

Slowly, Jason opened his eyes, expecting to see Lyra standing in front of him.

The human gave a cry of alarm and backpedalled across the bed, kicking the covers off himself hurriedly and crashing to the ground with a heavy thud. A glass of water on the nightstand wobbled and then bounced off his forehead, adding insult and injury, leaving a nice forming bruise on his forehead.

Jason groaned faintly, holding one hand against his forehead, covering his left eye, staring up at the ceiling, dazed.

The upside-down head of a large white pony appeared in his field of view. She had a horn, like Lyra, except much longer, and almost scarily pointed. A tiara rested in her multi coloured-mane, that was constantly trailing in the air as if silk in a light breeze.

"I take it you are Jason?" the pony asked.

Jason was wrapped in a fuzzy red bathrobe - a souvenir from the last time his ex-girlfriend had drunkenly crashed at his place - while he stirred a cup of extra-strength coffee in a distracted way.

Princess Celestia, as she called herself, was sitting in the doorway of his kitchen, between him and his front door, watching him intently, pink eyes narrowed.

"You realise that that is really unnerving?" Jason asked nervously, stirring his coffee and then dropping the spoon on the counter, taking a long swallow of the bitter liquid. It wasn't even three A.M. yet, and he needed something to do with his hands. Something about the princess set him on edge.

"This entire situation is unnerving," Celestia said calmly, her gaze unwavering.

Jason was very aware of how large the pony was. She was at least twice his mass, and the horn on her head was long enough to spear him from front to back. Not to mention she knew magic. And she had wings! Great big white things he had seen her stretch a few moments previously.

And she was in his kitchen, watching him.

They had exchanged no more than their names before Jason had made an excuse and bolted to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee, giving himself time to think, and hopefully, time to wake up further.

"So... tell me more about your kind. These... humans," Celestia asked, though the question was more of a demanding statement.

"Uhm... well... there just isn't a whole lot to say," Jason said nervously, rubbing a palm against the back of his neck. From what he understood, Celestia was the ruler of Equestria, and perhaps some kind of 'deity'.

"Ponies have earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns. What different strains do humans have?" Celestia asked matter-of-factly.

Jason pondered on that, taking another sip of his coffee to fortify himself. "W-well... we have... erm... European... Asian... American... and African American, if I had to really divide people up into different races. Oh, and indians, I guess... and Aboriginals. And Australian's. And just jeeze. Lots."

"That is... a lot of different races," Celestia stated, frowning. "Are there not a stronger generalisation you could make?"

"Black and white?" Jason offered helplessly. "But even then... there's brindle and half-cast, yellow and brown..."

Celestia gave a harrumph, shaking her head. "Tell me of these asians then. What distinguishes them from the rest of your kind? Do they have wings?"

Jason gave a snort at that, not quite sure how to answer. "Uhm... well... I suppose they have... sorta squinty eyes?" he offered helplessly, feeling railroaded into an answer. "And black hair, I guess. I've never seen a blond asian."

"You have black hair, are you Asian?" Celestia asked, casting her gave up towards his hair.

Jason shook his head. "No. Black is a pretty common hair colour."

"Then these Americans. What makes them different?" Celestia asked flatly.

"I... Well, I guess they're pretty good at blowing stuff up? They're involved in pretty much every war, anyhow. And they're the main world superpower." Jason gave a helpless shrug.

"Then these... Indians, what are they?"

"I... guess they were a hunter-gatherer nation, until the American's came and wiped most of them out. Now they run gambling-institutes, from what I know," Jason said weakly.

"The American's wiped most of them out?" Celestia repeated, aghast.

"I did tell you that they're good at war, right?" Jason replied helplessly.

Celestia snorted once. "And the Australians?"

Jason took a deep breath at that. "Well... the Australians were originally the worst of the worst of criminals from the Europeans, basically sent to die on Australia. After a while, they just gave up keeping them in line and let them make their own continent."

Celestia just stared at him. "And... the African Americans?"

Jason gave a weak laugh, looking away. "Oh... well... Uhm... They were slaves."

"Slaves?!" Celestia screeched.

"Slaves," Jason repeated with a curt nod. "Slaves to the Americans."

"So you have slave-keeping, land-taking nation, a nation comprised entirely of criminals, a nation whose sole purpose is to run gambling institutions, and a nation of slanted-eyed, black-haired humans?" Celestia asked, her tone awed and dismayed.

