Moloko visits the farm

Story by Teliver on SoFurry

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For many weeks after the chemical leak, life proceeded quite happily on the farm. Chores were done. Animals were fed. And lots of itches were scratched. Repeatedly. The farm workers started to relax in to their new routine of work and sex play, a routine that was highly enjoyable. The farmer knew, though, that were anyone to find out about the new nature of the farm, it would never be the same. One article in the paper, and their whole world might come crashing down, no matter how sanitized the article was. Any mention of sex and the curious would come around, both those wanting it and those wanting to stamp it out. So when Moloko called, staff reporter for the local paper, it wasn't exactly welcome.

Still, the farmer wasn't about to slam the telephone down on her. He was too smart for that. He chatted to her, and asked if she wanted to come out. Once a time was arranged, he made very sure that everyone knew what was going on, and that he needed them to behave while she was here. Little did they know that they had very little to fear.

When she arrived on the farm, it seemed to be ordinary. Farm hands going about their work, animals being raised and fed, kids at school. Mr. Farmer gave her the tour, and as she walked with him, she chatted about the farm. It wasn't until they got back to the house that they got down to business.

She sat down at the kitchen table with him, notepad on the table, her tank top shirt showing just a bit of sweat as it was a warm day. She thought dressing a bit provocatively might help loosen a few tongues.

For about 15 minutes she asked some gentle questions about that day. It seems that in town on that day, the bars had been doing a roaring trade, and sales of condoms skyrocketed. She'd been making inquiries for a few weeks now, and suspected that there had been something artificial causing the group arousal, or, in the parlance of the local headlines, Heat.

The farmer blushed and said something about he and his wife having had the best sex of their lives, but other than that, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Moloko could tell he was lying, but this wouldn't be the first person who lied to her about this story. She was about to leave when Teliver poked his head in.

"That gate's come loose again."

The farmer sighed. "Oh all right. If you'll excuse me, I got a gate to repair. Tel, you've been up since 6 am, go take a rest."

Tel nodded. "Was planning to." He glanced at the reporter bunny and blinked. He'd never seen ears like hers before. Large wasn't the word for them. They hung down to her waist and looked incredibly soft even with the two large stud piercings in each of them. Staring for just a moment, he blushed and turned away and headed out of the house.

Moloko also got a good look. A nice handsome German Shepherd wearing jeans, a black t-shirt, and a red collar. Pondering for a moment, she decided that even if there weren't any answers here, she could afford to stay for a few hours.

Not ten minutes later, Moloko was inside the bathroom of what she thought were Teliver's quarters. Cracking the door open, she peeked out and saw that she was indeed correct. There he was, just coming in to the bedroom, his shirt off and dressed only in a pair of jeans, he rubbed his eyes and ruffled his hair. Glancing around, she saw that the bed was unusually large. Smiling to herself, she turned her attention back to the dog and thought to herself. What approach should she take? She knew the moment she saw him that she wanted him, if only for a few hours.

That was when she saw him undo his jeans and start to pull them down. She blinked, clearly enjoying the view of his bare bottom, but what was he planning to do? Go into the bathroom and take a shower? No, he didn't seem to be moving towards her. Instead, he looked out of the window and sighed.

"Hate days like this... damn reporters..."

At that Moloko blinked. She often encountered hostility towards her profession, but she hadn't questioned him, hadn't acted rude, and certainly wasn't prying. In fact, she hadn't even spoken to him. So why was he hostile?

Teliver left the room at that and walked in to the modest living room. Moloko silently followed watching him from the bedroom door. He turned on the television, and without a second thought, he put in a DVD. The large screen lit up, and Teliver relaxed in front of it. Moloko didn't look at the screen for a moment, but when she did, she nearly gasped. The large screen clearly showed what looked like a scene of complete and utter debauchery. There appeared to be a horse mare with purple hair whipping a cowgirl and a horse stallion, as what appeared to be a younger cow licked the older cow's spread sex. The camera moved a bit showing several furs watching, all of them naked.

