Getting Tamed. Chapter 7.

Story by Quasim on SoFurry

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#7 of Getting Tamed

Warning: If you're not 18+, don't read this story. Adult stuff with horny anthro furs.

One change to this chapter; Robert's name, as stated in the previous chapter, has been changed to 'Kyle'.

Sorry this chapter took so long, been way too busy to sit still lately. I'm gonna get my driver's liscense. Tests in school, you know the drill... But, you know what they say. "He who waits for something good does not wait in vain", lets just hope thats correct ^.^

Anyways, chapter 7. Enjoy!


"Sweetie, you have to get up now! We gotta get ready, it's a big day today!"

In Sean's room, Connor was laying on his right shoulder, snoozing in the bed, under the warm sheets, with his arms wrapped around Kyle's chest. Kyle being on his back, with his left arm under Connor's head.

Connor's head was resting on Kyle's arm, with his nose buried in the fur on the side of Kyle's neck. "Why do we have to get up so early today? I wanna keep sleeping with the puppy..." Connor mumbled, shifting over to lay on his back, looking over at his dad with his left arm under Kyle's upper back, his right now laying out across the bed.

"Because we're doing something very fun today! And, I got a reward for you if you do good..." Sean said, smiling over at Connor as he saw the pup instantly slide away from Kyle, rolling out of bed and running over to him. The pup's tail was wagging excitedly as he stopped only two inches away from Sean, who couldn't help but chuckle at the sight as he put on a pair of dark jeans.

"What kind of reward, daddy? Do I get to lick your nono again?" Connor asked, licking his lips as he rocked back and forth on his heels, with his paws folded together behind his back. An obvious sign that he was excited.... and looking extra cute...

Connor was only about four feet tall, so he barely reached higher than Sean's lower chest. The cub was just as slim as any other young pup, though, he was pretty strong and well toned for a pup his age. His fur was black, like Kyle's. The cub's face was, what most furs would call, good looking.

The cub had a cute, short muzzle, like most other pups, with a cute little nose on the tip. His eyes were a nice, deep dark-blue. The fur on Connor's head was short and spikey, and was getting ruffled gently as the cub rocked back and forth.

Sean smiled again and shook his head, turning to the drawer next to him, fishing out a small, black tank-top, which would undoubtedly cling to his body and show off all his muscles. "You can do that any time you want, sweetie, but thats not your reward." He spoke, quickly pulling the tank-top over his head, getting down on one knee in front of the kid. "If you do really good, I'm gonna give you the puppy..."

The young pup instantly stopped moving, his eyes filled with disbelief as he looked up at the lion. His mouth seemed to open and shut as if he was about to speak, but no words came.

"You... you would... give me Kyle?" Connor uttered. The pup's tail started wagging again as the big lion nodded.

"Yup. If you do really good I'll let you have Kyle. But, then you have to do everything daddy says. Ok, sweetie?" Sean spoke, his right paw reaching forward to stroke along the pup's left cheek.

Connor just smiled and turned his head, looking at the sleeping figure on the bed. There was a cute sight.

The wolf had now curled into a ball, wrapped into the sheets, with his right arm under his head, and his left covering his head. He was facing Connor and Sean, the sheets covering everything but his head as he snoozed on the bed, his tail making slight wags that stirred the sheets around. The wolf was obviously having a good dream, since his tail was wagging, and he had a big grin on his face.

His own puppy... It was every young fur's dream. Having someone to play with all the time. Someone who doesn't judge or disagree... Yeah, he had to have him. It was a good enough reason to do every little thing the lion told him to do...

The pup turned back to look at Sean again, a wide smile spreading across his lips as he wrapped his arms around the big lion's neck.

"I love you, daddy..." Connor spoke, just before he leaned forward and started caressing his daddy's maw. The young pup's tongue stroking in long, slow licks all over the fur on the lion's maw, matting it down with his spit. His tail was swaying slowly back and forth, ears folded flat against his skull. The only thing on Connor's mind was how much he loved the big fur in front of him. He didn't even notice that the wolf on the bed was starting to wake.

The only noise coming from the waking wolf was a silent murring sound as he lifted his head off the bed and opened his muzzle to let out a soft yawn. Next, stretched his arms out to the front, paws hanging over the edge of the bed. A few cracks came from the wolf's spine and neck as he straightened out, making him groan silently with his muzzle closed while he tensed up. As he relaxed again, he used his right paw to scratch the tip of his muzzle, blinking a few times to get the blur out of his vision. When his sight was clear, he reached both paws to rub his eyes.

When Kyle had yawned a few more times, and shifted around in the bed for a bit, he opened his eyes. The light stung his eyes a bit, but he quickly got used to it.

After opening his eyes, he giggled as h saw what his little brother was doing to the lion.

