Dream to a Nightmare

Story by Grathra Nosra on SoFurry

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This is just a write down of a dream I had. This actually was something of an odd dream for me. I'm normally a Dom but this had me in the reverse roll.

Okay a summary of what happen. Pretty much all I was able to remember. Okay I added the Rated R content. You have been warned read at your own risk.

The dream started off pretty normal. Well as normal as any furry's dream starts I'm sure. I was in my fursona's world. Anyways the dream starts in the morning. I wake up and it's a fantastic morning. I get out of bed and do the daily routine. I eat breakfast, it was delicious. After breakfast I head out to the market to pick up some things that I need. It's a bit of a walk and I take my time to get there while enjoying the wonderful sunshine.

As I continue I meet this black and silver colored wolf, that I have never seem before, along the road to the market. Being that he was quite the cutie I run to catch up to him and greet him and he greets me back. I ask him where he is headed and he says he is headed to the butchers, which is just on the other side of the market. "Awesome," I answer back smiling at him. "I'm head to the market as well." "Cool" he replies back. I introduced myself and he introduced himself. He said his name was Ryan. So as we are walking along I can't keep for taking glances over at him. He eventually notices and I blush a bit, turn my head back facing the road and quickly ask him" So are you new to this place? I've never seen you here around here before."

He replies with that he just moved to this village about 2 months ago. "Oh" I replied to him. "Then where do you live?" I asked him. He stopped walking and I stopped as well. Then he turned and pointed to the forest just past the village. "Do you live there by yourself?" I asked. He replied with that he did live alone. Then I asked, "Don't you ever get lonely?" He replied sometimes, but he is used to living alone. We started walking again and I went back to taking my glances at him.

We continued onto the market and then went our separate ways. He went off to the butchers and I went after the things I needed. I spent about half the day in the market get the assortment of items I needed, but the entire time I had that him on my mind. So I decided I just needed to see him one more time and then maybe that would get him off my mind. So I went to the butchers but he wasn't there. I asked the butcher about him and he told me that a wolf matching that description had already come and gone. Thanking the butcher for the information I left. I let out a sigh and decide to head back home.

I leave the market making my way home down the same road we came in on. I was keeping myself optimistic that maybe I would see him again on the walk home. So I walked just a little faster thinking if he left the market before me he would be somewhere ahead of me. Sadly, I made it all the way home without seeing him once. Feeling depressed about it I look toward the forest for a few moments and then head inside. For the entire evening I could not keep him off my mind.

I wake up the next morning and start my day with him still on my mind. It was another bright and sunny day so I decided to go out and work in the garden. While working in the garden a friend of mine comes by and asks how things are going. I tell her and ask here about Ryan. She said that she had seen him before but never had any contact with him. After a little more talking, she leaves and I go to clean up.

I came back later out of the house and saw Ryan coming down the road. Needless to say this made me quite happy. I couldn't help but run up the road and meet him. "Hey Ryan!" I said to him with a big grin as I reached him. "Hey" he replied back. "Where are you going?" I asked. He said "nowhere in particular" and I asked if I could join him. He said it was fine and I blushed a bit. Things where quiet as we walked along, so I thought I'd try to break the ice.

"So uh Ryan" I said as he looked at me. "What made you choose to move to our small village?" "It's secluded." He replied. I looked at him. "Secluded, yeah that is true. We are out in the middle of nowhere when you think about it. "We continued walking and talking. Eventually we made the return trip and we came upon my house. Again I paused and stopped. "Ryan, uh, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I'm a decent cook and I'm sure someone like you likes to have company at least every now and then." I braced myself for a no but he replied that he would love to. I smiled a big grin and jump up yelling "great!" Realizing what I just did I blushed and Ryan just laughed.

We went our separate ways. I went into giddy as all get out and started preparing a fantastic meal. When it came time for dinner, I dressed in my best clothes and put the food all on the table. Finishing up putting dinner on the table, there came a knock at the door. I went over and opened the door seeing Ryan standing there. I blushed again and thanked him for coming. We sat down to eat dinner and things went perfectly. Ryan complemented my cooking as he eat and I just smiled. During dinner we talked a little about this and that.

Eventually I worked up the courage and told him I was gay and was attracted to him. He stopped eating and stared back at me. I tried hard to not be scared by his glare. He then got up and walked over to me. Feeling a possible punch come on I flinched and prepared to be hit. But the punch never came. Instead I felt a paw being placed on mine and slowly opened my eyes and instead of seeing glaring, hateful eyes looking at me, I saw soft, soulful eyes looking into mine. He smiled at me and I could see a tear run down his cheek. I got up from my chair and put my arms around him and could tell that those were tears of joy that his years of loneliness were going to be finally over.

