Changes: chapter 7

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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#7 of Changes

Changes: Chapter 7

Disclaimer: CH's 1-4

"Ice cream is fun, it's creamy, it's delicious. Why can't we ever have a moments peace?"


Chapter 7: ruined ice cream, a stroll in tge sewers.

Zero and the turtles decided on getting ice cream. Splinter was even coming. Zero would buy the ice cream.

Upon arriving, he payed the ice cream guy for the treats and walked off. After turning into an alley, everyone grabbed their ice cream. They smiled "Ice cream was a great idea Z" Raph said. Zero nodded.

Zero heard a whistle behind him. He dodged and knocked it spinning up with the butt of a scythe in its fold up mode. A knife stabbed into the ground "It's old fashioned" he noticed.

It was an ornament Kunai, and flat. Used to issue challenges in the old days of japan "Hey, someone challenged me" he commented "Who did I make an enemy out of that would use these... hmm... I would guess the foot."

"I accept, whoever you are" a figure stepped from the shadows. He wore a red demon mask, and a cloak.

"Good, I am the Ultimate Ninja." he pulled out a small drum. He started spinning it in his hand, it's balls on strings hit the drum, and it spun out of his hand. Water started swirling around it as a doll like figure appeared. The drum became a war fan. The balls on strings remained at its sides.

"Xercies has accepted, let the match begin." water swirled under zero and sucked him in

"This is physically impossible!" he yelled as he went under. He resurfaced and looked at his surroundings. He was in central park, near the broken bridge no doubt. It had been like that for a month now. It was under construction still. He drew his scythes.

The ninja popped up behind him. Zero swung wide, clipping some of the guys cape. He shot a dart, which was reflected by the second scythe. Shuriken was thrown, and dodged.

He charged, sword and claw flashing. Zero closed the scythes and blocked both, and opened the Scythes again, sending the sword spinning, and the clawed hand back.

"Your not even trying, Ultimate Ninja. Your using the most basic moves a ninja would use. Shuriken, darts, swords, claws." zero hooked the scythes together.

"Best to step up your game, I'm not average" he charged, and spun and jumped. He went in a front flip, with a spin. The scythe spun any which way. He landed, noticing that he had severed a blade from the claw. Then looked down. His adrenaline had pumped enough to not register pain. The blade was embedded in his back. Blood had started to pool on the ground.

He frowned, adrenaline should not block this much pain. "Oh yeah... magic runs in my veins now" he said aloud. The Ultimate Ninja looked puzzled. Zero charged him. He jumped, grabbing into Tge blade and dragging it down his back. This time he felt pain.

It shot through him like fire, he flinched, but refused to cry out. He would not show that to this guy.

He stood up shakily. "I guess I should try it." he didn't have long till he would faint from blood loss. He held the scythe with one hand and sighed.

He let the magic flow, whispering a weave of words. The bleeding stopped, but Zero's energy was dimmed.

He smiled "did it. Now then." he unhooked the scythes "I need to win, so I don't have to worry about knives in the back" he chuckled and sighed.

The ninja looked pissed. He had retrieved his sword "Death to you then, Spellscythe" he said. He ran at him. Zero used the tactic of closing the scythes and deflecting the sword and claw. He added a few moves though. He kicked the ninja's stomach and walked up to him, and dig the scythes into the ground in a scissor shape, immobilizing his neck unless he wanted to bleed.

"You ruined my night, so now I ask the question, do you yield?" the ninja still looked pissed, but admitted defeat. Zero withdrew his scythes and sheathed them. A large bubble appeared, and dissolved. Everyone was inside it. He went to walk to raph.

The ninja guy had cast magic himself, in the form of a dragon. It dissipated, and a large figure appeared "You dare use black magic in fair combat?" he asked the ninja.

Splinter walked up "Ahh Damio,it is good to see you." the man nodded and then averted his gaze to Zero.

"You, are interesting. A heart of blood, and a heart of magic. How did this come to be in earth. You are welcome in my realm. And your reward, to the victor goes the spoils"

A box appeared. He handed it to zero. It was small, but it was as large as a fist "Open this alone, under the gaze of none. After which, you decide what to do with this gift." he said and him and his son disappeared

"I hate that ultimate ninja guy." Raph commented. Zero nodded

"Scarred huh? There goes my modeling career" it was a joke of course. No one laughed.

Zero was alone in the bathroom. it was the best place to be private. He held the gilded box. It glinted a soft gold. He sighed and opened it.

Inside were three things. Two gold rings, elegantly carved with a language he could not recognize. The third thing was a small book, placed under the rings. It fit in most of the box. He turned the box after grabbing the rings and let the book fall into his palm. It was old, and inside the writing was small. He would need a eye magnifying glass to read it.

It wasn't to see what the two rings were for "Smart bastard." he said and smiled. He pocketed the book and rings, and went to look for a necklace chain.

Everyone was in the living room an hour later, including april, Casey, Blake, and Techie.

Zero went to Raph to ask him to stand. He did so with anxiety "Why did you call is Z? What was in the box?" zero chuckled and reached into his pocket.

"Rapheal Hamato, weeks turned to months. I've known you for 2 months now. And it feels like forever. I want it to be forever" most got the meaning, and grinning madly. Splinter, look pleased. Raph looked confused.

"So Raph, will you marry me, as best as we can with what we have?" he drew out a necklace, one of the golden rings attached to it.

