Ingress 6
#6 of Ingress
Jason dreamed. Dreamed some very, very odd dreams.
Flashes of information swirled through his mind. Images, sounds, impressions of scenes. He saw the history books detailing the Indian tribes of 'pre-civilised' America. He saw news reports of the battles in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. He saw himself changing the channel on his TV repeatedly and only coming up with the same televised appearance of George W Bush explaining the 9/11 terror attacks and the images of the World Trade Centre's falling to the earth.
He saw his childhood, his job, his friends and family. He saw a person in the local pub dropping his spare change into a donation container as he paid for his beer. He saw a young lady playing a violin on the street, her violin case sparkling with coins from strangers.
Even more vividly he saw that terrible night, being woken up from bed by his uncle and dragged out, yawning and rubbing his eyes, not quite certain what was going on. The crash scene was drenched in blood, and the car was opened like a tin can where the Jaws of Life had been applied to get the occupants out. His mother had been killed instantly, and his father had bled out while the Jaws of Life were taking care of the wreck.
Flashes of images followed. Arriving at his grandparents house the very next morning, numb with shock. Being greeted by their dog bounding up and bowling him over, scraping his knee. His grandmother applying a bandaid to the wound.
Further images flooded his mind. Being bullied at school by larger kids. Beaten and shoved to the dirt. The vindictive pleasure he felt at knocking one of them out cold in his high school years. Being dragged in front of the principle and being told that 'this is not how children behave' before he was summarily expelled from school.
Jason saw snippets of further scenes from his life, the old advertisement for charity to help starving African children. Advertisements for the RSPCA. Volunteering for the same service at one of the local institutions. Eating ice cream at the beach and cooling his feet in the lapping waves cresting the shore. The sting of a box jellyfish. The cool of the liquid that was splashed over the wound, soothing it. Fights at the pub he worked at part-time. One of his mates coming around with a bag full of feed and a carton of rum & cola cans when Jason's paycheque didn't clear in time for him to make it to the bank.
A cacophony of images rolled past his sleeping mind, until a sharp, piercing pain in his temple awoke him.
Jason's eyes flickered open, and he rolled off the couch, stumbling past the midnight-blue pony in his loungeroom and staggering to the window, throwing it open just in time to throw up into the weed-filled garden underneath the window.
Panting, Jason rested his forehead on the cool glass. He was crying, sobbing, his head hurt, he felt nauseous, the room was spinning, and his vision was blurry. He felt like he was experiencing the top five worst illnesses he'd ever had all at the same time.
After several long moments, Jason managed to compose himself, turning around to face the lounge room and inspect the strange new pony there. Lyra had left some time while he was sleeping, and this strange blue pony had replaced her. This pony was a little smaller than Celestia, through she was a pegicorn as well. Jason could see her horn and wings. Her mane was blue and sparkled with something like stars. She was wearing a black tiara and what appeared to be a black bib with a moon on it.
Jason went to take a step forwards, the world tilted crazily, and he thought better of it. Leaning back against the wall, he slid down it, bringing his knees to his chest and putting his head between them, giving a low groan.
"You are okay, yes?" the new pony asked.
"Not really, no," Jason stated with a shake of his head.
"I was not too intrusive?"
"Intrusive?" Jason asked blankly.
"With my dream reading. Your thoughts are... harder to grasp than a pony's. But it is possible to read them and influence them."
"You were in my dreams?!" Jason asked, alarmed, staring at her.
The pony drew herself up to her full height, touching her chest with a hoof. "It is my duty as Guardian of the Night to ensure that you... human will not be a threat to Equestria."
"Great," Jason said, rubbing his palms against his temples slowly. "I'm starting to get really bored of this though. Lemme guess, tomorrow, you'll have a new pony in here to stare at me?"
"We already have another one. Two, in fact," another voice said from the doorway.
Jason groaned faintly, lifting his head to cast his gaze towards the new voice.
A pair of ponies stood in his doorway. One of them was a pegacorn, a uniform pink colour, with a multicolour pink and purple mane and tail. The second was male, white, with what Jason thought was a blue mane and tail. But this pony was dressed up in full armor, with a spear in hoof, watching with narrowed eyes.
