Fursona Adventures Chapter 1 Firewolf Part 1

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Fursona Adventures

Chapter 1 Firewolf Part 1 What if we would travel back to medieval ages and we would change humans with fursonas? I would like to see that. "Die!" Firewolf yelled as she jumped down from the tree she was hiding in, she held her sword with both of her hands and struck it down into the giant red bears neck and twisted her sword until the roaring beast finally stopped moving and crashed on the ground, throwing Firewolf off of its back leaving her sword behind. She hit the ground pretty hard and stayed there with her eyes closed, she was breathing extremely heavily and was in great pain. She slowly stood up to a sitting position while screaming in pain, once she got to a sitting position she looked at the red bear with its large teeth and claws. It was covered in blood from its side and back. There was a little blood on its right claw but that was from Firewolf when the bear had hit her and its claws had gone down deep into her body, she didn't look at the wound because she could feel how deep it was. She chuckled. "Well, I had a great run..." She screamed in pain a she tried to move a little, she looked at the dead Red Bear and blacked out.             "Breakfast!" Firewolf awakened to the sweet sound that was the breakfast call, she was in her room that was almost completely empty apart from the bed, clothing cabinet and the mannequin that had her weapons and armor on. She stood up while stretching her back, she had short gray fur with some blue markings around her body. Her hair was blue and she had small green horns, her head was shaped like a wolf and her emerald eyes matched perfectly with her green back spikes and her green stomachs scales. She was a minority, a hybrid. These hybrids were often born by accident or with a mate of a different species, Firewolf was a hybrid of a wolf and a dragon which was odd since dragons have been instinct for hundreds of years. She didn't know her parents and has been in this village all her life, she grabbed her armor that consisted of shoulder and knee pads and a sword belt. It wasn't much but she didn't feel comfortable with a ton of clothes of. Besides, weapons aren't illegal to carry, just to use. And in these dangerous times it was a good idea to always carry something pointy. She came down the stairs and into the kitchen, there were some of the residents of the hotel she was living in. Humanoid wolf, fox, cat, bird and the hotel keeper herself of course who was an humanoid monkey. The hotel was called 'Haven' and that it was. Many poor or orphan citizens lived here, including Firewolf. Firewolf had grabbed some morning porridge and had started eating when her friend Alfred sat in front of her with some porridge as well. Alfred wasn't a hybrid like Firewolf, he was a brown cat. Before he took some porridge to his mouth he said. "Did you sleep well?" Firewolf nodded with some food in her mouth, after swallowing it she spoke. "Well, I had a little trouble sleeping the day before so I slept well yesterday." Alfred nodded and continued with his porridge, after they had both finished with their breakfast when the hotel keeper, Nancy came to them. She pointed at Alfred. "Because you broke one of my plates yesterday I'm making you to do all the chores today and giving everyone else a day off!" Firewolf giggled as Alfred tried to defend himself. "It was an accident! You were right there!" "Yes, but you were the one who dropped it!" Firewolf stood up laughing and started walking towards the door that led outside. "Have fun!" When she had went outside and had closed the door behind her she could still hear the two arguing. She giggled and started walking towards the town center. She walked on past all the merchants who promised of quality for a low price and preachers who were saying that the world as they know it would end because the south was going to invade north and so on. Firewolf sighed, the northern Kingdom had been at peace with the southern Empire for decades. They had no reason to invade the north. She was walking along the busy streets with a ton of different species, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, hybrids and whatnot. She continued on walking until she heard a child's voice."Firewolf!" Firewolf turned around to see the approaching cheerful child running at her from the direction she had just came. Firewolf giggled as she was approached by the child, it was a friend of hers called Adobe because of his bright orange skin. Adobe was a hybrid as well, he was mainly an armadillo but he had limbs of a sloth and his face was relatively human like. Adobe ran up to her with a smile and said. "We have a day off because Alfred-" "I know, I was there when Nancy said it." Firewolf interrupted him. Adobe nodded. Firewolf gestured Adobe to follow her and continued her walking with Adobe next to her. Firewolf and Adobe looked at each other smiling when someone started yelling at them. "I thought that I had told you freaks to not to come here ever again!" Firewolf put her left hand on her sword handle and pushed Adobe back a bit with