An Unexpected Christmas Gift

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#8 of One Shots

This story involves various sexual actions between a late teen White Tiger and a mature (MILF) Silver Cougar. Do not read if this subject offends you in anyway. All Characters are my creations and are copywrite to me (Ghosty/Ghostwolf)

Please enjoy reading and please leave comments if possible.

An Unexpected Christmas Gift

A cold crisp darkness had settled over the town. Everywhere in sight there was a thick frosty grey-white layer of snow, occasionally illuminated by warm glows from windows of near by houses. A harsh wind blew through from time to time, disturbing the latest snow to settle and blowing ethereal shapes and patterns across dark roads.

From his bedroom window; Ronin Grey sat watching as he had every Christmas for five years. His eyes were fixated on a single house across the road from his own. As he looked down he watched the same scene play out again as it had every year since his friends had been taken away from him. His neighbour; Samantha Strider, was on the phone for the third time that day. Although he never knew the words he knew what the phone call was about; if her children were coming to see her for Christmas. It pained him to see it again and again, as he knew each time the answer was no. The white tiger watched as once again the cougar hung up the phone, then settled in to her large arm chair and wept quietly to herself.

Ronin sighed heavily; the silver cougar hadn't had a happy Christmas in years; denied of her family and almost totally abandoned by her friends. It had been a tragic mistake that had brought her to this state of affairs. One drink too many at a Halloween party had seen Samantha involved in a small car smash, which had been settled and dealt with quickly and thankfully without any injury to either party. Sadly though Samantha's husband had been too over protective of their children and had divorced Samantha on harsh grounds that had labelled her as an unfit parent. Ronin shook his head knowing that Samantha had suffered enough and unfairly; not only that but her ex-husbands rash decision had broken up a tightly knit group of friends not only among the adults, but among the children of the area too. Since Samantha's children, John and Philippa had left, Ronin had felt like the world was so much smaller; he had been fourteen then; now he was nineteen and his outlook on life had changed somewhat.

Turning his gaze to a large Christmas present box beside his bed, he smiled and hoped to break a repetitive cycle that had upset him almost as much as it had upset the silver cougar across the road. The white tiger turned back to watch the cougar and gave a hesitant but hopeful smile. He had put off going on a family vacation for this and he hoped deep down he might do some good as well as get something that had been gnawing at him for years, off his chest.

* * *

A sudden knock at the door caught Samantha by surprise. Startled by the unexpected arrival of someone unknown, she cautiously pulled herself out of her chair and dried her eyes as she tried to compose herself. Reaching the door she brushed her long white hair back then checked the peep-hole to see who was calling at this late hour. Samantha blinked then checked again, unsure that she had seen correctly the first time. Sure enough her neighbour and friend of her children, Ronin was standing at her door wrapped in heavy winter clothing.

She was more than a little confused at his arrival; she had barely seen him in years but had always waved or said hello when they passed each other in the street. She opened the door slowly and peered out of a head sized crack in the doorway. "Is that you Ronin?" She said in a soft but slightly broken tone, betraying the fact she had been crying.

With a warming smile the white tiger nodded. "Yeah, I just thought I'd come over and wish you a happy Christmas seeing as I'm on my own this year."

Samantha's eyes shot open in surprise. "But I though you and your folks left yesterday on vacation."

With a shake of his head Ronin replied softly. "I didn't want to go, so I told them I was ill and unable to travel."

Opening the door a little wider and pulling her thick turtleneck sweater close around her, Samantha chuckled. "Well I suppose that's one way out of a vacation if you don't want to go." She sighed and brushed her long white hair back from her face again. "I'm sorry if you wanted to see John and Philippa, they're not coming this year."

Ronin nodded. "I know, but I'm actually just here to see you." Samantha's eyes widened with surprise and before she could speak the white tiger reached to the side of the door and hoisted up a large box wrapped with Christmas paper and tied up with a large red ribbon. "Merry Christmas Missus Strider." He said in the most genuine tone he had ever spoken in.

The silver cougar felt her heart flutter as she took a step back; her face became a well of shock, surprise and happiness in an instant. "Oh Ronin, you didn't have to do this!" She purred happily but unsure if she should take the gift.

"I wanted to. I've seen you here on your own for too long, so I thought it was time someone did something nice for you and kept you company."