There was a young pup, using his tongue to clean the face of a lion at least four times his size. Though the sight wasn't nearly as strange as it was cute... Kyle just smiled and rolled over, onto his other side. He figured that if he pretended to be asleep, he'd get some more snooze time. Though, as he noticed the desk not far from the bed, his snooze mood quickly disappeared...

There, leaned up against the wall behind the desk, was a knife. It was big, and probably able to do much damage. It did, however, look like more of a display knife, as it was in a fancy looking black sheath, with golden markings, and a golden handle, which curved to get shaped like a half moon.

Kyle couldn't tell if it was sharp...

He tilted his head and looked over his shoulder, at the pup, who was still licking the lion's face.

This was the prefect time to try it.

The lion was distracted by the pup's licking, and the pup with licking.

He could find an antidote or something. There had to be something that could bring his brother's memory back.

All he had to do was sneak over to the desk, grab the knife and shove it into the lion. He would just search every room in the building for some potion or machine that could bring the pup back to normal.

But, what if the knife was fake?

Only one way to find out...

'Do it now!' A voice screamed in the wolf's head.

The wolf looked back at the desk, silently scooping closer to the edge of the bed, his paws grabbing it to pull himself out of the bed. He made sure not to make any noises as he got out from under the sheets, getting on his feet. As he slowly started sneaking across the floor, he made sure not to let the claws on his toes touch it. The floor might have had a carpet, but he wasn't about to get caught because his claws were making noises.

The desk was only a few steps from the bed, but those few steps felt like they took ages. Sounds, such as murring and giggling, coming from the two furs behind him made him freeze a few times. He gave a few glances over his shoulder as he kept walking for the desk.

Two more steps and he stopped. The golden handled knife was right in front of him. All he had to do was reach out and grab it.

He took a deep breath as his paw reached down. His fingers were readying to grab the handle, other paw ready to grab the sheath and pull it off.

"Do you seriously think I'm that stupid?" Came from behind the wolf, where Sean was standing with his arms crossed, staring over at the wolf, who had stopped dead in his tracks. "Do you honestly believe that I would keep a real knife out in the open when you're in the same room?" Sean asked, his legs moving slowly as he started to walk towards the frozen wolf, who hadn't budged an inch.

The bulky lion had only taken about four steps towards the wolf, before his paw was grabbed by a much smaller one.

"Daddy, please don't hurt him. I'm sure he was only going to sniff it! It probably has your scent on it!" Connor whimpered, holding onto the older lion's right paw as he looked up at him.

There was a brief silence. Sean didn't look down at the pup, though the pup didn't take his eyes off him.

After a few seconds Kyle finally turned around, trying to put on an innocent smile.

"Kyle smell master on sharp thingy..." Kyle spoke, trying to seem as ignorant as possible about what he was just about to do.

"See! I told you he just wanted to smell it! It did have your scent on it!" Connor exclaimed, wagging his tail happily as he smiled up at Sean. Though, Sean didn't seem to share his enthusiasm.

"Connor." Sean started, tilting his head to look down at the young fur. "You know where Carl and Josh's room is, right?" He asked, waiting until the pup nodded before he continued. "Good. Go to their room and take a shower. You can take some clothes with you and get dressed there." He spoke, turning his head to look at Kyle again. "Daddy haves to have a little talk with his puppy."

A high pitched whine started coming from the pup as the lion said that. He was obviously not happy with what he had just heard.

"Daddy, don't hurt him! Hurt me instead!" Connor whined, folding his ears down.

"Do you remember what I told you? You won't get the puppy unless you're a good pup and do everything daddy says. Besides, I'm not going to hurt him, just talk. Now, lets get you some clothes and you can go see Carl and Josh. Ok, sweetie?" Sean spoke, ruffling the kid's headfur.

Connor obviously wasn't convinced, but all he could do was sigh and look down at the floor. He wanted the puppy, badly. The cub would just have to do what the lion said.

"Ok, daddy. What clothes should I bring?" Connor asked, staring down at his feet.

Sean just smiled and wrapped his right arm around the pup's shoulders, giving him a gentle nudge. "Hey, sweetie, don't be so depressed. Keep your chin up! Now, were gonna find you some clothes that'll make you even cuter than you are now..." The lion said, bending down and moving his left arm behind the pup's legs, using the arm around his shoulders to support him as he quickly lifted the pup up.

While Sean was nuzzling and kissing the giggling pup, and carried him over the drawer, Kyle couldn't help but feel relieved. Connor seemed to have calmed the lion down a bit, at least.

Maybe... maybe the lion would just spank him... A spanking didn't sound too bad... In fact, a spanking actually sounded kind of... hot... Getting punished like the naughty puppy he was... The thought of getting spanked by the bulky lion made something stir just below Kyle's waist... His right paw moved down to grab his sheath, rubbing his cock tenderly through it, his eyes closing ever so softly. The wolf's dick soon started to fill his sheath, his cock starting to throb softly as his head filled with images of himself laying across the lap of the big lion. Only a minute ago he was ready to stab the lion. Now, he was getting hard by the thought of him, and his muscular body...

