Happy New Year, Lone Wolf

Story by Monion on SoFurry

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After seeing dream_and_nightmare's sexy bull in his piece titled "2013 is coming" (http://www.sofurry.com/view/480397), I admit the muses struck and this story pretty much popped into my head. Follow our lone wolf's fun romp at the bar on New Year's Eve in this one-off piece!

Pounding bass could be heard through the nightclub's walls as we walked past all the furs in their skimpy clothing, not bundled up for the sub-freezing temperatures. Getting their nicotine fix was apparently far more important than preventing frostbite, despite the fact that a natural layer of fur did only so much good against the biting wind. We were early enough that there wasn't much of a line to get in so thankfully we didn't have to suffer the same fate - except, being the generally prepared wolf I am, I had at least thought to bring a ski jacket even if it meant paying coat check.

The sounds and smells of the club always overwhelmed me, yet somehow I had let my fox friend, Arnold, talk me into coming for New Year's Eve. Arnold's always been like that, though. He could talk the Queen into performing at a swimsuit competition if the guy put his mind to it.

Arnold and I have had a great friendship over the past few years. We've never done the deed, however. To me that would have felt strange. I mean, sure, the fox is cute. Russet fur, pert nose, cut body, and a grin that could melt even the iciest twink's façade. But even then, we've always just been good friends. It'd be like sleeping with my brother. I think Arnold felt the same way, though, because he's never hit on me either. Oh, we flirt, but that kind of playful banter happens with all of our friends.

It took a conscious effort to keep my ears straight and my tail from drooping as we entered the club proper from the coat check. The heat of that many mammals in a confined, poorly ventilated space was already stifling, and the place wasn't even half full yet. The only reason why so many furs were even here as early as nine was because it was New Year's. My thick winter coat didn't help matters either, and I found myself panting heavily.

Arnold flashed me a grin and pulled me to the bar. At least the bartender was sexy to watch. Just because I was uncomfortable didn't mean I couldn't enjoy a bit of a show, right? Another wolf, the bartender clearly kept his winter coat quite trim, but I figured if he knew he was coming to this sauna every night, he'd be better prepared. I wished I had thought of that. The upside to the close-cropped grey fur was it accentuated his muscles. He was buff, but lean. The kind of body that screamed runner rather than lifter.

I held a twenty in my paw where the bartender could see it to grab his attention. He wandered over and gave Arnold and I a quick nod and a shouted, "Whaddya gettin'?" I ordered myself a dark rum and coke, and turned to Arnold and flicked my ears to the barkeep. Still grinning, Arnold asked for a Midori Sour. I honestly had no idea what that was, but knowing my friend, it was sure to be fruity. I didn't mind sweet or fruity drinks myself, but rum and coke is such a good standby that it's hard to break that habit.

Once we had our drinks, the bartender was all business and strode over to the next set of customers waiting for booze. I wasn't really upset over the curt exchange. It was already busy and only going to get busier, plus I always figured it was tacky to hit on someone while they were working. But maybe he was used to it.

Arnold tugged on my arm and pointed his muzzle to the dance floor. It was pretty much empty, which suited the fox just fine, but I wasn't really much for dancing. I shrugged and nodded at him, not needing or wanting to shout over the booming beats. Arnold's smile was wide and his bushy red tail wagged like mad as he turned and walked to the metallic and mirrored floor space. Well, not walked, but closer to sashayed, but to the beat. He did actually have a pretty good sense of rhythm.

I, on the other hand, chose a bar stool with a clear line of sight to the dance floor and began to nurse my drink. The bartender was still whizzing about, pouring drinks at a speed that was rather impressive. It was hard not to compare myself physically to him, though. I always ended up comparing myself to other wolves that I see; some kind of instinct, I'm sure.

He had a cut runner's build, whereas I was thicker through my shoulders and chest. I wasn't super muscular or anything, but I went to the gym to keep off the belly fat that seemed to strike most of the other students in my fourth year lectures. His fur was grey through and through, whereas mine was closer to black on my back and white on my belly, mixing to grey in between. My coloring drove me up the wall, because I'd always get some twinky otter or slinky weasel confusing me with a malamute, especially with my winter coat being so thick. I mean, maybe there's some malamute on my mother or father's side, but if there is they never told me about it. Other canines never got confused though, but we have pretty good senses of smell.