Samantha masked a tear rolling down her cheek as his words sank in. "Come in, come in." She said softly inviting the young white tiger into her home. They quickly traversed Samantha's hallway into her front room where Ronin set down his gift on her coffee table, then she took his heavy coat and gloves to hang up. "This is really sweet of you Ronin, I don't think I've had a Christmas present like this in years."

The white tiger paused and considered her words for a moment. "Not even from your own kids?" He asked as she re-entered the room. Samantha stopped as she met his gaze and shook her head; the disappointment was heavy on her shoulders. "That's terrible! I couldn't be away from my Mom for so long without sending something for Christmas or a birthday."

The silver cougar shot him a caring glance; proud of him, that he had such a bond with his own family. "I think their father has more to do with it than I want to admit."

Slowly the white tiger crossed the room to her and placed his paws on her shoulders. "Well, don't let thoughts of him ruin this little surprise." He said with a pleasant smile.

"Thank you." Samantha said softly and gave the younger white tiger a warm hug. For a brief moment the silver cougar let go of her senses and allowed herself to be embraced in a way she hadn't felt for years. She felt how the tiger's paws glided around her body and gripped her reassuringly. His head dipped and rested on her shoulder and she was sure she could hear a soft purr of affection emanating from him. In that moment she felt herself holding on to the tiger tightly, keeping him close and enjoying the intimacy of their brief connection. Slowly Samantha stepped back and smiled appreciatively at the tiger and lightly played with the ends of her long hair. "So can I open it?" She said excitedly.

Ronin nodded "That was the idea." He said with a chuckle. The chuckle became stifled laughter and he watched the silver cougar tear into the gift with reckless abandon. He wondered if she was so excited about the moment that she wanted to do something excessive so that she'd remember it for a long time.

Having torn through the paper and swiftly removing the ribbon, Samantha pulled the lid off of the box and gasped at what she saw within. "Did you buy all this yourself?" She asked with quiet shock.

Ronin smiled and sat beside her, laying a paw on her shoulder as he did. "I did. Do you like it?"

Samantha pulled out a bottle of white wine and set it to the side, followed by several old movies that he knew she liked. Then she pulled out a long black dress with a gold, bronze and silver sequence pattern at the shoulder. She checked the size and was surprised to see that he had somehow got it right. "How did you know my size Ronin?" She said with a focused curiosity.

The white tiger shrugged. "I guessed. I thought you looked like a size twelve so I just went for it."

Her eyes narrowed as she drew in a slow deep breath. Before she spoke a subtle smile crept along her lips. "So how long have you been watching me to figure that out?" She watched Ronin shuffle uncomfortably for a moment before he answered.

"The truth?" He said sheepishly. Samantha just nodded in response. Ronin sighed softly and met her gaze, relaxing a little before he told her everything. "Since that Christmas when everything changed."

"Why?" Was all she found herself able to say; though his words didn't shock her as much as she felt they should.

"Because you got treated unfairly, because you deserve better, and because I've had a crush on you for years." Samantha got up quickly and walked towards her window. "Wait, I didn't mean to put you in a difficult position." Ronin pleaded as he got up to follow her.

With a swift tug on a draw cord, the heavy, dark curtains to Samantha's living room slid shut. "A difficult position Ronin?" She said with a soft but deep growl in her throat, which Ronin couldn't tell was either threatening or alluring. "The accident put me in a difficult position. My husband leaving me put me in a difficult position. Being abandoned by nearly everyone I knew put me in a difficult position." She turned quickly and fixed the tiger with sharp predatory eyes. "You come here with a gift and tell me you've had a crush on me for years." She paused then started walking towards the young tiger forcing him back until he stopped against the wall. Her voice dropped to a honeyed purr that froze him where he stood. "You've put me in the easiest position I've been in for years."

Ronin blinked repeatedly for what felt like an age before he spoke. "Really? I thought..." was all he managed before he was cut off by the silver cougar in front of him.

"Really, now just answer me this; do you want to screw this old cougar?"

Ronin's jaw dropped in surprise at her words. "I uh..." was all he managed before she swiftly grabbed his crotch and massaged it firmly in her paw.

The cougar grinned. "Am I putting you in a difficult position Ronin? It's quite simple, are you trying to be my friend or do you want to fuck me?"

"Both!" The young tiger yelped as he felt the cougar's claws push a little more firmly against his genitals.