Was Kyle developing a new kink? Maybe he liked getting punished, like a bad boy... He did get hard from all the bondage porn he had seen on his computer. Slim, lithe furs moaning and yelping as they were punished by big, muscular furs, or the other way around. It was fucking hot!

But this... this was so confusing... He did want to get home, yet he didn't want to leave... The yiff was so fucking good, and he was getting more of it than ever... If he could only bring the yiff home, that would solve the whole thing...

In the back of his mind, as he started stroking his average sized dick, he started thinking about all the thing he liked about all of this.

The treatment.

The attention.

Belonging to someone, and wearing a collar with their name on it...

And more than anything; The yiff.

Since Kyle was so lost in his thoughts, he forgot to pay attention to what was happening around him. He didn't even notice that Connor had just given Sean a kiss on the muzzle and walked out of the room with a stack of clothes in his paws, until Sean closed and locked the door, then turned to look at the wolf.

"Now then, my young pet... Why do you want to hurt me? Haven't I been treating you good?" The lion asked, slowly moving towards the wolf, who had opened his eyes and let go of his dick, with a deep blush on his cheeks. "Don't you remember what I told you? Tell him about you or your dad and it'll seriously fuck up his mind. And don't think I got some antidote laying around, 'cause I don't. Besides, even with an antidote his memory might never fully come back..." The lion came to a halt a mere two steps away from the wolf, his arms folded together behind his back.

A sharp whine came from Kyle as the lion uttered those words. The thoughts of preforming acts of passion and kinky, fetish filled yiffual play with Sean instantly left his mind.

There wasn't any antidote? His brother might never get back to normal... The lion had stolen his brother's memory and turned him into a cocksucker. His cocksucker... This was too much. There had to be something he could do, but what?

Slowly, a thought started taking form in Kyle's mind. There was one thing he could do to... Something that would make everything a lot easier... At least, for himself...

"The potion... The one you gave to my brother..."

Sean raised a brow and closed the distance between himself and the wolf, standing not more than two inches away from him. The lion leaned down to get face to face with the shorter wolf, looking him straight in the eyes. "What about it?" He asked, a smirk spreading across his lips. He no doubt knew what the wolf was about to ask...

The wolf was clearly intimidated by having someone so much larger and stronger standing so close to him. His tail was slowly tucking in between his legs, ears folding flat against his skull. A soft, nervous whine escaped his throat as he mumbled, "Can... can you give some to me? P-please?"

"And why would I want to give you some of my potion?" Sean asked, not taking his eyes off the wolf's.

Kyle, who was so obviously feeling uncomfortable with the staring, turned his head to the right and tilted it down, looking at the floor. "My brother... he... he seems so happy... I want to feel like that..." He said, slowly sinking down to his knees, hooking his paws onto the top of Sean's pants, looking back up at him again.

"Please, make me a real pet, master..."

Sean just smirked and reached his right paw down to stroke the back of his fingers across the whimpering wolf's left cheek. "My beautiful, young pet. I'm going to make you that happy without any potion, if you let me." The lion said, a deep murr coming from him. "Stop being such a bad boy and start being a good boy. Who knows... I might become so fond of you I'll make you more than a pet..." The lion paused a bit after saying that, just looking at the wolf's pretty face, still stroking his cheek.

Those words, and the stroking across his cheek seemed to make the wolf brighten. A mild blush appeared on his cheeks, barely visible through his fur, and a shy smile spread across his lips. "You mean... we could become boyfriends?"

"Well, I did promise Connor that he could have you, but we'll see... Now, I want you to show me that you can be a good boy and obey your master..." Sean said, a big grin appearing on his lips.

Kyle returned the grin with a shy, toothy smile and took on a bit deeper blush. "How can I prove that I will be good, master?"

A brief silence filled the room as Sean kept looking at his pet, until he moved his right paw from the wolf's cheek to his collar, hooking his paw onto it. He gently pulled it upwards, making his pet stand up again. Sean reached his left paw past the wolf and grabbed the false knife, throwing it onto the bed behind him. Then, he placed his left paw on his pet's side and tugged him gently, making him turn around to face the desk.

"Bend over, pup..."

Those three words were enough to make Kyle's cock slide all the way out of it's sheath. Nine inches of hard, pre dripping meat throbbing as Kyle placed his paws on the desk in front of him, bending over and raising his tail to expose his tight hole. He'd closed up nicely since yesterday. Kyle turned his head and looked over his shoulder at the lion, licking his own lips.

"Like this, master?"

