Can I Rim Your Brother?

Story by AlexanderxKiba on SoFurry

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A boyfriend expresses his sexual desire to his girlfriend about her brother.

If you cant tell fromt the title this is obviously going to be porn. no i'm not going to warn you that if you're under 18 (21 in some areas) that it is illegal for you to veiw such smut! Oh crap...i just did. but seriously i know that if your underage your not going to heed my warning...what minor does? I sure as fuck didnt....and neither did any of your parents i bet either! Specially your dads, the sick pervs! ANYWAY please be aware that if you are cought, it's not my problem...but word of advice? Be thankful that you're mother or father catches you...cause of the police find out, you could be out both parents and living with your crazy great aunt that has a cat fetish.

_ No joke _


Can I Rim Your Brother?

Michael didn't understand it. He had the best looking babe in the town, his university plans were virtually paid for and he was a three point eight GPA. Life was good, but yet he still found himself jacking off to visages of Danielle's brother at night. What was it about that fox that drove him nuts?! Danielle was kinky enough in bed sure, but there was just something more exotic about her brother that drove him wild. He lay in his bed, thinking of ways to tell Danielle about his thoughts; she's an understanding vixen, surely she wouldn't mind if he indulged in his fantasies just once...

Who the fuck was he kidding? She's probably freak out.

The badger sighed and turned over to his smart phone sitting on his nightstand. Maybe he should text Chris and talk to him about it? The guy was gay so maybe he would understand....No no...that was a bad idea. Chris was protective of his sister even though she was their parents favorite. He would tell her for sure...God what the fuck should he do?

He growled and reached over and grabbed the remote to his T.V. The thirty two inch flat screen buzzed to life and was on cartoons. He chuckled. His little bro must have been watching them, since his dad hogged the TV all the time. He punched in the number four hundred and seventy-eight. The screen went black and soon appeared again with a large tiger forcing his cock into the ass of a twinkish golden retriever. It was a gay porn channel, something his dad had unknowingly got when he purchased the Television package. It wasn't a big deal though. Michael got off to this just as much as straight porn, but if his dad found him watching it, well, then that would be an interesting conversation. He fished his hardening cock out of his pants, fingers being stained with pre-cum, Fantasies would just have to do for now....and he spat in his paw and began to masturbate.

Lunch today was the same gruel they seemed to serve everyday. Funny how they act like they have your education and well-being in best interest but they serve you crap when it comes to food...Bastards. Michael poked it with his spork while Danielle gossiped with the other cheerleaders at the table. His bros were talking about the usual guy stuff, boobs, video games, football, boobs, and oh yea, more boobs. They way they went on about breasts one would think that breasts were scarcer than water in the desert. He glanced up to see Danielle's brother coming into the lunch room with his usual group of friends that included, but was not limited to: goths, nerds, geeks, and other social outcasts. It was always a mystery to Michael as to why high school was all about groups and social clicks rather than just respecting each other, but then he would be included in that outcast group for all that "being a decent person" crap he was spewing, and having all of his football buddies pissed at him could cost the school a few games, which he could loose some scholarships. So he kept his mouth shut. When it came to university, Michael played his high school roll and played it well.

Chris's eyes darted to Michael for a second and he smiled. Michael just stared then shook himself out of it and waved. He didn't want to seem rude. Then Chris motioned for him to come talk to him, and then left the lunchroom with a goodbye to his friends.

"Hey babe, I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be right back," He said to Danielle. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. All of her friends went 'awww' as he got up to leave. He ignored them, and followed Chris.

He saw him go into the bathroom, where they would have privacy, or at least for a little bit. Michael found Chris leaned up against the sinks with his arms crossed. He was wearing red and black trips with a tight black cotton shirt, which he wore lace underneath that ran down his arms. A little bit of his mane-hair was dyed black with just a tip of blue on it and it hung loosely over his left eye. The guy was built like a brick shit-house. Michael often wondered why he didn't go out for football, but then again he was glad he didn't cause Michael didn't know if he could control himself seeing that foxy Adonis in a jockstrap.

'Crap! Why did I think that!' he thought as he felt his cock starting to harden.

"Hey, sorry about draggin' you away from your buddies." he smiled. Michael swallowed and rubbed the back of his head.

"No problem man, What's been happening with you?" he asked. The fox shrugged.

"Not much, I wanted to talk to you about something that's been kinda bugging me...That is if you'll indulge a gay goth kid in some humble conversation?" He laughed.

"No problem man," He chuckled, "What's up?"

"Okay listen I'm just going to get straight to the point...i know how you feel about me." Michael felt his heart drop into his stomach. Oh shit... "And if I can be honest, I'm flattered."

"So, you're not angry that I'm practically cheating on your sister?"

"You'd only be cheating on her if you slept with me without her knowing...."

"Never mind, how did you find out."

"Dude I'm not dumb, I've seen you checking me out, you do it a lot. You want a piece of this ass...admit it!" He walked up to the heavy set badger and poked his chest. Michael couldn't deny it...he did want the fox.

"don't tease me..." Michael growled lustfully.

"I'm not....if you wanna tap this you gotta tell my sis you wanna fuck her brother." He backed off. "In all honesty, I think she'd be for it. She loves seeing guys fuck. She get's off on it think she's thinking about your dick inside her when you two are fucking? Nope, she's thinking about you bouncing that sweet ass up and down on Andy's dick." Michael felt as though he was hit by a freight train. She's...what?

"What?" he said.

"You heard me...she's thinking about you and that sexy ass grizzly bear fucking...She told me...Dude we might be on opposite ends of the high school social spectrum, but we do share the same house...were like, best friends. She tells me everything!" He said patting the badger on the shoulder, "I can see that your still shocked..."

Shocked was a bit of a fucking understatement, donchya think?

"Why Andy!?" Michael wailed, "That dude never washes his balls!"

"Really? Damn.....I'd love to tap that." He said turning his head to think about it.

"OH GOD DUDE SICK!" He said loudly. "Seriously!?"


"Just..forget I said what I just tell her I wanna fuck her brother? Just like that?" "Well...." Chris began, "I would imagine so? Look dude it's kinda sad I know more about how to please my own sister than you, her boyfriend, do. What's up with that?"

"Don't start....okay I'll talk to her about it...but you better not back out of this!" The badger poked the fox in the chest with a glare that could curl paint.

"Ha! As if I would pass up the chance...." Chris took the and sexually licked the finger, "See ya around stud, I gotta get something to eat, I'm fucking starving!" with that, the fox left an awestruck badger alone in the bathroom, with a very uncomfortable boner....

he stared down at the apparent mountain in his faded jeans and said, "Fucking Foxes, man...."


Tell me what you guys think of this. Should i continue it? Give me reveiws! Also any Grammar issues are apoligized for. I did the best i could with a Freshmen Composition level knowledge but i'm sure i made some mistakes. Also please tell me if there are ways to improve my writing! Thanks so much for reading!

Yet to be named.

And he walked on, lost in despair, wandering in the darkness, and wallowing in grief. The pain that had etched itself onto his heart, sorrow taking his soul in every step, and suffocated his hope until it was nothing more than a faded dream. He had...

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Of Pearls, Rain, and Lemon bars

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