Merge - 11 - Sleep

Story by Monion on SoFurry

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#12 of Merge

What do you do when your world gets turned upside down? Jay, Kael, Laura and Matt all attempt to cope in their own ways as events move ever forward, with or without them.

Laura fidgeted with her long white hair, twirling it around her fingers until it pulled on her head painfully before letting go and starting the process again as she watched her friends. Jay sat on the asphalt, staring at the doors to the skyscraper, neither moving nor blinking as the crowd jostled him. Kael kept speed dialing Matt on his cell, but the husky wasn't answering.

The white wolf was deep in thought, reliving the last few minutes over and over again as she waited.

'That demon and that lion, falling from the building like that. Fire then ice until they hit the ground. There wasn't even enough left over for the police to identify anything. And nobody got the fall on video, nothing but static on every smart phone and video camera in the area.'

The high pitched siren of an ambulance interrupted Laura's train of thought. The crowd parted slowly as a white vehicle bullied its way through, all noise and fear. A pair of grey wolves dressed in white uniforms hopped out of the vehicle and ran towards the building as another pair of paramedics were carting out a grey-blue furred dog on a stretcher onto the concrete plaza.

"Matt!" Laura shouted as Kael and Jay both surged forward. The trio tried to push past the cops, but the Kodiak had apparently brought back up. "Let us through, we're his friends!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," the bear stated, holding Laura by the shoulder. Kael and Jay were similarly restrained by two other officers. "But I can't let you by. This is a crime scene. That boy will be in good hands with the paramedics. If you're his friends, you can meet him at the hospital. In the meantime, you should go home." His voice was soft, not angry, but also didn't brook dissent.

The husky was pushed into the back of the white rectangular vehicle with the two original paramedics. The grey wolves shut the doors and hopped into the front, starting the ambulance and careening away. Laura's whimper mimicked the wail of the emergency vehicle.

Defeated, the trio slowly and silently made their way back to the parking lot nearby. Jay had borrowed his parents' minivan to get Matt and himself to the scene as fast as he could. As they walked by an electronics shop, they saw the events being replayed on the local news on a television in the window.

"There's that static again," Laura commented, her tone banal. The scene being shown was after Matt had been deposited back on the building, the video taken from a helicopter. The husky was sneaking up on the Baatezu while it and the lion were locked in combat. Just as Matt was about to reach the creature, the image was lost to static.

Kael watched the clip closely, nodding slowly. "It's magic."

"What?" Laura asked. The white wolf glanced over at the cougar for a moment. Jay was leaning against the brick wall nearby, staring at his feet. "What do you mean?"

"The static, it occurs whenever magic is being used." The kangaroo's voice grew a little louder with his confidence. "See? There? When Matt is saved by the lion from falling off the building. Static! Anytime Matt attacks the Baatezu. Static! When the lion and the Baatezu fall from the building and go all fire and ice on each other. Static! It's like, you can't capture magic on video or something."

"What hospital are they taking Matt to?" Jay asked, his voice staccato. Laura empathized. He probably was more worried about Matt than the implications of static on video. Well, she was worried too, but what could they do?

Kael turned to the cougar and frowned. "I don't know, dude. Likely the university hospital, a few blocks from the dorms."

Jay walked off, leaving Kael and Laura behind for a moment before they ran to catch up to Jay. The trio didn't say anything else to each other for the rest of the trip, reaching the forest-green minivan.

As they clambered in, Kael's phone buzzed in his pocket. The 'roo pulled it out and tapped the 'Answer' button on the screen. "Hello? Yes, I am Kael Walker. Yes, I'm his emergency contact. University Hospital, Intensive Care Unit? Yes, thank you. I'm already on my way. How is he? Oh. We'll be there soon. Thanks."

Jay looked up and met Kael's eyes in the rearview mirror, the lithe cougar's paws clenched firmly in front of him on the steering wheel.

"Dude's in the Intensive Care Unit. We can check in there. They won't give me information on his well-being until I've confirmed my identity. All I know is the dude's alive and stable. Good thing we're already on our way."

"Intensive care? Well, it'd be the emergency room if it was worse, right?" Laura asked, trying to inspire some hope.

Kael nodded. "I think so."