"That... really does sum it up pretty nicely," Jason said weakly. "It's not as... cut-and-dried as that..."

"And you have a doorway to Equestria..." the princess added weakly.

"It's not nearly as bad as it sounds!" Jason said, dismayed. "Just... come on. Sit down in my lounge room and I'll explain it better," he said, ushering the princess towards the lounge room, while thinking to himself that if this event were to be recorded for posterity, it would be the worst first contact ever.

Jason sighed faintly, holding a rum & cola can against his forehead, letting it cool him. It wasn't even six AM, and he was drinking. Thankfully, he didn't have work that day. But after that 'conversation' with Celestia, he needed something to wind down. It had been an absolute nightmare trying to explain human history to the princess, and the state of current affairs.

Religion hadn't gone over well. The crusades had positively disgusted her, and suicide bombers had made her angry. She already hated most every religion, except for pacifism. She abhorred suicide bombers, and found the very idea of being rewarded with seventy-one virgins as a crime against nature.

'What's in it for the girls?' Celestia had asked. 'Or is their reward to be one of these seventy-one concubines?'

It had been a long, long talk. And many, many things had become sore points. Dictators, wars, terrorism, poverty.

Celestia had left looking very worried and distracted. Which was about when Jason discovered the 'visitors'.

A pair of unicorns, dressed in shining silver armor, spears in hoof, standing in his spare room, flanking the wardrobe, silent and ready for anything that might come at them.

At least Jason now knew that Lyra was an oddity. None of these new ponies were bouncy and happy. They were serious and quiet.

"Jason!?" called a familiar voice.

Jason looked up, taking the rum can away from his forehead, peering up the stairs to where Lyra was peering out from between the railings.

"Down here," Jason said, waving his free hand idly.

Lyra came bounding down the steps with a worried frown, stopping in front of the couch and then sitting down on her haunches, staring up at him. "What did Princess Celestia say?!"

"Something about coming back later when she's made her decision," Jason said, pressing the rum can back against his forehead.

"Well... she let me back in here!" Lyra said with an earnest nod, bouncing up onto the couch and then pressing into his side, rubbing her nose in against his cheek affectionately. "That's a good sign!"

Jason sighed faintly, wrapping his arm around the unicorn. "She kept asking questions."

"It is a whole new world," Lyra said with a helpless smile, licking his cheek gently.

"Indeed. But still. I thought she was going to kill me when I told her about organized religion," Jason said with a shudder.

"Organized religion?" Lyra asked curiously, ears perking up at him.

Jason nodded. "Belief in a god. In an organized way."

"That's not a bad thing," Lyra said with a shrug. "We all believe in a god... well, goddess."

"That's not quite how our church works," Jason said with a wry smile. "And there's no way to prove the religion."

"Just have your god come down and talk one-on-one with Celestia," Lyra said with a single blink.

Jason gave a nervous laugh at that. "That's the problem. There's not even much proof that god exists. He doesn't talk to people, he doesn't interact with them, or anything."

Lyra blinked slowly. "That's... just... weird. Why do humans believe in him then?"

"Gullibility?" Jason offered with a helpless shrug. "I'm not sure. I don't believe in a god myself."

"Well that's sensible," Lyra said with a smile, before peering at his rum & cola can with a slow tilt of her head. "What's that?"

""Liquid fortitude," Jason stated, removing it from his forehead and taking a mouthful of it, before resting it back against his forehead.

"Can I try some?" Lyra asked, bouncing slightly in place.

Shrugging, Jason handed Lyra the can.

The teal unicorn immediately held it up against her muzzle with both hooves and downed several large gulps.

Jason winced, quickly leaning forwards and taking the can from her, shaking his head. "Not so fast!"

Lyra burped cutely and then blinked once up at him, tilting her head, and then wrinkling her nose. "Ugh... the aftertaste is horrible!"

"It's not for everyone," Jason admitted with a wry smile.

The unicorn snorted once, rubbing at her muzzle with a hoof. "Makes me feel all tingly though."

"Loosens inhibitions. It's alcohol." Jason took another swallow, peering sideways at the unicorn.

"Like cider?" Lyra asked with a goofy smile.

Jason nodded. "I guess so. Hard cider."

"I liiike hard cider," Lyra said with a sage nod, blinking up at him coquettishly. "I like other hard things too, if you know what I'm talking about."

Jason raised a brow at her slowly.

