The Dragon Maid - Draconicon

Story by Finrod on SoFurry

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#42 of Gifts and commissions

Another commission that Draconicon made for Camesha and I.

This one is a snapshot, which means it's based on an image done by Sugarcat.

What to say, he did wonders again! ^^

Original story here:

And original picture there:

Please fave them both! =D

Story is (c) to draconicon

Drawing is (c) to Sugarcat ( )

Characters are (c) to Camesha ( ) and I

The Dragon Maid By Draconicon

Living with a lioness that happened to be his Mistress tended to make Finrod's life a little...different. She was a wonderful person of course, but she had total control over his life. With that control, she sometimes made things uncomfortable, usually pushed his boundaries, and always made sure that he knew just who the boss was between the two of them. And in all honesty, he wouldn't have it any other way. However, there were days when the dragon wondered just how he'd gotten into this relationship.

Today was one of those days. Barely an hour after breakfast, Camesha had made a small comment about the state of the apartment, how it was getting all dirty from dust and the sort of antics that they got up to. The dragon had known that the lioness would have him cleaning the place up before Camesha got around to saying it, but she didn't say it right off the bat. Instead, she'd gone down the hall to her bedroom. When she hadn't returned for more than a minute, Finrod started getting worried. The longer that the lioness was absent, the more likely things were to be...weird.

She'd returned with a new outfit, a small blue dress with a little tail belt that went with it. The whole thing was bright blue, sky blue, the sort of thing that one would find on a little hatchling or a female with a strange set of fashion. Showing all her teeth, Camesha had pushed the outfit at him with a chuckle. "I'm so glad I have a maid, or this would take forever to get done," she'd said.

Other men might have tried to resist, or question her for the order. Finrod, though just as big as her and muscular as dragons tended to be, didn't bother trying to do anything of the sort. Camesha had broken him to heel some time ago, and besides, the last thing that he wanted to do to his lover was to make her upset with him. It was never good, either for him or for her, to have the lioness upset.

So he'd slipped into the outfit, and as he worked on cleaning up the apartment, he started to realize just how small it was. Camesha had to have realized that the thing was too small, considering that the frilly bottom of it barely reached his waist, touching against the top of his groin with little teasing sways whenever he moved. His ass hung out as well, completely visible past the light layer of lace at the bottom of the maid dress. Even when he walked with his tail down, the dragon could feel the lioness staring at him, feel her eyes glued to his ass as he walked around the apartment.

She remained on the couch as he walked around the living room, a feather duster in hand and a cloth held at the end of his tail. Now and then she would chuckle at him, and he would blush before getting back to dusting the bit of furniture he stood next to.

"You know, maybe I should just keep you in something like that all the time," the lioness said with a smirk. "I mean, it's not like a pet draggy like you really needs to look like a male. After all, you're the one taking it up the ass around here, not me."

Blushing, Finrod tried to focus on the shelves around them, working on getting the dust off of the wood and getting the polish that he'd sprayed on the cloth worked into the surface. It didn't work very much as a distraction, though, and it wasn't like he could plug his ears to not hear her when she continued.

"Seriously, I'm starting to think that this is a good look for you. It lets me keep an eye on your ass, lets me get all sorts of ideas of how to play with it." She giggled softly. "Heh, the only thing that this picture is missing is my cum leaking out of your hole, running down your legs and making you look all messy. Don't you think that would make you look good, slave? Don't you think that you'd like to have your mistress's cum running down your legs while you walk around the apartment."

The dragon didn't say anything, but his cock answered the question for him. Already it was rising up, getting harder with each passing second from the lioness's words. A part of him wanted to reach down and stroke it, but that would be impossible to do without Camesha noticing.

At least for now she was behind him, where she could only look at his ass. Doubtlessly she was getting ideas of what she would do to him later, but this way she didn't see how turned on she was making him.

And she was turning him on ridiculously easily. His cock grew upwards until it was pressing the end of the dress up slightly. Even at full mast, though, it barely brushed against the lacy bottom of the dress, the damnable thing so short that there was no way it could hide even that monster. Moving around only made him harder, particularly when the end of the dress pressed against the head of his shaft just right.

A little moan escaped his lips as he moved from one shelf to another, and he froze as he heard Camesha's giggle change pitch, just a bit. "Oh my, does my little draggy have a hard-on over there?" she asked.

"N-no, Mistress, nothing of the sort," Finrod said with a shake of his head, looking over his shoulder with a small smile. She smiled at him knowingly, looking over her shoulder at him from the couch, only her head visible. She couldn't know anything, though. The red scales on his face were just enough to hide his blush for now, enough to keep her from seeing how embarrassed he was, but it wouldn't work if he blushed much worse. "You, uh, you just tease me really well."

"Oh, I know I do, draggy, but I think that there's something there that you're not telling me, not showing me." The lioness smirked a bit. "Get over here. I want to see just how much of you is showing by now."

Unable and unwilling to question her, Finrod nodded and walked along the walls, keeping his ass pointed at her for as long as possible. He managed to get halfway around the room before he was forced to turn around. Bracing himself, he turned his body around, his cock swaying side to side slightly before coming to a stop, pointing straight ahead.

His mistress smiled at him from her seat on the couch, shaking her head. To the dragon's surprise, the lioness had gotten nearly naked as well. The shirt and pants she'd worn when he'd started cleaning were gone, replaced with a simple corset and set of stockings, both of which were the same blue color as the dress that he wore. Her breasts were completely exposed, as was her cock.