Jay started the van and pulled out of the parking lot. The trio made the trip in silence, thinking about their friend.

* * * * *

The husky groaned, clutching his chest. The pressure of his paw on it just made it hurt even worse. He stood up shakily, looking around at the grey walls. Two bookshelves sat in a corner away from the wall, creating a small cubby. A table with a number of bottles on top sat in front of some stairs up out of the dim and dreary room.

"Kazar's basement," Matt said softly.

"I wasn't expecting you, pup," Kazar hissed as he came down the stairs, his black robe swishing along the stone.

The husky walked forward and leaned on a bookshelf. "I wasn't expecting to be here either." His eyes widened and his tail dropped as he stood stock straight. "Wait, where's Lucent? Where is he, Kazar?"

"Wherever he may be, I assure you it's none of our business," Kazar dismissed. The jaguar busied himself with reorganizing some of his books.

Matt wheezed, the act of breathing causing pain in his chest. "There was a..." the husky coughed, then continued, "A demon. A Baatezu....on Earth."

"What?" the dark jaguar was suddenly all ears, grabbing the husky roughly by the shoulders and causing the dog to whimper.

"Ouch, not so hard, Kazar," Matt complained. The jaguar narrowed his yellow eyes at the husky, but lightened his grip. "The demon was on top of a skyscraper, a tall building. Lucent was there, fighting it off. I helped, but Lucent and the demon fell hundreds of feet off the building. I think Lucent turned the both of them to ice. There was nothing left when they hit the ground."

Kazar released Matt and left the room, walking up the stairs. From above, Matt heard him call, "Come, pup. I will convene an emergency Council meeting. We must get to the bottom of this."

Matt dragged himself wearily up the stairs after the dark jaguar.

* * * * *

"Missing? Dead?" The dark-robed ancient tigress screeched. The Council devolved into loud accusations and incredulous assertions as they argued amongst themselves. Matt's head hurt from the sound echoing through the marble chamber.

Kazar hushed the crowd by raising his paw in the air. He had taken the black-cloaked seat beside Lord Lucent's customary one, which Matt assumed to be the seat belonging to the leader of the Dark Order. "Indeed. Matthew reports that Lord Lucent was last seen on Earth, combatting a Baatezu that had slipped into his world. Lucent and the Baatezu are both deceased as far as we know."

"He did it!" The tigress was now pointing at Matt, who had replaced his shredded blue tunic with a red linen shirt. The husky looked bewildered at the accusation, putting his paws up in protest.

"Yes, Clarice. Matthew is completely capable of killing Lord Lucent," Kazar said sarcastically, rolling his yellow eyes. "If you haven't noticed, he's still a novice mage, and one who could hardly hold a candle to the head of the Council."

The dark-robed tigress sat down, apparently mollified. 'Or mortified,' Matt hoped.

Rhisanth stood beside Kazar's seat, the tall lion coming up to Kazar's chest with the elevation of the chair. "With Lord Lucent at the very least missing in action, if not deceased, we need to address the issue of leadership of the Council."

"Rhisanth, the Azure Order currently has no leader," a brown-furred boar in blue robes spoke. "He did not arrange a line of succession. We require time to sort this before we can vote upon a new Council leader." Matt had never heard the boar speak in a Council meeting before. He held himself with such confidence that Matt wondered if he thought himself the next in succession.

"Well, the Dark Order is prepared," a doberman spoke up. His robes were as dark as his fur, but unlike other mages of the Dark Order that Matt had encountered or heard, his voice was brash, loud and clear. "Our collective vote is for Kazar."

A white-clad rhino cleared his throat. "Likewise, the Valiant Order is also prepared. Despite our own vacant leadership seat, our vote is currently for Rhisanth." Another mage that Matt had never heard speak, the rhino filled out his seat substantially. Rhisanth nodded his head at the hulking mage, granting him a small smile.

"Traditionally, the seat has been held by a mage of the Azure Order," a grey wolf piped up, the blue hood of her robe pulled down so her face was visible. Her fur was kept quite trim compared to most other wolves Matt knew. The husky wondered how Laura and the others were doing back on Earth.