"Great. Just. Make yourself at home," Jason said with a dismissive wave of his hand, putting his head back between his knees.
"Are human's always this delicate when they awaken?" the male pony asked with a contemptuous snort.
Jason sighed, lifting his head to place it on his knee. "No. Just, magic. Magic really doesn't agree with humans, I guess."
The blue pony gave a thoughtful hum at that, and the male looked quite happy about this fact.
"Look. If you're going to be talking at me, at least tell me your names," Jason said with a weary sigh.
"I am Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night!" the blue pony said with a wave of a hoof.
"And I am Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love," the pink pony said with an incline of her head.
"And I am Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard," the white pony said, saluting with the hoof not holding the spear.
"Wow, royalty," Jason said in a completely unawed tone, resting his chin on his knee still. "Forgive me, but I'm not exactly feeling well."
"That is fine, I have all I need," Princess Luna said calmly, turning and starting up the stairs. "Do follow quickly, Cadance."
The pink pegacorn nodded once and then waved the other Princess off, before turning to Jason. "I'll not be here long, but I must inspect you. I am ever-so-curious, and Princess Celestia does not deem you a threat."
Jason looked the pegacorn up and down, and then cast his gaze to the Guard Captain, a brow raising. "And yet he's with you."
"I will protect my wife," Shining Armor stated flatly.
"That doesn't sound like a conflict of interest at all," Jason muttered, rubbing his palm against his forehead slowly. "Look just, do whatever it is you wanna do and leave, please."
"Very well," Cadance said, stepping closer to him. A soft, thoughtful hum left her, and her horn glowed.
Jason winced backwards, shielding himself from the light of the horn with a hand, expecting that pain to start back up in his temple. There was a soft, soothing, warming sensation, and then nothing.
The pink princess nodded once, and then turned, starting up the stairs. Shining Armor followed.
"Wha?" Jason asked, blinking once. "That's it?"
"That's it," Cadance called back with a warm smile, before disappearing back upstairs.
Jason was sitting in the lounge chair, holding a cold can of drink against his forehead again and trying to recover from whatever it was the 'princess of the night' had done to him. His head was pounding and he still felt nauseous deep in his stomach. The only thing he could liken it to was when you didn't eat for so long that you got so hungry that you felt sick.
There was the sound of steps above him, and he looked up the stairs to find Lyra peeking down at him. "Are you okay?"
Jason gave a mute nod, leaning back in the chair and giving a faint sigh. "Nothing I won't recover from eventually."
Lyra made a sound of concern, bounding down the stairs and then pulling herself up onto the couch with him, nudging her nose powerfully against his neck. "You look sick."
"A princess was just rummaging around in my head," Jason pointed out, rubbing his temple slowly.
"She was trying to get a feel for humans. You didn't exactly leave a good impression of your species," Lyra pointed out, shaking her head.
Jason nodded glumly, resting his cheek on a knee and peering at the unicorn. "I guess I didn't. But what I can say? Truth hurts."
"And no mention of charity or doctors, or medicine, or anything," Lyra said sternly.
"Our ability to blow shit up always greatly outstrips our ability to heal or rebuild," Jason pointed out with a slow shake of his head. "It's the way of the world."
"Do you really have so little faith in humans?" Lyra asked, sounding concerned.
Jason shook his head again. "I have faith that we will always have the means to end the world at the push of a button and there'll always be someone who wants to push that button."
"I guess ponies are no different," Lyra said pensively. "There's always somepony out there who wants to end everything. Or some thing, rather."
A short silence stretched between them, before Jason blinked once and said, "Well, this conversation got depressing pretty quickly."
"Indeed it did," Lyra replied with a sage nod, leaning against his shoulder. "Celestia has decided to open communications with your world. But she's gonna make a proper doorway first. She's sending her best student, Twilight Sparkle, to whatever is the closest population and government centre, to build a doorway."
"Joyous," Jason said unenthusiastically. "But sending her student? Why doesn't she build it herself?"
"She is," Lyra explained, waving a hoof for emphasis. "But she's sending Twilight Sparkle through to make a target first."
"A target?" Jason asked blankly.