Sean leaned over his pet and slid out his tongue, slowly dragging his tongue from behind Kyle's right ear, giving it a flick when he reached the tip. His paw had let go off Kyle's collar, and was now slowly sliding down his body, brushing through the wolf's fur as it made it's way down to stroke his hard meat, eliciting a soft gasp from the wolf. "Just like that... Good boooyy..." Sean murred into Kyle's ear, using his left paw to unbutton and unzip his own jeans, sliding his paw into the boxers underneath to pull out his big, musky, furry sheath and sac. The air around the two furs instantly filled with the thick musk of the muscular lion, which made Kyle close his eyes and let out a soft, pleasurable growl, and then a silent moan as Sean pressed the tip off his soft meat against Kyle's slightly stretched tailhole.

"Like that, puppy?" Sean murred as he rubbed the head of his growing meat between his pet's asscheeks, and playfully teased his pet's dick with his paw. The only answer coming from Kyle was a series of soft moans as he was obviously loving the way Sean grinded his cock between his cheeks. The wolf's tailhole was getting rubbed by his master's hardening, and his own cock getting teased by his master's oh so gentle paw.

When he didn't get a reply, Sean growled and nipped the wolf's neck.

"You answer when master asks you something, pet." Sean growled, gripping the head of Kyle's member with his thumb and index finger, grinding them into the pink meat and the wolf's slit, making his pet tilt his head up and gasp, his tail lifting itself even higher.

The wolf couldn't take the teasing anymore, he needed to get pounded. He gave a desperate try to push himself onto the lion's member, letting out a soft yip at the feeling of the thick meat against his tailhole. The meat was too thick, and he was too tight to impale himself on it.

"Please fuck me, master!" Kyle begged as he kept trying to force the lion's member into himself, making the lion grunt and moan. Getting his dick rubbed so roughly was almost enough to send the wolf over the edge, but . His slick pre was flowing like a small river from his slit, coating the fur on the lion's paw, letting his rough fingers slide with ease all over the head of his cock. Kyle's mind was so clouded and distracted by the pleasure in his cock that he had almost forgotten that the lion's cock was on the verge of penetrating him.

When Sean finally gave a rough thrust forward, Kyle tilted his head further up and let out a surprised howl of mixed pleasure and pain. The lion immidiatley pulled back out and gave another thrust, his hips slapping against the wolf's soft rump. No need to build up a pace, Sean just wanted to blow a quick load so they could get on to the real fun...

Waves of pain were running up Kyle's spine, making the fur on his upper and lower back stand on edge. Though, it didn't take long for the pain to be replaced by an intooxicating pleasure, which clouded the wolf's mind even more, and made him let out sharp gasps at each thrust into his tailhole, and pleaure filled moans as the huge cock was pulled out.

Sean kept thrusting into the wolf's tight ass, his thick meat grinding against his pet's prostate. Sweat was starting to drip down his forehead, but he just couldn't send himself over the edge.

"Tighten up, bitch" Sean growled, trying to slam harder into the wolf's quivering tailhole. The wolf obviously wanted it rougher too, and instantly clenched his tailhole as hard as he could around the thick meat, making the lion let out a loud gasp of pleasure.

Both the wolf and the lion reached their climax at the same time, Kyle letting out a soft howl of ecstatic pleasure as his cum shot out over the desk, and Sean tightening his muscles, hissing through his teeth as he filled his pet.

The lion soon collapsed on top of the wolf, forcing him to get pressed against the desk underneath them, and get his own cum smeared into his fur. Both of them were panting, Sean sliding his paws underneath his pet to wrap his arms around his belly, staining them in the wolf's cum.

"So you think you can behave from now on?"

Kyle just smirked. "Keep banging me like that and I wont have a choice..."

"Good boy. Now, why don't we go wash up? Your brother is gonna need some time in the shower, and I'm sure James need some time with his husky- pet..."


James' room


A soft yawn coming from Jason's basket broke the sleepy silence in James' bedroom. The husky growled softly and comfortably as he rubbed his cheek against the soft pillow he was sleeping on. The covers on the thing felt overly comfortable as it brushed the fur on his cheek. Probably because he was still in his sleepy state.

The waking husky blinked a few times as he woke, and frowned a bit as he noticed what position he was laying in. He was in a kneeling position with his legs spread widely, his arms underneath his stomach and between his legs, head on the pillow he was laying on, rump high up in the air. Jason had no idea how he wound up in that position, and let out a soft grunt as he rolled over to lay on his left side, his muzzle pointing against the door on the other side of the room.

"Man, there's something new..." Jason mumbled to himself as he looked around the room, raising a brow as he couldn't see or hear anything else besides himself. He couldn't see his master anywhere. The husky let out a cute meeping sound as he sat up in a cross-legged position, reaching his paws up at the ceiling to get his morning stretch. Every muscle in his body tensed for a few seconds, then relaxed, making him sigh comfortably. After blinking a few more times and checking the room again, Jason got up on his feet and started walking towards the bathroom. His master was probably not far away, so he might as well groom himself and brush up nicely for when the lion came back.

