Eastwood High Trilogy part I

Story by Panthera911 on SoFurry

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This is the first part in a three part trilogy! Rate, comment, and enjoy!


Luke was your average 17 year old high school student. He has black fur and light gemstone eyes. He was a wolf, and very proud of it. He played his Xbox 360 religiously. He slept where ever there was a bed. He ate like a mulching lawn mower. He got passing C's in all of his classes, except one.


He was never an athlete. He tried all the sports a kid from Illinois could. Basketball, baseball, volleyball, football, tennis, track. He just preferred video simulations to the real life thing. Therefore, He was very disappointed when he noticed that on his schedule for the upcoming winter and spring semester the following was written:

Period 7 : Gym - Mr. Stern

"Mom?!" Luke yelled.

"What is it, sweetie?" She replied from the home office.

"Why do I have P.E. on my schedule. I thought I told you I didn't want to take it!"

"Luke, P.E. is an important life skill. I've watched you play your video games. You spend all your time down in the dark basement. I think it's time for a little exercise."

"Ugh. Fine."

The reason he didn't want to take it was, he was one of the nerdier kids in school. He always got bullied in the halls and the classrooms. If that wasn't bad enough, he was secretly gay. He never told anyone but seeing naked men in the locker room would give him a massive boner, being a wolf and all. At all the other schools he would go to, he would get bullied in the locker room for his gay behavior.

He hoped it would be better this year.

Luke always hated the bus. It always smelled like toasted socks and the drivers never seemed 100% there. At least his bus didn't get very crowded, there are a lot of seniors on this route that drive themselves. He picked a window seat in the back and watched as the world passed by his eyes on his way to the old high school.

After he had gotten off the bus and entered the halls, he scoured the crazed masses for any friendly faces. Luckily, he found one struggling to get his locker open.

"Hey Kenny!" said Luke. Kenny was Luke's best and only friend. Luke had a major crush on him since Kenny was a sexy rust orange fox.

"Sup Luke? How was your Holiday break?"

"Fine, I guess. I got 2 new games and an extra controller for Christmas. And you?"

"Not much. Since my dad lost his job, we are lucky to at least have running water at this point." He said solemnly.

"Bummer. Maybe you can come over---." The bell let out it's lonely tone, interrupting the conversation.

"Gee, thanks, but I gotta get to class, bye!"

Luke spent the next 6 class periods thinking of escape plans so he didn't have to show up to gym. The punishment for pulling the fire alarm was only in school suspension. He could live with that. He could pull the alarm then dash out the front door and be free of physical activity! However his plans were shattered when the bell that ends 6th period rung out.

The hallway to the gym was littered with trophies. The school had been around for nearly 50 years so it wasn't too hard to believe that the school had so much talent. Luke took his time walking to his final class of the day. He did not want to spend more time than he had to in that god awful class.

He walked into the spacious locker rooms of his school. The school was known for it's very good sports teams and the school had gotten some very generous advertisers to chip in and renovate the aging changing area a few years back. Shockingly, he was the only one to show up so far. A large lion stumbled in, holding a thick clipboard in one hand and balancing a big box in the other. He turned towards Luke. Luke could only assume this was the infamous Mr. Stern.

"Son, what is your name?" He asked.

"Uhh... Luke..." The Wolf stammered as Mr. Stern pondered over his list.

"Luke Bailey?"


"I have you down for an XL shirt and L shorts." The old lion threw the clothes at Luke and gave him a creepy smile just as the rest of the class was starting to arrive.

After all the clothing was distributed, the teacher asked everyone to dress and be out in the gym. Shit, Luke thought as he watched all the other kids dress. Everyone in his class was naked or in their shirt, at least. He gulped as he felt his cock twinge from the sexy scene in front of him. Every creature under the sun was standing there, twigs and berries exposed everywhere. He felt the tell tale sign of his sheath slipping open. Oh No! Not again! He thought as his knot was the only part of him that was still cloaked. He tried to dress faster but he caught his leg in his shorts, causing him to nearly fall over. Everyone's eyes shot over to him.

"Hey everybody, Luke's got a boner!", said one of the popular jocks named J.T. He was a German Sheppard mix. He was known for picking on gays and even worse, wolves.

The whole class burst into laughter. His wolf knot finally slipped through his sheath. You could almost see Luke's red cheeks flush under his jet black coat. This was not a good start to the semester.

"Lets show this faggot what a REAL cock looks and feels like!!" J.T. exclaimed as he quickly removed his pants and began walking towards Luke.

Oh no, Luke thought. This can't be happening. Does he actually want to fuck me in the locker room?

Before he even knew what hit him, he was tackled by 2 other burly jocks, no doubt J.T.'s friends, and pinned to the floor. Luke only stared in disbelief. He felt J.T. lay on top of him, his fuzzy sheath starting to unleash its meat sword.