"Yes, a target!" Lyra huffed, nudging his cheek with her nose. "There are an infinite number of alternate universes. So the chances of Celestia randomly managing to opening a new portal to this universe is an infinity-to-one chance!"
"That's pretty low odds, come to think on it," Jason said with a single blink.
"Well, a better way to put it is that she gets it right an infinite number of times, gets it moderately wrong an infinite number of times, and destroys the entire universe an infinite number of times as well!" Lyra said with a faint bounce. "So she's sending Twilight Sparkle through the portal first, and Twilight will create a special spell that Celestia's spell will be a counterpoint of. The two will link, and give Celestia a tangible thing to aim at. Get it?"
Jason nodded. "No."
"Ugh!" Lyra huffed, and then batted at his cheek with a hoof. "Dense."
"I blame our schooling system. I can't do a tax return, let alone quantum physics," jason admitted.
"Ugh, and you have taxes here as well! I bet you even have accountants!" Lyra said, dismayed.
"So many accountants. And politicians. And lawyers," Jason ticked off.
Lyra winced, wrinkling her nose. "And here I was hoping you'd lot murdered all your lawyers."
"That's a very unnice thing to say," Jason pointed out.
"Lawyers are unnice!" Lyra protested with a huff.
Jason grinned at that, lifting a hand to stroke his fingertips through the unicorn's mane.
"So... why didn't you tell me you were an orphan?" Lyra accused, nudging him roughly with her nose.
"It's... not really something I like to talk about," Jason admitted with a faint shrug.
Lyra blinked once, and then gave a nod of understanding. "Makes you uncomfortable?" she asked sympathetically.
"Yes and no," Jason said, wiggling his hand in a half-and-half motion. "People hear that my parents both died and expect me to be some fragile little boy with emotional problems that needs to be sheltered and nurtured... but it's not like that at all. I just... lost my mom and dad." He shrugged helplessly. "My grandparents were enough of parents that it wasn't really a massive loss. It's like... if I grew up missing a finger my entire life. I don't care that it's gone. Because it's always been that way. And I was pretty young when it happened, so it didn't leave any massive emotional scars. At least, not any that I notice."
Lyra wrinkled her nose at that, throwing her hooves around Jason's shoulders. "I still wanna hug you and hold you close and tell you it'll be okay," she said with an earnest nod, licking at his earlobe affectionately.
Jason chuckled softly at that, shaking his head. "Females are the same the world over, it seems. So... is there anything else that that blue pony told you about me that I should know about?"
The unicorn gave him a level stare. "That you have committed acts of violence on other humans and thoroughly enjoyed it."
Blinking once in confusion, Jason raised a brow. "She said that, did she? I don't really remember ever doing that..."
Lyra snorted once. "She has no reason to lie to me."
Jason hummed thoughtfully, wracking his memories for what it might have been. "Oh, right. That."
"What?" Lyra asked.
"It was a bully. Back in my school days," Jason said with a shrug.
"Do tell!" Lyra said excitedly.
"Well... he was a bigger kid. Kinda pudgy. Blonde hair. Real mean." Jason leant back in the chair, raising a brow at Lyra. "You know, just a bad egg."
Lyra nodded once in understanding.
"Well, he used to beat me up, call me names, make fun of me for not having parents..." Jason trailed off, shrugging again.
"And then what?!" Lyra asked, bouncing slightly in place. "Did you show him the error of his ways?!"
Jason shook his head firmly. "I snapped one day and punched him in the face. Broke his nose, knocked him out cold."
Lyra was stunned.
"And to be frank, it felt awesome," Jason admitted, giving a wry smile. "Course, I picked him up, brushed him off and shook his hand afterwards. And he never bullied me after that."
"That's awful!" Lyra exclaimed, shuddering vehemently. "Violence solves nothing!"
Jason raised a brow slowly. "It sure solved my bullying problem.
Lyra stared at him for a long moment, biting her bottom lip. "I guess... I guess we really are very different."
"That we are," Jason said, pulling the unicorn up and hugging her, resting his chin on her neck. "But I don't go punching people left and right. Just the ones that deserve it."
"It's still... well... It's just not what I'd do," Lyra said with a huff.
