A Christmas Gift

Story by Niku Cobalt on SoFurry

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I hope the title is fitting, as this is a gift to my mate, whom I love very much, and is about a gift...

I haven't written in ages, and I know the story could be much longer. I put in what I felt in my heart, and I didn't want to extend it to be too long. I hope this conveys my feelings well.

I love you Victoria. Merry Christmas.

It was Christmas Morning.... Well, nearly afternoon. She was tired, and she rubbed her eyes as she woke up... Stretching and yawning, her orange muscular frame started to wake, as the sunlight pierced in through the window, and broke through into room. Lying on the bed was a strong vixen, with nine beautiful, extraordinary tails, her eyes finally open--a beautiful golden shade as she scanned the room, and was squeezing...

Nothing. Her mate was not there... Victoria Maiko got up, tired, as she went into the living room... And there sat the tree. Beautifully ornamented and adorned, glistening and asking for the attention of anyone's eyes. There were many different shiny ornaments, and there was a star on the top. It was picture perfect... Except... Where was her mate? She was worried... He was forgetful, and below the tree sat presents for him.... But none for her.

The warm sun was inviting. She looked around, and went back to the bedroom. Happy with her comics, she grabbed one of the famous Inari, before walking back out... She was saddened, but at least she could pleasure herself with a good read.

She finally took a few steps, and walked outside. Her feet carried her along the ways... She had no clue where she was going really, she just wanted somewhere. Some solace. As she looked around, she managed to stumble along a clearing in a forest, filled with sunlight...

How long was she walking for? A month or a few seconds, she would have never known... Her feet were sore, and her body was a slight bit fatigued. The sun didn't move much... Perhaps it was around noon? It was her only guess... Niku should be back home by now. Of course, he should have been there for her. She didn't care. It was Christmas day, and he wasn't there, off getting some last minute gift for her. It had better be good... She sighed, and sat down, starting to flip through the pages slowly. She dreamed of other super heroines as well, and she longed to be one... Super Kitty being an idol of hers, she wished she could be just like that... She thought of happy thoughts, distracting herself.

She was done with the comic... Finally. She looked up at the sky... What time was it? Her mate must have been worried for her... She looked back down ahead, as she started to get up, and rubbed her eyes... What was she seeing?

In front of her was a Christmas Tree. Her Christmas tree. And Niku, who just sat there, smiling. Had he... Moved it there? Why? How did she not notice; it must have made a lot of noise between him dragging it... Even if he had help. He definitely seemed weary, though, there weren't any signs of others--if he did have help, which he probably did, he was definitely alone now. He was in his usual attire... The folf, with his bushy black and blue tail, his fur alternating shades of blue, with purple lines zigzagging through, his blue windbreakers on his legs, his exposed chest soaking up the sun, was right there in front of her.

But what was he doing here? Even if he had followed her somehow... Why? Niku walked up to her... And pointed up. She looked up at the tree branches above her... There was nothing there. He motioned her to follow him.

As they climbed up, his fear of heights took over... He almost backed down. He shuddered in fear, he trembled, he was afraid... But it was something he had to do. He climbed up... But he wasn't done yet. Guiding her with him, he climbed higher, and higher... They continued on... He was visibly growing more and more frightened. He showed her the way, as he reached up for a new branch every few slow moments, and she followed his path, his breathing heavy, the wind nearly out of him.He looked like he was nearly going to pass out from fear, but, after an arduous climb, they got to a high point--about the middle of the tall tree. It was impossible to climb any further, after the strenous, frightful climb. They finally sat on the branch, and looked over the edge, down at the Christmas tree below.

And he spoke.

"No matter where we go, what happens, who or what leaves us, I will always be with you. Whether it be the comforts of home or somewhere scary as here,"--he pointed at the Christmas tree, then the one they were on--still trembling in fear--"I will always be with you. This is my gift to you."

And she spoke.

"Thanks hon." She just smiled with her loving gaze and her paw drifted along his chest... And she kissed him. They kissed each other with passion and care, and they both smiled happily.

And they both spoke.

"Merry Christmas."