"Cocks! I'm talking about cocks!" Lyra stated with a huff.

Jason chuckled. "I caught the innuendo the first time around."

"But no squirming in embarrassment?" Lyra asked with a pout.

"I've already had a full can of rum, had barely any sleep, and I feel a headache coming. I really don't have the energy for embarrassment at the moment," Jason admitted,shaking his head and downing the rest of the rum can, placing it on the coffee table, before sitting back in the couch, spreading himself out lazily. "Sun isn't even up yet."

"I can relax you!" Lyra said instantly, inching closer to him with an oh-so-innocent grin.

"Aren't you worried about Celestia? The guards?" Jason asked lazily.

"Celestia won't be back for an hour at least!" Lyra said with a happy nod and a smile. "And the guards have been ordered not to move. Just gonna keep humans away from the portal and keep ponies on the other side. I have a special pass, and she wrote 'free intimacy' on it!"

"I don't believe you," Jason stated with a shake of his head.

"I'll prove it!" Lyra said, dashing upstairs. She was gone for over a minute, before she came bounding back down, a golden slip of paper in her mouth. She offered it to him wordlessly.

Upon the ticket was a fancy inlay of what appeared to be a royal crest of some kind, with very officious writing on it declaring 'the bearer of this ticket is allowed passage to the zone from which other ponies are not allowed'.

Underneath that, scrawled hastily in writing that was a different colour and different neatness, were the words: 'plus, free intimacy!!!'

Jason chuckled, handing the ticket back to the unicorn with a shake of his head. "I guess I can't argue with legal writ, huh?"

"Oh no, Celestia will be so angry!" Lyra said with a firm nod.

"So you intend to seduce me while Celestia is deciding on my fate?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lyra huffed, and then pushed her upper half into Jason's lap, peering up at him, forehooves resting on his thighs. "Is there any better time?! I might never even see you again!"

"Sound logic," Jason admitted, rubbing a palm against his forehead. "I guess if you're hell-bent on doing it, there's not much I can do to stop you."

"That's consent!" Lyra said immediately, with a sense of finality in her voice, as though to convince him not to take it back. Immediately, she slid her hooves to his hips, and began to tug at his pants.

After a few moments, Lyra growled, huffing up at him. "How do you get into these things?!"

Jason rolled his eyes, and then slid a hand down to slide up his shirt and undo the button and zipper at the front of his pants.

"Ohhh, that makes sense!" Lyra said immediately. "Because you have hips that are like... in a straight line with your shoulders! Hips wider than stomach, and there's no tail or bend for pants to catch on, so you need for a fastening to make sure they stay on!"

"Or elastic," Jason said with a smile, tilting his head down at the unicorn, watching her lazily.

Lyra grinned up at him, and then tugged at his pants all the harder, pulling them down to ankles and then scowling at his boxers. "More?!"

"These are loose," Jason stated, tugging up the edge of his boxers with a finger and letting them snap back against his flesh.

The unicorn cooed at that, and then gripped his boxers in her mouth, tugging them down completely and then quickly, almost eagerly gazing upon his bared groin.

Jason shifted slightly at the sensation of his pants being tugged down, peering at the unicorn to see her reaction.

Lyra hummed faintly, looking this way and that, and almost seeming disappointed. "This... is it?"

Jason rolled his eyes. "It's not erect yet."

"Your sheath is all... small and thin," Lyra stated, looking crestfallen, poking it with her hoof, watching the way it rolled back and forth with a disappointed expression.

"It's not a sheath," Jason said with a sigh, shaking his head.

"And it has its own hair!" Lyra said, digging her hoof in against his pubic hair and brushing it curiously. Her nose nudged up against his balls, and Jason squirmed at the way he exhalations tickled the sensitive flesh. "At least these are the same! But still small."

"Oh shut up already and rub it," Jason said with a soft sigh.

Lyra snorted once, looking up at him and then lifting a hoof to rub at his flaccid length enthusiastically. "Why are you treating this like a chore?"

"You're treating it like a discovery channel special," Jason stated, shaking his head at her.

"It is a discovery!" Lyra said with an earnest nod and a wry smile at him. She glanced down at her hoof, and then blinked, leaning in to nudge the human's member with her nose. "It's growing!" she said excitedly.

"It does that," Jason pointed out, leaning back a little bit further and trying to relax.

"How do I make it grow faster?!" Lyra urged, nudging it again.

