Wish List

Story by Renkairu on SoFurry

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#2 of Santa Paws

Chapter 2: Wish List

Ren walked out of the theater with the rest of crowd as most of them were already discussing the flick they just watched. He stretched out his arms with a yawn and feeling the full 64 ounce drink now hitting him since the beginning of his movie, he headed off to the restroom again. Walking in, he saw the restroom was quite packed and he was forced to wait in line along the back wall for a urinal to free up. As he took his position among the other males, he faced the urinals and began to let his eyes wander as they began to check out some of the guys from behind as they released their streams into fixture in front of them. "Heh, that wolf's got a cute ass. Though, that ram next to him has some pretty broad shoulders." Ren dropped his gaze to the visible waist strap of the underwear being worn by the Ovine: Heavy Load. "Heh, I wonder if..." Ren had no need to finish his though as he soon caught a full sight of the Ram's large and plump sheath as the male turned around before he zipped up, almost as if he was purposely showing off. He slowly tucked his fur back into his pants as he padded off to the nearest sink, finally fully zipping up when he got there. "Yea, I'd definitely go down on that." Ren tried to make his stares not so evident; but they were fully aware to the Ram who gave a little booty shake in the Ahdryl's direction. Startled, he looked up and caught glances with the male in the mirror noticing the brow piercings as the glimmered a bit in from the light. The Ram gave a wink to the male checking him out as he took off.

Ren ended up being one of the last guys able to use the urinal as the restroom slowly emptied itself as quickly as it filled up. Finally stepping up to a vacant urinal as the male his left flushed and took off, leaving him the only one left. He unzipped and reached back into his pants to pull his sheath out. Coaxing it again to let his flaccid length peak out so he could get his business down and be on his way. Though, as he thought about it, he enjoyed the privacy he now had as he coaxed a little more than he needed too and let his cock fill up a bit before he began to relax.

"Remember, shake it more than once and it's considered playing with yourself," a rough voice came from behind. Ren was startled as he jumped a bit.

"Fuck! Don't d..." He looked back and cut his sentence off immediately as he saw the Tiger elf standing there.

"Cute ass, by the way. I don't think I got the chance to tell ya yet. Almost thought you had left the mall," the Tiger spoke calmly as he stepped up to the vacant urinal next to Ren as he tugged his tights down and let his sheath free. Not showing any sign of being discreet as he stood a few inches farther back than others, purposely showing himself off for the feline. He sighed as he let his stream loose into the well of the urinal. Ren was still open-mouthed at the situation as he forgot almost what he was doing. He was brought back to his senses as soon as the Tiger reached over and grabbed his flaccid length and aimed it into the urinal. Apparently, Ren was pissing just an inch short of the urinal and onto the floor. "Careful where you're aiming that, man. Janitor's got a hard enough time as it is."

Ren was still speechless at this moment save for a few chuckles and gasps, but his face was more than flushed as he felt the Tiger's paw around his shaft as he was relieving himself, not caring to remove it as he looked down at himself. Looking from himself and over the other feline's sheath, seeing the Tiger's dick hanging out as it was shooting its own stream. He finally was able to take in the Tiger's build closely now; using his eyes to trace over the toned biceps coming off those broad shoulders, and admiring the shaped thighs hidden beneath those green tights which framed his firm rump and plump sheath. He was right, that outfit had to have been at least a size small because the definition of the Tiger's muscles was very evident. He returned his stare to the Tiger's cock as the stream ebbed off before being shaken for a second and tugged back into its confines. Ren looked back to himself as he felt himself finish up. The paw was now slowly stroking along his semi-flaccid length as it was determined to pull every last drop out of it.

"Hope you still swing by the square. We're due for a 30 minute break soon," the Tiger stated, "We got milk and cookies or shit like that, if you're interested." He chuckled softly as he finally released Ren's dick from his paw. "You may want to tug that back in before you leave." The Tiger made his way to the sink as he washed his paws and exited, not before giving one more look over Ren's body.

Ren was still frozen to the spot as his head was swirling with thoughts of what had just transpired and what could possibly be happening soon to come. Looking down at his dick, which was half erect, he began to think. "Wow! That was very much unexpected. Damn, that was hot. Fuck, I'm horny now. I wonder if I really should swing by. Well, Naomi is getting her rug burn on right about now anyways. No sense in why I can't get some tail myself. It feels very scandalous cause I don't even know this guy's name. But with a build and offer like that, why do I? Fuck, my dick won't go down. Grandma... Grandma... Grandma... Mmmm... Grandma's Chocolate Chip Cookies... FUCK! The Tiger has cookies..." He finally was able to get his dick mostly back into his sheath, although very plump at the moment from the arousal. He zipped up and went to wash his paws. Looking again in the mirror as he noticed his face was very flushed at the moment. Running cold water over his face again as he thought things through once more and fidgeted with his hat before exiting the restroom.

