winter contest, dark winter

Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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a slightly dark story i wrote for winter contest, but with bit of hope at end

The snow glistened brightly with the colors of the flashing blue and red lights of the police car idling on the street as cops investigated a suicide attempt. The big lion was interviewing a dragon about what happened to his roommate, a rabbit.

"Ok so you just got home, and suddenly discovered your roommate Dave covered in blood in the tub. Anything suspicious leading up to his attempt that you can think of?" the officer asked.

Ben the dragon responded, "well not that I can think of, although our former roommate does still keep cyber harassing us even tho we want nothing to do with him anymore."

"and what's his name?" the officer asked.

"He's a husky. His name's rocky. Not sure where he lives at the moment," Ben replied.

"very well, we'll look into that. We'll need your roommate's cell phone to look at the evidence." The lion said.

"yeah sure, let me go get it," Ben soon pocked into Dave's room and grabbed his phone of the charger. "Here you go officer. Let me know when we can get it back."

"yeah. That will take awhile probly a few weeks at least," The lion replied.

They exchanged numbers and Ben soon followed the ambulance to the hospital to make sure his roommate and friend would be ok, thankful that he found him in time to stop most of the bleeding so he didn't actually die. Ben sighed to himself, "gods what a way to start the winter."

Dave meanwhile muttered in his dazed state about how no one really cared about him and wanted him around, despite not being told couldn't come to the get togethers and not chatting much with others.

Larry the lion detective, soon sighed as he got into his office and placed the phone down on his desk to look it over later, and quickly typed up a preliminary report to file. He soon got up and went off to home.

The weary lion soon pulled into the driveway of his place and unlocked his door. He sighed slightly as he stretched out and started to strip out of his clothes, preferring to be naked while at home even if no one else is living with him.

He yawned and scratched his balls as he made some tea, and started to look over the paper work to his new case, feeling himself warm up in front of the fire after being in the cold for so long, and wondered what could drive the cute looking bunny to attempt suicide.

As he sipped his tea, he read over what had happened so far, and decided to pay the rabbit a visit in the hospital to ask him questions, if he was awake yet, before going to find out what this Rocky husky was like and his answers.

He yawned and soon went to bed his mind burning with questions as he dozed off.

Dave meanwhile was laying in a hospital bed recuperating from his self inflicted injuries, still in a slight coma and dreaming of things. He felt like he was floating in between states of mind, slightly knowing he was in a hospital, but at same time in a state of flux of being elsewhere where he really was invisible to everyone.

Dave sighed to himself as he wandered around in his invisible out of body state. "guess he was right and thus I was right to off myself. No one cares about me...." He said to himself as he ghosted through the people going about their business.

Ben grunted as he sat down next to the comatose bunny and sighed to himself, wondering if he somehow missed the usual suicidal warning signs. "at least you're not dead thank the gods," he said. "You should never have let that bastard get to you. There are those who care about you, even if they don't say it that often or really acknowledge you. I hope if he was the one to drive you to this, he gets what he deserves," Ben muttered, and gave the rabbit's paw a soft squeeze.

Dave sniffed slightly as he heard his roommate say those words in his out of body state. He soon moved further down the corridor and wandered out the door. He glanced around wondering what to do in this odd dream like state and decided to investigate the detective that was suppouedly assigned to his case.

Larry soon yawned as he woke up, and idly fondled himself as he got up soon taking a shower. He soaped himself up and moaned as his hormones go the better of him and started to paw his heavy balls and swelling sheath.

"mmmrrss gods been ages since I've fucked," he thought to himself as he continued to paw his now swelling cock to hardness. His soapy paws, pawed his thickening hung 10 inches up and down and soon started to pre heavily.

He moaned more as he thought of a hot muzzle around his length sucking him, while squeezing his balls. "mmnn fuck yeah," he grunted as he pawed his dick faster up and down, while soon imagining the furson sucking his cock turning around to get fucked by him "mmnnn hot tight hole," he panted as he imagined his cock tip slipping into the tight anus, stretching it out.