Tonight my sense of smell was useless. All of those hot, sweaty furs overpowered any subtle hints I could potentially tease out with my nose. And if it wasn't that, it was the stench of cigarette smoke clinging to pelts, or the strong scent of alcohol. That and the loud dance music were probably why I didn't notice someone was behind me until I felt his hot breath ruffling my hackles and his deep voice in my ear.

"I'm going to make you see fireworks tonight, lone wolf."

My first thought was sheer terror at being snuck upon like that. My second thought was who the hell was this fur to be so brazen? My third thought got stuck when I had turned my head and found my muzzle a mere inch away from a solid wall of bull.

I was a pretty modest wolf. I always wore my jeans and a t-shirt of some sort to the bar, and even if I was too hot, I pretty much never took them off - except once, when Arnold had gotten me beyond drunk for my twenty-third birthday. But this bull had no such modesty. As my eyes quickly roamed up and down his body, I realized the only thing he was wearing was a relatively tiny, hot-pink thong, with the number "2013" stretched across his rather large bulge. On most furs, I think that would have been pretty damn tacky. On this one? Well, my third thought finally dislodged itself: damn, he was sexy as fuck!

When I said solid wall, I wasn't joking. I'm broad shouldered, and he was broader than me still. And taller. I was a decent six foot and a quarter in height, and he managed to beat that. A torso covered in a short, tawny coat of fur, and a tuft of jet black hair between his round, beefy pecs was enough to get me hard pretty much instantly, but it was his gaze that made me wet.

It was strange, I never figured myself for being submissive in any sort of remote manner, but his penetrating green eyes that raked over me from behind a short muzzle plastered with a knowing smirk was nothing short of intense, and I almost rolled over right there.

He leaned in further, placing his meaty paws on either side of me against the bar. I could feel him press that thick chest against my back, and I think I shuddered in response. My tail swished once across his tight stomach. Big biceps flexed and trapped my own arms against my body.

"Meet me by the bathrooms at quarter to midnight."

His breath was scorching on my ear, making it flick involuntarily. And as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone. I felt myself exhale, wondering when I had actually last taken a breath. I spun around on my bar stool to catch a glimpse of the enigmatic bovine as he stalked away, and just caught his tail-end weaving through the rapidly increasing crowds. Long black hair grew from between his short horns to brown-furred shoulder blades, and muscular globes framed a skinny swaying tail, topped by the hot-pink string of his thong.

I turned back to my drink and found I had finished it, so I ordered another from the bartender. Squirming in my now-uncomfortably tight jeans, I checked my watch. Only nine forty-five! If it was at that moment, I probably would've had the courage to go through with it then and there, but I realized that with a two hour wait, I was likely to think it through and talk myself out of it. My cock and tail hole both twitched, and I slammed back my drink.

Ten o'clock rolled around and now the bar was hopping. Mustelids, canines, felines, reptiles, and more filled the seats around the bar and the dance floor, as well as leaned against the walls. Some were making out, others chatting amicably, and more just grooving to the music. It was like any other bar night, except the party started earlier, and would likely be a lot rowdier come midnight. I looked around, hoping to spot the sexy bull, but instead I managed to catch Arnold's eye as the fox swayed back to the bar.

Abruptly, I was glad that the smells were overwhelming. If we were in the car or back at the dorms, there'd be no mistaking the strong scent of my arousal. I mean, my cock was still hard as a rock and I was pretty sure there was a dark spot forming on my jeans. Hopefully in the low light of the bar, Arnold didn't see it. As it was, enough furs were grinding, kissing and the like that my scent was just one of hundreds.

My friend ordered another one of those fruity drinks and chatted with me about this adorable otter couple that he'd been dancing with. Apparently they had been boyfriends since high school, and Arnold figured the way the two were eyeing him as they had danced and shouted their life stories, he was likely going to start 2013 in an otter sandwich.

He asked me if I was having fun, and if this was another, normal night at the bar, I'd have shrugged and grumbled. But not tonight. Tonight I nodded and smiled. That was enough to make Arnold's eyebrows shoot up, but he just gave me that sly, foxy grin of his and took his drink back to the two otters who were bumping and grinding on the dance floor.

