MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 3

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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#3 of MLP: Rise of Nightmares

It took the chariot only a short time before touching down with the castle gardens. Once Lunar and Midnight had disembarked, the two pegasi took the silvery chariot back to where it was kept. Both Lunar and Midnight were soon greeted with the smiling face of Celestia.

"So I take it everything went well?"

Midnight said nothing, just walked past his mother. Celestia watched as he continued into the castle as Lunar walked up beside her. "Is there something wrong?"

Lunar shook his head. "No. He is just not willing to talk about things at this time. Suffice it to say that everything is going well. Preparations are set for tomorrow and everything is as it should be."

Celestia looked back in the direction of where her son went. "How was she?"


"Starlight. How was she?"

Lunar let out a sigh. "She was just where I figured she would be. Ten years, since Thunder Clap was taken from her. I can't say I know how she feels but I am fully aware that you do. I comfort her when she needs it and am always there for her, she knows this."

Celestia smiled and leaned against her husband. "You are good to her Lunar. I am sure she knows this."

Lunar nodded and walked alongside his Queen. The two walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. "Many things will happen tomorrow. But at least it will not be as tramatic as eight years ago."

"How can I forget? Still it was a good choice to institute Hilda as their new matriarch. She was kind to me even at my most vulnerable. I was however surprised that it was my own father that brought you back to us."

"Do you regret his choice in doing so?" Celestia, leaning against the stallion pushed him, making him unbalanced and stumble a bit. She would then just giggle at him.

"Of course I don't. Do you honestly think I would regret my father bringing back the one stallion that held my heart in his wings?"

Lunar chuckled. "I guess not. Still I did wish to speak with them more then what we had or at least have them visit and see their grand foals."

"Mother and Father have a duty to take care of. They molded Luna and I to take their place here so that they could focus their full attention elsewhere. Just as you were molded to take you place before us and then... beside me."

Lunar nodded. "I suppose you are right. Still I had not seen them since their departure that night and just wanted it to be the way it used to be."

Celestia smiled before she nibbled his ear. "Things are forever moving forward Lunar. The past is simply that, past. We can not bring it back but it can be remembered."

Lunar nodded as the royal couple walked through the hall of Canterlot Castle. "Good evening your majesties. I was just about to head home but thought I might check to see if you might need anything before then."

Lunar looked to Celestia and she to him. Silent thoughts passed between them before they looked upon the face of Autumn Breeze. "No that is quite alright Autumn Breeze. You return to you home and get much needed rest. You will need it come tomorrow." The unicorn mare nodded and trotted off.

The two continued to make their way through the corridors of the castle as Luna's moon slowly began to peek over the horizon. "So how was Silver while we were gone?"

"Same as always though I do believe Luna is having somewhat of an influence on her."

Lunar peaked a brow. "Oh really, in what way?"

"Well when she had gotten done with her classes she though it funny to give me a can of popping snakes." Lunar did his best to stifle a snicker but the white mare caught him from the corner of her eye and quickly jabbed him with her hoof.

"We were much worse in our youth Tia. You know this as much as I do."

"Yes but we never pulled such pranks on my parents." Finally they arrived at their destination. Lunar opening the door for his wife and walked inside behind her, promptly closing the door behind himself.

"Are you intending to send another letter?" Lunar nodded.

"It has been a full two weeks since the last one." He raised a hoof to stop Celestia from speaking. "Look I understand you think that I should not but... they are my family too in a way."

"I was going to say no such thing dear. I could never deny you the ability to talk to those that raised you during your rebirth. But might I make a suggestion?" Lunar nodded. "Instead of sending it to address everyone, just send one to the one closest to you."

The stallion sighed. "I was never close to any of them, not even the one whom gave birth to me. Though I suppose my sister might be the closest one out of all of them, if by a small margin."

Dabbing the quill with his magic into an inkwell a few times he began to write upon a scroll that was rolled out upon a pedestal.

To my young sister

Hey there little sis it's Tom, look I am sending you a letter because I do not know just what your mother and father are doing with them after receiving them. I have not gotten a reply back in the months that I have been sending them. I am sorry I had not sent any before then. I had told you what happened here and what with all the rebuilding we had to do I was exhausted every night. But anyway, our summer festival is coming up tomorrow and Celestia have been going about our duties and getting ready for it. It will be better then last years I hope. Your niece and nephew have been asking me about you. I have inclosed a picture of them taken during Hearths Warming eve, Christmas eve on earth.