Jason grinned, touching the tip of her horn with a finger. "But you have magic."
"You know what I mean!" Lyra retorted with a huff. "I'm very anti-violence."
"Well sometimes, with humans, violence is the only thing that'll make them listen. Our world is just... different," Jason pointed out with a shake of his head.
Lyra nodded at that, leaning against him and rubbing her cheek against his palm. "You do have redeeming features though."
"Like what?" Jason asked, rubbing his palm against her cheek and chin slowly.
Lyra grinned, capturing his wrist with her forehooves and nomming playfully at his fingers. "Hands!"
Jason rolled his eyes at that. "You just like my hands because they can do freaky sexual things."
Lyra stared at him for a long moment, head tilting to the side innocently. "But of course!"
Blinking once, Jason shook his head. "I keep forgetting how blunt you are."
The unicorn rolled her eyes, and then giggled, mouthing one of his fingers innocently. "I can't think of a proper segue into seduction, so..." Lyra trailed off, grinning innocently as she swallowed his finger and began to suckle at it gently, rolling her tongue against the underside temptingly.
Jason stared down at her, swallowing audibly. "It works as a segue," he admitted with a faint smile.
Lyra grinned at that, drawing back and flicking her tongue across the tip of his finger, before sliding into his lap, deliberately placing a hoof between his thighs.
"Not here," Jason said with a shake of his head.
Blinking once, Lyra looked crestfallen. "Wha? Why not?"
Jason poked Lyra's nose. "Because you make a mess."
Lyra huffed up at him, splaying her ears back and widening her eyes, pouting as cutely as she could.
Jason poked her nose once more, shaking his head. "No. Shower, or nothing."
"Fiiine!" Lyra sing-songed, dropping the cute face immediately and then prancing off towards his shower.
Jason stared after her for a long moment. It took several seconds before his mind clicked over to the fact that somewhere in their conversation he had accepted the pony's sexual advances. Blinking once, he rose to his feet, heading to the kitchen first to put away the now-warm, unopened can of drink, before he made for the shower.
Steam was already wafting from around the corner of the open doorway.
Jason moved to the doorway, tentatively peeking around the edge of it.
Lyra was happily rubbing the soap in her hooves, grinning at the way it slid and moved. She peered over at him, and smiled. "It's so smooth! Our soap is always kinda pebbly, but this is slick!"
Smiling faintly at that, Jason reached up and flicked the aircon on, to cool his bedroom, before stepping into the bathroom and quietly closing the door behind himself. He made his way over to the tub, sitting down on the edge of it awkwardly.
Lyra rounded on him, raising a brow and perking an ear. "What's the matter with you?"
"The matter?" Jason asked, blinking once in bewilderment.
Lyra snorted, waving a hoof. "You're all nervous and jumpy! You came in my mouth last night! This isn't something you should be embarrassed about by now!"
Jason gave a wry smile at that, and then shook his head. "Well... see... I'm kinda... worried."
"Worried?" Lyra asked, blinking once. "The average stallion lasts thirty seconds, like I told you! You will last longer than that, right?"
Jason gave a mute nod at that, looking down at his feet, before he wrinkled his nose. "I'm just... this is going to sound really stupid. But I'm worried that I... won't like it."
Lyra blinked slowly. "It's sex. What's not to like?!"
"I don't mean sex," Jason said, looking away and biting his lip nervously. "I mean..." he waved a hand towards her hindquarters, "You know...?"
"You're worried you won't like my plot?" Lyra asked with a single blink.
Jason raised a brow at that. "Plot?"
"Plot! Butt! Ass!" Lyra confirmed with a happy nod.
"Oh, well. Kinda yeah. I mean your... well... vagina," Jason said, making the same motion with his hand again.
Lyra snorted, wrinkling her nose. "Don't say that, ugh. You make it sound like it's a formal conversation!"
"Your cunt then!" Jason hissed, scowling.
"Better!" Lyra chimed with a grin, stepping closer to him and basically purring. "I like it when you say dirty things."
"But still!" Jason retorted.
Lyra pursed her lips. "So you're worried you won't like it?"