The cougar brushed her muzzle next to Ronin's ear and spoke with a soft whisper. "Good." Was all she said before releasing the tiger from her grip then cupped his cheeks in her paws and kissed him softly. "Five years without any loving contact or support Ronin, and you come with gifts and affection. This really is the easiest position I've ever been in."

Tentatively at first, Ronin eased his paws to the silver cougar's hips then slowly up and down her back. A deep satisfying purr emanated from Samantha, as if it had been building during all the years of loneliness; tension from those long years suddenly washed away in the paws of a young friend. Their paws began to explore each other with a gathering passion, one that neither of them wanted to deny; it was a heated, lust filled drive that forced them on and on into a deep state of affection where all manner of illicit thoughts crossed and were contemplated.

Samantha purred softly to the young tiger as she held him. "I always knew you'd grow up to be a handsome tiger and while I did wonder what it would be like to be taken by one of the soccer team when you all grew up, I always imagined you being the one."

"You really thought that?" Ronin asked; surprise evident in his tone.

Samantha let a sultry smile cross her muzzle. "The naughty soccer mom fantasy is one I've had for a while; even before the accident."

"Did you really want it to be me?"

A gentle cupping of his groin almost fully answered the question for him. "You were always the quiet one, but you were also much more adventurous than the others." Samantha let out a soft yip of surprise as she felt Ronin's paws slip inside her jeans and grasp her backside firmly once more. She gently cradled the back of his head and guided it to her chest as she raised her thigh to his hip. "See what I mean?" She purred.

Without a word Ronin lifted the silver cougar into his arms, her legs locking behind him as he moved towards the chairs. Playfully Samantha bit the white tiger's ear and ran her claws tenderly across his back. "Give me a Christmas night to remember Ronin." She said with a soft growl.

Laying her back on the couch, Ronin began to peel her turtle neck sweater off her and smiled at the figure hugging purple t-shirt beneath. "You should show yourself off more often."

A wide grin formed on Samantha's muzzle. "Impress me and I'll show you anytime you want."

Ronin locked eyes with her again then pinned her paws above her head with his own. "You might have to teach me a few things, but I think I can give you what you need."

Samantha gazed at the tiger shyly and bit her bottom lip. "You like being in control don't you?" Ronin smiled in response. "You want to dominate me and make me squirm, don't you?" She purred in a soft, sultry tone. Again Ronin just smiled. "Good, I want someone in control of me right now." She tightened her legs around the tiger and pulled him closer. "I'll do anything you want Ronin, just make me happy."

"Anything for you Samantha." He said in a low growl that made her shiver in anticipation.

"Call me Silver." She purred softly. "It's my old nickname; I've not heard it in a long time."

Ronin gingerly slid one paw down her arm to her breast then gave a gentle squeeze. "Alright Silver, I want you, I've always wanted you." The two felines purred, growled, and snarled lustfully at each other for a moment, feigning kisses and stealing firm gropes of each other's bodies.

Within seconds they sat up and began tearing the clothes off of each other. Little care was given to where they were thrown, then Samantha grabbed Ronin's paw. "Come with me."

Ronin followed the silver cougar to her bedroom. "I never thought you'd let me do this." He whispered.

Samantha gave a sultry purr. "Well you can let your thoughts roam free Ronin; I'm letting you have your way with me." The tiger muttered something under his breath. "What was that?" The cougar asked softly.

Taking another deep breath he spoke up, feeling his confidence rise with every passing second. "On your knees Silver."

The silver cougar's eyes went wide with excitement as she kneeled slowly in front of the white tiger; her eyes fixed on his growing erection. "Oh you're going to love me for this." She whispered. Leaning forward Samantha gently ran her claws up and down the length of the tiger's still hardening member. It didn't take long for her gentle caress to bring the tiger's shaft to full hardness.

"I hope it's enough." Ronin said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

Taking a long slow lick from the base to the tip of his cock; her rough tongue drawing twitches of excitement from the youngster before her. "More than enough." She said happily before gently lapping at the base of his shaft once more and tenderly massaging his balls. Ronin drew a shuddering breath; he had only been with one girl in his college class, a short lived relationship but one broken off with a remaining mutual friendship. She had never teased him in the way the older cougar did. It was an exciting thing as she expertly moved from side to side along his shaft, dragging her tongue over almost the full length of his cock. He didn't want it to end; he wanted more.