She must have really enjoyed the show of him walking around the apartment dressed like this, because her cock wasn't just hard, it was throbbing, throbbing hard and eagerly as she looked at him. Her hand was wrapped around the bottom half of the thick shaft, squeezing it lightly. A small pearl of pre showed at the tip as she chuckled again, and said, "Looks like you are enjoying this quite a bit, slave. How long have you been hard like that?"

"A...about a minute," Finrod stuttered softly, blushing a bit at the way that the lioness looked at him. He would never get used to that predatory look she had when she smiled like this, all those teeth exposed, licking her lips as though he was a steak or a gazelle out on the plains. Even though he was a carnivore as well, it just was unnerving how well she could make him feel like he was the prey, doing nothing more than look at him and smile. "Why?"

"Well, if you've been hard for long, you're going to start dripping before long, and I don't want any maid of mine dripping around the apartment. I mean, you're supposed to clean up messes, not make more, right?"

Finrod nodded.

The lioness got up from her seat, walking over to him. She grabbed hold of his cock without warning, stroking it a few times. Just that little bit of stimulation was enough to make his shaft throb, and Finrod moaned again as she squeezed his base, feeling just a little pre start to leak out of the tip of his shaft.

Camesha shook her head. "Tsk tsk, what a little faucet we have here," she said, her hand continuing its slow up and down stroking. "Just a few little touches, and you're already leaking cum? Well, we can't have you dripping all over the apartment; that thing will get everything dirty again the minute that you finish cleaning it at this rate, wouldn't you say?"

There was little he could do but nod in agreement, particularly considering that Camesha's grip would have drawn nothing but moans from his lips. As it was, it was taking all of his willpower to keep from thrusting forward against her hand, showing her just how hard and horny he was.

Didn't matter much, though, particularly when Camesha got on her hands and knees in front of him. She continued to show all of her teeth in that grin of hers, her hand stroking his cock a little bit faster, a little bit harder. "Well, if you're going to be dripping everywhere while you're hard, I guess I need to make this thing soft again. Now, be a good draggy and make sure that you cum hard for me. I don't want you getting this thing hard again for a while, and definitely not while you're cleaning."

Looking down on her like this made the handjob he was getting that much hotter. The dragon wanted so badly to ask her to lick his cock, to suck it, but there was no way that he could actually ask her for that. She was the mistress, after all; if there was going to be any sucking here, more than likely he'd be the one doing it to her.

That didn't mean that it wasn't a temptation, and Finrod closed his eyes for a moment, imagining his lioness, his mistress, his Camesha putting her lips to his cock and sucking on it.

His eyes opened again as the lioness swatted his cock, sending the rigid length swaying back and forth a few times before it settled down again. "Hey, I said for you to cum hard for me, not to imagine things differently. Eyes open, draggy. You can look at me, but you don't get to start thinking of other stuff."

Camesha chuckled as her hand sped up along his shaft, pulling on it, her fingers lubed by his ever increasing flow of pre. She tightened her grip, laughing as he moaned. "Slave, you really are a perverted piece of work. Getting hard while wearing a dress around your mistress? I thought you dragons were supposed to be a little more masculine than that. I mean, seriously, I thought you would have argued a little bit when I brought the dress out, but no, you just put it right on. Not one bit of a fight." She shook her head. "I guess I got a good slave after all, considering that you're not fighting this. Hell, I think you're more turned on getting a handjob while you're wearing a dress than most dragons are fucking the throats of their females."

She didn't know right she was, Finrod thought to himself. His cock throbbed hard under her fast strokes, and it was all that he could do to keep from cumming already. Though she wanted him to cum quickly, he wanted to enjoy this little pleasure for a little longer. After all, there was no way he could know when he'd feel something like this again; Camesha enjoyed teasing him, pushing him and keeping him on edge, and if it weren't for her saying she wanted him to cum now, he wouldn't have known for sure that she would let him do that this time.

He did, however, thrust against her hand. Even as he blushed at what she told him, Finrod couldn't keep from thrusting against her tight grip, ramming his cock against her stroking paw. It felt too good to ignore, and he panted hard as his pre leaked out faster and faster.

"Come on, slave...come on, draggy, cum for your mistress. Cum nice and hard for me," she said, looking up and meeting his eyes as she said it.

That was all it took. Moaning hard, the dragon thrust forward one more time, his cock erupting with a flood of cum. None of it came near Camesha's face, he saw with a bit of disappointment. Instead, she caught it all in her hand, holding it up in front of his cock head. Every little spray, every pleasurable pulse of his cock, only served to deliver his load into her hand. She kept stroking him all through his orgasm, milking him of every bit of cum that she could push out of him.

She only stopped when his cock started to go flaccid again, releasing his shaft and standing up. Rather than sit down again, she held out her hand, covered in cum, putting it right in front of his mouth. "Now, draggy maid, get licking. I want all of your cum off of my hand, now."

Still blushing slightly, Finrod complied. His tongue flicked out and eagerly licked up the traces of cum on her hand, flicking over her fingers and across her palm to get all of it. The taste was a little different from when he had licked up her cum, swallowed it; his was a bit stronger, a bit saltier, though not a bad taste by any means. Not one that he would like to taste too often, though.

When her hand was completely clean, she pulled it back. Rather than sit down, though, she grabbed him by the collar. "Mmm, now I'm all hot and bothered...let's get back to the bedroom. Time for ME to get some relief," she said, pulling him along towards the bedroom.

And despite just having an orgasm, Finrod could already feel his cock getting hard in preparation for round 2.

The Shemale's Sissy Slut - By Draconicon

Finrod's world revolved around one thing. It wasn't his job; he had a decent one, but it wasn't his passion in life. It wasn't his hobbies; they were few enough, and they paled compared to the real focus of his attention. It wasn't even his home or his...

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