"mmnn yeah take that cock you slut," he moaned more as his paws moved faster up and down along his length, picturing it sliding deeper and faster into a hot ass. "mmrrr so fucking close," he panted as he shuddered, suddenly thrusting hard gasping as his cock swelled and suddenly cummed all over, imagining it spurting into someone's hot tail hole. "mmmrrrrr fuck yeah.. nothing like a hot paw before work," he grunted and finished cleaning himself up.

He soon got dressed and drove off to the office. "any calls for me?" he asked as he stepped in. "no not really," the recptionist replied.

Larry nodded and soon sat down at his desk, and picked up the smart phone of Dave's and started to root through the ims he received starting with Rocky, whose number he noticed was blocked with a call blocker app, but still got the texts saved.

"hmm he definitely could be the push over to cause him to do that," he thought to himself as he read the texts and made a copy. "Gods what kind of furson would say that to someone who obviously didn't do anything to him?" he thought as he read the last text of, good bye not that anyone cared or noticed you where there ! and shouldn't have been there in first place. Can't ignore me.

He soon got his stuff together and made a trip to the hospital dave was in to check up on him and his roommate.

Dave in his invisible state, nodded to the lion despite he couldn't see him. "yes that was the last straw even with fighting with my depression all this time on top of that" he said, wringing his paws a bit with a bit of shame feeling filling him. He floated beside the hunk of a lion, and followed him to the hospital.

Ben yawned as he slowly woke up and saw that Dave was still in the same state he was in. "c'mon dave you've gotta pull out of this. We all need you friend. Even if you don't think so we do care about you. Ignore that bastard when you come back. We'll help you fight him," Ben said to the sleeping bunny.

Larry soon stepped in and said usual greetings. "how's he doing?" he asked.

"Still the same as you can see," Ben replied. "Any leads yet?" he asked.

"no not yet, but going to make inquiries about the person who may have pushed his depression over to cuase him to do this," Larry responded, glancing at the cute bunny.

Dave muttered to himself as he floated behind the lion, really wanting to be out of this state soon.

The lion soon departed, asking the doctor to make sure to give him a call as soon as the bunny either wakes up or has any changes. The doctor nodded and said would do.

Ben grunted as he stood up and gave the bunny a quick kiss on the forehead. "Get better soon bunny. I have to go to work now," he said as he left.

Dave said "don't worry about me Ben, I'll get through this somehow" and floated hugged his friend. "thanks for sticking with me."

Larry soon called the office to lock up Rocky and any priors he may have. "Hey larry. Yeah we've got some info on this rocky character. He does have some priors, mostly store robbings few years ago and did try to mug someone, but nothing like murder. At least not so far as we can find," his work force friend said.

"Great. Going to go look him up then," Larry replied and soon drove off to his current known whereabouts.

Larry pondered how he was going to go about this, as he drove closer to his destination. He spotted a big truck that matched the license plate info and pulled in nearby. He soon stepped up to the door and knocked, waiting for response.

The door soon opened and a husky peeked out, "yeah what do you want?" he asked soarly.

"Are you rocky?" Larry asked. "yeah what if I am?" rocky replied.

"Need to ask you a few questions. Do you recall someone named Dave?" larry asked, noticing the husky's body behavior suddenly changed to severe hatred he could feel coming off him from the name being mentioned.

"yeah .. used to be roommates at one point. Never talk to him anymore nor do I want anything to do with that bastard," rocky said.

"what were you doing on the night of the 5th?" larry asked.

"nothing man. Just laying around the house," Rocky replied. "Didn't go nowhere."

"Liar, you bastard. You kept harassing me at the party, making me feel more and more depressed til I snapped to do this" Dave shouted, despite couldn't be heard, and glancing at his healing wrists, now hating himself for doing this and giving him to the feelings of despair the husky caused him to have.

"hmm very well then. That will be all for now. I'll be in touch if have any further questions," Larry remarked.

"yeah great.." rocky responded and soon went back into the house, slighting slamming the door, knocking snow off the roof and it landing with a slight thud on the patio.