As his paw gently rested on the back of Samantha's head she seemed to guess what he wanted. She pulled back a little then closed her mouth lightly around the tip of Ronin's cock. Her tongue became a flurry of unseen motion, but the reaction from the young tiger was clear to see as his body jerked and twitched heavily. The rough surface of her tongue danced across his tip tickling the tiny fleshy barbs there and sending him into waves of pleasure he hadn't anticipated. "Silver... I think... I'm gonna..." He gasped heavily before grasping the back of her head and forcing more of his length into her warm mouth.

Samantha didn't fight him and let his shaft fill her mouth as he began a slow but firm bucking into her. Her tongue slipped to the underside of his shaft; the rough texture tickling his sensitive flesh again and again, until finally he called out to her. "Silver!" He growled heavily as his hips made a slight lurch forwards and a thick spray of cum flooded over her pallet and down her throat. Samantha drank down his seed as if it were the elixir of youth; She clamped her paws to his backside, keeping him close as she finished everything in her mouth, unwilling to waste a single drop.

Stepping back slowly, Ronin looked down at Samantha as she released him; he saw satisfaction on her face but could see a deeper hunger in her eyes. "Shit, that was good."

"I told you, you'd love me for that. Now just tell me you've got more than that for me?" Samantha said with a sexy growl that made a tremble of adoration run down Ronin's spine.

The white tiger smiled "You bet I've got more." He pointed at her bed and winked. "Bend over and spread your legs Silver; it's your turn."

"You really like my nickname don't you?" Samantha giggled as she leant over her bed and planted her feet wide apart on the floor.

"It suits you." He said softly. "Precious and needs to be taken care of." Samantha giggled softly to herself as she felt Ronin's paws gently touch her backside while he knelt behind her. Inhaling deeply, Ronin drank in the cougar's heady scent; a warm hunger of desire swept over him and without a seconds hesitation, he launched himself at the silver cougar's slick pussy.

Samantha gave a soft yelp of surprise as she felt the young tigers claws drag across her backside and upper thighs. A lash across her sensitive folds from his rough tongue made her stiffen and grasp her bed sheets tightly. Her temperature and breathing rose as the white tiger lapped and flicked his tongue over her most sensitive area; she couldn't describe the feeling in her deprived mind, the sensation of intimate contact like a new experience again.

"Taste inside me!" The cougar whimpered. Ronin smiled to himself as he did as she asked and probed his tongue inside her moist slit. He had never tasted such an appealing flavour in all his life; not even the girl he had been with from his college class came close to the powerful effect the cougar had over his body and mind.

A need to please quickly overtook Ronin as he pressed his muzzle firmly against the cougar's crotch; his tongue flailing wildly in and over her pussy in an attempt to bring her to climax. Samantha squealed at the attention she was receiving, her body beginning to buck and twitch heavily as the rough texture of his tongue pulled gently at her soft exposed flesh.

A slight cracking sound caught Ronin's ear as he continued his energetic, though still relatively inexperienced oral attention to Samantha's slit. Canting his head to the side he saw the source of the new sound. The silver cougar's claws had dug into the wood flooring and had scratched several short gouges; his eyes widened in amazement that she hadn't seemed to notice what had happened. Ronin assumed that their current activities took precedence over all else.

Samantha growled softly, her insides going into spasm at the flurry of attention she received from Ronin's wild tongue. In spite of the wonderful sensation, Samantha found herself becoming frustrated; it had been so long since she received any such attention that she wondered if her body could come to orgasm. Her panting increased as she buried her head into the bed sheets, wanting to cry out in bliss but being held just on the edge by her bodies reawakening sex drive.

Eager to please the cougar, he decided to try one last thing to bring her to climax. Ronin firmly gripped her backside and teasingly parted her soft butt-cheeks; his jaw began to stiffen and before it became too painful he decided to act. Samantha's body suddenly went ridged and a high pitched yip escaped her lips as the young tiger's tongue licked from her clit, along the soft folds of her slit, and over her anus. The small gouges in the wood flooring Ronin had noticed earlier suddenly became twice the length as Samantha's legs stiffened and pushed her further forward. His rough pallet swirled and gently prodded her tailhole for a long moment; slowly turning the cougar's yip of surprise into a lusty purr.

Finally pulling back and catching his breath; Ronin smiled as he watched Samantha's silver-grey tail wrap around his neck and shoulders. "Was that ok?" He asked with a soft panting.