Moloko was about to look away, and turn her attention back to getting the handsome farm hand, when she saw Teliver himself walk into the scene and slowly kneel behind the younger cow and push himself in to the girl's cunny. That's when she realized that this was a home movie, not a porn film. Blinking, she stared at the scene as the mare ruffled Teliver's hair on screen. That's when it all clicked.

This farm must have been very close to the cause of the sexual arousal last month. The more she looked, the more she was convinced of it. Whatever caused the town to get all hot must have had an even greater effect here. Maybe here, the effect was still going on. Some sort of poison or chemical that was in the water. It would explain why Teliver stripped off in the middle of the day. It would also explain why they didn't want any reporters around. That's when she noticed the date in the lower right corner of the screen. This tape was shot yesterday.

Moloko stepped back and turned in to the bedroom thinking hard. Obviously, this farm had been affected, and maybe it still was being affected. But everyone here seemed to know it, and if what she'd just seen were typical, thoroughly enjoy it. She glanced back at the screen. Now it showed Teliver getting licked clean by a freshly sheared sheep girl.

Turning away from the door, she thought to herself for a moment. If he engaged in such lewd behavior then probably everyone did, including the farmer who was kind enough to give her the interview. And if it was that open and often.... They must be missing it terribly. That would explain why Teliver stripped off and was watching it instead of being outside in the sunlight.

She stepped to the window and peeked out. The farm almost seemed deserted, with only a fur here and there working, but... there. In the distance she could see an anthro cow starting to strip off her clothing as she entered a barn and... did she just see someone grab her nipple just as the door closed? She must have. That's when she pulled it all together.

This farm must have been very close to the epicenter of the event. So close that it induced a permanent change. Just think, behind all of those closed doors were dozens of lusty furs all wanting to fuck each other, with just enough restraint to keep it inside when there were any outsiders around. And that included the doggie she was spying on. No wonder Teliver was hostile to reporters. They stopped him from getting fucked. She grinned evilly.

In the other room Teliver was enjoying the home movie, but it left him very frustrated. Getting up, he turned off the television and stretched his arms overhead flexing his tired body. Turning to go to the kitchen, he bumped in to something. It was Moloko's back. The bunny reporter had stripped herself naked, her cream colored fur rubbed up against his belly as her large ears tickled his chest. He blinked and she turned her head allowing him to see the smile on her face as well as her breasts capped with perfectly pink nipples. She didn't say a word, she just lifted her arm and arched her back a bit inviting the doggie to look. Teliver didn't say anything either, he just put his hand on Moloko's lifted arm and gently ran his hand up to hers feeling the soft texture of her fur until her took her hand in his. Only then did he say anything.

"Well this is a surprise."

Moloko just smiled and turned a bit placing her hand on his chest and laying a kiss there as well. "I just thought that you looked.... frustrated. Thought I could help."

Teliver grinned stupidly. He really hadn't been expecting anything like this, not with the reporter around, but here she was, the reporter, naked with the softest ears, and the most perfectly soft curves imaginable. For a long moment, all intelligent thought was impossible as she kept kissing his chest, her bunny bottom sticking out, tail flicking back and forth. It was only when the girl started massaging his already hard cock with her delicate fingers that he started thinking about what she was doing here.

"Frustrated is a good word for it... Do you know... why I'm frustrated?" He looked down at her as she played with him, a look of worry on his face.

Her shoulders shrugged making her ears move backwards blocking his view of her bottom. "I have a pretty good idea... Whatever caused the heat must have been nearby because not many farms have home videos that would make illegal porn look like Anne of Green Gables..." Her fingers came up and started playing with his right nipple, rubbing it slowly, making the flesh stiffen a bit.