"Enough!" Rhiasnth and Kazar shouted simultaneously. The rest of the Council, and Matt, looked at them in surprise.

"The Valiant Order has only four votes currently, as does the Dark Order. The Azure Order is also depleted, with also only four seats fulfilled now that Lord Lucent is gone." Rhisanth paced between the three Orders as he talked. "Between a stalemate in the voting as well as a dearth of magi, I suggest that we work on filling our empty seats in the short term."

Kazar nodded, "The Dark Order agrees with this assessment." The jaguar looked pensive for a moment. Matt wondered what he could be thinking about, or what the crafty mage's next political maneuver would be. "The Dark Order would also like to introduce a new Order."

Again, the Council room blew up, mages talking over one another. Matt clutched his head in his paw. His headache and the ache in his chest were both not getting any better.

Kazar lifted his paw in the air again to command the room to silence. "It is clear now that Earth and Ameranth are growing nearer to each other. With the sightings of the Earthly building in the plains, and the fact that magi can clearly traverse the void in both directions, as can demons, it makes sense that Earth has a representative on the Council."

"Is this wise, Kazar?" Clarice questioned, her ancient voice cracking. The black-robed tigress' eyes seemed to burn in the low light.

'Wait, is he going to make me...?' Matt realized, his muzzle lifting from his paws and staring at the dark jaguar. 'What's his angle?'

"It is. As a representative of the Council, he will be invested in all of our well-being, as well as be our eyes and ears on Earth. In return for this knowledge, we can formally offer him the help that Earth, and if the two worlds truly are merging, even Ameranth will need."

Rhisanth thought for a moment, running his claws through his grey mane. "The Valiant Order agrees. I recommend Matthew as the first Mage of the Earthly Order."

"Wait, you cannot do this!" the boar sputtered, banging his meaty fist on the arm of his chair. "The Orders are based on driving principals, the self, the other and the whole. Earth is a place, not a principal. This will change the balance of power!"

Kazar grinned broadly. Matt shuddered. It was like a predator about to consume his prey. "I agree, it shall change the balance of power. But our Orders have been staid, unchanging for a millennia. With the encroaching darkness finally here, we must adapt, or find ourselves at a disadvantage. Or worse, in a war to extinction with the forces on Earth. We must look ahead, and having a representative on the Council should do much to mollify leaders on the other side. Enough to understand that we mean them no ill will."

"With no Head of the Council, let us put it to an individual vote," Rhisanth stated. "All in favor?"

"Four Valiant Order in favor," Rhisanth shouted.

"Four Dark Order in favor," Kazar hissed.

"Four Azure Order not in favor," the boar said unhappily. His arms were crossed in front of him, and Matt thought even his tusks looked sad.

'It's like politics back home,' Matt groaned inwardly. 'Divided perfectly down party lines.'

"Noted, and overridden by the larger vote. Congratulations, Matthew. You are the head of the Earthly Order, and part of the Council." Rhisanth bowed ever so slightly in front of Matt, waving over the shocked husky with a paw. The air shimmered as the paw travelled, and the husky's clothing was covered by an ankle-length burgundy cloak, almost like a trench coat, cinched at the waist over his shirt and pants.

The husky was shocked, every appendage limp and unmoving. 'Again! I didn't ask for this, I didn't want this! Why the hell is it always me?'

"As you said before Kazar, I'm still a novice mage. Why make me a member of the council?" the husky asked quietly, looking up at the cat in his elevated black marble seat.

"It's not a matter of power, but representation. Even the existing three Orders have novice mages on the Council," the dark jaguar hissed, the other magi having to strain to hear the mage. "Remember, our next steps are to replenish the Council's numbers and investigate this link with Earth, as well as the forces of Under Eden. If there are no other objections," Kazar stared at the unhappy Azure Order boar, "We shall adjourn this meeting."

* * * * *

After the Council session, Kazar and Rhisanth had whisked the young husky away from the amphitheater to a medieval city. They seemed to be in some sort of trade district, with a number of furs bustling about from kiosk to cart, selling, buying and bartering for goods. Clothing, food, weaponry, plants, ferals, and more were all available. It was entirely too noisy for the injured husky.

"So what now?" Matt asked idly, not really expecting an answer for either mage.