"Yes," Jason admitted, nodding once. "I've... well, I saw some educational videos in school, detailing health checkups for equines, and well... it just... it wasn't very nice."
"So... it wasn't your cup of tea?" Lyra pondered.
"More like it was pretty much a squick. It looked really, really terrible. And I'm kinda worried that yours might be too. I mean, what if I hate it?" Jason asked, sounding bothered.
"What will it change?" Lyra asked, an ear perking.
"Well you're adorable," Jason said, snorting once and lifting a hand to rub his fingertips through her mane slowly. "But if you have this disgusting horse cunt that I don't want to go near it just... ugh..."
Lyra giggled at that, shaking her head. "Well, just look then!"
Jason bit his bottom lip again, wrinkling his nose. "Don't wanna."
Lyra rolled her eyes, and then turned around, dropping her chest to the tile floor and straightening her hindlegs, lifting her teal-and-white tail into the air, swaying it to the side to expose herself to Jason.
Jason stared for a long moment, swallowing audibly.
"Well, whatcha think?!" Lyra asked, peeking back at him over her shoulder, wiggling her rump playfully.
Thankfully, it looked nothing like the video Jason had seen. Instead of being nestled high up just under her tail, it was further down between her legs, looking more natural, somehow. Its shape resembled a human's, but it was a little different. The soft-looking outer lips framed the faint glimmer of pink between them in a very lovely way.
Jason shifted uncomfortably for a moment, staring. "Uh... I-it's nice."
Lyra giggled faintly at that, lifting herself back to her hooves, turning around to face him, lifting her hooves to his pants and tugging at them. "These, off!"
Jason grinned at that, slipping a hand down to the front of his pants and undoing the button on them, sliding the zipper down. He lifted his hips a little bit, and Lyra eagerly wiggled his pants down, tugging them off and kicking them aside hurriedly.
A low, eagerl growl left the pony as she pushed her nose up the inside of his boxers, worming her muzzle in between his thighs and up the leg of his boxers so that her warm tongue could suddenly grace his balls, dragging across them teasingly.
Jason arched faintly in surprise at the sudden touch to the sensitive area, worming his hips back and forth on reflex.
Lyra giggled, a warm exhale brushing across his now-wet testicles, before she pulled back and then tugged his boxers down eagerly, grabbing at them with her hooves firmly.
Jason pinwheeled his arms, tumbling backwards as Lyra overbalanced him into the tub. He narrowly missed hitting his head, and felt Lyra tugging off his boxers and throwing them aside. He struggled to sit up properly, before he felt the warm weight of Lyra suddenly splaying across his lower body, and then a hot mouth pulling his half-erect cock up straight, before taking it inside eagerly.
A low moan left Jason, and he arched helplessly, relaxing instantly and shifting his hands down to touch at Lyra's ears and mane, closing his eyes and grunting faintly.
Lyra giggled around his member, swirling her tongue against the hardening flesh with a low rumble of delight, her tail swishing back and forth eagerly behind her.
Jason grunted faintly, his hips shifting towards Lyra's suckling muzzle eagerly, quite enjoying the impromptu blowjob, before Lyra tugged herself backwards and up, sliding him out of her mouth. The pony licked her lips, grinning at him, before she crawled over his form, pinning him down in the tub.
Reaching up with her mouth, Lyra twisted the tap on, sending a cascade of hot water over both of them. Tilted her head down at him, she gave a sly grin, crawling up a little higher and then carefully pressing in, to rub the warmth of her cunt against his member, squishing it against his stomach.
"Ohhh, I like this," Lyra said with an innocent giggle, leaning down to kiss him heatedly.
Jason squirming faintly, trapped under the pony, his hands lifting to gently stroke down her form, from her sides to her haunches.
With a low growl, Lyra shifted and tilted her hips pushing against his member until it ground against her sex, getting just the right angle to press against her, edging her open. Biting her lower lip, Lyra peered down at him, before giving a sly grin and then shoving herself eagerly downwards, her hooves resting on his chest for balance as she sank him to the hilt inside her in one swift eager motion.
A low groan left him as he ground his hips up against the unicorn in response, closing his eyes and resting his hands on her hips, squeezing gently as he rolled his hips against her.
