
Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#4 of Kingdoms

It had been a nice and peaceful month. No random attacks from other kingdoms, no requested meetings from other rulers, truly a wonderful time. Keeyi had spent most of her days talking to Erhardt and trying to pick his brain. She was afraid to say anything, but he was very intriguing. The people of Wendlow were in a festive mood as a special time of year approached. Keeyi had learned about a holiday in which all people participated. Children would work on crafts, families and businesses would decorate houses with bright colors it was something completely new to her.

After picking up some wine, she wanted to head back to the castle and share some with Erhardt. If anyone needed a drink, it was him. Luckily, he spent all of his time in his study, "Erhardt, are you in here?"

"Where else?" The weary king was in his chair, staring at the stained glass window. A roaring fire filled the room with warmth and light, "Can I help you?"

She opened the liquor cabinet and pulled out two glasses, "I know it's not the most festive, but you need a drink." She pulled out the cork with her teeth and filled the glasses to the brim, "I know this may not come easily to you, but please try to relax."

Erhardt drank down half of his glass in a single swig, "So much to do, so little relief for someone in my position. It is important for the people to feel happy, but I cannot rest. Lyam's actions were just the beginning of a calamity. There is a minority, but some of the rulers are blinded by greed and ambition. They wish for nothing but power and wealth. I assume whoever replaces Lyam will be more ruthless and loud enough to motivate the others."

Keeyi took a seat and looked at the window, "You are troubled Erhardt, but I do believe you need to take some time to enjoy life. If you don't, you may collapse and be unable to help your people." She took a sip, "I had heard about some talk, perhaps you should find someone to make your bond-mate."

"I hear people tell me that too often. Those who propose do not appeal to me. I am not allowed peace and happiness in my position, so I will not pursue any joy until I know there will be unification in this continent."

Keeyi twitched in her seat, "Do you really need to find a bond-mate? I would image people can do other things for each other without taking a ceremony." She finished her glass of wine, "Not all sexual things are intended to cause pregnancy."

Erhardt jumped a bit, "That may be, but there are high odds if not done correctly. I have a responsibility to only have children from a single woman. This would avoid the possibility of a fight for the throne. This is how it has been done for centuries, and it won't change." He finished his drink and stood up. His exhaustion was easy to see on his face as he walked past Keeyi and opened the cabinet again. She looked over just in time to catch a golden bottle he tossed to her, "Easier to drink than wine." He pulled out the cork on his and drank, but didn't return to his seat. Instead, he leaned against the fireplace.

Keeyi finished her glass of wine and opened the bottle. It was sweet like honey, and it was indeed easier to drink, "Erhardt, you need to take some time for yourself. I may not have been born in this land, but even I know that you are overwhelmed."

"It is a king's duty to suffer for his people." he took another swig, "I have no qualms about doing so. I wouldn't mind moments of happiness, but I won't actively seek them out. When the time is right, I will have a bond-mate, and I may even have peace."

"You are a bizarre human. You like being happy, yet you do whatever you can to avoid it." She finished off the bottle, "I think I was the same after my father died. I did whatever I could to defend my family's name. One of a noble's sons tried to propose marriage to me, and I refused so much that even the people in my village began to mock me. But in the end, my plan made me out to be a fool. At least I am welcomed here." She walked along the length of a wall and brushed her fingers against the books, "It is a much better environment, even with the conflict."

Erhardt finished his drink, "The cold air is crisp and welcoming during the winter. The mountains provide clean water, the farms provide fresh food. Wendlow is in a geographically good position. We are lucky to only have one front to defend."

"Even the people are kind to strangers. I was accepted with open arms despite challenging you in a duel to the death." She laughed to herself, "I didn't stand a chance." Soon she was standing next to Erhardt.

He took a deep breath and looked at the books on the wall with empty eyes. Without warning, he felt two soft hands that turned his head, and then Keeyi's lips on his own. For the first time in his life, he was shocked. She took a step back, "What was that for?"

"Life isn't all business Erhardt." She looked away, a little nervous about the potential for rejection, "I heard that tonight you will stay in your study and not return to your bed, a tradition of yours on the eve of whatever holiday is approaching. I... I will be waiting in your bed. If you decide that you'd like to forget some of the harsh facts of life, well, I mean, uh..."

She left the study shortly after her pseudo-confession and did her best to enjoy the rest of the day. Some children asked her to help with little decorations and clay figures, which took several hours to her surprise. Even the youngest people of Wendlow were very detail oriented. A nice dinner at a tavern near the castle was just enough for fill her belly, and then she made her way to Erhardt's room.

The sun had already set, so the room was dark. She took off her clothes and set them next to the bed on a small wooden table. Keeyi pulled back the sheets and made herself comfortable, "This is a really comfy bed. Maybe I should have just used it when Erhardt wasn't in here." She waited for an hour before the door opened and shut, "Erhardt?" Even in the darkness she could tell it was him. He appeared to have been contemplating something serious during his time in the study, "I'm... uh..."

He unbuttoned his royal robe and before Keeyi could sit up he crawled onto the bed and started to kiss her. She did her best to wrap the blankets around them, and when she finally did he put his arms around her and held her tightly. He was as aggressive as he was passionate, and Keeyi had no trouble matching either. She lightly clawed into his back and wrapped her legs around his body.

She didn't even feel him begin to penetrate her, only a more intense passion that flowed through her veins. They broke their kiss and started panting a mere inch from each other's face. Keeyi could feel some thrusting when her body bounced, but she continued to look into his eyes.

