Changes: chapter 6

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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#6 of Changes

Changes: Chapter 6

Disclaimer: don't own Tmnt.

"Damn it, things tend to really get weird. And this takes the cake. I hope he stays dead as well."


Chapter 6: Shredder

"The ruby did that? How the hell does a rock do that!" Zero said "That shouldn't be possibly! Crystal is not a living thing!"

Splinter walked up to him "Magic does what it wants, and this is fortune smiling upon you. That ruby must have had a lot of magic stored, now it is yours, increasing your ability for magic, and how much you can do. But be wary, magic can have blowbacks and prices exceeding energy." he looked as of to say more, but stopped

Zero nodded "I'm not sure i can still be human though." he said sadly. Splinter calmly patted his back, to calm him down.

Zero blinked and placed a hand over the crystal side, and winced, he felt a pulse there as well "makes no fucking sense" he said and stood up, and taking Raph's hand to keep himself from falling over. Adrenaline had taken its course, and he felt the rib and the bruise where it was.

"at least I got him back in full" he said after a moment of more silence. He laughed and smiled "ok guys, I'm fine"

He was lying of course, but he wouldn't say that "and I need to talk to Splinter please, Alone. Sorry Raph, I'll see you in a second"

When everyone cleared, Zero let a sigh escape his lips, he now felt tired "Splinter, you never fully finished your thoughts. What's up?"

Splinter took a seat "I want you to promise not to tell the others first, for what I must tell you, it breaks my heart not to be able to tell them"

Zero considered "what about Raph? I don't want to hide anything from him. Big secret or not, I trust everyone down here with anything."

Splinter looked relieved "then my oath no longer binds me tight. You may tell them, but I cannot. This secret wasn't supposed to be given until a later date mind you. There are other dimensions beside ours, and realities, and also worlds. Magic and science thrives in all these. Now having learned how real magic is, you all are targets from more than gangs and ninjas. Be wary also."

Zero shook his head "no need to be wary. You underestimate us. That's what fathers do to their sons, they underestimate them." in a wisper he said "I hope to become your stepson one day, but that's a secret of my own for now."

Zero walked out, leaving a smiling Splinter to do whatever. He sighed, this was going to be a long night.

Zero sighed "Guys, you can't hide from me" everyone had been eavesdropping, and they popped from their separate hiding places. Raph walked up to him, and hugged him. Zero noticed that he must look like shit. He smiled "Im ok, just tired. Let's go to bed." Raph nodded "Night guys" he said.

Zero smiled as he and Raph steped into the room. Zero shut the door and laid down. "do you think it's weird I have a crystal heart as well now?" he asked out of the blue.

Raph laughed "As long as it doesn't fall for someone besides me, I don't care" zero laughed a little and they shared a kiss.

"If that happened, I'd have to break it into pieces. I don't want a heart for someone else. Plus who would it fall for besides you?"

Raph nodded and zero chuckled, thinking something over. He sighed "Wait... we forgot to shower. Would you care for a joint bath?"

Raph's grin was wide "you never need to ask, Z. I would be happy to shower with you."

With that, they gathered up their stuff to take a shower. April had him go shopping a few days ago. He frowned, his ipod was missing "Mikey, you are so going to die!" he said.

Raph looked at him "He took it again? Doesn't he remember what happened last time? That was funny" last time he stole Tge iPod, Zero had pummeled him in one of his video games

"I'm Going to Halo his ass now. I agreed on a game of destroyers last time, but now I'm going to kill him, Elite style. But it must wait till tomorrow"

Raph chuckled as they went onto the shower room, arousing a raised eyebrow from Leo. He looked on edge, Zero noted. Zero sighed as tge shellcell rang. Upon answering, it was Blake

"Dude! We just got to the meeting place. The match is in two weeks, be there"

As always, he hung up, not waiting for an answer "Uy, I'm going to punch him after I defeat Mikey. But he has a point, would you like to see me catch a balloon in three days?

Raph nodded "Be fun to see you in action, seeing as they regard you so highly. Now, let's get that shower, before another interruption pops... up" Shell cell rang again

"Dudes! Leo! He went to fucking foot Ninja central! Need back up!" zero frowned and told Mikey they would be there after the turtle gave

Raph frowned "Can we ever get any peace? I mean, we saw Leo a minute ago, then he goes sneaking off. That's my shtick!"

Zero looked at him "Since when did you know what shtick means? Or did you copy a movie line?" he laughed "I'm joking with you, you know, but we should really get going."

They were speeding on their motorcycles towards the address "Shit, all these years in new York, and I never notice that skyscraper before, but then again... it's in manhattan. Not Phoenix territory."

The turtles met up with them near the building. the plan was eavesdropping on what was going on.

Leo stood, facing a man sitting. Leo was serious, that was his calling card he was planning something. They were talking. The man looked to be making up a story, the fucker... the man was familiar

"Fuck. Saki industries is the foot headquarters? Oroku saki is the leader?" he asked "Perfect... what's he doing?"