How is grandfather doing? Good I hope. I would greatly appreciate it if you could enclose some kind of response to this. It will not vanish till you do so so you have no rush but I would hope that you do reply promptly at least this way I will know that no one has truly forgotten me. Look I know it may not mean much to everyone but I do truly miss you all. I wish I was able to bring you all here, just to show you this place but I am bound by an oath not to. These letters are all that I can do for now. Least till such time as we can bring you here to visit. Anyway it is getting late here and tomorrow we will be running around like crazy so I hope you have a good night and... send our folks my love.

Your brother


Lunar rolled up the scroll and took a stick of wax. He held it over a candle before pressing it to the rolled up parchment. He then took a stamp and pressed it into the wax, leaving an indentation of a horseshoe, The Royal Canterlot symbol. He then took the scroll with his magic and closing his eyes and flash of light later, the scroll was gone.

The stallion turned and seen his wife laying upon their bed, reading one of the many books that collected upon their shelves. He smiled softly and walked over to her before standing there and leaned his head down to nuzzle her cheek. Celestia looked up to her husband and returned his smile with one of her own.

"You sent the letter I take it?" Lunar nodded. "I do hope that you get the reply you have wanted."

"As do I. So just what are you reading?"


Lunar blinked a moment and regained his thoughts. "Oh the Inheritance series. Yes I managed to make copies for Twilight and Rainbow Dash after they both read the first. One of the few books that I could not put down."

"Just don't spoil it for me."

Lunar chuckled and whispered into her ear. Celestia's eyes grew wide from what he told her and before she could jab him with her hoof, he jumped away. "LUNAR! I said don't spoil it for me!"

"What? You won't find out till later in the series anyway." He smirked and soon took his place upon the bed beside her.

The door to their room soon opened and Luna stuck her head in. "Sister we heard thy shout. Is everything alright?"

"No Luna, Lunar decided he was going to spoil the series of books I had been reading that he brought back from Earth."

"Oh the Inheritance series? Yes we found the books to be quite enjoyable especially when we found out that Brom is Eragon's father."

Celestia faced-hoof before slowly putting a book marker on the page she had started reading then closed the book. Lunar was trying his best not to burst out laughing, letting lose a snicker here and there. "Oh we are sorry, did thou not get that far?"

"No Luna I did not."

"Then we are truly sorry. We shan't talk anymore about it. Please have a good night." With that she promptly shut the door. Celestia used her magic to place the book she was reading upon the shelf with the others within Lunar's collection. It was small, mostly the books that he had brought over from Earth when they had gone to see his human family.

Lunar nuzzled his wife softly. "Celestia peace. Those books are not going anywhere anytime soon. Besides, it is only a bit of fun nothing more."

The white mare sighed softly and looked into the fire that burned within the hearth,bathing the room in a warming glow. She soon laid her head upon the pillow as her stallion did the same beside her. She smiled softly and nuzzled into his neck. "You can be such a pain in the flank you know that."

"Why dearest when have you known me to be anything different?"

_ "Disgusting. Such compassion and sentiment. The over world is absolutely revolting. Well not to worry, once my seals are broken, that will all change. I'll make sure that the world will know my name once more." _

_ The black coated mare walked off from the dais that she sat upon. Two demonic looking ponies stood on either side of her throne but soon followed behind her as she made her way from her throne room and into the corridor. "Blast those Alicorn for sealing me here. They will pay for this just like Azure Sky." _

_ "But my queen Azure Sky is the reason you are here in the first place." Without so much as a word the larger black mare gave a swift kick with her hind leg to her guard's face, sending him reeling. _

_ "Don't you think I know that already? Azure Sky gave his life to seal me here. Now his son walks the world above again. I thought I was finally rid of him when he was killed by that spear but no, Evening Star had to bring him back. No matter, the seals holding me here are fading in power. It will only be a matter of time before I will emerge and burn everything to the ground. Blood will fall like the rain." _

_ "May I remind you your highness that he will do everything in his power to stop you like his father did, they all will." The mare grit her teeth as she thought about it. She wanted to crush all those who wronged her and make every pony suffer as she did. But she was stopped and sealed within the dark reassesses by four close friends. She looked down to the ground and kicked four rocks, saying the names of those responsible for her exile. _

_ "Solaris, Evening Star, Gaia and Azure Sky. I will have my revenge, this I can promise." The black mare stood looking out of one of her many windows to the burning landscape that was her domain. Fires burned, lakes and rivers of magma flowed throughout the valley below. Volcanos erupt without pause in the distance. It was a hellish place, one only reserved for those who were truly vile. _

Lunar was woken as Celestia shifted a bit. The moon softly shining her light through the window, covering everything she saw in a pale glow. Slowly so is not to wake his sleeping wife, Lunar rose to his hooves and quietly walked out of the room into the hall, closing the door behind him. He was soon greeted by patrolling night guards. "It is a surprise to see you up and about at this time your highness."