For a brief moment, the blood drained from Teliver's face. He was convinced that all of this was about to go away under a barrage of reporters, police, and various government agencies. But if that were the case, why was she naked and quite obviously wanting to sleep with him? Why was she here, and smiling as her fingers teased his body? A thought occurred to him.

"You're... not here to report on this farm, are you? You have a different target in mind...."

Moloko giggled and stepped away from him, walking towards that big bed in the bedroom, her legs swishing in the air, as her bunny bottom swayed. "Oh, a smart one..." She bent over the bed, with her legs spread just a bit letting get a good view of the pink goodness inside as she pulled the covers down and off the bed. "I want to find out why this whole county was horny last month. You remember that day don't you?"

Teliver watched and as she turned to look over her shoulder he nodded slightly. "Yes I remember..."

Moloko smiled and sat down on the bed with her legs crossed and she beckoned to him with her fingers. Teliver slowly stepped forward, then bent down to listen to her. Moloko whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry. I don't need to know details or names or ages or anything... I just need to know if I'm close to the truth. I won't tell anyone about this farm no matter what you tell me...."

At this she leaned back a bit and looked Teliver straight in the eyes as if trying to prove her sincerity, which she was. Teliver looked back. He wanted to tell, but at the same time he didn't want anyone on the farm hurt. "If... If I tell you something.... it didn't come from me, nor anyone else here.... understood?"

Moloko simply nodded. Teliver took a deep breath. "About a mile east of us is a fenced off factory. I don't know what branch of the government runs it, but last month a... hormone of some sort got into the water and air. We don't know anything more than that except that we got paid a very handsome amount to keep quiet... So not only will telling anyone bring in the curious, it will also bring in the black helicopters if you get my meaning... I'm only telling you this because if you've found this place, you'll find that plant eventually... When you write the story... Leave us out of it." He looked back into her eyes, pleading.

She grinned widely, a shiver seeming to run down her spine as she got the confirmation that she so wanted. A warm feeling spread through her as she knew that no one else had this story, and that for her, it was only a matter of time before she knew everything. She bit her lip and started rubbing her thighs together slowly, the feeling was that good for her. "The story won't mention the leak at all. Now that I know where the place is, I can find out all I need, and this farm will never ever be mentioned by me... so unless you yourself come forward saying that this farm is having a fuck fest every night because of the lab, you're all safe..." That's when she started to uncross her legs. "I'll even help you get through today."

Teliver's eyes trailed down her body slowly as those legs opened wide, her pink and perfect sex spreading open showing just how wet she was. Greatly relieved by Moloko's words, he knelt down between her legs and without further hesitation, he started licking her sex the way only a dog can. With nice slow licks, his arms wrapping around her soft furred legs, he teased her soft folds for a little while, giving them small licks before pushing his muzzle forward and dragging the flat of his tongue along the entire length. Leaning in, his bottom sticking out for the world to see if there was anyone there to see it, he licked at that sex repeatedly, digging his thumbs into the soft flesh and spreading her sex slowly letting his tongue caress the wet pink tasty folds.

Moloko moaned through this whole treatment, her body laying back on the bed, her arms up and bent behind her head as she felt that tongue go at her, her heart racing, and her hips writhing up and down just that little bit. She licked her own lips as she was eaten out, aroused not only by the loving tongue, but by her victory. Bringing her legs up after about ten minutes of this treatment, she wrapped them around Teliver's shoulders, and grabbing onto one of his ears, she started tugging it. Teliver smiled and let himself be led by the ear, kissing up Moloko's belly then over her soft tits until finally, his muzzle, drenched in her wetness, found hers and they kissed, tongues entwining around each other, his cock tip brushing against her needy folds underneath them both. Moloko whimpered slightly as her pussy was teased. Teliver chuckled a bit and then pushed his hips forward making his cock tip first press against the top of her sex, just inside.... and then slowly pushing nice and deep inside with nice slow languid thrust that made every millimeter of his cock press against every fold and ripple inside of her sex making them both moan out.

"'ve done this before...."