By ten thirty I had slammed back another couple rum and cokes, and was feeling mildly tipsy. Strategically drunk, I giggled in my own mind. Enough to know I wouldn't chicken out of meeting mister sexy bull. I still hadn't sighted him in the milling crowds, but I wasn't that concerned, yet. Maybe the bull worked here, or was a dancer or something. He was certainly dressed the part, in that skimpy thong. I hadn't had my tail lifted in forever. Actually, a year. And while I usually topped, and while I was a little nervous, given how big that bulge was, I was giddy with excitement. Or giddy with the alcohol. Not that it mattered.

I sat like I was stapled to that chair, sipping on my fifth drink, as I was in the sweet spot and wanted to maintain it, not get trashed. The golden-furred mouse beside me started to chat me up. He was nice enough, if a bit scrawny. Apparently an accountant fresh out of university, still adjusting to the real world and having a job. I'd respond with a question, or nod at the rodent, but only to feign a bare interest to pass the time. The way his eyes kept flitting back and forth from mine to the floor clearly indicated he wanted to ask me to do something more than just talk, but was either too timid or too submissive to make the first move, which was just as well to me. At one point he admitted he was curious and couldn't figure out if I was a husky, wolf, or malamute, to which I had rolled my eyes and corrected him. Eventually he ran out of things to say, and since I wasn't exactly contributing any information of my own to the conversation, he excused himself and left to mingle elsewhere.

Eleven hit and the bar was standing room only. I was certain that we were breaking some sort of fire code at this point, but clearly nobody cared. I had just ordered a sixth drink, and Arnold was nowhere to be seen. But after an hour and a half of drinking rum and coke, I needed to empty, and it was as good a time as any. Almost immediately after I left my stool at the bar, it was filled with another fur, a dachshund.

Pushing my way through the crowd, keeping one eye on my drink and another for the bull, I eventually made it to the bathroom. The line was long, but I was in no rush. Once at the urinal, I relieved myself. The wolf beside me at the other urinal was openly leering at my red cock, and while normally I hated that, I guess I was feeling extra hot, or just drunk, and shook it a bit more than necessary before washing my paws.

The area by the bathrooms wasn't completely secluded, but it was out of immediate sight of the bar and dance floor. It'd be impossible to miss the bull in here when he showed up. But my watch still only said eleven-fifteen, and I growled my frustration. The rabbit sitting on a cushion nearby looked up in alarm, but I shrugged an apology and headed back out into the crowds.

I saw an empty spot in the corner at the edge of the dance floor. Probably vacant because you couldn't see half of the bar, but I was okay with that. I pushed my way through, ignoring the random ass gropes that inevitably came with trying to traverse a bar filled with horny gay furs. Once to the spot, I sighed with relief and scanned the dance floor for anyone that I recognized.

Arnold and his otter pals were still dancing away. If I didn't know better, I'd have guessed they were bunnies with all of that energy. The idea of dancing for two hours made my feet hurt.

As the minutes passed, and I still didn't see the sexy bull, I became more nervous. My cock had re-inflated itself and was straining against my jeans while I downed the last of my drink and set the glass aside. A voice came over fading music announcing that there was twenty minutes until midnight, and to prepare for the countdown. My tail was a frazzled mess, and I groomed it quickly before making my way back to the bathroom area.

The cushions around the waiting area were mostly empty as furs filled the bar area, trying to find a good spot for the drag show that would accompany the countdown. I decided to stand against the wall facing both the men's bathroom and the opening to the bar itself. The sexy bull wasn't going to sneak up on me again!

The music ended and the lights dimmed as the announcer from earlier announced fifteen minutes to midnight, and to feast your eyes on the lovely Helvetica Bold on the stage. My eyes, however, were pointed at the massive silhouette of that muscular bull striding into the waiting area from the bar.

He never slowed as he approached me, that smirk still set on his broad muzzle. For the first time I could get a good picture of the bovine from the front, from the black shaggy hair limned with red between his horns, to his brown-furred heavy arms and substantial legs. And those intense emerald eyes!

My tail wagged ever so slightly as I looked up at him. He, however, placed a paw behind me and used the other to roughly push me into the wall as he mashed his maw against mine, invading my mouth with his coarse, thick tongue. His earthy musk filled my nostrils as his chest trapped me, and I felt his bulge thrust against my crotch. I whimpered.