The mall was noticeably quieter, but it still bustled on with the patrons still shopping. Ren continued walking as the Holiday Square was just around the corner. He turned and headed towards his familiar pillar he was standing next to before. The line of kids was obviously shorter as he caught the attention of the fellow feline he had just encountered in the restroom. The Tiger looked over to him and back to his Jaguar friend as he exchanged a few whispers back and forth between themselves. The Jaguar gave another glance over Ren as he headed back into the cottage with a grin. The Tiger leaned down and whispered to Santa Paws as he himself looked over with a hearty "Ho ho ho!" and a wave.

The Tiger walked over to Ren as he unclasped the rope that barred him off. "Well, come on. You're next. Santa Paws wants to see you." Ren was perplexed, but his body did most of his actions at the moment. The Tiger pushed him lightly towards the large White Lion as the next parent in line began to protest and complain. The Tiger walked over to her and abruptly cut her off, sincerely apologizing and offering to take her child's pictures for free.

Ren was still flustered a bit, not only did he just have an exciting encounter just moments before, but now he was going to sit on his current crush's lap. He padded over and stood in front of Santa Paws, admiring the large male with his tall and built frame, unlike the traditional short and stout images people are accustomed to.

"Well, aren't you gonna sit in Santa Paws' lap and tell him what you want for Christmas?" he chuckled heartily as he patted his thighs which were adorned in red velvet slacks. "Not scared, are ya? I know this beard can be a bit scraggly from time to time," he joked as he stroked the fake beard with his paw a few times. Ren's face was very evident of embarrassment as he shuffled over and sat on Santa's knee as he still had to look up at him with their contrasting size which was much to Ren's appeal. Santa chuckled again as he grabbed Ren's waist and pulled him closer up on his thighs, throwing him off balance as he flailed lightly. His paw accidently landed right onto Santa's crotch to catch himself from falling over. His paw felt a large, plump and firm sheath beneath the fabric and quickly pulled it back as soon as he realized what had happened and that he was in public. Santa gave him a hearty chuckle as he spoke softly to Ren, "Looks like you found where I keep my lumps of coal. But don't worry, I only give them to those on my 'Naughty List.'" Santa gave a grin that only Ren could see. "So, what's your name, kitty?"

Ren shivered a bit as he heard Santa speak like that. "Uhm... he he... Ren, sir. Renkairu."

"Hrm, you're such a large kitty but you look a bit different than any kitty I've seen before," Santa leaned back a bit as he examined Ren, holding onto one of his paws as he examined the patch of white fluff on the back of it.

"That's because I'm an Ahdryl, sir. We're sorta few and far between. But we're tall, cute, sexy, and all feline."

"Ho ho ho!" Santa chuckled and gave Ren a warm grin as the paw on his lower back slinked down a bit and gave a quick and stealthy grope to the feline's rump before returning back. "Well I'll be sure to keep you on my list. So, Ren, what would you like for Christmas?"

"Well, next month's rent would be nice," Ren forced a laugh to try and break his awkwardness, though his face continued to emit a reddish hue which began to become more evident in his black-tipped, twin pointed ears. "And while I'm at it, could I actually get a new phone too? Mine's beginning to fall apart."

"Well, have you been nice this year? I could always check my list, but why don't you tell me?"

"I'd say for the most part I have been, but I am due to error like everyone else."

"Alright, Ren, anything else you'd like to wish for this year?"

Ren looked away a bit as he shook his head softly, "Not anything else that I would need."

Santa then leaned down and whispered in Ren's ear, "You sure about that, kitty? Something tells me you're looking for more than just rent and a phone." Just then, Ren felt a few short pulses come from Santa's crotch. "'Cause, I have quite the 'stocking stuffer' and I must say that you're a pretty attractive kitty; even my elves say so too." Santa snaked his paw down Ren's back and across his rump and gave it a spirited squeeze. "Why don't you head into my cottage and I'll put you on my 'Naughty List' when I'm done out here?" All Ren could do was nod with wide eyes. "Good, now smile! Ho ho ho!" A quick flash of light came from the camera in front of them as Santa scooped Ren off his lap and handed him off to the Tiger. The feline held him off to the side as he let the next child in.

"You ready, kitty?" the Tiger spoke firmly as he escorted Ren to the cottage door. Opening it and guiding him inside with a light pat on his rump.