Destiny Calls: The Beginning

Story by Samhain on SoFurry

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#1 of Destiny Calls

Destiny Calls

Author: Samhain

There was once a prophecy that a young fox would be born with abilities beyond that of any other. This fox would decide the fate of the entire clan. That fate could be one of great triumph and prosperity, or one that would bring about the end for the clan.

On a winter morning Nana gave birth to her second cub. He was a beautiful cub with hair as soft and white as the whirling snow, his eyes were a deep azure that sparkled like the nights sky. He was named Ren. Nana raised him with his older sister Mina, she was only born a few years earlier. They lived as a very happy family in their small village. Nana took great care of her two children despite the fact that her mate and their father had died early in Ren's life while out hunting.

After many years Ren had grown into a magnificent young man maturing at a rapid pace almost looking like a full fledged adult when he was just 13 years old. He was teased by the other male cubs in the village, and all the females took a liking to the young handsome fox. He was strong and fast, with the admiration of all those he would play sports with.

On the eve of his 13th birthday Ren fell ill. Running a high fever and sweating a great deal his mother was worried for him afraid that she might lose her son. Mina was also afraid of something happening to Ren. She loved him more then any sister could love a brother. She always looked after him as a kid and stood up for him when he wasn't strong enough to stand up for himself.

"I'm going to go get some medicine for Ren, Mina look after him while I'm gone ok!" said Nana as she left their home to get the needed medicine.

"Sure mom" Mina replied as she came out of her room heading to check on her younger brother.

She walked down the hall to his room slowly opening the door so not to disturb him. He lay there covered up with a wet rag on his forhead. She moved in closer to check his temperature. He was still very warm to the touch breathing erratically. He started to shiver so she pulled another blanket over him but he didn't stop. She was worried that he might be getting worse and could of only think of a few ways to keep him warm while he was like this. Not really worrying about her actions she crawled into bed with him to keep him warm with her own body heat. He seemed to be talking in his weakened state. Mina wondered what he might be saying so quietly she could hardly hear his soft spoken words. "He's just dreaming" she said quietly to herself.

Suddenly he began to shake violently clawing at the air. Screaming "No don't. Don't take them. Don't take them away from me please!."

Mina shocked by the sudden action tried to hold him and calm him down. Softly she whispered in his ear that no one was taking them, even though she didn't really know who or what he had screamed about. She held him tightly against her body. Placing her muzzle on his head as she just whispered over and over again to calm him down.

Slowly he calmed down and went back to his deep sleep. Instinctively placing his face on Mina's neck and pawing at her chest the way a young cub would do to their mother when being held. Mina shocked by the movement of his paws on her naked chest began to blush deeply. Not really worrying about the fact that those paws belonged to her brother but just that no male had ever touched her there before. She reassured herself that she was just helping her beloved brother and that he needed to be held and kept warm right now. Mina was always a sweet innocent girl. She would do almost anything for a friend or family member. Despite her sweet and innocent nature it was no secret that Mina was the prettiest young girl in the village. Her light brown hair was always groomed and shiny, just like the white hair on her stomach and muzzle. She had radiant green eyes that seemed so innocent they could look right into the soul of anyone that looked at her. Many boys her age were attracted to her and intimidated by her cause of her beauty and insightful gaze.

After about 30 minutes Mina heard the front door open and shut. Footsteps came down the hall towards her brother's room. As the door opened she saw her mother there panting from running down to the store and back so fast. "Mina" she said so fast almost startling the both of them. "What are you doing?" Nana asked her.

"Mom he was getting so cold no matter what I put on him he just shivered. So I done the only thing I could think to keep him warm. I read in a book that sometimes sharing body heat is the best way to stabilize a person's temp and keep them warm. So I just reacted, sorry" Mina explained to her in the best way she could. Nana not completely sure what to think agreed with Mina and told her it was a good idea. She couldn't find a reason to doubt Mina as she was always a very honest girl and never done anything wrong.

