Smart Poisons - 2 - Birthday

Story by Dr Bored on SoFurry

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"Good morning Aya, rise and shine!" The husky seemed amazingly perky for being up so early. Kaze had never been an early bird. He settled for the soggy worm. He rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up, looking to the husky, "I forgot to introduce myself last time we met. My name is Doctor Emily Rower. I'm the head of project design here at the 22nd Research Division of the Imperial Chapel of All. Don't worry though, I'm not going to preach to you." The last bit added when she spotted the expression on Kaze's face, one of mild annoyance.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm... Aya." He smiled sardonically, watching the husky. Rower clapped her hands together, "Oh good, you're learning! This will make everything so much less painful, trust me. Well, it's about time for your physical. Why don't you step... slither... up to the door here."

Kaze did as he was told, taking a deep breath, letting it out nice and slow. Here we go, first day of... whatever they were going to do. The door in front of him opened, and he slithered in, making sure his whole tail was into the airlock chamber before the door closed. A blast of cool air from jets along the walls of the airlock chamber blasted over his body, and he stood there a bit stunned, jaw dropped, shoulders hunched as he tried to resist the sudden cold. After that, two men in uniform with dangerous-looking guns opened the outer door. Guns leveled at the serpent from two paces away, the guards refused to even blink.

The snake didn't plan on running. May as well see how bad things could really get here first. After all, the cell was nice. He was given plenty of food and he had his own shower and bathroom. The only thing that could make it better was a computer. Hell, he'd settle for a Gameboy. Watching the scientists got boring pretty fast.

Rower led the serpent to another room, a small doctor's check-up room, with the typical set up, tongue depressors and cotton swabs in jars, a box of latex gloves, a bin of discarded needles marked biohazard, a patient's bed, and posters of various organs. Kaze slithered up onto the bed, wiggling as he heard the familiar crinkling of the sanitary paper over the leather.

"Good, I didn't even have to tell you to take a seat!" The husky beamed, moving over to the desk, slipping on a pair of latex gloves. "Alright, let's see what we're dealing with here."

Kaze sat relatively motionless, letting her probe over his face, opening her mouth when she ordered him to open, even deploying his venomous fangs for her, a display of trust on his part. The guard at the door nearly loosed a bullet on the snake then and there, but the good doctor waved him down. Her latex-covered hands probed down over his neck, then over his shoulders and each of his arms. She pressed him onto his back, and she felt over his chest, stomach and sides. Satisfied, she moved over to the desk again, "Alright, now let's see the real goods." She watched him curiously.

The serpent mused to himself. He couldn't say he didn't expect this. He unzipped the front of his jumpsuit, revealing bare scales, but nothing else. Rower blinked a few times, looking at the bare patch of crotch, "How do you urinate?" she muttered a bit to herself, though when she looked up at him, he answered.

"Simple." He pressed down around his crotch, and his green shaft appeared, not yet aroused, but deployed. Rower nodded, "I see. Very nice, very nice." She moved forward, her latex-covered hands touching his shaft, gripping it. She even had him show her where to press to keep it out. With her hands doing the work, Kaze just stood there and stared at the wall, taking a few deep breaths. "Good Aya, you don't seem to have any problems, but I'm going to have to do one last quick test."

Before Kaze replied, Rower's mouth took his handsome green shaft into her mouth, her tongue stroking long and firm along the underside of it. Her eyes closed, her lips working over the length. The serpent had to check himself to make sure he didn't flinch or buck his hips the wrong way, staring down at her in disbelief. His body reacted before his mind could, and his shaft began to harden, no longer needing pressure to remain outside of his male slit. That wasn't all he had there though.

Rower continued her vigorous blowjob, and as she did, Kaze's second shaft, as was a feature of snakes, slid out from beneath the first, hardening up under the first, perfectly identical, poking the husky in the chin and neck as she bobbed her head. She pulled her head back, blinking in surprise, even going as far as to rub her eyes a little comically at the sight, "You have two! Oh Aya, we're going to have so much fun with you!" she exclaimed before opening her muzzle wide, pulling both foot-long shafts into her muzzle, long, wet, warm tongue playing about them hungrily.

In a matter of moments Kaze dismissed all the terrible rumors about how the Imperials treated their captives, his arms hanging limp there as he submitted to the pleasure that Rower was so eagerly offering up. She continued, her hands stroking each shaft firmly, muzzle pressing around them, tongue leaving not a single inch untouched. It didn't take long for the serpent to release from both shafts, a thick load of seed washing down the husky's throat and in her muzzle. Rower took every drop, refusing to let a single bit escape, even holding a napkin up to the corners of her mouth to make sure she didn't make a mess. When Kaze was done, she cleaned both shafts with a wet cloth, "Delightful. You taste delicious Aya. That's going to save you some pain too, in the end. Alright, zip up and let the guard lead you back to your room." She patted the serpent on his 'rump', the back part of his hips, where a rump would be if he had legs.