I grabbed Ryan's paw and lead him to the bedroom. We entered the bedroom and I let go of Ryan's paw and I removed my top exposing my torso. I threw my top off onto the floor and turned to Ryan and took off his shirt and threw it to the floor. The silver in his fur gleamed from the sunlight coming in. I then placed both my arms around Ryan's shoulders and I could see in his eye that he wanted to make me his.

I moved myself against his body and started kissing the big wolf. I let my arms fall down along his back as he wraps his arms around my middle and slowly sticks his paws between my pants and skin. Deepening our kiss I relax to allow him further access into my pants. I could feel his paws slip further down into my pants and feel him grip my ass. I moan through our kissing as he grips my ass tight. I drop my arms from his shoulders and move then down his chest toward his waist. Not breaking our kiss I slowly start to fasten his pants and started rubbing his sheathe and murred at how big it was. "He was going to big boy" I thought. As I do he lets out a soft murr and he pushes his tongue into my mouth for a deep kiss. I take my paws from him long enough to remove my pants. I place my paws back on his sheathe and return to rubbing it gently.

Ryan's cock slowly started to unsheathe as I continued rubbing him. I felt his head come out of his sheathe and lightly placed my paw on it. Breaking our kiss I grab Ryan's paw and walk him over to the bed. I crawled onto the bed and invite Ryan on the bed with me. He crawls into bed with me and I gently lay him down on his back. I crawl over him and slowly start kissing him again. He laid there staring into my eyes and I could feel him rub my chest. I returned his rubbing with my own and slowly started on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my neck and drew me in closer putting his tongue in my mouth and slowly swirls them together. I could feel myself unsheathing as we made out. I slowly moved my rubbing from his chest to his stomach. I closed my eyes as I started swirling our tongues together more and pushing the kiss even deeper. I moved my paw from his stomach to his waistline. At his waistline I could already feel his cock and slowly wrapped my paw around his cock. I could hear Ryan moan as I wrapped my paw around it and slowly started playing with it. I move my paw further down to feel for his knot and found it. He was fully out and this made me come out of my sheathe even more.

Breaking the kiss I move down to his cock. I stared at for a minute admiring his giant red wolf cock. I licked my muzzle and went after his cock. I placed my tongue at the base of his cock and started to lick his knot. I could smell his musky coming off him and it made me want him even more. I started licking his knot even more slowly moving up his shaft. I could her Ryan moan as I moved up his cock. I looked up at him still moving to his tip and could see him with his head back and gripping the bed sheets with one paw. It made me smile seeing him enjoy my cock worship. I reached his tip and slowly licked the pre that was already coming. I could hear him moan even more as I did. I finished clean and couldn't wait to take his cock into my mouth

I opened my mouth and slowly started moving his cock into my mouth. As I moved him further into my mouth to my throat I felt myself fully unsheathe. I finally got him all into my mount except for his knot. I started to move my head up and down sucking his cock. Ryan started moaning even louder and I started bobbing my head faster placing my paw around his knot and rubbing it. I could taste more of his pre in my mouth. It tasted great and I wanted more and started sucking his cock faster. I looked up towards Ryan's face and watched him throw his head back as he instinctively bucked his hips pushing his cock clear to my throat. I could tell he was enjoying it and so was I. I popped Ryan's cock out of my mouth and licked my lips and moved over the top of him putting a leg other both sides of his waist. I slowly lowered myself grabbing his cock and prepared to go to take him.

I wanted him in me. I continued to lower myself as Ryan watched. I felt his tip poke my tail hole and I tried relaxing as much as possible as I slide his head into me. "Oh gawd, you're so big babe" I said as it popped in and a feeling of ecstasy filmed my entire body. As I continued sliding down his cock the feeling just was over whelming. I reached his knot and I couldn't help starting to pre a little. "Mmmm...you have such a tight tail hole, Grath." Ryan said to me. All I could do was blush and start bouncing on his cock. As I bounced I could not help but let out the feelings of ecstasy. I let it out so loud that I'm sure even the neighbors could hear. Ryan just smiled at me and I just blushed back. "You ready?" he asked me. "Yes" I replied. I placed my paws on his chest and Ryan gave on swift buck. "Oh gawd" I shouted out. Ryan started bucking faster and harder and I yelled out even more. I pulled my paws away for Ryan's chest and he grabbed mine with his locking our fingers. I smiled at him and tightened the grip. He continued bucking and with one big buck, "Oh fuuuuuuuck" I cum and squirted my cum all over Ryan's torso and some of it making it to his face. I giggled looking at him with my cum covering him and watched him clean off what he could on his face with his tongue. I leaned forward toward his face and licked clean what he could not get. Kissing him deeply I raised myself off his cock and popped him out. ""Let me clean you up first before we continue" I said and started cleaning his chest.