Samantha turned and looked over her shoulder; locking the white tiger with hungry eyes. "You're gonna have to fuck me raw kitty cat." She purred as she gently rolled her hips.

Standing quickly, Ronin grabbed his still erect member and approached the prone cougar as she scooted further onto the bed and rolled on to her back. He pounced on her quickly and as their bodies rocked together every small touch extracted a giggle or lusty growl from the feline lovers. "Merry Christmas." Ronin said with a low growl.

"Merry Christmas to you too Ronin." Samantha purred and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Ronin suddenly coughed and looked around the room nervously. "Do you have a condom Samatha?"

The cougar shook her head. "I don't want you to use one. I want you to fill me and give me a gift that'll never wear out, be consumed, or get sold on."

The tiger stuttered in shock. "You... You really want that?"

Samantha purred softly and slipped a paw back to his chest. "I want a cub again; I want to be a mother again. I want your cub and I want you to be the father."

His eyes widened as he gazed at her. "Samantha I couldn't support a cub or you right now."

"I know, don't worry. I can take care of the cub; I just want you to be involved in their life." The cougar whined desperately.

Ronin pulled the cougar into his embrace and kissed her lovingly. "Alright." He purred softly. "Once I've finished college I can be more involved, but we'll have to keep it a secret."

Samantha nodded and gently stroked down his nose with the back of a finger. "Okay, I can live with that. Now give me my real present Ronin."

Without another word, Ronin guided the tip of his shaft to Samantha's warm, wet slit. She drew shuddering breaths as she gripped the tiger's shoulders, feeling his warmth surrounding her as his member teased open her pussy. Giving a slow thrust, Ronin buried his member deep inside the cougar beneath him; a deep chesty purr was his response as Samantha writhed in pleasure at feeling so full.

"It's been so long since I felt like this." She huffed as he found his limit within her. "Fuck me Ronin; make love to me, have your way with me."

Ronin's hips began to buck slowly, feeling the warm and soft insides of his lover; every thrust and withdrawal fired thoughts into his mind of completely claiming the cougar as his own. In his heart, he sensed it was what she really wanted.

Ripples of pleasure flooded through Samantha as she felt her body shift up a gear in excitement. Though the white tiger had little experience his body had found a rhythm that they were both enjoying. The sudden sensation of being full and teased by the tiny barbs at the tip of Ronin's cock made her squirm and buck back. She whined softly to herself and whispered loving things into Ronin's ear which he could barely make out but drove him ever on.

His confidence growing with every second; Ronin grabbed Samantha's paws and pinned them above her head. She gave a submissive growl and wrapped her legs around his waist as he snaked his paw down her arm then toyed with her breasts again; teasing her nipples with firm pinches and gentle twists before slowly lapping his tongue over the soft exposed flesh. The cougar trembled at her lovers touch; his inexperience made up for by sheer playful inventiveness.

They ground their crotches together lost in the passion of the moment as Ronin's thrusts became more powerful yet only a little faster. He sat up releasing Samantha's paws to gaze down at her body as he moved his grip to her hips. Unexpectedly, Samantha rolled onto her side, throwing one leg over the young tiger and tossing her long white hair as she turned her gaze down the side of her body back to Ronin. "My, you are a healthy one aren't you?" She said with a sultry purr as she took in the sight of his toned body.

"I do my best." He huffed softly, "You're pretty limber yourself Silver."

Samantha bounced her eyebrows at him and sighed happily as she felt his shaft plunge deep into her pussy once more. "Not as flexible as I used to be, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve."

His paws began to roam her body once again as they settled into their new position. Every curve was explored both firmly and tenderly as he began a new slower thrusting into the cougar. Rolling her hips at his motions; Samantha began to guide his paw to where she wanted to be touched. As the minutes passed she shivered at the slow build up of sexual release the tiger was treating her to; a delightful sensation which she would fully praise him for after they were finished. Slowly she guided his paw between her legs and brushed his fingers over her slit as he slowly slid his cock in and out of her. Understanding her intentions, he pressed his finger to her clit and began stroking her sensitive nub with the pad of his finger and brushing it with the tip of his claw.

Spasms of joy rippled through the cougar's body as Ronin worked his fingers over her clit. Samantha called out his name again and again as she begged for more. The young tiger was only too willing to oblige; his thrusts became faster as his obvious passion for the female beneath him overtook his senses.