"I got the medicine for your brother quick lets give him some." said Nana as she poured a small bit into a spoon. "Hold his nose close so we can poor this down his throat Mina." Mina done as she was told and her mother poured the spoonful down his throat when he opened his mouth. After she gave him the medicine she kissed his forehead feeling he was still shivering slightly. "He's still cold poor baby, guess I'll have to help keep him warm too." Nana began to disrobe down to just her panties and fur. "We can't tell anyone that we had to do this Mina. They just wouldn't understand. OK?"

"I understand mother" Mina responded as Nana climbed into bed too on the opposite side of Mina. The two girls held Ren tightly. They stayed with him throughout the night. He would occasionally have a moment like Mina had seen before but they comforted him the best they could. Both of them received a couple grasp and touches that made them blush but they only worried about his well being.

Early the next morning before the sun even started to rise Nana felt Ren and noticed that his fever had broken and he seemed to be getting somewhat better. She reached over and shook Mina's arm "wake up Mina" Mina stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "It's almost morning and his fever has broken so he'll probably be waking up soon. We need to get dressed and get ready to take care of him so he doesn't know what we had to do." Nana told her

"Ok" Mina replied as she got out from under the covers. Her and Nana moved over to where they put there clothes and picked them up. They had seen each other naked before in the bathroom so it was nothing for them. But looking at them you would almost say they were twins with Nana being just a bit older and more mature then Mina but still very young looking and beautiful. They each went back to their own rooms to get a change of clothes and headed for the shower.

"You first" Mina said as she motioned for her mother to get the shower first. "I'll take one next"

"Too good to take a shower with your mother huh?" Nana replied "I've seen you naked many times before I'm even looking at you naked now so we can just take a shower together and save on the water." With that Mina almost reluctantly stepped into the shower behind her mother as she turned on the water. They took turns washing each other's back and cleaning up. Then Mina got the shock of her life as her mother began to comment on her body. "You sure are growing up to be a beautiful young vixen Mina. You look a lot like me when I was that age. I just hope you aren't having any trouble with the boys though. You are still a, You know?"

"A what mother?" Mina said

"Well a vir... virgin right?" Nana said hesitantly

"WHAT!" Mina said back in shock almost not believing what her mother had asked her. Sure Mina was one she hadn't met any guy whom she wanted for a mate yet so she thought but for her mother to ask her. "Yes mother I'm still one of those. I just haven't met any guys I like good enough to want to mate with them"

"Well good, I'm glad to hear that. I don't want you throwing away your youth on the wrong person. Don't get me wrong I was young when I met your father and he made me his mate but I loved him dearly and couldn't of chosen a better mate. He did give me 2 of the best children I could possibly ask for. I'm sure that you'll meet someone that will make you a good mate some day but don't feel rushed since you're only 16 years old and still have a lot left ahead."

"I understand" said Mina.

After the shower the two stepped out and dried off. The two striking vixens would have been more then an eye full for any male. Then they got dressed and decided to check on Ren. The sun was just starting to come over the window sill as they opened the door to Ren's room and went inside. He seemed much calmer now. They slowly walked toward the bed where he was sleeping. As they walked his ears began to twitch and his eyes opened bit by bit.

"REN" both of them shouted in unison as he began to wake up. They moved more quickly to the bed to hug him thankful that he was waking up and doing better.

"Wha... What is going on?" Ren spoke out clearly shocked a little by them. He lifted himself up to where he was sitting in bed. As he done so the many blankets came crashing down onto the floor along with the damp wash cloth. Leaving just him in his boxers in bed when he heard one of the women gasp. "What? What's wrong mom?" Ren asked in response

"Ren stand up and turn around" she stated. As he did so she and Mina were shocked by what they saw. In place of the snow white tail that Ren had there were now two tails. Each moving independent of the other. "I don't believe it. This isn't normal. Quick Mina call an elder here"

Ren turned around again suddenly asking what the elder was for. His mother then showed him that he now had 2 tails. Ren almost fainted from the site of it. He fell to the bed and blacked out.

To be Continued...