I finished cleaning him up and moved into position on my knees and front paws. I murred at him gesturing I wanted more and he happily obliged. I moved my tail to present my tail hole. He slowly started playing with my tail hole with his tip. *Murrs* "Your such a tease" I said. He smiled and popped his head into my ass. I moaned out loud again and he continued to slide his huge cock into me till he reached the knot. He placed both paws on my hips and started back out to prepare to thrust. I continued moaning unable to control the feeling of ecstasy. I could feel him pull out this it was only his head in my ass and felt the first thrust. I threw my head back and begged for more. He started back in and started thrusting hard and I started to precum again. His thrusts were long and hard and I was enjoying every one. He moved his paws from my hips and placed them on my shoulders forcing my chest onto the bed. He started now thrusting far harder than before. There was some pain, but the feeling I had I barely noticed it. Ryan stopped for just a second and placed his paws back on my hips and I heard him snort. I knew what was coming and braced myself.

With one huge thrust he pushed his knot into my tight little tail hole. Gripping the blankets, I screamed out in both pleasure and pain as his knot entered stretching me wide. "OH GAWD, RYAN!" He started to knot fuck me and placed his paws back on my shoulders. Moaning out from the pounding he was giving me I cum again and clench down on his cock. Ryan moans out when I do and I say "Yes, I load you load inside me." He gives a few more thrust and howls and I feel him cum in my ass. "Oh yes, fill me you sexy wolf!" He gives a few thrust while cumming filling my ass full. He then leans forward across my back and places his head next to mine and rubs or heads together. I blush and lick him back. He then moved back up and I felt him place is paws back on my hips and push against me and feeling a slight pinch, I feel him pop his knot out. As he is sliding the rest of his cock out I can feel his warm cum leak out and slide down my ass. Ryan then lays back down on the bed and I crawl over to him and curl up next to him as he wraps and arm around me. Smiling the biggest grin in my life I looked up into his eyes knew that we would be together forever.

The next morning I invited Ryan to move in with me. He graciously accepted and went to get some of his things. I watched he walk down the road till he was nearly out of sight. Then my friend came walking by seeing my expression. "So you managed to hook one huh?" she questionably laughed. Too enamored I didn't even hear her question. She grabbed me and shook me. "Hey!" "Uh, oh sorry" I said giggling. "So you finally found a guy?" she asked. I let out a big sigh and just replied "Yeah" and walked back inside still wrapped in Ryan's over shirt taking in his scent. Later that day Ryan returns moving his stuff into my house.

We spend the next days getting to know each other better and jump ahead two years later. We are a happy couple living our lives without incident with each other or the village. But one day that all changed. This is where it gets dark.

One day we are in the market together enjoying shopping looking at some of the new fabrics that had come in, when all of a sudden we are attacked from behind by a mob of people. Half the mob grabs me and the other half grabs Ryan. I reach and call out for him as they pull us apart. The mob beats and drags both of us to the center of the market and throws us both to the ground next to each other. We both get up as the mob begins to surround us and Ryan and I are forced to stand back to back standing there beat and bloody. I recognize a few friends in the mob. "What the fuck is this all about? Why are you attacking your own friends like this?" I yell out at them but get no answer. I began to tear up from the assault that had taken place knowing my own friends, who I trusted the most were now hurting me. Ryan saw my tears and grabbed my hand. "It's okay honey, well get through this." He said to me clasping my hands tighter. I looked at him and shook off my tears. Then the mob began throwing and assaulting us with whatever they could. Those few that ran in toward us we defend against, but we continue to get pelted with rocks and other debris. The assault eventually started taking its toll on the both of us. Panting and bleeding badly I fell to my knees and collapsed down onto my hands. That didn't stop the mobs though. They just kept throwing things at me even more. The thought of "I'm really going to die here ran through my head." Looking up I saw Ryan still hanging in there and it gave me the strength to stand back up, but before I managed to make it to my feet I heard a sound that sent a chill through my entire body. The sound even stopped the mobs assault. It was the sound of gunfire. Horrified, I turned my head to see the horror I hoped wasn't true. I watched in devastation as Ryan fell to the ground on his back. I let out the biggest scream I had ever yelled in my entire life and burst into tears. Battered, bloody, and vision obscured by tears I manage to stumble my way over to him falling to my knees next to him. I reached out to him and held him in my lap, tears just flowing, feeling his breathing get lighter and lighter. "This can't be happening." I kept saying to myself. Ryan opens his eyes and raises his hand to my face and looks into my eyes. "I wish we could have had more time together hon." He says softly. "We still can" I say trying to make things better. "We can go back home and move and find someplace where we can live without this hatred." Ryan smiles, "Thanks you for everything these past few years." The light in Ryan's eyes starts to fade and his hand falls from my face with a final "I Love You." "No Ryan please don't leave me!" I cry out burying my face into his chest.

This is the part where I end up waking up still bawling my own eyes out.