The rest of the class had gathered in a circle around the pair. They watched as J.T. took his finally hard cock and began to rub it against Luke's tail hole, leaking precum as he went. His musk was unbearable now.

"You like that, bitch? There is a lot more than that coming your way." J.T. snarled as he replaced his cock with his fingers, using his pre as lube to stretch Luke out. J.T. started with just his index finger. He gave a few jabs of that before graduating Luke to 2 fingers. Luke was burning up with shame...and arousal? His own canine cock was still very much rock hard as his assailant finished up his preparations. The German Sheppard withdrew his hand and again rubbed a little more pre onto Luke's anus. Then Luke's eyes went wide.

J.T. used one giant hump to sink half his 11 inch cock into Luke. Luke thought that this was the end. His life flashed through his eyes as the monster above him sunk his entire legnth into Luke's limp body. Everyone watching had a boner now and were covertly masturbating to the scene before them.

The German Sheppard started thrusting in and out, making sure to stop before the knot. His moans echoed through the room, mixing with the whimpers from the powerless male under him. Luke's enjoyment of the situation had resulted in a small puddle of precum under him.

J.T. quickened his pace as he prepared for orgasm. He slammed his knot into Luke in one powerful push as he unleashed his seed into Luke's waiting ass just as Luke emptied his load onto the floor. Due to the amount of sperm produced by both of them, they were covered in sperm. The other males in the room, one by one, added their load to the mix and quickly left, avoiding eye contact with the two males still locked together.

They laid there, panting until J.T. pulled out his cock. He quickly forced it into Luke's mouth.

"Suckle", J.T. commanded.

Luke obeyed and tried to enjoy the taste of sperm and ass, but it was impossible. J.T. removed his soft canine penis from Luke's maw as it finally retreated back into his sheath.

J.T got dressed and left as the bell rang for the end of the day. As soon as he left, Luke got up. His fur was matted with cum and his ass was dripping like a leaky faucet. It would be impossible for him to catch the bus. He would have to call and ask his mom for a ride. However, someone was watching him.

Mr. Stern had walked back in just as Luke was tackled. From the years of experience he had, the old lion knew that the situation would figure itself out. Teens were always so horny that a gang rape happened about every week. He quickly walked back to his office. He couldn't believe after 56 years, he could still get an erections of this magnitude. After his wife died when he was 30, he had all but given up on sex. But that wolf! Luke was so submissive, so willing. Mr. Stern needed his ass. He decided to wait until after class.

Luke waddled over to the showers. He felt violated. But oddly liberated. He punched the knob and lukewarm water began to pour out. He was just beginning to wash his fur when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He was shocked when he turned and came face to face with his naked gym teacher. His tawny fur gleamed in the bright wet environment. His dark, rich mane was well kept, from his head to his "special place". Luke hadn't realized how sexy his teacher was.

"Luke?" Mr. Stern asked.

"Yes sir?" Luke replied nervously.

"Do you mind if I take a shower with you?" He requested.

"...Not at all..." Luke was still shaken from his earlier experience so much so that he was almost delirious. Luke didn't notice his teachers erection as he moved over to allow Mr. Stern's access. Slowly they both began to wash themselves.

"Do you need any help getting washed?" The old lion asked.

"Uh... well, my chest is pretty dirty..." Luke offered.


And with that, Mr. Stern began his work. He slowly and sensually began to shampoo the semen matted fur. After Luke's chest was clean, Mr. Stern began to shampoo/fondle Luke's balls. Luke was too emotionally fried to notice.

The shower filled quickly with musk of the teacher and student. The lion's musk had an intoxicating effect on Luke. He suddenly felt dizzy and would have fallen over if he was not with Mr. Stern. He was loosing more consciousness every second

As soon as the old lion was finished washing the remaining cum from Luke's muzzle he decided that Luke was clean enough, so they both stepped out to dry themselves off. Mr. Stern held the mess of a wolf in his arms and sat him down on his iron rod of a cock.

Luke gasped as the 8 inch cock was thrust into him. He wasn't fully recouped from his earlier fucking and he was still under the grasp of the musk. Mr. Stern then laid his new favorite student onto a bench and began to fuck him doggy style. It was too much for the old teacher as he quickly approached orgasm.

Luke finally regained enough consciousness to realize his situation. He was still in the locker room, but instead of J.T., he was being fucked by Mr. Stern! He was shocked by the sheer horror of it all. The 13 in cock up his ass, the huge lion above him!

Mr. Stern was finally about to cum. He trusted into Luke one last time as the old lion's cum spurted out of his cock. He moaned as he experienced the most pleasure he had ever had. Soon, Luke was covered in semen yet again. As Mr. Stern pulled out, almost a pint of lion seed spilled onto the floor.

"Wow, Luke! Thanks for this." Mr. Stern exclaimed.

"Your welcome Mr. Stern. But I really have to go home." Luke said morosely.