Raph was dumbstruck for a second, hesitating. He stopped, like he mentally slapped himself. He smiled "Yes, Xercies Diiz, which is the weirdest last name I have ever heard by the way. No offence to you, it was your foster parents name. But anyways, yes I will marry you"

Zero slipped the chain around his neck. Everyone cheered. "Now then" he slipped the second ring onto his ring finger. "And to seal it with a kiss"

Zero chuckled and kissed Raph. "that was great." Raph said. Zero nodded "I really don't think I should wear the necklace on patrol. We'll think of something though. I'm yours, forever and always"

"As am I Raph" he said "and I think that it can be arranged that you can wear it. I wish it was a bigger ring, but seeing as you all love japanese... the rings were just a formality, I want splinter to preform the ribbon ceremony, will you?"

Splinter's eyes glinted with delight "It would be my honor." he said. Zero smiled to himself.

"Now, what were we to do about the foot, seeing that Shredhead is gone? Tried ice cream break, we get attacked by interdimensional ninjas."

He frowned "Gotta love that" he commented sarcastically.

No one really answered. Blake was looking at Leo. 'Odd' zero thought. he frowned "That's all I have to say" he said. Everyone went about their own thing.

"You killed me! No fair!" Mikey yelled as zero killed Mikey's spartan with a grenade launcher

"You turned the corner Mikey. I only did the logical thing. It's Reflection, it's made for grenade launchers" the game wasnt very uncharted territory for Mikey, but multiplayer was. "Halo: Reach is unforgiving for a game"

The match ended 25 to 10. Zero was pleased with himself. Mikey placed the controller down, and smiled "That was awesome! I didn't think you could do THAT with a grenade launcher. You hit him in the face!"

Zero grinned and walked off "talk to you later Mikey. Going to go exploring. Tell Raph when he wakes up"

It was 11:00 am, and Raph was still asleep. Zero was happy he was finally getting some rest.

"Ok! Leo and Blake were sparring, or something. Donnie and Techie were working on something secret. They wouldn't let me in earlier"

Zero raised an eye "Make sure he eats lunch at least, if I don't pop up in three hours" he said.

He walked out into the sewer area "Damn, I haven't strolled in weeks" he said as he began his adventure.

The sewers were cold, the days grew colder all the time. He was wearing his favorite, and hottest jacket. He sighed as he came up around the boarded up area that he and April had ended up while being chased by mouser robots. 2 months, that was crazy. An hour had passed and he hadn't realized it yet.

"Z? What are you doing here?" oddly, it was Angel "Are you spying on me? I'm going to hurt Casey if you are"

Zero chuckled at the girl "No, this is where me and April met the turtles. It's odd though... why was it boarded up?" he asked.

Angel just shrugged "Could be anything. Maybe someone died in there" she suggested.

Zero laughed "Maybe. It is dangerous down here. There is an albino crocodile the size of a car down here in the deepest parts I hear from Donnie. He said that the city should really board up that part of the sewer, only it leads right to the docks."

His shellcell went off at that moment. He answered it "Hello?" he asked. It was Raph.

"It's twelve, where did you go?" he asked, Mikey must have told him. He smiled. Raph sounded drowsy from waking up.

"I'll be back soon. It's an hour walk" raph said ok, and Zero ended the call "Hey angel, isn't it a school day? Shouldn't you be at..."

She was already climbing a latter "Huh? Oh, I just faked sick. I needed a break for one day. Should get home, anyways, Goodbye!" she had climed out the sewer and shut the manhole.

He shook his head and smiled, taking off the way he came. After 2 months in the sewer, he could navigate it, even the smell faded.

He arrived in half the time by running. It was a geat morning... afternoon so far. Raph walked up and grinned oddly. He had something behind his shell.

"Ok Raph, what do you have there?" he asked.

Raph grinned "It's just something for everything you've done these 2 months. Donnie and Techie worked on it."

'that explains the secrecy Mikey was talking about' he thought. Raph kissed him and handed him something wrapped "Don't worry about getting me something. You already got me something. A ring and a proposal."

Zero nodded and opened the packaging. It was a laptop, to Zero's joy. He hugged Raph, then to Techie and Donnie. "thank you guys!" he said.

Donnie handed him a carrying case. He put it in it, the cords were inside. He grinned and slid it on his shoulders "You shouldn't have, but I'm glad you did"

Zero kissed Raph, who smiled lightly "You know, I'm glad I asked you to marry me" he said.

Raph laughed "And I'm glad I said yes"

Changes: Chapter 8

Changes: Chapter 8 Disclaimer: Look at CH's 1-4 * * * "It's a bitch when the guy that tries to kill you doesnt die. He should have stayed dead." -Zero * * * Chapter 7: The Shredder returns. Zero and the gang, plus Blake and...

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Changes: chapter 6

Changes: Chapter 6 Disclaimer: don't own Tmnt. * * * "Damn it, things tend to really get weird. And this takes the cake. I hope he stays dead as well." -Zero * * * Chapter 6: Shredder "The ruby did that? How the hell does a rock...

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Changes: chapter 5

Changes chapter 5: This is the 5th chapter, I don't think I need the disclaimer anymore. Look at chapters 1-4 for it. Also some chapters will purposely be out of order with the story. Will leave out unimportant parts of the show, so I may...

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