Rhisanth cleared his throat, and tapped his staff on the ground once. Suddenly the noisy marketplace was deadly silent, but Matt could see furs still shopping, as if he were watching a movie on mute. "A silence, so we may talk in private despite it being public."

"Your friends also believe the worlds are merging?" Kazar asked quietly, his yellow eyes narrowed at Matt. The husky nodded. "This is quite vexing. With Lord Lucent gone, we have no way of determining if the encroaching darkness is the actual act of the worlds coming together, a demonic invasion, or something else related."

"If demons can't get into Ameranth without being summoned," Matt started, remembering the dark jaguar's summoning ritual which brought him to this world by accident.

"Perhaps the barriers between planes or worlds have weakened," Rhiasnth offered. The white mage was studying the grey-blue husky, worry creasing his brow.

Kazar interrupted, "If that's the case, then perhaps the barriers will reinforce themselves once Earth and Ameranth have come together? We may be looking at a limited opportunity that Apollyon cannot afford to ignore. And if none of the deities have a presence on Earth to stop him..."

"Then there'll be more demons on Earth," Matt droned. The husky was staring at his feet, in shock at the notion. Suddenly, he looked up at the other magi, his ears flat against his head. "I'm the only one who can stop them! The only one on Earth who can use magic! But I couldn't stop the Baatezu! Lucent did all of the hard work, I just distracted it a little. Hell, he even saved me!"

"Pull yourself together, pup!" Kazar growled, his dark tail twitching angrily. "We did not train these months to have you break down now."

"Perhaps a little more training shall put your fears at rest, Matthew?" Rhisanth asked quietly. "We know you are talented, and generally capable. We would not have you part of the Council if you did not hold these qualities, even if they may be not entirely developed."

"And why am I a part of the Council? Why, Kazar?" The husky's voice was petulant, his ears folded back.

"My statements in the Council were accurate enough, but let me make myself clear, since you cooperate far better when you believe you are informed." The dark jaguar paced away from Matt and Rhisanth before clearing his voice and turning back to the pair. "My ultimate goal is to become head of the Council. That should not come as a surprise to either of you. If the Council stays as it is, eventually Tarnak, that boar you saw, will be elevated to head of the Azure Order, and de facto leader of the Council. By introducing a fourth Order, the balance of power is changed and now I have a shot at my goal, with Rhisanth being my primary competition." Kazar tipped his head at the other cat in acknowledgement, and Rhisanth nodded back grimly.

"And as mentioned, if Earth and Ameranth are to become one world, we have other governments and other furs to worry about. With the forces of Under Eden marching, we cannot afford to be distracted by political squabbling between Earth and Ameranth when the time comes to fight. Your placement shall help smooth those relations before they have even begun. Both worlds' safety and my plans hinge on you, pup. I thought my reasoning was fairly obvious from the start."

Matt shook his head. "I'm sorry. I'm still hurt from the fight, and I'm exhausted. I guess I didn't see that."

"It is all right, young Matthew," Rhisanth soothed. "It has been a rough day for you, and you have acquitted yourself admirably. But as I mentioned earlier, more training seems to be in order if you are to continue to survive."

The husky nodded somberly. "I...I do need more training. More offensive training. I can't always be defending myself, I need to be able to defeat these demons by myself."

"We shall continue our training tomorrow, pup. We have taken the liberty of renting a room at the inn behind you. You may stay there and recuperate for the evening." Rhisanth was nodding as Kazar addressed Matt. "Be ready in the morning, for we will begin training you in the more complex subjects in earnest."

* * * * *

"Thanks, ma'am!" Kael said to the young female gull at the desk. The kangaroo hopped over to where Jay and Laura were sitting in the intensive care unit ward's lounge. A number of other furs were sitting in the room as well, and most of them looked worried. Kael's friends were no different. "C'mon guys, Matt's in room five-thirteen."

As the group marched down the spotless white hallway towards the end of the ward, Kael regaled them with Matt's status. "The doctors are pretty sure Matt will be fine. He's got some cracked ribs, and seems to be suffering from exhaustion. He's effectively comatose, but they're not certain how long it will last. If it's actually a coma, or if the dude's just in a super deep sleep." Kael left out the part about suspected potential brain damage, not wanting to worry Jay or Laura any further.