Leo took a sword from the ninja. He didn't bow he took it from the sheathe. It was a peace offering. He was trying to trick Leo.

After Leo sheathed it, he looked up, noticing the turtles, and did a small wink. He said something to , and snapped the sword on half from hitting the middle of the sword with his knee, and throwing it to the ground. Zero pulled a scythe and broke the window. Falling towards Leo "What?!" Oroku screamed.

Zero landed by using a tapestry to slow himself. He grinned and motioned the others to stay where they were "Leo! Your clever when you want to be. How long have you known that liar wasn't good?"

Leo smiled "First sentence" he answered and drew his swords. A few Ninjas had appeared from nowhere

"I guess you underestimate us. Trying to trick Leo, then sicking only a few ninjas."

Zero drew his second scythe and spun into a ninja, sending him flying. He went into the dance of the crane and the snake. He spun, hitting a ninja in the face, and a foot in another's. He made sure to deal non lethal blows. Leo was moving, just stunned at Zero.

He jumped, and started twisting, his scythes came down in a spiral, slicing down more ninjas. None lethal of course. Not many were left as he connected the scythes. Zero looked irritated "You deprive me of a shower AND spending the rest of my night with my Boyfriend! And you expect me to go easy?!" the few of the ninjas wavered a little, and broke rank, running off.

He turned towards Saki now "And you! You've given me many sleepless nights, because your ninjas and your gang was doing something!"

zero didn't look irritated now, he looked pissed "Ok then, your turn" the scythe was shifted and he spun it with one hand, and tossed it with both. It sailed and went for Saki. The man moved quickly out if the way. And threw it back at Zero.

It spun and it stabbed into the wall beside him. He retrieved it "I've been fighting a long time asshole, if that was to intimidate, you have another thing coming" he said. The rest of the gang dropped down

"Damn! When could you do that?!" Raph asked. Saki went for the turtles, and they went to fight him, only to be kicked around.

Zero sheathed his scythes and charged. He sent a combo of different attacks, all blocked like hitting a... steel door.

He was sent flying, out the window. Soon all the turtles followed pursuit. Zero grabbed a flagpole sticking out from the building. The turtles landed safely by other means. A tarp, or another building. "damn it, old man one-uped us" he said. And swung himself a safe distance to another building's fire escape.

"We got our asses kicked, didn't we?" Mikey asked as everyone met up. Zero nodded, he thought about Saki, mostly about fighting him. It was like hitting a wall could he have bionic limbs? Metal implants? He didn't share his theory because he wanted to figure it out first.

"Damn it!" Raph said, a welt forming on his shoulder "How the hell did he do that? Does he know magic or some shit?!" Zero walked up and sighed, hugging the turtle from behind to calm him down. He blinked and sighed "No time to be losing our heads then" he said at last.

Leo raised an eye at Zero and nodded "The way you fought... was different from how you fight us. What's that about?" Zero chuckled at the question.

"I really don't know. I've never taken out purple dragons that fast as I took down the ninjas. Maybe it was my crystal." he tapped his chest. He frowned "If you want, I could try healing the wounds. I haven't tried any magic yet."

Everyone but Raph politely refused. Raph just nodded "let's try, later" Zero nodded. It was going to be a long morning because the sun was starting to peak out to the east.

Zero frowned "Thanks for the confidence, Guys. Raph here is the only one who is willing." he kissed Raph "Let's get going"

Two weeks had passed, and no foot or purple dragons had popped up. It was also the day of the challenge. Zero grimly got geared up, putting his scythes and straps in a duffel bag

Raph was fully suited and ready to go. Zero nodded in approval and they were off, heading to The fire escape after claiming out the manhole.

They soon arrived at the rendezvous. So far 9 people stood. Techie, and Blake stood. This was Phoenix, The parkour team that was also fighting the Purple Dragons and the Foot.

"your early like I planned. I think introductions are in order first." Blake said "Raph is our newest member. For reasons we cannot explain just yet, he will be on that suit" he began.

Zero walked up "Ok guys, I also have news. Before I introduce Raph to you all separately. The leader of the Foot has been discovered." everyone cheered "but that's also bad news. It's Oroku Saki, CEO of Saki industries"

Techie had a laptop out and jotted down some notes "So we should really post this in the underground website" Blake said "I forgot to mention Raph, everyone here but you and Zero owns their own subteams. Phoenix is composed of 10 members, who lead their own teams. Zero leads this so he doesn't need a team."

Raph nodded and Zero sighed "5 people to meet. Let's start with... ah, how about you, X" a man walked up, he was thin, dressed in a jumpsuit. He had spiked hair, And he was Asian

"Xander Shudoji, pleasure" he said, doing a customary Japanese bow . Raph bowed back "I run tthe team called Shadow heart"

Zero smiled "all teams have a jokester, meet Joker" a man walked up. He was wearing sun glasses, his face was tanned, he was dressed in casual pants and a tee. he was grinning madly with a lot of curly brown hair

"Dude! Nice to meet you Raph. Names Cole, Joker to most. I'm pretty sure that you'll love me, everyone does!"

