Breeding Bedlam

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission for arty4014 had some interesting moments while writing this one.

Spike grumbled as he roamed through Ponyville. He'd been living here with Twilight for years, so he knew when he could wonder the streets to best avoid other people. As a male dragon, a teenage male, he needed to be alone on occasion. Especially right now. The look on Twilight's face as she explained what he was going through would've been hilarious. If only he hadn't been trying to fight the urge to mount her right there, and trying to conceal a growing erection.

A shiver passed through his body as the wind shifted, bringing him the scent of ponies tucked away in their bedrooms. Stupid musth.

Yep, now that he was mature he had to look forward to this happening several times a year. He'd go into a musth, basically a male version of estrus, and want to cram his dick into any willing hole. Twilight had stammered out an offer to help with his problem. As tempting as it had been, and as readily as his brain had supplied him with images of him mounting the purple pony, he'd declined. That was earlier in the night, and already he was starting to regret not taking her up on the offer. Even if he didn't need to get laid Twilight certainly did. He remembered the last time he'd heard her even playing with herself. The moaning, the panting, the way she whimpered and gasped before crying out...

The dragon shook his head quickly to clear those thoughts. A little growl slipped from his mouth as his body seemed to be working against him so much. Glancing down, he bit his lip at the sight of his swollen slit, just barely containing the erection that threatened to spill out. Maybe he should just go to Pinkie Pie's, everyone knew what went on at those private parties of hers. She'd definitely be able to take care of him. Or maybe Zecora could help him. She was certainly far enough from the town that it'd be kept secret, and she was probably lonely. Of course, he could always try for a shot with Rarity. Maybe she'd play with him if he gave her some gems.

His head raced with all kinds of possible imagery, happily supplied by his lusty imagination. Rarity with tail lifted, crying out as he railed him. Her head buried in his lap, head bobbing steadily as her soft lips caressed his length. The pony mare pinning him to the ground, teats rubbing his body as she rode his firm length.

Spike gasped as his cock sprang from his vent and into the cool night air. He shivered from head to tail at the sudden change in temperature. For a long moment he just stood there with his raging erection bobbing with each beat of his heart. Cheeks flushed then began to burn as it slowly dawned on him just where he was and what state his body was in. He started to slide back towards home when he heard the unmistakable sound of hooves coming towards him. Panic set in as the dragon hurriedly covered himself up and lunged for an alley. His heart pounded as sounds, both imaginary and real, began to assault him. Ponyville was waking up, and he was dead center in it with an erection that just wouldn't go away!

He ran from one street to another. It seemed like everyone was getting out now and they all happened to be getting in his way. What fresh hell is this? He asked himself as he dashed through the streets that were still empty. The world was a blur to the dragon as he ran on and on. Not like his running was helping at all. Each step made his erect length rub against his shielding hands, smearing precum along his scales. The dragon whimpered as he looked around, seeking some private place where he might be able to hide and get some privacy. His eyes fell on a wall in front of him. The palace! That's just what he needed. With winter coming on, there wouldn't be anyone working in the garden and the castle's occupants wouldn't be up for hours yet. Putting his head down, the dragon charged through a gate and made a beeline for the gardens.

Sure enough, there wasn't a soul stirring in the gardens or on the castle grounds. The guards would all be in their shacks, warming up after a long night shift. They either didn't see him, or didn't care as he ran for one of the back gardens. He let out a sigh as the walls and what plants there were left blocked the view back there. Hurrying over to a bench, he sat down with his back to a fountain. The dragon let out a soft whine as his fingers curled around his shaft and began to pump it.

"Well, what do we have here?"

He froze, fingers tightening around his pointed tip. Spike turned his head slowly, eyes growing wide. There was no one there. He blinked in confusion and glanced around the garden as his hand idly ran over his shaft. A little wary now, he straightened on the bench. "Ah, just as I thought." A hand wrapped around his, giving his cock a squeeze.

Spike yelped and fell off the bench, hitting the ground hard. Discord grinned as he flowed over the bench, hovering over the dragon. "Yep, that's definitely a hard cock." The dragon's eyes went impossibly wide as the chaos entity grabbed his cock again, stroking it with avian talons.

"W-what are you doing?" he stammered, hips tensing as the sharp nails slid across his flesh.

Discord purred as he leaned over, breathing against Spike's cheek as he used his other hand to start playing with him. "What does it feel like I'm doing? I'm beating your meat." The feel of those thick, furred fingers stroking his length made the dragon whine.

Spike's mouth worked as he tried to form words, "B-but you... you we-were i-inc-incased in stone." His head fell back against the ground as the chimera laughed.

"Oh, that won't stop me. There's still chaos in the world, so I'm still able to slip out." The two hands slithered up and down his shaft, fingers twisting in a way that seemed impossible, and probably was. "Course there are ways to get me back into that statue. Just gotta cut a deal with me."

