Dustin & Kai: Chapter 7

Story by Aurora Australis on SoFurry

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#7 of Dustin & Kai

Chapter 7 is finally here. Hopefully it will be up to everyone's standards. I have finally made it to New Zealand, and I have spent time with Kai in person. He is even better than I could have expected - so sweet and cute, and we both are happy. On another note, his mum and step-dad know about him and about me. We had supper together on Valentine's Eve and they even gave me a ride back home so I didn't have to take the bus. I couldn't have hoped for it to be any better. This chapter will be dedicated to three people. Firstly to Rick. He has been such a sweet and caring fur in both of our lives, and he is full of passion and desire. our hearts go out to him as he goes through every day with hope. We will meet up one day, hun. Also I dedicate this chapter to my dear friend Fred. You have been a real inspiration, and helped me show my furriness outside of the internet. You have done nothing but been a friend and companion in the real world. I wish you the best of luck in your future, whatever you decide to do. We will support you. Finally, I dedicate this chapter to my dearest love, my Kai. Now that I've had a chance to be with you in person, I don't want to ever leave your side. We are truly a fortunate couple to have met, kept together through thick and thin, and join up from opposite sides of the world. I couldn't see myself happy any other way. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "Mmmm... g'morning hun," Dusty mumbled and stretched, turning to his back and yawning. He had been on his side curled up against Kai, holding onto him, Kai's paw clutching his own against his chest. "Good morning wolfie" Kai muttered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "I love you!" Both wolves grunted as they tried to wake up. Luckily it was a Saturday and they could sleep in. Kai glanced at the clock, reading 10:13. He grumbled softly and turned towards Dusty, wrapping a paw around his chest then placed his head upon it as well, nuzzling up against the soft fur and closing his eyes again. "I love you too babe." Dusty smiled and ruffled Kai's headfur then kissed between his ears, wrapping an arm around Kai's neck and shoulder squeezing him tightly. Both boys drifted off to sleep again, murring softly against each other. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Thipher stirred in his bed, yawning and moaning as he slowly began to sit up. He grunted a bit and shook his head back and forth, then licked his paw and smoothed his head fur back past his head. Thipher was a black-furred feline. His fur was silky soft and his eyes were an entrancing green that sparkled in the sunlight. He slowly rolled out of bed placing his feet on the ground, and headed over to his dresser. "I can't believe I'm up this early..." He poked and puttered around near his dresser before picking out some clothes to wear. He was off to see Kai today, they were supposed to meet up and hang out. Thiffy, as was his nickname, had met Dustin several weeks before. The two made good friends in a hurry when Dustin realized how sweet the feline really was. He always seemed to be happy around the wolf, and Dustin took an immediate liking to him. He soon realized Dustin and Kai were mates and decided to know Kai as well. Just like Sky, Thipher wasn't fully prepared for Kai being so adorable. Needless to say, Thipher and Kai hit it off immediately. A soft knock on the front door brought no response to Kai's house, as all the furs still left were sleeping. Kai's mum had left early that morning to do some shopping, and decided to let the boys sleep. Thipher grunted and walked around to Kai's window, tapping on the glass. The curtains were drawn so the cat couldn't see inside. He continued to tap until Kai stirred and got up, parting the soft cloth and stared into Thipher's eyes. Quickly the wolf ran to the front door and opened it, whispering to Thipher, "Dusty's sleeping, be quiet." Thipher giggled and had a different idea. He snuck into the bedroom and layed down on top of the wolf, as Kai had been several moments before. He started nuzzling and licking at his chest then worked up under his chin. His paw reached for and fondled Dustin under the sheets, and Kai watched with a stiffled giggle. Dustin began to stir, murring softly and muttering Kai's name. Kai then joined the kitty on the bed, reaching a paw underneath as well, and leaned down to kiss the other wolf on the lips while Thipher nuzzled under his chin. Dusty felt two furs and his eyes opened wide, and he gurgled on his words. "Wha? Who?" He noticed Kai on one side and Thipher on the other and smiled at the two silent and still furs. "Well don't stop there!" He giggled as he continued to kiss Kai, his paws