A few quick steps and he was standing in front of the door, which he opened quickly and stepped inside, not bothering to close it again. That was his favorite room. Mostly because of the bathtub, which he loved more than anything he had yet seen in the house, mainly because of the company he had in it... The bathroom was pretty standard. A square mirror above the sink, toilet, bathtub all of them being made out of black marble. The tiles and ceiling were, like most other things in the house, black. The lights weren't on, but since the door was open and gave the room some light they didn't need to be.

Jason sighed softly as he walked over to the sink, looking himself in the mirror.

"Man, my fur is a mess..." He mumbled to himself, stroking a paw through the fur on his cheek to straighten it out, the rest of his fur looking like it could use a few strokes as well. He looked slightly to the side, spotting a glass on the sink with a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste in it. 'Wonder if master would mind...' he thought to himself. He held his paw up in front of his muzzle and blew on it, quickly taking a sniff.

Oh yea, he needed to brush.

Shrugging, Jason grabbed the paste in his left paw and brush in the right. After removing the lid with his thumb and index finger, cork dropped to the floor and he squeezed some of the paste onto the toothbrush. He pured some water from the sink onto the brush and looked in the mirror again, giving himself a toothy grin to see how dirty his teeth was. They weren't all that bad, but could still use a good scrubbing.

After giving his row of sharp canines a few thorough brushes, Jason rinsed the brush and leaned down, taking some water into his mouth to rinse that too and get the taste of minty toothpaste out of his mouth. Jason quickly put the stuff back in the glass and smiled at the mirror again, much happier with what he saw. Next, he felt an urge to take a piss. Jason stepped over to the toilet and opened the lid, grabbing his sheath and letting a flow of of warm gold stream into the water.

There was something strange though, something that made the fur on Jason's neck stand on edge. It sounded like there was something else in the room. His ears perked, tail raising a bit. There was a soft groan coming from the bathtub.

"Umm... Hello?" Jason called out as he looked over to the tub, his voice sounding a bit nervous and jumpy.

A loud thump echoed through the room as a furred paw grabbed the edge of the tub. Jason's jaw dropped, ears folding down against his skull as he turned towards the tub. He didn't do anything. He couldn't do anything. It was like he was frozen in his tracks...

A scraping noise came from the tub as the claws on the tip of the paw's fingers slid along the edge.

The sound sent a chill down Jason's spine, the fur on his neck rising. If he wasn't already peeing, he would have done it then.

"Fucking shit... What the fuck happened happened?" A blurry voice asked, as the head of a very familiar German shepherd pupped up from the tub.

Jason raised a brow as he saw the dog pop up from the tub, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Goddammit, Daniel! You scared the shit out of me!"

The delirious canine just shook his head and looked over at Jason. He narrowed his eyes a bit, his vision obviously a bit blurry. For some reason his glare moved down Jason's body, to between his legs, and down to his feet. "Shit?.." The canine mumbled, seeming to focus on the floor a bit. "That doesn't look like shit to me..." He uttered, using the index finger on the paw he had on the edge of the tub to point at the floor in front of Jason

Jason looked down, and to his horror, noticed a large puddle of yellow piss on the black tiled floor. "Oh for fucks sake..." Jason groaned. "Now master is gonna think I can't even hold it in until I reach the toilet..." He grumbled, deciding to ignore the puddle, stepping straight over it to stand closer to next to the tub, and the dog in it, who was apparently naked. "What the fuck are you doing in the tub?"

Putting the free paw on the side of his head, Daniel let out a loud hiss and then groaned softly. "Mmm... I... uhmm..." Daniel stuttered, looking up from Jason's belly to his face. "Recovering from a bad hangover?" Daniel said, seeming just as confused as Jason.

Both canines just looked at each other for a while, the room drenched in an awkward silence.

"Uh-huh... Why don't you come into the bedroom and lay down, and I'll see if I can't find an icepack and some aspirin?" Jason suggested, reaching out his right paw towards the canine.

The German shepherd smiled a bit and took the husky's paw. "Thanks man, my head is fucking killin' me..." He mumbled, supporting himself on the husky as he stood up, placing his left arm around Jason's neck, his right wrapping around Jason's chest as he got out of the tub.

The canines made their way into the bedroom, where Jason put Daniel on his back in the bed, then walked over to the miniature fridge by James' computer desk. Luckily, James had a bag of ice stashed in the back, probably for a situation just like this.

After giving the bag of ice to Daniel, and making sure he put it on his head, Jason sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at his friend.

"Well, there doesn't seem to be any aspirin, but the ice should help..." Jason said, smiling slightly before standing up again. "I better clean up in the bathroom." He proclaimed. But before he could walk back to the bathroom, his wrist was grabbed. Jason turned his head and looked back down at his friend and raised a brow. "What?"