Oh dear Celestia, he wasn't sure how long he could last at this rate. The way his cock was getting rubbed was just beyond anything he could do to himself. "A deal?" he squeaked, hips trembling.

"Mmhm, same one I have with your dear Celestia and her darling sister Luna." Discord's smile made him worry as the male teased his tip. "I help you with your problem, and then I go back to the statue." His hand dipped to Spike's base, squeezing it. "It has been a... heh, long time since I played with another male." As he said the word long, his fingers trailed up over the dragon's length, stopping at his tip. "And those two are so demanding usually when I'm having my fun." His fingers lingered for a moment longer before starting to slide away. "So do we have a deal?"

"Deal!" Spike blurted out, digging his fingers into the ground as he thrust up towards that retreating hand. Discord's grin split his head as the male barked out a pleased laugh.

"Deal it is then. I get some fun, you get your relief, and then I go back to my cell." The male leaned in, his sugary breath puffing over Spike's face. "Give me a kiss to seal the bargain." Spike swallowed nervously as he looked at the male looming over him. He'd only kissed a few girls in his time, and never a guy. But the chimera's expert teasing on top of his current state was too much for the dragon. Leaning up, he readily planted his lips against the other male's.

A hand slid around his head, cradling it as Discord's tongue snaked into his mouth. Spike nearly melted at the feel of the slick organ brushing against his. Their muzzles locked, tongues dancing around one another inside of his mouth. Eyes closed as he moaned into the kiss, body arching against the man's touches. Inside of his mouth, Discord's tongue was always changing. It's flavor, texture, length, thickness, everything was in constant flux. Spike slurped on it as the tongue slipped over his and tickled the back of his throat. The dragon's eyes widened as the tongue shifted, growing longer and lager. It pressed down his throat and spread his jaws. Discord's body twisted as well, and Spike found himself staring into the male's groin.

A pair of heavy balls were pressed against his chin as the chaotic male twisted around him. "Pardon me for that. Just I need a little attention down there." His hips rolled, making his thick slab of meat shift in the dragon's stretched throat. "Which is only fair since I'm doing this." The male's long body coiled around him before Discord's soft nose butted his painfully erect cock. That tongue slithered around his cock, wrapping around it until the entire length of his member was covered. Discord slurped, pulling his tongue back quickly, making it slide rapidly around the aching meat. "Don't you agree?" Spike could only utter a moan, eyes shutting as the mouth slipped over his cock.

Discord held onto his hips, bobbing his head quickly over his length. The chaotic creature seemed like he knew just what to do and when. Within seconds, Spike was squirming in his hold, throat squeezing around the thick length was that was stretching his jaws. His partner spent several seconds nursing his cock before pulling his mouth away. Warm hands wrapped around him, stroking his cock as the muzzle dipped lower. Spike tensed briefly as the tongue swirled against his backdoor before running back up. Slender bird-like fingers probed at his ass before one wiggled it's way in. The dragon tightened around the invader, only relaxing when the tongue returned to his cock. He squirmed as the finger pushed against something inside of him and wiggled, "Coochie cooo," crooned Discord around his mouthful of cock.

Lights danced across the dragon's vision as the finger stroked something in his rear. He let out a strangled whine as his body tensed for just a second before erupting. Discord grinned around his cock and drank down his cum with loud gulps. Spike writhed as much as he could in the grip, giving the King of Chaos everything that he had as his prostate was massaged. The male was able to coax Spike to cum far harder and for far longer than the dragon had ever experienced. By the time he was done, the dragon could only dangle limply in the male's hold.

"Delicious. I had forgotten how good dragons taste, and just how full of magic your spunk is." He groaned as the male's tongue lashed over his cock, cleaning it up. "Now, I do believe it is my turn. Don't you agree?" He grinned as Spike gurgled, "Excellent." He pulled his hips away, sliding his colorful cock out of Spike's stretched mouth. The dick slid out of his mouth. It seemed to take ages as the large member was drawn from his body. After what seemed far too long of a time, the broad tip slid from his mouth. Spike gasped and coughed, wondering how he managed to fit that entire thing into his mouth. He got a look at the member as he was helped up and guided down onto the bench. It looked almost like a stallion's cock, except there was a few different things about it. Soft, fleshy barbs circled the tip and base. V-shaped ridges, similar to his own, crossed the top and bottom of the shaft. And there was a strange bulge towards the base.

Spike gulped and held onto the bench with his tail lifted as Discord loomed over him, lining his cock up. "How is all that going to fit inside of me?" He bit his lip to hold back a moan as the chimera slapped his tail with that cock, producing a wet, meaty sound.

The other male leaned back and adopted a thoughtful look as he glanced between his thick dick and the dragon's tight pucker. "Well, we do know it can fit in your mouth. So you can take it all that way." The dragon shivered as the hot pole rubbed against his body, smearing thick precum over his scales. "Granted, the opening back here looks a bit tighter." Spike looked over his shoulder, watching that multicolored shaft rub against his rear and smear it's mess all over his usually pristine scales. "Ah well, only one way to find out!"