her right. The yelling person was an older wolf. He was past his best days and was named Knot because of his unattended fur. He was big, mean and only wore boxers. The silver furred large wolf continued on barging at them. "I told you yesterday that I don't want to see your mongrel faces here ever again! Firewolf let go of her swords handle and poked at Knot. "And I told you that we're no different from the rest of you old timer!" Knot looked around growling as some people came around to see what the commotion was about, he continued. "Just look at yourself! You don't even look normal! Like that damn kid, he looks like he was dropped when he was born!" Firewolf took a step forward and pushed Knot a step back. "You leave him out of this you old sack of shit!" The people around them were whispering to each other, Firewolf didn't care about them and looked Knot in his old yellow eyes. They stared at each other for a good minute before Knot suddenly took his large claw and tried to hit Firewolf. She crouched and tackled Knot onto the ground and started punching him to the face, Knot didn't have time to regain his focus because of Firewolfs hard knuckles and claws that gave her punches an enormous force. After four punches or so two people came and grabbed Firewolf off of Knot and threw her a few steps back, Firewolf saw that they were some random villagers. Some villagers helped Knot to stand up while he spat out some blood. "See?! They're dangerous! They can't control their own strength! These freaks should be exiled!" Firewolf just spat on the ground and started walking away with Adobe, Firewolf was pissed off and walked fast while Adobe had a hard time keeping up with her.             The next day Firewolf was sitting in a bar with a glass of mead and a depressed pissed off face, her friend Alfred sat next to her. "Why the long face?" Firewolf sighed. "Today, when I was walking here. Everyone looked at me angrily and some told me to get lost. It's that damn Knot! He's been spreading lies about me and my kind." Alfred sighed. "Don't care about them, they're just... Scared, I guess." "Scared of what?" Alfred rubbed his neck as Firewolf looked at him in the eyes. "Well, you have heard of the Red Bear right?" Firewolf nodded. "Yeah, it's a hybrid beast of all known bears. It escaped from the Empire down south and is supposedly killing innocent people as it makes its way up here in the north." Alfred leaned forth a little. "Well, people say that they have seen it watching the village from the forest." Firewolf stood up, almost knocking over the table. "D-don't be stupid! That thing isn't near us! You must be mistaken!" Alfred looked at her with a serious look, after a few seconds Firewolf sat back down and Alfred continued. "It's real, I've seen some of the damage it has done. It's here, and it's hungry." Firewolf looked around, the people in the bar didn't seem to have heard them. "How many people know?" "Just a few." Alfred replied. Firewolf stood up and started walking towards the door, Alfred grabbed her hand and asked. "Where are you going?" Firewolf turned to him. "I'm going to kill it." She took her hand back and started eading outside when Alfred ran in front of her. "Are you crazy?" You are drunk and you know that you can't be a match for that beast!" Firewolf looked at him and grabbed his left shoulder, she then quickly threw him to the side and continued her walking. Alfred was on the floor and looked at her. "You idiot..."     Firewolf had been walking for an hour, she had reached the forest where the Red Bear was supposed to be. She drew her sword and looked around. The forest was filled with oaks and berry bushes, she looked around and started to hear growling. She turned around to see a bush moving, she readied her sword as the giant Red Bear pushed itself from the bushes and towards her. It was bigger than a polar bear, shaped like a Russian bear, red fur similar to a black bear and massive claws alongside with massive teeth. The beast roared and started running towards Firewolf. She panicked a little and jumped to the side when the bear was just about to jump on her. She quickly stood back up and looked at the angry bear. She swung her sword towards the beast a little but the bear tried to hit her with its claws, Firewolf jumped back just in time. She looked as the bear growled at her. Firewofl almost tripped over a rock as she took a step back, she quickly grabbed the rock and threw it at the bears face. It hit the bears eye and it started roaring and took a step back as it tried to rub its eye. Firewolf took the change and ran to its side and stabbed the Red Bear multiple times. The bear roared and swung its mighty claw at her and hit her side. The claws just missed her stomach scales which would have taken the attack but they barely missed them and went inside her body. She flew from the force a few meters, she panicked about the pain and started running away. After a few quick turns she took her claws and jumped to a tree and started climbing. In the panic that she was in she looked down as the confused Red Bear looked around for her, she took a few deep breaths and readied her sword.