"How would you do it with a stallion?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lyra hummed thoughtfully, and then pulled the half-mast member up and immediately began to wash it with warm licks, tongue working against it firmly.

Jason couldn't help but squirm slightly in place. Her tongue was soft, surprisingly so, and it felt good. Very quickly, the length of his flesh began to harden and grow, stiffening as it went, throbbing to life under the assault of Lyra's licks.

Lyra gave a low hum of delight as she felt it stiffen against her tongue, grinning up at him with her amber eyes.

Once she was certain it was done growing, she pulled back, and stared at it, nudging it with a hoof. "Ohhh, much better!" she crooned, leaning in and rubbing her lips against it slowly. "So much smaller than a stallion's though."

Jason rolled his eyes. "You were the one so intent on getting at it."

"I'm not complaining!" Lyra said with a vigorous shake of her head, "I bet that..." the unicorn trailed off, and Jason raised an eyebrow at her as she pulled his member up with both hooves, so it was pointing upwards.

The unicorn shifted, and in an instant, three quarters of Jason's member had disappeared into Lyra's hungry muzzle, her soft lips and even softer tongue swirling all the way down towards the base.

Jason arched and gave a low groan at the sensation, closing his eyes and trying his best not to roll his hips towards the sensations. Lyra giggled muffledly around his member, and then crawled a little bit further up his form, so that she could work with the natural curve of the stiff cock in her muzzle better, pushing her mouth further down him until her lips touched the base.

The unicorn held the pose for several seconds, before coming up for air, panting and resting the thick member against her nose, grinning past it at him.

Jason shuddered and opened an eye, peering down at the unicorn.

"It does fit!" Lyra said with a giggle, lapping at the underside of Jason's member slowly, grinning. "A stallion's member never fits because it's so thick and the flare just stretches your jaw so much that it hurts, and you basically choke when they cum!"

Jason gave a faint, breathless laugh. "I'll take your word for it."

The human stared down at the pony for several long moments, before raising a brow. "Are you gonna continue or am I gonna have to go jack off?"

Lyra blinked once, and then giggled. "Oh right!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Lyra twisted her muzzle and then shoved it over his member, pushing her hooves down over his hips to stop him from bucking up into her muzzle as she curled her tongue over as much of his membe as she could, suckling and bobbing her muzzle in earnest.

Jason groaned softly, his back arching and legs tensing as he laid a hand on the unicorn's head, rubbing at the base of her ears in encouragement, letting his fingers dig into her silky mane.

Lyra gave another muffled giggle around him, and then went into overdrive, bobbing and working him rapidly with muzzle, tongue swirling and grinding against his underside, working him over so well.

The unicorn pulled back with a gasp for air, panting with her tongue hanging out, blinking up at the human in confusion. "Why haven't you cum yet?!" she demanded breathlessly, nudging his member once with her nose.

"You've only been at it for a minute!" Jason protested, brows furrowing.

"Humans last more than a minute?!" Lyra asked, staring up at him, mouth parted in surprise.

Jason considering making a joke at the expense of every premature ejaculator ever, and then decided against it, nodding once. "Usually it takes about five minutes of proper stimulation to make a human orgasm."

Lyra stared up at him, her mouth falling open further and her eyes wide. A low whimper left the unicorn, and one of her hoofs slipped down to press between her legs, and she shuddered. "Fingers a-and you can mate for five full minutes?" the unicorn whispered, her tone awed and delighted. "That is so hot!"

Jason laughed faintly, grinning at the unicorn and shaking his head. "Five minutes is usually the minimum."

Lyra whimpered again, biting her bottom lip and then panting against his member, grinding her hoof against herself slowly. "Oh wow... Celestia can't close the portal. She can't. Not now!"

"You can gush about my sexual prowess later!" Jason said impatiently, rubbing at the base of her ears slowly and grinding his stiff member against her muzzle.

"You are going to fuck me," Lyra said in a low, intent tone. "Not right now... but you are so going to fuck me. I don't care how much I have to beg or tease!"

"Okay, okay!" Jason agreed heedlessly, "Just stop talking!"

Lyra giggled at that, and then immediately wrapped her hooves around his hips, shoving her muzzle down over him again, sinking her lips right to the base of his stiffened member, wriggling her tongue against his underside in a coaxing motion.

Jason shuddered, his hips rolling against the pony's muzzle. Her mouth was so much better than a human's somehow. It was warmer, softer, and she could fit his entire member in her mouth without gagging. It was heavenly.