"Yes that is true, but Diana seemed to want to wake me. Is Luna still at court?"

The stallion nodded his head. "She may be concluding things soon. If you wish to catch her you had best go now." Lunar smiled and nodded to the soldier before making his way through the darkend corridors of Canterlot Castle. The Night Court was sometimes refered to as the Dream Court because it was at this time that Luna would wonder within the realm of dreams to help those whom were having nightmares.

The large dark blue stallion swiftly and softly made his way through the halls till at last he came upon the doors leading into the throne room. Pushing the doors open with his hoof he looked inside and there upon the dais sat his little sister. She had her eyes closed and if one did not know any better they would think she was asleep but in reality she was doing her duty to assure that their subjects gained a restful sleep.

He approached her with caution so was not to disturb her and sat at the base of the small incline that lead to the throne. There he waited till at last she opened her eyes and beheld her smiling brother. "Lunar? Why are thou awake? Surely you will need thy sleep for tomorrow."

"Your moon and Celestia saw to it to wake me."

"Well we are greatful that thou could join us. We were just closing court for the remainder of the night. Would thou care to join us for jasmine and lavender tea?"

Lunar nodded his head. "I would like that very much little sister."

The younger alicorn guided her brother from the throne room and through the grand halls of the castle till they reached Luna's den. Spread about the room were fluffy pillows and a large couch that sat by the fireplace. One of her hoof maidens was waiting inside to tend to her mistress's needs. "Ah Sweet Heart. Do be so kind and to fetch us some jasmine and lavender tea would you?"

"Right away your highness." The cream colored mare dipped her head and walked from the room. Lunar walked over and sat before the fire. He opened his wings to allow the heat from the flames to warm the cooled muscle underneath. Luna shortly joined him by his side and smiled to her brother before he draped a wing around her. To any pony who did not know they truly did look like brother and sister, more so then Luna did with Celestia.

"Sister has told us that thou still writes to thy family." Lunar nodded.

"But why dearest brother? Surely if they cared for you they would have responded by now? What possible reason could there be to deny their own child?"

Lunar looked to the younger alicorn and smiled. "Humans are a fickle species Luna. It is only human nature to fear what they do not know. True as you say that they have yet to reply to a single one of my letters but let it not be that I did not try. Regardless of whether they hate me or have forgotten that I am their son, they are still my family just as you and Celestia are."

"We still do not understand but we shall press no more upon the matter. We only wish for thy happiness dearest brother."

Lunar nuzzled Luna's cheek, making the dark mare to blush softly. "I am happy Luna, happier then I have ever been. I have everything I have ever wanted. I have beautiful wife, two loving children, an adorable younger sister and a slew of friends. To say I am not happy would be a lie."

Luna then leaned against her brother as the door to her room opened. "Oh I am sorry your majesties. If I am interrupting anything I can come back some other time."

"No no. Please do come in. Did you get the tea I requested?"

"Yes princess." The unicorn mare walked into the room, two cups and a tea pot floating behind her. She placed both cups upon the table beside Luna, there she proceeded to pour tea into both cups before setting the tea pot down upon the table and passed a cup to both alicorns using her magic. Luna and Lunar took their cups respectfully as Luna dismissed her maid.

The two regal ponies sat in the light of the fire, just enjoying the company of each other as well as their combined warmth. Their tea cups empty and the remaining tea in the pot growing cold. "Lunar, we must confess. These eight years have been the happiest for us as well. In those lo years when you were gone we like Tia thought of ways to try and bring you back but none presented itself."

"It matters little now dose it not? I am here and that is all that counts."

MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 2

The wind softly blew through the stallion's silvery mane as he and his son sat upon a golden chariot bound for Ponyville. "You know dad, we don't have to do this. I mean I could just wait at the castle with mom and Silver." The stallion looked down to...

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares

Song birds sing their happy songs from the branch of a tree. The sun starting its journey into the sky shone it's like through an open window upon the face of a dark blue stallion. Feeling the warmth the light gave, the stallion looked up and yawned...

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Chpt 26- Seven Years

"And that my little ponies is how it all happened." "Aww come on dad didn't you ever go back to Earth and see your other family?" The dark blue Alicorn tapped his chin with his hoof. "Hmm well yes I did but that is a story for another time." Both...

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