Finally he backed away, just a few inches. He still towered over me, blocking me in with his big arm against the wall beside my shoulder. I could still feel his crotch against mine, and I dared a quick glance down. His pink thong had stretched away from his body, revealing bushy black pubic hair at the base of a thick fleshy cock. I still couldn't tell how long he was, though.

He spoke, and my cock twitched in response; the vibration of his deep voice went right through me. "I'm going to breed you, lone wolf." A bull of few words, but damn if those words didn't make me even harder. He wrapped his free arm around my back and spun us around, pointing us at the ladies' washroom. Not letting me have the chance to move on my own, he began pushing me through the door and to the handicapped stall at the back. One of those meaty paws of his was already undoing the tail button on my pants, and I'm pretty sure I audibly groaned when I felt him shove the paw inside and groped my fuzzy cheek.

The bathroom itself was empty but for a single other fur. A hulking bear in a sapphire sequin dress gave me a wink in the mirror as he applied lipstick. The bull didn't seem to care one way or the other, though, and my knees nearly buckled when he pressed the groping paw against my tail hole. He kept shoving me forward, though, and I stumbled into the extra-large stall.

The latch clicked shut behind me, and I felt him remove his paw from my pants. Turning around, I saw him watching me with that maddening leer, that half-grin that told me he knew what was coming next. Tail lashing against the door, he flexed for me just once. His biceps bulged, and the tuft of black fur between his tawny pecs was accentuated as they swelled. My pants were soaked.

Cheers filtered into the bathroom as the door opened, and again were reduced to a dull roar shortly thereafter. I felt one of the bull's paws grab me behind my head and pull me down to the tiled floor. Thankfully the ladies washroom wasn't much used, and the floor was pretty clean, but I think I would've been on my knees regardless.

I inhaled the scent of his arousal, and felt my cock spit another glob of pre-cum into my pants. I realized that the bull had yet to touch himself at all, and here he was hard as a rock, his thong proclaiming the New Year taut around it. His paw roughly pushed my nose into his crotch, his instructions clear. I carefully took the fabric in my teeth, pulling back and down. The bovine's big dick sprung out of the elastic cloth, hitting my nose and leaving a glob of bull pre on my upper lip. After gently releasing the thong so it wouldn't snap the bull, I licked the pre-cum off my face and moaned lightly. It was delicious!

Still smirking down at me, the broad bovine again pulled my muzzle into his crotch forcefully. I wasted no further time and dove on his veiny cock. I had to loosen my jaw to fit it in my maw, and I nearly gagged before stopping myself when it hit the back of my throat. Even with my lengthy muzzle, an inch of the bull's penis was still exposed to the air. As I applied my long tongue to his shaft, I could feel him rumble in his chest. Glancing up as best I could, I saw him lean back against the stall door, and his free paw began rolling and pinching an erect nipple. The maddening, sexy smirk was still there.

I continued to suck on the sexy bull, but I admit my jaw was getting tired. It'd been a long time since I had given any fur a blow job, let alone anyone remotely hung as he was. However, I guess he decided it wasn't enough, because his grip on the back of my head tightened and he began to thrust his thick cock into my muzzle. The earthy musk of his pre-cum filled my nose and mouth as he oozed it constantly. Given the size of his nuts in my paw, I imagine he'd pre-cum enough that it would look like he had gotten off, and still have more. As tasty as it was, though, I was starting to have second thoughts. Each time he hit the back of my throat, I choked just a little, and tears had started forming in my eyes. Drool seemed to flood out the sides of my muzzle.

As brusquely as he had started fucking my mouth, he stopped and pulled me up off my knees by my armpits. Again he pushed me against the wall, and I could feel the large bathroom wall tiles through my t-shirt. His broad tongue wrestled mine to submission in my maw, and as my reward he undid the front of my jeans, letting the pants drop to the floor.

It was a relief for my dick to finally be free. It was pulsing and jumping, and absolutely dripping with my own wet. The bull stroked my tapered, red cock twice, his paw fur soaking in the liquid, and then flipped me around so I was facing the wall. My ears swiveled to listen behind me best I could as I hear more muffled cheers from the bar.