The unicorn grinned up at him from under her mane, his eyes narrowing as she twisted her muzzle and suckled hard, before beginning to bob and work her muzzle all the harder, closing her lips tightly over him to increase the pressure and conversely ramp up his pleasure.

Jason squirmed in place, closing his eyes and gripping a fistful of the unicorn's mane, resisting the urge to fuck her muzzle as she worked over him like that so willingly.

Grinning deviously, Lyra drew back and gripped around the middle of his cock with both hooves, beginning to stroke and squeeze at the mid-point of his member while assaulted the tip with urgent, coaxing swirls and laps of her tongue, the broad, velvety surface slashing across his sensitive flesh rapidly.

The human panted hard, beginning to rock his hips slowly, gritting his teeth as he felt that familiar ticklish sensation building in his centre.

Lyra gave an eager hum as she felt his member throbbing, heralding his orgasm, and her tonguework increased in urgency, assaulting him with pleasure.

With a low groan, Jason jerked, his hips twitching, trying to thrust up into the unicorn's suckling, working muzzle.

The first thick burst of cum spilled into Lyra's muzzle, and she gasped, her eyes widening, quickly pushing her hooves against his hips to hold him steady as she shoved her muzzle right to the base of his member. She swallowed against him eagerly, grinning up at him as bursts of the gooey spunk splashed across the back of her throat. After one or two swallows, she mistimed her swallow and gagged, having to stop swallowing and just allow his gooey mess to build in her mouth as Jason spilled himself into it.

Lyra's tongue slowly swirled against his throbbing tip, coaxing out the last of his load as strings of seed slowly drooled from her lips, coating the base of his member.

Jason groaned faintly, lifting a shaking hand to gently move Lyra's mane out of her face. The unicorn grinned around his member, staring up at him as she slowly drew her lips off him, sliding upwards with long swirls of her tongue against him, letting his member fall from her mouth following by a thick dribble of spunk.

The unicorn giggled, peering up at him, and then delicately opening her mouth to show him her prize, a small pool of white caught on her tongue and coating the insides of her muzzle. She closed her mouth and swallowed, before leaning in with a soft hum to slowly lap his softening member clean, drawing her soft tongue over it slowly.

Groaning faintly, Jason peering down at her with one eye, trying to catch his breath, feeling exhausted now after the burst of pleasure. A shaking hand weakly stroked through her mane. "You're pretty good at that."

Lyra giggled up at him, licking her lips clean and then tugging up his boxers, covering him up again as she crawled up his form and laid across his, resting her chin against his sternum. "And you owe me for it!"

"Oh here we go," Jason stated, shaking his head.

Lyra grinned. "I want you to fuck me!"

"I'm kinda exhausted now. He's gone home for the night," Jason said with a shake of his head.

"Not now!" Lyra stated, grinning up at him and licking his chin affectionately. "But sometime!"

"I guess I did agree, didn't I?" Jason asked wearily.

Lyra giggled and nodded, nudging him once with her chin.

Jason sighed faintly and then wrapped his arms around the unicorn, pulling her up into his lap properly and kissing her nose gently. "Well, if I'm going to end up screwing you, that kinda makes us boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I know!" Lyra said with a happy grin. "And that weird!"

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Jason said with a single blink. "Not to mention you're a pony."

"But that doesn't bother you much, does it?" Lyra asked, looking up at him hopefully.

Jason hummed thoughtfully. "After what just happened... I guess I can cope. Might just be the euphoria and rum talking."

"I'll just have to give you more reasons to be comfortable with it!" Lyra exclaimed, grinding her hips pointedly against his own with a sly grin and giggle.

Jason gave a soft laugh. "You are a nymphomaniac."

"Nymphomaniacs have a disorder. I just enjoy sex and I'm not a prude!" Lyra retorted, swatting his shoulder with a hoof.

"Either way, we humans need to rest in between bouts. So ask me more awkward questions... after I sleep."

Lyra giggled and licked his chin sweetly. "Very well!"

Jason closed his eyes and resting his head on the back of the couch to nap. One eye opened as Lyra rolled to snuggle up to his side, resting her head on his chest. "Just curious... how long do stallions usually last?"

"About thirty seconds," Lyra said immediately, closing her eyes.

A smile lit Jason's face as he stroked Lyra's mane with a hand, trailing his fingers through the soft hair before he drifted off to sleep.