"Oh, sure sure. See you tomorrow!" The old lion cheerfully said.

"Ok. Bye."

Luke took his cell phone out and told his mom to pick him up. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Luke dried off, put on his clothes, and waited by the school door for his mom. It was 3:45 pm, an hour after school let out. Knowing his mom, she would defiantly have questions. His mom drove up in her Nissan and popped the trunk for his bag. He placed it into the trunk. So far so good he thought. He jumped into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt. His mom seemed mellow, so he wasn't too worried.

"How was school?"

"Fine. I know almost everybody in my classes from last semester, so that's good."

"Oh, that's good. I remember when I was your age..."

Ugh. Luke thought. Not another flashback. It seemed that whenever they talked about school, it ended in his mom spilling her life story. He let his mind wander back to P.E. class. He never noticed how attractive his teacher was, or even J.T. He started to get an erection just thinking about it...

"And that's how I got knocked up by your father in the science lab and had you when I was 19. Any questions?"

"Uh... no", He said combing his head fur as they got out of the car.

Luke didn't have many friends. Except for Kenny, everybody ignored him. He decided that the best way to end the day was to invite him over. He dialed Kenny's number and waited until someone answered.


"Hey Kenny! Do you want to come over?"

"Sure. My parents are fighting again. Money is getting tighter and tighter. I don't know if I can take much more of this."

"Well, why doncha stay the night?" Luke offered.

"As long as I'm not a burden..."

"Nonsense! Get your furry ass over here!"

"I'll be there, gimme a few to put a bag together."

He hung up the phone. He couldn't believe it. He gets to play with a sexy fox all night! He couldn't wait.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings. Luke wiped his mouth and got up from his chili dinner to answer the door. Kenny stood in the door way clad in a tattered t shirt and carrying a sleeping bag. His exposed fur splashed around in the wind.

"Hey Kenny!"

"What's up?"

"Nothing, except for CHILI!"

Luke knew Kenny absolutely loved chili so he made a special request to his mom for the sleepover.

"YES!!! I LOVE chili! Thanks, man. You are such a good friend. I wish there was a way to thank you."

If only he knew what Luke had planned. Luke ladled him some chili with extra meat, a staple for the fox. Luke poured him some soda and he joined Kenny at the table. He flipped on the TV with the remote to the nature channel. A show was coming on about the mating rituals of the feral panther. Perfect, he thought.

'So where's your mom?"

"Ah, she went to spend the night with her new boyfriend."

"Oh. Does he seem nice?"

I don't know. She doesn't tell her boyfriends about me until it gets serious. Which has happened only once, and when that happened, he dumped her instantly." He said while awkwardly fluffing his fur.

"Well, anyway, look at the TV!"

The program had switched to a program on the life cycle of anthro horses. Obviously, they were currently watching the conception.

"Whoa, look at the dude's dick. I wonder how much they get paid." Luke asked aloud.

I know! I would kill to have one that big! Mine's maybe half that.

"Really? I don't believe you."

Luke's plan was going flawlessly. Only a pair of cargo shorts separated his friends cock and Luke.

"Oh really? Here, I'll show you!"

Kenny pulls down his pants and masturbated his cock for a little while. Soon, his cock was about half of the horse's if not a little more. Luke could feel his own cock harden instantly.

"Ok, I showed you mine, now let's see yours!"

Luke slowly stripped for his friend. He was way ahead schedule. This was amazing. First he took off his shirt, revealing his midnight black chest fur. Then he removed his pants and threw them off in one smooth action. Then he methodically pulled off his briefs, revealing his small patch of pubic fur that was slightly thicker than the surrounding fur. His cock instantly sprang up.

"Haha! You have the tiniest cock I've ever seen!"

Luke blushed and said, "Well, mother always said my father didn't have an impressive enough cock to keep my her happy. "

"That's ok. We all cant be this well endowed." He bragged.

They both put away their manhoods and continued watching TV. Both of them were still pretty horny from their brief encounter, though. By this time it was going on 10 pm. Luke decided to try to get him into his bed for the night. So while Kenny was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, Luke hid his friend's sleeping bag in his mom's secret annex in her closet she had installed if there ever was a serial killer or a nuclear holocaust. It's also where she keeps her stripper pole. He returned to his friend to make his move.

"Hey, um... where's your sleeping bag?" He asked.

"I think I left it in the foyer."

"It's not there."

"How about the kitchen?"


Kenny finished up and scoured the house for the sleeping bag. When he came back empty handed, Luke sprang the trap.

"Um, you can sleep in my bed. It's a full, so there's plenty of room."

"Well, okay. We're friends, right?

Luke nodded and left to brush his teeth. The two then stripped down to their bed clothes. As they both slid into bed, Kenny noticed Luke's erection. Nobody knew this but, he was also gay. Seeing his friend's erection made him hard. The awkward silence was broken by Kenny's voice

"Wanna Fuck?