The rest of the introductions were the same, and then the other team arrived. They were called "Dogs of War" which Zero chuckled at.

Soon the balloon was in the air with the air can attached. After a minute, Zero and a member from the team was running for the balloon. It was a windy day, so it was a challenge. Zero jumped to the next building. Almost grabbing the balloon until a gust shot it forward.

Zero laughed as he ran for it. The was what he loved about the balloon challenge. It was very hard on a windy day. After a few minutes of jumping buildings, his Adrenaline was pumping to max. He saw his opponent was struggling some.

With a well placed jump, he landed on the next roof, and sprinted. He was soon at the edge and jumped, grabbing the Balloon by the can and dropped to the next roof.

He was panting by the time he reached the guys. They cheered and ran up to him. Zero smiled a little "I'm so out of practice" he said.

The other team disembarked and they were left alone on the roof "15 minutes to retrieve it, Nice." Blake said.

Zero sighed "Phoenix, it is time. War with the dragons and foot are at hand. Keep your phones with you at all times, and await orders. This is not a joke, it's now wartime" he said.

Everyone looked serious after that. Zero grinned and nodded "Meeting dismissed. Blake, Techie, you coming?" they nodded and the rest went separate ways.

The turtles climbed down a nearby fire escape. They had watched the whole thing "That was awesome!" Mikey commented. The others agreed.

"So,we have other allies besides you two?" Leo asked. He looked tired but nodded "This is good, makes it more even than 7 against who knows. Still, why risk your friends?" he asked.

"we have been doing this longer than you think. I never told you, mostly forgetting. But I'm 21 years old. It's not much a difference, but I for one don't care for age. Will be 22 in January"

Raph laughed "it was obvious you were older than me. It's ok, you know. I really don't care." Leo nodded and they started off towards the sewer, when ninjas popped up. An armored figure appeared with a twin hand claw attached to the hand.

"Hello, Turtles. I am the Shredder, and today, you die. attack!" The ninjas charged. Zero kicked one in the face and quickly unzipped his bag.

He tossed the sai inside to raph, who was pummeling a ninja in the face "Raph!" he caught them and grinned. Zero pulled out the scythes and activated the mechanism, the blades hooking into place.

Everyone was battling ninja as the shredder made Zero the primary target "you, human, are an annoyance."

zero smiled "I try, Metal head" he charged and spun, the scythe missing by inches. There was a water tower nearby, with a figure on top of it. Zero was being backed up towards it. He was quickly blocking strikes, and sending some of his own. He was sure he was doing something. He jumped back and sighed.

As the Shredder neared the water tower, the figure jumped down. It was splinter, and he was pissed. He started beating on Shredder, horribly. In the end he had kicked shredder off the roof. Zero sliced two of the beams of the water tower, which were directly at the edge of the building. He got out of the way as the tower went barreling at the shredder's form as he fell. With a crash, they both hit the ground. Zero sighed "it's over" he said. The ninjas had retreated, and Zero put up the scythes "Guys! We're going home" he said.

A week later, there was no sign of the shredder. The news said Oroku had taken a vacation. He frowned, did he tie in with the shredder?

He had to. It was the only explanation. Saki was this... Shredder. He turned off the TV, and headed to his room. He passes up Splinter and asked "He's Dead, right? No human could survive that fall."

Splinter looked sullen "We won't know unless he shows up again or not." Zero nodded and walked off towards the room.

Raph was in the bed "Hey there" he was sitting on it, he had been waiting for him to come in "Now then, come here. Let's get to sleep"

Zero laughed at him and climbed into the bed. Raph turned towards him and kissed him "So...Make out until we fall asleep?" zero agreed with a laugh and kissed him.

They had been making out for a good 5 minutes before falling asleep, raph splayed across Zero's chest. Splinter walked in and smiled "Goodnight, my son, and my new son" he cut the light off and closed the door.

Changes: chapter 7

Changes: Chapter 7 Disclaimer: CH's 1-4 * * * "Ice cream is fun, it's creamy, it's delicious. Why can't we ever have a moments peace?" -Mikey * * * Chapter 7: ruined ice cream, a stroll in tge sewers. Zero and the turtles...

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Changes: chapter 5

Changes chapter 5: This is the 5th chapter, I don't think I need the disclaimer anymore. Look at chapters 1-4 for it. Also some chapters will purposely be out of order with the story. Will leave out unimportant parts of the show, so I may...

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Changes: chapter 4

Changes: Chapter 4 Disclaimer: nope, don't own it, nick has Tmnt franchise ATM. * * * "I'm attracted to trouble. What can I say? It may be small, or large like the Baxter incident. -Zero Chapter 4: cause "Donnie! Quit...

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