"I'm close!" The twitching cougar called out in rapture as Ronin leaned forward and gently bit at her shoulder. She whined lovingly at the attention and tried to move once more.

Ronin grinned and gently slapped her butt. "You want it from behind Silver?" Samantha murred and nodded at the suggestion as the tiger slowly and reluctantly pulled out of her so she could move into position properly.

On shaking limbs Samantha got on all fours and spoke in a breathy voice. "Finish me off Stripes." Ronin chuckled at the new nickname she had given him then got back in position. As he slipped back inside Samantha's slick tunnel, he felt as it was where he belonged and was willing to take things a stage further.

Rolling and bouncing her hips as the young tiger thrust into her at a hastened pace; Samantha relished the feelings she was feeling once again and gave everything she had for Ronin. A strong paw on her shoulder made her squirm with delight as Ronin leaned in closer. "You're not going to get away." He growled seductively. Grasping a handful of Samantha's long white hair, Ronin gave a firm but gentle tug. "Tell me what you want?" He growled over her moans of approval.

"Give me... Give me your cubs!" She panted heavily, "Make me pregnant; love me!"

"I will." Ronin whispered into her ear then kissed her shoulder.

The brief moment of tenderness was suddenly overtaken by one of extreme vigour as Ronin returned a paw to her hip while keeping a hold of her hair. His thrusts became wild and strong as he picked up the pace. Samantha screamed in delight as the young tiger took her to the very depths of pleasure. Every thrust of his shaft and squeeze from her slick pussy was a moment of exquisite sensory overload; a throaty growl built between the two lovers as they both felt their bodies tense in expectation.

With a long, deep thrust Ronin roared to his lover as his knot quickly inflated inside the cougar. Samantha shuddered at the feeling of being so full once more and purred loudly as her body finally gave her release. The spasms and twitching rolled over the cougar reaching every part of her body and rippling through the young tiger.

Unable to hold back as Samantha jerked and spasmed beneath him; Ronin felt his testicles tighten and his body lurch as he fired thick ropes of cum into his lover now turned mate. They trembled together for a moment as their bodies rode out their orgasms before they both tumbled onto their sides and held each other in the afterglow.

Long moments passed as the two felines lay in each other's embrace; the sound of their breathing and strong scent of their lovemaking their only other companions. Samantha finally broke the silence as she felt Ronin's knot slowly deflate. "You can do that to me any time you want Ronin."

A deeply satisfied purr rumbled from the young tiger as he held her tighter. "I love you Samantha."

Rolling her hips a little to let the tiger slide out of her wet pussy; Samantha pulled away for a moment then rolled Ronin on to his back. Her eyes widened a little to see he was still hard even though his knot had deflated. "I love you too Ronin." She purred happily. "And I think you need a little more attention."

Ronin gave the cougar a childish grin as she straddled him. "Well are you up for more?"

She gave him a curious but playful glance in return. "What did you have in mind Lover?"

Biting his lip and drawing a deep breath before he spoke Ronin whispered. "Can I take you in the ass?"

Samantha giggled and gently stroked up and down the tigers chest while she considered his request. She could see the tiger begin to sweat the longer she drew out the moment; leaning in close she purred softly. "It's been a while; think you can handle me?"

Ronin's lusty grin returned as he gripped her hips. "If you can handle me all the way in, then sure."

Cupping his face in her paws Samantha kissed the young tiger passionately; rolling her tongue with his as they fell into a deeper state of love and trust than they had known in their lives before. She pulled away then reached down and guided his shaft to her tailhole. "Ready?" She asked with a playful purr. Ronin nodded then gently pressed on her hips to lower her.

With a mildly pained expression, Samantha lowered herself with a little guidance from her lover. She bit her lip as she felt the small barbs of the tiger's tip pinch at her sensitive flesh while he breached her tailhole. Unwilling to stop, Samantha forced herself to take his entire shaft; the warm length slowly inching its way inside as she moaned at the intrusion. At length, Samantha let out a sigh as she finished impaling herself on his thick member. "Damn, you feel so much bigger like this."

"You okay?" He asked softly, concern heavy in his tone.

She nodded. "I'm fine; I just find it easier to take as much as possible first. I ease up quicker that way." Ronin nodded as they both began to relax. Locking their paws with each other; they shared longing glances, playful winks, and loving breathy kisses. Samantha took a deep breath once she felt comfortable to move again then slowly but surely began to ride the young tiger's shaft.