"I need to cuddle..." Daniel said, folding his ears down.

"Umm... you need to cuddle... why?" Jason asked, with an utterly confused expression on his face.

"Well... when I had a hangover, or wasn't feeling good, I always had someone to cuddle." Daniel spoke, seeming a bit embarrassed. "Just for a few minutes, please?"

Of course, Jason knew that he should probably clean the bathroom before it was too late. His master could be back any second. Buuut... Daniel did look really cute when he was begging, and he was never one to turn down a cuddle. Jason sighed and smiled down at the canine, who was now whimpering with a quivering, pouty lower lip.

"Ok, but only for a few minutes. I have to clean the floor..." Jason said, giggling a bit as he saw the sheepish smile that spread across his friend's face, and how his tail started wagging.

After Daniel scooped over and put the ice-bag down next to himself, Jason slid onto the bed, next to the smiling canine. Daniel immediately wrapped his arms around Jason's lower chest, his head lying down to rest on the husky's chest. His right leg wrapped around Jason's waist, making the husky giggle.

"Heh, when did you become such a cuddleholic?" Jason asked as he wrapped his right arm around his friend's back, placing his left paw on the side of his friend's waist..

Daniel just murred contently, rubbing his cheek into the soft fur on Jason's chest. "Mmm... Ever since my dad forced me to be Steve's mate..."

Jason chuckled as he started stroking Daniel's back. "Oh yea, I remember you told me about that. From when you lived in the slum, right?"

"Mhmm..." Daniel murred, closing his eyes and letting out a soft yawn. "Kinda strange, huh? How we ended up here."

Jason smiled and nodded. "Yea, but I think... I think it's the best thing thats ever happened to me. I think I'm falling for my master..."

"Man, that is kinda romantic... Falling in love with one of your kidnappers..." Daniel giggled. "I understand you, though. He was amazing in the sack..." The canine said with an almost dreamy look.

Hearing that, Jason's ears perked. "Wait... When did you..."

"Good morning boys!" Came from the door as James stepped into the room and slammed the door shut. "You better not have started fucking already, 'cause you're gonna need a lot of energy for today." James said, walking over to the bed. In his right paw were two black leashes, and one black collar. Since Jason already had a collar, it was obviously for Daniel. Jame's tossed The leashes and collar onto the bed, next to the hugging canines. "You boys get yourselves leashed while I go take a piss."

"Wait!" Jason exclaimed, pouncing out of bed, and Daniel's embrace and running over to the bathroom door, slamming it shut and standing in front of it with his arms stretched out to the sides, blocking his master's path. "You can't go in!" He shouted. This was like his worst fear coming to life. He had finally found someone he wanted to be with, and now that fur was gonna walk into his own bathroom, in which Jason had just pissed on the floor.

This was just great.

Jason could feel a single drop of sweat running down his forehead as his master sniffed the air, frowning as he leaned forward, their faces only about an inch apart. "T-there's... umm... I-I just ate something, and... it kinda went straight through me, so it smells really bad in there, and--" Jason mumbled, getting cut off as James pressed his index finger against Jason's lips.

"Puppy, puppy, puppy..." James said, shaking his head lightly as he pressed his fingers against his pet's soft lips. He did love the sight of those lips..."Why do you lie to master, even when you know he can smell the piss from a mile away? Do you know why master can smell the pee so good?" He asked, the husky slowly shaking his head from side to side. "Because the floor is heated, and warm pee smells stronger... Now, I'm sure you have a good explanation for why the whole room smells like piss, so lets hear it..."

The instant James removed his finger from his pet's lips, Jason started explaining what had happened.

"You weren't here, and I wanted to brush up. Then, I had to pee really bad, and... and Daniel popped out of the bathtub and scared me!" Jason spoke. His ears had already folded themselves down against his skull, his tail tucked neatly between his legs, which seemed like they were shivering, just like the rest of his body. "I forgot I was peeing..." His whole body seemed to be pressing itself up against the door behind him as he said that, as if he wanted to just melt into it, and the way his master's facial expression changed from a mild, understanding one, to a snarl instantly made him whine. The lion's sharp, pearl white teeth almost glistening, as they were coated in spit. The sight of his master's sharp teeth to close to his face did nothing to calm Jason down. He was more scared than he could ever remember being. Along with the snarl came a deep growl from his master's throat, echoing through the room.

"If you're going to lie to me, then make sure you make up a good excuse..." James growled, leaning closer to his pet, their foreheads almost pressing against each other. "And at least have the guts not to blame someone else..." James nodded at the canine on the bed, who was watching intently. "Now, open the door so you can get the room cleaned..." There was a small pause as James' growl died down, leaning back up, with his eyes still gazing into his pet's, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. "I am very disappointed in you..."

Those last words... It was like Jason's world crashed down around him... Great, now his master hated him... It was like when a pup who adores his father gets yelled at by him... The husky let out a quiet whimper as he slowly stepped to the left, turning to the right to grab the doorhandle and swing the door ajar.

