I came back

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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The serenity of this hidden place was breathtaking. There was a shallow stream tumbling over hazphard boulders, the water so clear that every smoothed pebble could be clearly seen below the surface. On the other side of the stream, stretched a field of deep green bracken ferns, chest high to a feral wolf, dancing to the musical notes of a very light breeze.

The serenity was now ruined by the appearance of a she wolf, who ran on and on, not stopping to look around at her surroundings as a creature unafraid for its life might of. She paused occasionally to let out a low mourning howl, one that was answered by a blood thirsty bay from the wolves behind her, consumed by the blood lust that all predators exprerienced. Her black coat glistened wetly, as did the silver highligys around her piercing golden eyes. The glistening was caused by her fur being splattered with the blood of her now dead pack, the blood of her mother and father, her litter mates and cousins.

Turning now, she ran forward, assessing her surroundings in a manner she knew dimly would have made her father really proud. She ran, perpendicular to the stream, before splashing into it when it was deep enough, her paws disturbing the lop layer of silt on the stream bed.

The pack finally caught up with the spot her scent disappeared. Their pekts ranged from silver grey to a dull, almost black grey, or would have done, had they not been liberally sprayed with blood. All bore woulds in some manner, some minor, others more major. The largest wolf there, clearly the Alpha in this bachelor pack snarled, and motioned with his muzzle, directing the weary wolves to stand and search the surrounding area thoroughly. As he stared into the water, he was what the female had done to his previous unscarred muzzle, as it now had dozens of welts, all of them bleeding copiously, all from her furious claws and teeth as she struggled to save her defenceless family.

He howled, and the forest around him went silent, the breeze stilled and the whole world appeared to be listening. The only sounds were the rausous cries of the scavenger birds, mainly crows. His howl contained two messages, messages clear to all who heard it, he promised vengeance on the escaped female, and warned others from what he now classed as his territory.


Two winters passed, two winters in which the males fury did not abate, and two winter's in which the long gone female wolf could grow in strength and experience. Finally the day came when she decided she was going to return home, home to her birth place. She was now fully mature, her black coat gleaming healthily, her silvered highlights seeming brighter, almost as though touched by the Moon itself. She did not return alone, however, but in the company of three other unlikely friends she had made. One was a large, thickset and thick pelted white wolf, the other a long legged tanned colored creature, that looked like a hybrid between many species, though it claimed to be a wolf. It was the last creature that had brought a pause to the possible attacks of many creatures, for travelling with the canines was a fully matured, and deadly snow leopard. They travelled as though they were a pack, rather than just a bunch of creatures, whose interests seemed to be confllicted at times.

As the black female led the way, her beauty accentuated beyond belief, the two other canines, the Artic wolf and the one that called itself a Maned wolf were growling in converstaion with each other.

"I wonder if the male Elise spoke of still lives Erin" The artic wolf grumbled as near to the other ear as his muzzle could reach. The maned wolf looked around, searching out Elise, and also the snow leopard.

"He lives Rhauk, his kind always do, they thrive on pain, consumed with hatred and bitterness. Now Elise will challenge him, and hopefully win back her territory, with the help of Dia, anyway." The maned wolf snuck a glance at the mostly solitary feline, who had been with Elise for the two winters now, almost since she was exiled from the place they now returned.

Dia silently ran on ahead, catching upto Elise, whose nose was wrinkled a little, and her eyes were shocked, she couldn't believe how much that male coward her had slaughterd her family had ruined the land. Dens were dug every couple of hundred yards, and no birds sang. She turned to Dia, the one friend she trusted explicitly, and whined at her, her golden eyes dulled almost with the remembered pain of her now murdered family.

"Oh Dia, I never knew he would do this, not when he knew how much I loved this place, not when we used to come here to groom each other, and playfight, not even he should have been this cruel, after all I gave him when I was younger..."Elise's voice trails off, and she sighs, sitting and remembering the day of her first heat, and how kind he had been, and how she had given her heart to Marcel. Her mind drifted as she waited for Erin and Rhauk to catch up with her, and she thought back to when she had had her first heat...

"Catch me if you can Mar!" Elise growled playfully as she ran forward, her tail arched up teasingly in front of the male wolf's nose, her feet carrying her unerringly over numerous small stones, along the edhe pf the bank they used to play at, away from the adults. Marcel growled back, and jumped forward, pouncing on her back and bringing her to the ground, his nose snuffling in her ear, as he subconsciously began to hump at her back, ignoring her numerous giggles and the squirming.

"Marcel, get off!" Elise giggled at first, until Marcel gripped at the back of her neck, in what older wolves would know as a mating bite, and then her struggles grew desparate, and a whimper made him remember what he was doing, and who with. He whined as he climbed off of her, his tail waving apologetically.

"I'm so sorry El, just, the way you had your tail in my face, and then the way you smell...I lost my mind...forgive me?" The male looked at her, his face looking completely honest. Elise sat, and thought, squirming a little as her heated sex made contact with the cold grass. *He does look sorry, and it did feel good, until he wouldn't let go...* Elise began to reason, her head tilted on the side, and her gold eyes distracted. Well distracted that is until Marcel decided he wasn't going to wait for her to think, and began to lick gently at her belly.

Elise shivered, her mind going blank as she stood up, and flagged her tail to the side, revealing her swollen, and hot sex to Marcel's sensitive nose. Marcel stood, and began to lick slowly at her, slowly beginning to speed up, and force his tongue inside her heated passage, making Elise moan softly, and dip her chest to the floor, her tail lightly caressing Marcels head as he licked and sucked, making noisy sloppy noises. Elise peered between her hindlegs, and gasped, spotting something hanging down from Marcel's belly. It was an angry red, and looked wet. MArcel growled softly at Elise,almost lovingly, and then stood, the thing underneath his belly swaying with his every movement as he reared up, and grasped Elise's hips with his paws, his muzzle bting gently onto her scruff as he struggled to sink his member into her sex, managing only after the third or fourth thrust. Elise yelped as his member plunged deep inside of her, piercing her hymen with ease, before he withdrew, and plunged back in. Time and time again did Marcel repeat this, until time and emotions mixed in Elise's mind, and she began to think she existed merely for Marcel to use like he was. She only was brought to her senses by the guttural howl Marcel gave as he pushed himself deeper inside her, almost as though he was tryng to split her in two. She felt something grow inside of her tunnel, and whined softly, before growling as she felt a hot liquid scald her, flowing from his member and into her womb...

HEr thoughts, and the day dream were disturbed by the arrival of Erin and Rhauk, who were still growling amongst themselves. The stopped as they saw Elise sitting seemingly at peace underneath a tree, and Dia lounging in the branches above her head. They growled a greeting and an apology at Elise, who merely barked roughly at them.

"Stay close, Marcel, and his pack may be close!"

(I may not finish this story, not unless I get suitable critique, and a some help on where to take this.)