His blush was furious, and he refused to look up all the way to his cell, burying his face in his sparse pillow to hide a stupid-wide grin, his tail writhing about eagerly. If there were more tests like this in store, he could certainly get used to being here! If all it took was being called 'Aya', he could live with that!

Later in the day, the husky visited Kaze again, speaking through the intercom, "So, my precious Aya, did you enjoy your physical?"

Kaze perked up a bit, looking up from his sprawled out place on the futon, "I'd be a terrible liar if I said I didn't." He grinned stupidly up at her.

She smiled right back, "That's good! You see, if you're a good girl, the Empire will treat you well. Now, get some sleep, we've got lots of work to do tomorrow!" the husky bounced, clicked off the intercom, and hopped away.

Kaze shook his head, laughing to himself. Not only did he have a girl's name, now Rower was outright calling him female. It was humiliating, but the thought of her muzzle wrapped about his twin shafts redeemed the good doctor very quickly. He fell asleep easily, not a single worry of pain in his mind at all.

The next morning the guards brought Kaze into a new room after demanding that he shower and scrub thoroughly. This room was large, an operating audience chamber. There was a large sterile area, covered by tile walls and a dome glass ceiling, cameras and an operating table set up. Above that were chairs, empty currently. Rower was there waiting for him, dressed in scrubs and a mask and gloves, "There's my girl! Hop up on this table for me, hm?" she squeaked adorably, and Kaze couldn't help but blush.

"What's all this for?" he wondered aloud as he slid himself up onto the table, "Surgery?" His stomach felt a little uneasy, but he'd heard somewhere that getting wisdom teeth pulled out was the most painful of surgeries, so his worry was kept in check.

"Precisely. My, you're an intuitive girl. We're going to put on a little show for some of the higher Imperial officers, seeing as you're a very special case. We've yet to perform a complex surgery on a reptile before, so this will be a good chance to fill the text books on serpent physiology. You're a fan of science, aren't you Aya?" Rower was setting up a tray of tools. A few other doctors entered the room, all dressed in surgeons outfits, keeping their hands in the air to avoid contamination. Two much larger looking doctor's came to either side of Kaze, strapping his wrists in to the sides of the table.

Kaze managed a nod before the large doctors strapped his head down, "Mph. That's a little tight." He grunted.

Rower giggled at that, "Oh, it's just a precaution. Don't worry, we have yet to have really needed all these straps. You'll be asleep for most of this anyway, so just try to relax, ok sweetheart?" Rower conversed with the other doctors as the audience chamber began to fill. Furres in uniforms and suits, even some in simple civilian clothes, all filled the seats bit by bit as the doctors prepared their tools, stations, and the subject, cleaning Kaze's face and front with a simple sponge, setting a few different IV's in his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is our newest test subject. We'd like you all to meet Aya. Aya is a serpent, with ball python and cobra characteristics. A few things you may notice is the shape of the muzzle, typical of cobras, but Aya lacks the hood of a cobra. Aya also has very potent fangs, releasing a never-before-seen paralytic toxin that can kill a full grown person within seconds. Thus far, Aya has been very cooperative and docile, and we have no intention of changing that disposition. So, for posterity, and for Aya's sake, why don't we all give a little round of applause before we put her under, hm?" Rower spoke to the audience.

A quiet, muffled roar that must have been clapping sounded through the glass dome, and Kaze saw that people were moving their hands, though his vision was rather fixed straight upwards by the leather straps about his head. He gave a soft smile to the audience before the dome above him seemed to start to curve and warp. The anesthetics were working fast, and before he knew it, he was under, completely aware yet unaware of everything going on around him.

Doctors moved about, came, went. Rower wasn't there half the time, and in her place was another female doctor, but Kaze couldn't remember her name. Rower came and went, speaking softly to Kaze the whole time, asking him questions throughout the performance. That's what it was, a nice performance for the audience. The audience came and went too, more often than the doctors. Sometimes Kaze thought he saw the same people, but in different spots sometimes. There always seemed to be a full audience chamber, no matter what time it was.

What time was it?

"...July 10th, 2012, at 3:15 PM. Happy twenty-fourth birthday Aya." Kaze heard Rower's voice call to him. Applause, louder than the first time he'd heard it, erupted above the chamber, and the doctors were exchanging congratulations. Kaze was left wondering though, what had they done?