As the door opened, the thick smell of heated piss instantly flowed out. The smell was, surprisingly, not as bad as most, but was still potent and had a piercing scent.

The two furs walked into the room. James, who was walking behind his pet, raised a brow as he laid eyes on the yellow puddle, which had spread a bit, reaching from the toilet to the bathtub. James came to a halt two feet away from the door, shaking his head. "Puppy..." He spoke, grabbing his pet's left shoulder, making the husky yip as he spun him around so they would face each other. The lion leaned forward again, his eyes locking with his pet's. "If you really can't hold it in until you reach the toilet, then I'm gonna have to put you in a diaper. You don't want that, do you?"

All Jason did was raise a brow as he heard the question. 'Oh my god, he can't be serious...' He thought to himself. His master was actually threatening him with wearing a diaper? No way, he was bluffing. "Umm... you're not serious, are you? I mean, it was an accident! It's not like I wanted to pee on the floor!"

A new growl suddenly filled the room as James suddenly grabbed his pet's muzzle, forcing him to clench it shut. "Do not think that I am playing with you, pup. I am always serious when I'm talking to my pets." James snarled, his pet struggling to loose his muzzle from his master's grip, but to no avail. "You mess up one more time, and I won't hesitate with getting you padded!"

Tears were starting to gather in the corners of Jason's eyes. His master's grip was way too tight! His paws grabbed his master's wrist, desperately trying to pull his muzzle out of his master's paw. He could hear his master yelling, "Do you understand?!" several times. He tried nodding, though that was very hard when his muzzle was being held like that. He kept struggling, praying that his master would let him go. And, after a few more minutes of struggling, James let go of Jason, sending him stumbling backwards and tumbling to the floor. Jason let out a loud yelp as he landed on his rump, right in the puddle. The husky's eyes were clenched shut as he grabbed his muzzle with both paws, rubbing it tenderly as he started sniffling. "I'm sorry... I wont have any more accidents, I promise..." Jason sobbed, tears now running down his cheeks as the fur on his rump soaked up some of the piss.

The only reply Jason got was a huff as his master turned towards the door. "Make sure you don't. And clean the floor." James snarled. Walking towards the door. "Stupid bitch..." And with that, the lion stepped through the open door, then slammed it shut, leaving Jason alone in the dark bathroom.

His master didn't even put on the lights for him...

Jason's mind was almost as dark as the room. The sharp pain in his muzzle just making the situation worse. A constant whine was coming from his throat as he sat crying on the floor. Tears were trickling down his cheeks, dripping onto the floor, where they mixed with the smelly piss. Jason cursed under his breath, growling at himself. How could he have been so stupid, as to leave the piss on the floor instead of just wiping it up at once?

Didn't matter, it was too late now...

With a soft groan, Jason used his paws to push himself up, staining them with the wet, yellow liquid, though, he didn't really care. The last thing on his mind was keeping himself clean.

As he stepped over to the sink, he took a good look at himself in the mirror. Maybe... maybe it was his looks that his master didn't like? Maybe it wasn't the mess on the floor, but him...

He didn't look that bad, did he? His fur had a nice silver-gray color, with white markings on his feet, inner thighs, underside of his tail, belly, chest and paws. His body was pretty slim, compared to other huskies, but not like one of those anorectic furs. He did have a nice, lithe look, with a washboard stomach. His arms weren't exactly muscular, but the muscles he had was very nicely shaped.

Maybe his master didn't like his face? Jason put his paws on the sink, leaning closer to the mirror. He turned his head to the side, getting a good view of his muzzle. It looked pretty normal, with a cute, wet nose on the end. He turned his head back, looking directly into his own eyes. They were almost the same tone as his fur, but a little darker, and slightly red because he had just sobbed..

There were only three things left to check. He leaned away from the mirror again. His right paw grabbed his sheath, the left cupping his balls. He carefully looked over his sheath in the mirror, his paw pulling it down slightly to reveal the whole head of his cock, instead of just the tip of it. It was nice and thick, with a strong scent. Couldn't be that... The thumb on his left paw moved between his nuts, his fingers pulled the sac a bit, the furred skin on his sac tightening around the two nuts. They were both about the size of eggs, and there wasn't all that much extra skin.

Last thing. He let go off his huskyhood, his body turning to the left, though, his eyes stayed on the mirror. Nice, plump rear. It was a little yellow, because of the piss, but, the shape of it was almost perfect. It wasn't too big, but just big enough to look good with the rest of his body.

As he turned his front back towards the mirror, he gave another quick look to his various features.

No, that couldn't be it. He had a great body... In fact, he never really realized how good he really looked. But there wasn't any time to admire himself more.