He thrust forward and Spike held tightened his grip on the bench as that massively tip jabbed against his rear. The dragon let out a little whimper as the tip squished against his backside, making all kinds of lewd noises as the chimera kept thrusting forward and jabbing his tailhole. Discord pushed harder against him, making Spike slide against the stone bench. "Huh, doesn't seem like it wants to go in." The dragon breathed out a little sigh and relaxed. In that moment, the larger male drove in, stretching his ass wide. "Oh wait, there it goes." His laugh mocked the dragon as he drove his thick cock into his virgin tailhole.

Spike could only gasp as the cock was fed into his backside, tail arched high as he trembled. He could feel Discord's massive, hard cock snaking around his insides as the male buried every last inch he had into the dragon. The male's groin slapped against his rear, heavy sac slapping against Spike's body. "Look at that, it all fit." The dragon was gasping as his claws slowly pulled out of the stone. Looking back, he watched as the male grinned at him. "Guess you're bigger on the inside."

Hands tightened onto his rear and held him firmly as Discord tugged back and drove in again. Spike let out a croaking noise as the male began to take him like a stallion would a brood mare. Each thrust nearly pulled the cock out before burying it balls-deep into his ass. Hands pulled him back until only his chest was against the stone. His cock dropped from his lit and began to throb, as if each of the male's thrusts was forcing it to grow erect again. The discomfort was quickly replaced with a pleasure he hadn't felt before as the slipped and slithered through his insides. Discord's size, and those soft barbs that covered his length, tickled against the dragon's prostate with each and every motion. Lowering his head, the dragon voiced a most lusty noise as his hips drove back into Discord's body.

A purr sounded against him as Discord leaned over, pressing his chest against Spike's back. The purple dragon moaned and arched against him, curling his tail around the male's waist. The hands on his hips shifted up towards his chest, scratching at it tenderly. Just a moment later, he was lifted upright and dropped heavily onto the male's shaft. Balancing on his feet and tail, Discord started bouncing Spike over his cock faster and harder. The dragon could only grab onto what he could and hold tight. Each bounce made his length slap against his belly as precum ran down his shaft and scales. Soft whines and moans sounded from him as something began to pop against his tailhole.

Discord changed his pattern soon after Spike began to feel that. Pressing tight against the dragon's ass, he peppered the male with rapid thrusts. Curling his body around the dragon's, he wrapped his mouth around the hard shaft again. Spike yelped and jerked his body around, writhing in the male's body. He jerked his hips, trying to thrust against the male while pushing back into the pounding member. Reaching down, he grabbed onto the male's mismatched horns at something pressed against his insides. Spike uttered a whine as his next buck came up short, something trapping his rear against Discord's groin. He squirmed on the throbbing cock as his body tensed up.

The dragon arched up and spat flame into the sky as he started to cum. His body shook as he blasted Discord's mouth with his seed. Each burst of seed was accompanied with a hard clench of his ass around the male's throbbing knot. A deep groan sounded from the Chaos King as he pulled Spike tighter against his body. The member became more engorged against the dragon's tight insides. With one hard burst, the male erupted inside of Spike's body. The dragon's eyes rolled back in his head as he spasmed, firing a second load across the male's muzzle. Lights flashed and danced in front of his eyes before he passed out, slumping in the warm hold.

Some time later, Spike wasn't sure how much later, he woke up with a start. Sitting up quickly, he looked around the garden. Discord's statue was back in its rightful place, holding the pose the male had worn for many years now. Gingerly, the dragon reached back and probed his tailhole. He was a little tender, but nothing strange. His scales were clean, except for a musky mess on his hand, and his need seemed to have faded for the time being. That meant that, for now at least, he could get back to assisting Twilight and clean up the mess that was probably waiting for him in their home. Spike looked at the statue as he licked his hand clean. Had it all just been a fevered dream? Shrugging it off, he hurried out of the garden. As he left, the statue's face twisted into a smirk.

Several weeks later, Twilight was pacing around the library, dozens of books spilled around her as the unicorn looked for some information. Her ears twisted at the sound of hooves on wood and she spun around. Zecora strolled into the library and looked at her with an odd sparkle in her eyes. "Well, what's wrong with Spike? I've checked all the books and I can't really find anything to explain his moodiness, odd cravings, and weight gain."

The other female uttered a soft chuckle, "Dat's cause you look for reasonable answers. Spike's pregnant, dat's all."

Upstairs, Spike rolled in the bed and huffed as he heard Twilight's disbelieving cry. Looking down his body, he rubbed a hand against the slight bulge in his belly. So this is what Discord had meant when he said he'd help him. "Frikkin Discord. I'm a dude, this shouldn't happen to me!"