on each male stroking their soft fur. The other two gripped Dustin's wolf shaft and squeezed hard, making the wolf moan into the kiss. Slowly Dustin's shaft emerged into the waiting paws of the boys, who gently squeezed and stroked him, Dustin's hips moving in rythm with the stroking. Thiper's paw moved down further to squeeze and massage the wolf's soft fuzzy sac, milking him as Kai stroked him to orgasm. In the middle of the furry festival Dustin moaned loudly into Kai's kiss and pumped his hips hard into Kai's paw. They held the kiss as his member began to throb and spurt his creamy wolf seed onto his stomach and over Kai's paw. Kai broke the kiss and smiled, grinning at his paw. "Clean up time!" Kai giggled and began cleaning his paw, suckling on the fur while Thipher leaned his head down and licked at Dustin's belly fur, lapping up the gooey sticky mess in his fur. "Don't hog it all," Kai pushed Thipher's head out of the way and licked up the rest. "He's my wolfie, silly kitty." Dustin just murred softly and sank back into the bed, in the bliss of after-orgasm pleasure. The two other furs let him lay for a bit before they pulled him up out of bed. Kai threw some clothes at him and Dustin dressed himself, smiling at the other two. "Looks like I don't need an alarm clock in this house." Dustin giggled and pulled Kai into a tight hug, kissing his cheek. Kai murred and looked over to Thipher, and winked. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The three made their way to the mall and began to chit chat about where to go and what they wanted to buy. They looked like any normal gang of teenage male furs on a Saturday morning. Kai and Dustin however kept bumping into each other and then sandwiching Thipher rubbing fur against fur and smiling. Kai yelped out as they passed a video store, and grabbed the other two pulling them inside. "Half Life!" He smiled and ran to the shelf, grabbing the game box and turning it over looking at it. Kai gleemed at his purchase, swinging the bag happily around as they walked through the rest of the mall, and Dusty knew he had some competition. "Don't let that game interfere with us now, honey," Dustin smirked. "I still get most of your time." "Of course you do Dusty, but I need something to fill the gap when you're gone..." Kai smiled and grinned, flashing his bright loving eyes towards his mate. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dustin had to go home for the evening, and spend some time there. He parted ways with the other two and headed off towards his house. He would go online where he met one of his friends from back home, Fred. Fred was a wolf like Dustin and Kai, and had been a really good friend of Dustin. The two hung out every now and then, watching movies and cartoons together, and playing games. "Freddo!" Dusty exclaimed when he saw his name on the messenger list. He frantically typed to his wolf friend whom he hadn't seen since he'd left the states. 'How are you Freddo?' he typed. 'Things here are going great, I met Kai and have so many friends already here, how are things back home?' Fred was excited to see his wolf friend again, and nearly jumped out of his chair when he got the message online. 'Dustin! Great to see you, things are going quite well. Just settling into school and trying to keep up.' The two exchanged words as Dustin remembered the last time they had spent together. They had met at Fred's house and Fred drove for a bit to find a place to eat. Dustin bought him dinner gladly, and Fred introduced him to several other friends. They hung out at a party and drank a few beers, and relaxed and had a good time. But the evening passed quickly and soon it was over. The two wolves said goodnight and parted for the last time. They had chatted online up until Dustin moved, and this was the first time they had seen each other since the wolf had moved. It got late quickly for Freddo from the time difference unfortunately, and the two had to say goodnight once again. Dustin yawned and looked at his clock. It was late for him as well, and he crawled into bed, to sleep alone for the first time in several nights. He clutched the pillow and drifted off dreaming of his Kai. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Kai had gone home early as well, saying g'bye to Thipher. He installed his game on his computer and played it for several hours, then yawned and climbed into his own bed. It felt empty and he had a hard time going to sleep. He clutched Dusty's blanket against him and thought of his wolfie, drifting off slowly, dreaming of his mate. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Unfortunately Kai and I don't get to spend every night together. However we might be able to soon. I'll try to keep you all posted, and try to get chapter 8 out soon as well. hope you all enjoyed! post comments!