He rubbed his eyes thoroughly, wiping away the tears, then wiped his nose on his right forearm. He shook his head lightly. This didn't seem as bad as it had a few moments ago, as his nice looking body had reassured him a bit. He walked over to the toilet, looking into it. Of course, he had forgotten to flush too. He was about to push the button on top of the back of the toilet, but decided that he might as well wait until he had tossed the paper he was about to use into it. His right paw grabbed the end of the toilet paper roll, which was hanging next to the toilet, pulling out a few squares of the paper. When he had enough, his left paw grabbed the top of the line he had just pulled out, ripping loose the paper.

Just when he had gotten the paper, Jason's ears perked as his head turned. Looking at the door, he could hear sounds coming from the other side.

It sounded like... moaning...

Why would there be moaning coming from his master's bedroom?

Perking his ears just a bit more, Jason could pick up what sounded like faint dunks.

'No way...'

Jason's feet made silent splashes as he stepped right over the puddle, quickly making his way to the door. He placed his paws on the door, turning his head to the side as he leaned closer, pressing his cheeks and right ear up against the door.

At first, he could only hear the fur on his ear and cheek brush up against the door, but after a few seconds there was no doubt...

Moans, groans, gasps and yips were coming from the other side. The obvious sounds of hot, steaming yiff...

'Oh fuck! He's gonna leave me for Daniel! God fucking dammit!' Jason yelled in his head.

A sudden wave of dread washed over Jason as he pushed himself away from the door and turned around, walking over to the puddle. His fur ruffled softly, the collar seeming like it tightened around his neck.

This lion had taken his virginity, and now he was going to lose him.

He had to do something, but, what?

Jason let out a silent groan as he raised his paws to his head, placing them on either side of it, rubbing tenderly, feeling the toilet paper in his right paw press against his skull. He had to think. There had to be something he could do to win his master back, but what? He couldn't hurt Daniel, he never could...

'Anything he wants...' Jason thought. 'I'll do anything he wants...' It was as simple as that. If he was a good boy, his master would like him better. And if his master liked him better, he would want to keep him as a pet...

A slight smile spread across Jason's lips as he dropped to his knees, a soft thunk coming from the floor as Jason's knees made contact with it. When he looked down, he saw the puddle of piss, which had now spread out over the floor, reaching from the sink to the bathtub. Jason closed his eyes and sighed softly as he used both paws to fold the paper in his paw in two, bending forward a bit as he put the paper down at the edge of the puddle. The paper instantly sucked up the liquid, turning wet within seconds.

About ten minutes later, when Jason stood up again. He let out a relieved sigh, as it hadn't taken long at all to clean up after himself, having tossed all the paper he had used into the toilet. He had to get some fresh paper a few times, but there was plenty to be spared.

Just when Jason had flushed the toiler, the door swung open, James walking in, with a strict look on his face. Jason instantly turned around, putting on a slight smile. The only thing he noticed about his master, was hos his fur seemed to shine slightly in the light of the room. His fur was wet, no doubt from the stuff he had just done... At least, the fur that was visible was wet. Not all of it could be seen, as his master had gotten dressed.

All James wore was a black silk shirt, which clinged tightly to his muscular body. The sleeves were folded up, lines showing where the light brown fur on James' muscular forearms stopped, and the shirt started, which was about an inch below his elbow. The shirt was unbuttoned down to James' broad chest, revealing a slightly darker patch of fur that ran from his chest and down in a thin line of thick hair. His chestfur was also connected to his proud mane by thick hair, which was the same color. A medium brown.

James' shirt was tucked into a pair of black jeans, which fit snuggly on his well toned thighs. The pants were held up by a black belt made of fake leather (of course). The metal buckle was shaped as the image of a lion's head, giving the belt a very stylish look.

On the lion's feet where a pair of standard sneakers. Black, with white markings and small airholes on the top of the tips.

Soft swishing sounds could be heard in the air as Jason's tail started wagging. A slight smile spread across his lips as he took a few steps forward, his claws making soft clicks as he walked, stopping about one feet away from the lion.

"I finished cleaning, master." Jason spoke, pointing down at his feet, where the puddle used to be, though, both his paws quickly folded together behind his back as he saw the strict look on his master's face. Jason kept quiet as his master closed his eyes, sniffing the air. The fur on the back of the husky's neck stood on edge as his master opened his eyes again.

Looking directly at the husky, James' teeth was shown as a snarl formed his maw.

"You need a bath..."


So, thats it. Hope it was as good a read as the previous chapters.

Once again, sorry it took so long. But hey, it's out now ^.^

Please leave ratings, and if you have any questions or suggestions just leave a comment or send me an e-mail

Oh, and I know there was a lack of yiff, but don't worry. Next chapter will be pretty much all yiff... thats ALL YIFF. Kinky, messy, hot, steaming yiff. Leather, ballgags, restraints, chains, muzzles...

But you'll all have to wait for me to finish it ^^