Larry soon stepped back into his car and drove back a few paces, to watch what rocky does next.

Rocky soon left the house and got into his truck and started to drive down to a friend's place, with larry following discretly behind. Rocky soon knocked on the door and it soon opened and he stepped in.

Larry soon hopped out of his car and listened in to the windows to catch snatches of conversation going on.

"hey dude, got this officer asking questions. You guys do anything during that party that might cuase that?" rocky asked, as he groped his tiger friend and fuck buddy.

"Nah man. We didn't do shit," the tiger grunted as he squeezed the husky's taut ass. "we were too high to do anything anyway," he said with a grin, and leaned in to nibble on the husky's ear, pushing down his pants and undies.

"MMrrr good boy," rocky moaned as he fondled the hung tiger more and pushed his shorts down, growling at the sight of no undies, and pawed the already hardening tiger cock.

The tiger soon panted, and thrusted into the husky's paw as he slowly rubbed a finger along the husky's ass crack and pressed a finger into the twitching pucker under his tail. "mmnn yeah can't wait to fuck that hot ass of yours dude," the tiger grunted as his cock swelled to his full 12 inches and pre'd heavily, while his fingers swirled in circles in the husky's anus.

"mmnn yeah love getting fucked by you dude," rocky panted and soon moved down to lick and suck on the tiger's beckoning dick.

"mmrrr good boy get my dick ready for that hot anus of yours," the tiger panted and thrusted a bit into the eager husky's muzzle.

Rocky moaned around the big dick as he slurped up and down along the hung length, and his ass twitched in anticipation of being fucked soon, his own cock swelled and throbbed to his full 9 inches.

The tiger soon reached down to paw along his length, while thrusting faster into the hot husky muzzle, grunting with each thrust and pressing nearly his entire paw into the husky's anus prepping him for his rod.

"all right that's enough foreplay," he said with a grin and soon shoved the husky down and turned him around to spread his ass cheeks and leaned down to slurp with his broad tongue along the hot ass, swirling in circles against the tight pucker.

Rocky gasped and shuddered in pleasure as he squirmed against the tiger. "unnhh fuck yeah... fuck me," he moaned loudly as his cock bobbed and dribbled pre all over.

The tiger mrrred to himself as he tongued fucked the husky for a bit, then soon rubbed his preing cock tip in circles and suddenly grunted and shoved half his cock into the tight husky ass.

Rocky gasped at the sudden feeling of being stuffed half way with the hung 12 inches of tiger barbed cock up his hole. "nngghhh don't stop damn it.. I need it all in me," he grunted.

"But of course," the tiger said with a grin and continued to push in til he hilted all the way into the eager tight husky ass. He moaned softly as he soon pulled out and thrusted in deep, feeling their balls slap together as he moved to paw along the husky's cock in time to his thrusts.

Dave meanwhile panted as he watched the hot sexings going on in front of him, pawing himself off as he got a good view of the hung tiger cock sliding in and out of the husky's ass. He moaned as he twitched, not able to help himself as the scene got him very horny, despite being in out of body state, and kept pawing faster as he urged the tiger on to cum into the hole.

Larry tented as he whipped out his phone to take videos of the duo going at it, despite not being part of the case but he was getting horny as fuck watching them.

The tiger soon growled as he felt his 12 inches throb and twitch getting closer to cumming into the husky's tightening tail hole. "ohh dude.. fuck yes cum in me," Rocky grunted as he tightend himself hard as he could around the tiger's luscious thrusting dick.

"mmnn fuck yeah.." the tiger panted.. "that's the plan," he grunted as his barbs suddenly swelled and he shoved himself deep and hard as he could, growling with a roar as he suddenly cummed hard and deep into the husky's tight anus. "mmmnn " he moaned as he kept thrusting in and out while cumming, and his load spurting out as he does so.

Rocky growled and twitched suddenly spurting all over the floor as he felt the tiger's hot cock swell even more and suddenly spurt hot load after load of tiger cum into his anus.