"I've been getting a lot of practice..."

Moloko giggled at that reply, but that giggle turned into a gasp as he started thrusting slowly in to her and then slowly drawing himself almost out, his cock driving back to her depths as he rolled his hips so nicely. He knew that a girl loved every inch of her body being pleasured and that included inside of her, so he made sure that all of her sex felt him, to an bottom, left and right as he slowly ground his cock inside. His arms embraced her soft furred body as she put her arms around his neck and kept kissing even as he made love to her, little gasps coming in between the lusty kisses.

Finally, it was far too much for Moloko to take. Placing a hand on Teliver's chest, she pushed him back, his cock, drooling with her wetness popping out. "This is all well and good, but I need a fucking... can you do that?"

Teliver grinned and hooked one of his arms under her left leg making her roll on to her side as he lifted it and placed it against his chest. "Patience... I've got a lot of frustrations today, and I'm going to make you feel just as bad.... before I satisfy us both." He then slid his hips forwards and then with her right leg between his, and her left leg hugged to his chest, he slid his cock back into her tight pussy and started to grind, harder than he did before.

Moloko gasped and gripping the sheets, she bit into a nearby pillow, the sensation of that man's cock digging into her in that way was both excruciating and wonderful. Feeling this, Teliver slowed his thrusts not wanting the bunny to cum too quickly. He really wanted to drive her almost insane with lust, and these thrusts were doing their job so nicely. He stifled a chuckle as she started pinching her own nipples. He didn't have to stifle much though as the feel of her pussy embracing his cock was so distracting.

Finally, after she started pounding her fists on the bed, he slowly slid himself out. "Time to be pounded. Lift that tail for me..."

Panting for breath, and randy as anything, she slid her leg down his chest and got onto all fours, slowly lowering her upper body till her head rested on her arms folded arms, looking over her shoulder at him. She slowly spread her legs nice and wide apart as that tail lifted giving him the perfect picture of her dripping wet sex and puckering tail hole.He himself wasted no time, slipping himself forwards and driving himself right into that sex, plunging his shaft in deep as he grabbed her hips and started to pound, her ass meeting his groin with a smack each time he drove in. She was crying out as she drove herself back against him, her eyes clenched shut as she just felt that cock drive into her so hard and fast, and then it happened. Crashing over her like a tidal wave, her body exploded in pleasure, her cunny clenched and started milking Teliver's cock for all the seed it was worth.

Teliver, however, didn't cum just yet. He rode that orgasm through feeling it letting it pleasure him, then just as his cock got drenched in her juices, he carefully drew it out, pointed his cock an inch upwards and pushed that slick member straight into her ass letting out a groan as he did so. The effect on Moloko was electric. One moment she was panting from the aftermath of the hardest orgasm she'd had in quite a long time to crying out as her tail hole was being taken, the fire re-awakening inside her.

Over and over again, he thrust that cock deep into her, this time, the fucking was for him, not her, and he took her tail hole for all it was worth, driving himself in hard and fast, even as she cried out, echos of her orgasm racing through her, the sensory overload almost too much. And then with one final thrust he pushed himself in and came, his cock spasming, sending hot seed deep into the bunny's bowels triggering another orgasm in Moloko's veins.

Collapsing onto the bed, his cock still deep inside her ass, Teliver lay there panting. He'd taken this girl, and now both of them were exhausted. Moloko stretched a hand down past her sex to the cock deep inside her, and only pausing to caress his balls, she slowly guided the cock out of her, careful to clench her ass tight so that seed didn't leak. Turning over, she gave a soft but passionate kiss to Teliver before smiling and kissing his nose. "I have to go. Got a deadline you know.... I'll be back someday. And then... you'll be in trouble."

She quickly grabbed her clothes, and then like the mischievous thing that she was, didn't bother putting them on as she walked to her convertible, got in and slowly drove off, the stares making her giggle. Speeding away, she started to plan out her next move...