When Erhardt sped up, she had to hold onto him much tighter, and in response he kissed her again. Keeyi's legs fanned out and in a short moment in time every nerve in her body released a burst of energy. She moaned into the kiss and shivered in place. Erhardt pulled out slowly but before he could lay down Keeyi grabbing his penis and stroked it as fast as she could. It only took a few seconds before he experienced his own orgasm over the side of the bed. Keeyi couldn't see it, but she felt the pulse shoot out his seed.

A few moments later, he collapsed on top of her and they kissed again. Erhardt gently bit into her neck and she couldn't help but smile. It wasn't long before the tension in their bodies faded and they fell into a deep slumber.


The sun was still hiding behind the mountains, so Keeyi could tell it was very early in the morning. Her head was resting on his arm and her own arm was around his chest. She stretched without moving too much, "Good morning Erhardt."

"Good morning Keeyi. I hope you slept well." He attempted to stretch without moving, and for the most part was successful, "That was an interesting night."

She lightly drew the tips of her claws across his chest, "I enjoyed myself, and I'm sure you did too. To be honest, I wouldn't mind doing that again. Maybe tonight though, I'm a bit sore."

Erhardt sat up and noticed a peculiar stain beneath the blankets, "I didn't know you were a virgin. I would have been more gentle."

She sat up next to him and smiled, "You're a warrior, so am I. I can't imagine us doing it any other way." Keeyi rested her head on his shoulder, "I think I'm too tired to fall back asleep though." The sounds of a strange horn echoed from a distance, "What was that?"

Erhardt jumped from his bed and quickly dressed in his regal attire, "I suggest you get dressed quickly, something bad has happened." Keeyi made sure to follow his advice, and when the coast was clear, followed him to the throne room.

Erhardt sat in the throne as a large amount of people gathered, several from other nations, "Please, we must ask for your assistance!"

One woman, a queen perhaps, kneeled before the throne, "Erhardt, Lyam's illegitimate son has claimed the throne and declared war. Several other kingdoms have joined him. The other by the sea, and two kingdoms south of his own. The other nations have mounted a defense, but as you know we have less military capabilities than others. We cannot defend our borders for long, and you know as well as I do the kingdom next to mine and north of yours produces most of the food in this land."

"As you know, Wendlow is a neutral kingdom. We do not interfere in the affairs of others. However..." He exhaled a long breath, then sat silent. He was deep in thought, this situation was unheard of since the founding of the sovereign kingdoms, "To start war might lead to a dependence on Wendlow, something I do not desire." He paused again, this time for ten minutes.

Keeyi examined the frustrated and fearful visitors. They were begging for Erhardt to show his power to the world, and yet he was already exhausted from running his own kingdom, "If we are to lose our food and full control of mines, we will be defenseless and many will be slaughtered."

"Advisors. Ready the people. We go to war in the morning. We will travel through the Eastern side of the land in a quick march. As for the rest of you, do your best to hold your ground. A smaller group of Wendlow soldiers will move up the Western side to assist."

"My king, you do know what this will lead to, do you not?" An advisor was cautious.

Erhardt nodded, "I will not let innocents be fed to those who wish for death. No matter the consequence, we will stop the corrupt and evil. That is the duty of the free since the founding. I will lead the assault on the Eastern front. In fact... we march tonight. Prepare the troops and tools of war immediately." People scattered, this was a rushed decision, but also one nobody would expect.

Keeyi approached one of the advisors who wasn't running around, "What is happening?"

"Well young one, Wendlow is going to war. This hasn't happened in centuries for very good reasons. Other than being neutral, our kingdom is the most feared. The sight of our soldiers marching would inspire fear, and the strength may inspire surrender."

Keeyi stood up straight, "I'm no stranger to combat, would it be acceptable for me to join the ranks?"

The older woman shook her head, "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you aren't trained. There is more to fighting a war than swinging a weapon. That being said, you can help around here. You are a capable fighter, so your presence will calm the people and make them feel safe. Wear your sword young one, and display some confidence."

"I will do my best, though I don't know how much I can really calm others."

The two avoided the commotion around them, "Well, you have an interesting weapon, and a more interesting technique. I'm sure that some would like to learn, and perhaps you can even make a few more swords like your own. If I recall, you had some experience as a smith, so it would occupy your time."

"I... suppose you have a point. Panic can destroy a community. I will do whatever I can to distract the citizens, it's the least I can offer this land."

The advisor smiled, "Such a nice person. My only request is that you wait until the soldiers begin their march. It will be easier to move around then."

Keeyi nodded, "Very well, I will wait." The advisor rubbed her chin as she stared at Keeyi, "I think... you need a dress. We may have something lying around."

"A... a dress? What would I do with a dress?"

The Start of Things to Come

Keeyi was directed to Erhardt's study the next morning, and made sure to make time to talk to him. There is much she wished to discuss, though she feared forgetting most of it in his intimidating presence. Outside of the study stood his four guards,...

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Change in the Winds

A strange woman wearing little clothing and a weapon gathered quite a bit of attention. She screamed out for the king of Wendlow to meet her in combat, and as she approached the ancient castle, her wish was granted. First by four women, "You are the...

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Erhardt the Brave

Eight of the Nine rulers of the nine kingdoms had gathered in the Grand Hall in the capital kingdom of Wendlow. Even though each kingdom was independent, Wendlow is considered the founder of law and order, and even the one that led to victory against...

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