"Shit, that's tight." Ronin groaned in approval.

Samantha grinned seductively. "I was good at this with a boyfriend I had years ago, before I got married. My ex-husband never expressed any interest, so he missed out. You however, can have all the fun you want with me Lover."

Ronin was about to respond when Samantha began to squeeze and release his member with her anus. He had almost recovered from the sensation when she began to roll and bounce her hips; every move swallowing his cock into her backside once more. "You like that kitty cat?" She said in a low breathy voice.

A heavy groan escaped his mouth as the cougar rode him in a way he hadn't even imagined. She raised her paws and caressed her body; tossing her hair wildly and flexing her entire frame. It looked to Ronin as if she were dancing as she slid up and down his shaft; an exotic combination of motions that was both pleasing to the eye and sensational to the body.

"You had a girlfriend that never let you do this before, didn't you?" She growled softly.

"How did you know?" He panted.

"You're enjoying it so much." Samantha said before silencing herself and letting her body do all the work. She twisted and writhed as she teasingly ran her claws over the tiger's body; tracing the pattern of his stripes as she moved. Ronin felt his tail twitch as he began to buck back into the cougar; she gasped softly at the sudden change. "Cum again for me Stripes; just once more."

Ronin could feel the build up within seconds of her call and begged her to keep squeezing him. The cougar obliged him and squeezed him firmly at the base of his shaft with her tailhole repeatedly before she moved slowly up his length. Finally she held just the tip of his shaft inside her butt, the fleshy barbs tickling her as they moved together.

A grunt of pain from the white tiger made Samantha aware that she was about to finish him off for the evening. He twitched heavily as his balls began to let the last of their seed rush through him. Squeezing her tailhole tight and holding the pressure, she grabbed her breasts and kneaded them firmly in front of her young lover. "Just let go." She moaned as her eyes caught his in a soft passionate gaze.

At the height of his tension Samantha plunged herself back onto Ronin's hard and throbbing shaft; a growl from both felines filled the room as one last time Ronin's cum flooded into Samantha's body. The rare sensation of being filled from behind again made the cougar's inner muscles flutter once again as a rush of her own fluids coated their bodies in their second shared climax.

Everything went quiet a moment later; the only sounds were of heavy breathing and a barely audible creek from the bed springs. The tiger and cougar stayed together, a gentle and satisfied tremble rippling from their muscles every few seconds. Slowly, Samantha laid her paws on Ronin's chest then lowered herself into his embrace, letting his gradually softening cock slip from her newly abused anus.

"Merry Christmas Silver." Ronin said in a dry voice.

Samantha purred and stroked his chest. "Merry Christmas Stripes."

"Did you enjoy your gifts?"

The cougar laughed. "I've not even worn the dress you gave me yet, drank the wine, or watched the movies."

Ronin rolled his eyes and shook his head as if he were an idiot. "Sorry, I didn't..."

Samantha silenced him with a finger over his muzzle. "I did enjoy your true gifts though; I think we both will, for a very long time." She said with a slow suggestive purr.

Ronin grinned and gently stroked her hair, watching her tail twitch as he did. "Can you tell me something?"

"What is it?"

Ronin rolled his eyes around the room in an attempt to hide his embarrassment. "I never could work out how old you were. I just wanted to know?"

Samantha gave him a cautionary stare. "Does it matter?"

Ronin smiled and lightly ran his claws up and down her back, making her shiver. "No, I was just curious. No-one around the neighbourhood seemed to know so I thought I'd ask."

Laying her head on the tiger's shoulder Samantha whispered. "I'm thirty-seven." On hearing her response, Ronin let out a soft chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"I'm going to be busy on your birthday. I'm not sure I'll manage thirty-eight times in a day."

Samantha giggled and patted his chest. "How about thirty-eight times in a week?"

"We should get some more practice in."

Samantha curled herself around the white tiger and kissed him tenderly. "Not tonight though. You've got the rest of the Christmas Holiday for that."

Ronin held his new lover close and nuzzled her affectionately. "I think this Christmas might be the start of things going right for us." He purred softly in her ear.

A sleepy smile crossed the silver cougar's muzzle as she closed her eyes and began to dream of the future. "I think it might be." She sighed softly. "I love you Ronin."

"I love you too Samantha." Ronin purred quietly as the two felines drifted to sleep cradling each other's exhausted bodies.

The End...

Merry Christmas Everyone.