Jay nodded, his arms crossed over his chest as he hugged himself. "Let's go see him."

Outside the door to room five-thirteen stood a german shepherd in a blue police uniform. The brown dog was sitting on a chair, clearly guarding the door. The cop looked bored, but his triangular ears perked up as the trio headed in his direction.

"Excuse me, officer. We're here to see Matt Lancaster? I'm his emergency contact." Kael stepped up to the shepherd and handed him a note from the front desk.

"I'm sorry, if you're not immediate family you can't enter. He's under police surveillance." The officer had stood up, and his broad body now blocked the way into the room.

Laura whined, her white ears flat against her head, "But we're his friends; we are his family! His parents live in a different part of the country!"

The officer was slowly shaking his head and frowning until Jay came up and propped himself up on his toes so that his short muzzle was only an inch away from the german shepherd's longer muzzle. "That husky is my boyfriend. He's hurt and needs the people he loves with him. We won't smuggle him out, and if he wakes up, you'll be the first to know."

Kael held his breath. 'Wow, Jay's not joking around here. Good on the dude, hopefully it works...'

The cat and dog held their stare for nearly a minute, before the german shepherd backed down and stood aside with a small smile. "Remember, if he wakes up, you need to tell me."

The group sighed in a collective relief as Jay pushed past the cop and through the door.

"Matt!" the cougar whispered loudly as he kneeled beside the grey-blue husky. Matt's chest was wrapped in white bandages, and the dog was covered up to his waist with a white sheet. An IV needle was embedded in his arm under a shaved patch of fur. The machines nearby beeped placidly. Jay pressed his nose against the side of Matt's muzzle gently. "Wake up, Matt! Please, wake up!"

"Kael," Laura poked her friend in the back with a long finger, her voice low. "We need to call Matt's parents. They'll want to know about their son." The rotund 'roo nodded slowly. "We also need to be worried about if Matt's in Ameranth right now. What'll happen if he gets hurt or healed while he's in the hospital?"

The 'roo's green eyes widened while his eyebrows shot up. "Whoa, I didn't even think of that, dudette."

"I'll stay with him," Jay said quietly, still staring at Matt's face.

"I think we all will," Laura corrected. "We should do this in shifts, though. There's three of us, right? We can't all always be here."

Jay looked like he was about to object, but then went back to gazing at his boyfriend. "I can stay during the day. I don't have classes, and I'm just working for my parents. I'm sure they'll understand."

"Can you stay during the night, Kael? I'll stay in the afternoon and the evening so that it doesn't interfere with my classes."

"What about your job, Laura?"

"I'll figure that out, don't worry."

"Sure, I'll stay at night then." The kangaroo turned to leave. "You gonna be okay staying first, then, Jay?" The cougar nodded, pulling up a chair to sit on, but never letting his eyes off the comatose husky. "Laura, can you call Matt's parents? And let's get some rest so we're ready to come back."

* * * * *

Matt yawned as he gingerly stretched his aching body. His chest felt a lot better and the headache was gone. "I don't think I've had that good of a sleep in months. Not since this whole Ameranth-Narcolepsy thing, anyhow." Light streamed in from the window and the fresh air coming into the room was refreshing.

The husky swung his feet from the mattress to the wooden floor. The dog's tail fur suddenly stuck out as if he had stuck his claw into an electric socket.

"Wooden floor? Holy shit! I'm still in Ameranth!"

Merge - 12 - Friends

Kael wandered down the hallway to Laura's dorm room. The 'roo's toes pushed against the short navy carpet as he walked, making him wonder about how often the floors were cleaned. _'In a dorm, they're probably never clean enough.'_ He placed a paw on...

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Merge - 10 - Merge

"And in other news, there's been reports of a mass hallucination in the downtown core. A single office building containing approximately two thousand workers all reported seeing fields of yellow grass outside their windows today, instead of the city...

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Merge - 09 - Results

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Matt!" Jay's middle-aged mother gushed as she pulled the husky into the aging yellow house. She was a little plump, her apron draped over her chest and stomach, but she was vibrant and moving about with vigor....

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