Lyra grinned down at him, wiggling her hips back and forth, enjoying the range of faces he made at the sensation. After a few moments, she began to eagerly bounce on him, lifting herself up and then letting her full weight come down on his hips, sinking him to the hilt inside her tight, squeezing depths with each motion.
The water beat down around both of them as the unicorn bounced atop the human, eagerly grinning down at him, wet mane giving her a sleek, sexy look, the slickness of their joined bodies no longer just water.
Lyra whimpered softly, biting her bottom lip hard and shoving herself down on him firmly, holding herself there as her tight depths squeezed and clenched around him rhythmically, coaxing and milking at his member in earnest.
Jason panted hard as the unicorn slumped across his chest, giving a low groan, the wet dribble of her warm liquids drooling around his emebedded cock faintly noticeable against the backdrop of the hot water.
He blinked at her once, nudging her with his cheek. "Hey? You okay?"
"Weak..." Lyra murmured breathlessly, rolling her hips distractedly and panting against his neck.
Jason grinned, wiggling against her slightly and rolling her aside, awkwardly managing to get the unicorn onto her back underneath him.
He stared down at her, shifting slightly to shield her face from the spray of hot water, watching her, a hand trailed down her neck, to her chest, and then around one of her forelegs. He grinned at her, raising a brow. "Ready?"
Lyra gave a noncommittal response, snorting once and blinking up at him.
Jason took that as a 'yes' and shifted, sliding a hand down under Lyra's rump, resting just above her tail, lifting her rump upwards so that he could align himself with that tight sex, shifting and then grinding forwards, sinking deep inside the unicorn again.
Lyra arched underneath, forehooves flailing and then gripping around his shoulders tightly, her hindlegs splaying and tensing as she rolled her hips towards him with a helpless groan.
Jason grinned, burying his cheek against her mine and hugging her close with one arm, shifting and beginning to fuck the unicorn with a hard, firm pace, sliding back and then shoving forwards until his balls bounced against her.
Groaning helplessly, Lyra lifted her hips towards his thrusts, whimpering faintly at the sensations of being screwed like that. They were already well past the point where a stallion would have finished and gone soft, and he was still screwing her! Her forehooves gripped at him reflexively as another orgasm washed over her, her warm liquids welling up and splashing free as he thrust deep inside her.
Jason panted hard as he felt her depths squeezing around him like that, and he struggled not to finish early, grinding his hips against her own over and over again, feeling the velvet depths of her cunt squeezing and tugging at him eagerly, coaxing out his orgasm.
His pace increased again, and he gripping her middle tightly, pulling her back against him, burying his face in her wet mane. That familiar ticklish sensation crept up on him, and before he knew it, he was at the finish line.
Lyra was there to meet him, squeezing him hard with her forehooves and burying her nose against his neck as she screamed horsely, shoving back against him in earnest. Her already tight depths clenched down hard again, squeezing and rippling powerfully, milking his member over and over again.
Jason snarled against her neck, burying himself deep inside and grunting as he began to unload deep inside her, spilling repeated hot bursts of cum into that tight, milking sex.
Lyra's body went into overdrive as she felt the hots bursts splashing across her depths, clenching around him all the harder, her depths suckling at him almost desperately. Panting and clenching his teeth, Jason tugged out of Lyra's clenching sex, resting his still-spurting member against her stomach with a groan of relief, unable to take the constant squeezing motion of her body around him, just too powerful around his sensitive body.
Both of them collapsed into the tub, and Lyra gave a breathless, listless giggle, nosing against his neck slowly. "O-oh w-wow..."
"I-I agree," Jason murmured, resting his face against her wet mane, panting hard.
A curt knock on the door made Jason and Lyra look up. They were both lazing on Jason's bed, and Jason was idly feeding the unicorn strawberries and grapes.
The door clicked open, and Twilight Sparkle poked her nose in. Behind her, a Royal Guard was visible.
"Just letting you know we're passing through," Twilight said, peering in at the pair and tilting her head.
Lyra giggled and nodded, taking another strawberry from Jason and smiling faintly. "Have fun, Twilight. I know where I'm staying."