Larry moaned to himself as they got done and he adjusted his tenting pants, quickly going to his car. Dave meanwhile panted as he saw the tiger load spurt into and out of the husky's tailhole, cumming all over himself and felt the hotness of the tiger's cum as it slid through his transparent body. "mmnn fuck that's hot" he thought to himself as he soon floated out of the room and followed larry.

Larry grunted as he soon went back to the office and to talk with the chief about wether or not could press charges against the husky about his intent to cause Dave to commit suicide after the party.

"Hey chief. The guy says he wasn't at the party on the 5th, but Dave's phone got pics of him there and textual evidence of being harassed by him, so I think we've got a case of attempted homicide." Larry said.

"Hmm very well. Let's go to it," The big bear chief replied.

Larry soon went to get an arresst warrant for Rocky, and dave wondered why he hadn't woken up from this dream like state. He left larry to his devices and returned to the hospital, not knowing larry was heading there first before issuing arrest for rocky.

Dave glanced over at his body and decided to try to wake himself up at long last, despite what ever repercussions there might be from his attempt. He floated into his body and soon felt all tingly, gasping as he suddenly woke up, shooting straight up on the bed and collapsed back down not quite coherent.

Larry walked in at that moment, and blinked calling out for a nurse. The nurse soon hurried in, and checked Dave's vitals, making sure they were correct and that was miracle that he was finally awake after being there for almost a week.

"Looks like he's going to be just fine now that he's out of his coma and his wrists are healed up," The nurse said.

"That's great news, specially since I've got a surprise for him," Larry responded.

Larry soon approached the now waking bunny. "what the? Where the hell am I?" Dave shouted out and glanced at the detective.

"it's ok. My name is detective larry. You'll be happy to know that your safe from your suicide attempt and we're helping you as we can. I've already got a arrest warrant for Rocky for attempted murder," Larry said.

Dave blinked as he took that information in. "Sighs well yes I'll admit that his harrssing did push me over the edge to do this," he said.

"that's all the proof we need," larry said. He then went over to hug the bunny softly. "Get better and rest up. I'll be here for anything you need," he said as he soon left to get rocky.

Dave stretched out and blushed as he got hugged by the big lion and muttered a thanks.

Larry soon went over to Rocky's and Rocky of course resisted arresst attempt, which didn't help him out any with the big lion. Larry grunted as he cuffed the husky, "resisting arrest and murder attempt not looking good for you." He remarked and soon read his rights as such as they were.

Rocky growled in contempt but said nothing as he was pulled away into jail and his hatred for the rabbit grew for still living.

Larry soon stopped by the hospital and told Dave and Ben that they would need to testify in courts about his murderous attempt via suicide. Dave stretched out as he soon felt better to leave the hospital and back home.

"thanks for everything Ben and Larry," Dave said as he settled into his room after being discharged from the hospital.

"No problem man. That's what friends are for" Ben said. "We'll always be here for you dude." The dragon grinned.

Larry responded "I'm glad to've helped put him behind bars so he won't hurt you or others anymore."

Dave smiled for the first time in a long time and hugged them both, feeling a bit happy to have them around, despite just meeting Larry and hoping to get to know him more when he's off his duties and waited to ask him if he would like to hang out sometime when they had more privacy.

Not that he minded Ben hearing it, as he loved the dragon and enjoyed their play time together at times, but still wanted privacy.

The dragon smirked to himself as he soon took off for work, leaving the two alone.

"Larry, I know we just met, but I would love to get to know you more. Would you like to hang out with me at times when you're not on duty?" Dave asked.

Larry grinned and said "of course I would love to. I'm off duty tomorrow how does that sound?"

Dave said "sure that sounds great and looked forward to doing so." Larry soon left to finish up his paperwork and Dave sighed to himself as he soon started to doze off, admiring the snow still falling all over from his window. He soon drifted off to sleep, still recalling bits of what happened while he was comatose and wondered why we went through that, and ultimately decided to was fate testing him to finally not to give in to pressures of others and let things flow with those know and trust to be true friends......

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