I wondered how close to midnight it was, having lost all sense of time with this bovine deity. I lost that train of thought as well when I felt his muzzle under my tail and his broad tongue pressing against my hole. I put my head against the wall, resting on one arm as I reached down for my dripping dick. However, before I could pull on it, the bull grabbed my wrist and placed it behind my back, holding it there as he pushed his tongue inside me. Liquid dripped down the wall in front of me after that maneuver.

I whined and whimpered as his tongue penetrated me, his wide muzzle pushing my cheeks apart. It was difficult not to smack his face with my wagging tail while he rimmed me, but somewhere deep in my mind I managed to keep enough control over it. Reaching around me, he tugged my member twice again, and I almost lost it. I was shivering in delight, and I think he sensed it to because he stopped. But then I thought maybe I was wrong, and he wasn't touching me to pleasure me. I felt his finger, wet with my slick, push into my hole. His digits were thick, though not nearly as thick as his cock. But between how horny I was, his tonguing, and my pre-cum he was lubing me with, the first finger went all the way to the knuckle with ease.

He still held one of my paws tightly behind my back, and though my arm started to ache, I dared not ask him to release it. He wiggled another finger into my hole, but this one took a lot more work. It burned a little as it stretched me, and I knew he didn't have enough lube on it. It still made me moan though. Another loud cheer could be heard through the bathroom door.

I whimpered again when he removed his fingers from me. I was nervous as hell. There's no way that thick bull dick was fitting inside me after only two fingers. Through between my legs I watched him finally stroke himself a few times, his paw making a sloppy sound as it moved. That was the first time he touched himself there, and it was also the first time I heard him vocalize audibly. It was just a grunt, and not even a very loud one, but given the bull wasn't exactly noisy to begin with I figured that it must have felt really good. I felt a pressure against my tight ring again, and the two fingers slipped in, slicker than ever. And then a third followed.

While he stretched me, the thought of him using his own pre-cum for lube was too much. I began to whimper and squirm on his paw. I wanted this sexy bull inside me!

As if reading my thoughts, or maybe just reading my body language, he stood up, still one paw mostly inside me and the other holding back my arm. I could barely think. This was it! The rock hard bull cock slapped against my fuzzy white ass, and he pulled his fingers from my hole slowly. I whimpered again, and wiggled my butt, trying to nudge him to my pucker. He probably didn't need the hint though.

The blunt head of his dick pushed against my ring, and it hurt so much! I'd only ever bottomed for other canines up to that point, and tapered tips go in so much more easily. The head popped in and I groaned loudly, panting hard. I felt him let go of my arm, and just as I was about to put it on my own dick, he pulled it up again in his own paw. Now both of my paws were trapped under his against the wall as he inexorably pressed into me.

Soon I felt his meaty chest against my back again, and his abs constraining my tail. When I finally felt his big balls jostle my own, I knew he was inside me, all of him. I had never felt that full before. I could feel him snorting and huffing sharp breaths by my ear, and I wondered how close he was. For the third time that evening, my train of thought was derailed. This time by him pulling out slowly about halfway, then sliding in deep. Not hard, but not gentle either.

I nearly howled right there. It wouldn't have mattered what angle he pushed inside me. A cock that large, and he'd hit my prostate no matter what he or I did. Instead of howling, though I shuddered under his body. I could just see his smirk in my head as he pulled back and drilled me, just a little harder each time.

My legs were sore, and my face was mashed up against the bathroom tile. My cock was so hard that it hurt. And yet I was in heaven. I'll admit, I had normally been a top wolf, but if I knew bottoming could feel like this, I think I would've done it way more often.

The bull was plowing me now, and grunting in my ear with every thrust. He was pulling nearly every inch of that long, thick, slick dick from me before bottoming out. I could feel his biceps straining around my shoulders as he fucked me faster.


The crowd begin counting down to the New Year outside the bathroom, but I was already starting to see stars every time I was filled with him. He was hammering my hole.

"Nine! Eight! Seven!"

My knot was so big, and I could see a puddle of my pre on the floor below it. I desperately wanted to jack off, but my paws were still stuck under the rutting bovine's own.

"Six! Five! Four!"

Suddenly my right paw was free, but before I could reach my cock, I felt the bull's own paw wrap around my knot and squeeze as he thrust inside me as hard as he could.


I howled. I clenched my hole. I heard my load splatter against the tiles.


I kept shooting uncontrollably as he slammed into me again. Bright flashes of light exploded across my vision. I couldn't see the wall or the floor.


My knees gave out and I felt him catch me around my waist. Both paws held on to my hips as he thrust deep inside me one more time, not letting me collapse to the ground.

"Happy New Year!"

He bellowed and it rang across the bathroom and in my ears, nearly drowning out the crowd's finish. Bucking inside me again and again, he filled me even further, warmth spreading inside me. His steel grip on my hips didn't hurt through the orgasmic haze, but I was certainly a little bruised there later that evening.

We stood there, or, well, he stood there and I hung from his paws limply, still impaled on his penis, for probably a good minute, maybe two. The bathroom door opened and I could hear a few furs rush into the bathroom, probably to relieve themselves after holding it for a good seat for the countdown. Thankfully our heavy breathing was drowned out by the chatter of the ladies and drag queens.

Carefully, the bull pulled out of me, and I finally found my feet and stood on my own. More splatter could be heard once he was free, and I felt his cum slide down my legs and splash on my feet. I was shivering still, and barely able to move or think coherently.

I'm not sure what I expected, but I certainly didn't expect the bull, domineering as he was, to help clean us both up with the toilet paper. He was gentle, and thorough, and sure, I'd reek of bull until I had a proper shower, but at least I wouldn't be too sticky. When I got a glance of his face, he really was still wearing that damnable knowing smirk, pretty much how I imagined he would be.

When we were relatively dry, and we had our respective bottoms pulled up, I had a mild panic attack about what we would do to get out without being seen. The bull didn't seem to care, though. He put a meaty paw on my back, opened the stall door, and pushed me out with him close behind. We just strode right out of the ladies washroom and nobody batted an eye. Well, the sapphire sequined drag queen was back, and that bear batted a single eye in another wink at me in the mirror.

As we entered the waiting area just outside the bathrooms, the bull grabbed me and shoved his tongue down my throat for a kiss. Once my toes and tail had curled, he released me from his grip and took a step back. "Happy New Year, lone wolf, and hope you enjoyed the fireworks," he rumbled, and then he walked away!

I was so shell-shocked from the entire experience it hadn't yet occurred to me that he never gave me a name, or a phone number, or anything. And by the time I had collected my wits to chase him down and ask, he was lost in the sea of bar patrons.

After searching every corner of the place - and suffering more gropes in the process - I was still no closer to finding him. Oh, most furs had seen the bull, kind of hard to miss that sexy side of beef in the hot-pink "2013" thong, but none could tell me where he went.

I was about to do another loop of the bar when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. Pulling it out and flicking it on, I saw Arnold had texted me. Seemed that he was going to get his otter sandwich as he had hoped, and he'd pay me back for cab fare the next day. I wasn't likely going to find the bull again that night.

I shook my head and went to coat check to get my ski jacket. I handed my receipt over to the ermine, and put on the jacket before heading out into the cold. It took forever to flag down a cab as there were far too many furs trying to get them, but I got one eventually. I was freezing by the time it pulled up for me.

Hopping into the back seat, I wished the cab driver a Happy New Year. He threw me a smile in the rearview mirror.

"Happy New Year to you, too! So, where to, lone wolf?"

Merge - 15 - Intelligence

"Tell me," the dark jaguar asked, pulling on his black clothing, "Why you thought it was a good idea to attack Matthew and attempt to burn down the inn, Terrance?" Kazar's yellow eyes were narrowed at the doberman. His ropey tail whipped around behind...

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Merge - 14 - Dias Ex Machina

"Kael!" the white wolf shrieked as she ducked, a ball of fire whizzing past her and setting the ceiling tiles alight. "What the hell are you doing? Get Matt out of here!" The brown-furred kangaroo snarled back, "Trust me, Laura. Have I ever steered...

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Merge - 13 - Faith

"Stay in the room, you two," the police officer commanded, the lynx's silver and brown fur upright. His tail lashed as he checked his holster. "It's safer in there. I'm going to locate the intruders." He stalked off towards the elevators, listening to...

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