Hope and Horror

Story by Futuristicdragonman on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Kate was watching for hell's armies to come through the inter-dimensional portal looming in front of them. It was almost dawn, yet its hard to tell due to the blackened sky. James was sound asleep in her storage stomach. Kate rubbed her belly with the tip of her snout, thinking about how much James truly meant to her. She also was thinking about how she wished she met him on better terms. In a case where she could've met him without having war seemingly impossible to win. She laid her head back down with a loud sigh.

Meanwhile, 800 miles west of where James and Kate are at, Seileen had some luck. She found Korak and two other council members. She told them about the comming war, and noticed the three dragons where bruised. Korak smiled at Seileen and he showed her the sword James failed to retrieve.

"Got it"! Korak said.

"What! That's wonderful! Lets destroy it before the armies overrun us!"Seileen screamed.

Korak had a saddened look on his face. "I wish I knew how to do so, Seileen".

"Then James is our only hope?" Seileen asked.

"I'm afraid so. Didn't think one little human would be so damn important." Korak said.

"Well we need to get there and fast! You can tell us how you got the sword latter. We need to get to James!" Seileen said.

Korak nodded, and the four dragons took to the sky traveling as fast as their wings could carry them.

Kate heard the sound of martching in the distance. Her curiousity rising, she looked in the direction the sound came from. From the west, 1,500 men arrived to aid the battle. To her shock, they where human. The young and selfish race are known for seekrich wealth and power. But these humans are from villages who Seileen sent for. Now they arrived. kate spit out James and james was happy to see them comming. He and Kate went up to greet them. The army settled in and prepaired themselves. All of James's men where at battle stations, the ships fired up and began to hover at low altitude. James climbed into a small aircraft locked and loaded with mistiles and 30mm automatic cannons. As all where assumming battle stations, Kate was next to James's craft. "Kate, once this war ends, ive got a big suprise for you. He said in a "naughty" tone.

"And tell me, how does a 6 foot tall human plan on satisfying a 30ft dragon?" Kate asked.

"Humans will definately lack in size. However improvising is a strenth we have..." James said as he laughed.

"But how?" Kate asked

"Ahah! Its a suprise. Thats for me to know, and for you to find out." James said

Kate said "James, close your eyes".

James did as Kate instructed him.

Now look at me. He noticed Kate was no bigger than a regular human being. His jaw droped in awe.

"You didn't think I'd let you fly alone did you? Im comming in! Kate said.

Kate jumped into the cock pit of the craft and said "better to have four eyes watching than two".

"Good idea, Kate. However, see the controls? The buttons and levers? Touch any of those it could be the end of us both". James warned Kate

Fallowing james was 300 fighter crafts ready to take to the skies. 100 men where on the ground, and another 100 men maned the main ships with very big guns in case, very large and powerful demons arrive. Powerful ones tend to be 50-60 ft tall afterall. The inter-dimentional portal became active. Lightning and rain fell from the unholy clouds above.

Within minutes, legions of humanoid demons about the same size as humans appeared on the ground! Over the radio, James gave the order.

Hit them with full force! Show no mercy! You'll recieve none!"

The ground troops began gunning down the smaller demons, allong with archery fire from the human tribes and the dwarves. One more large number of allies flew at high speeds. 300 dragons flew past James just as he too took to the sky at high speeds. The dragons shot walls of flames at them burning their unnatural corpses to ashes. James smiled at the late but well appreciated allies joining in battle. At full throttle James flew straight at the enemy, and fired two mstiles Right before the men and dwarves colided with the army of demons. After that, James focused on the center of the army and had his men in the same air craft do the same to keep the strain on ground troops as less as possible. The more he can kill, The less ground troops will have to worry about. He used his 30mm cannons and gunned down as many as he could, the other pilots did the same for hours.

Then the large drmons arrived. James grew incredibly nervous about this fight. These demons where not only big, they knew one thing that can knock his craft, and the craft of his pilots out of the sky, magic. The first massive demon launched a black wall of flames at the craft some of the pilots James commanded right out of the sky.

"Kate! You need to make a magical shield around the craft if we get shot at! Can you do that?" James asked

"Yes I can, thats easy." Kate said

James went for the first of the giant beings. He shot both his guns and mistles at it knocking the creature to the ground. The massive ship that saw this took advantage and fired its cannons at the creature ending its life.

"Hell yah! Motherfucka dead!" James screamed.

"Many more to go, look!" Kate said. 12 more giants used magic to shoot walls of flames at the fleet James commanded, wiping out 50 pilots.

"Hey! Valkerie! You guys in the big ship, stop jacking off and shoot these fuckers! Where getting hammered out here." James screamed over the radio.

"We would, but these guns being single shot they take time to load. We'll bring the hurt when our guns are reloaded."

Shoot with all your guns, Valkerie! Where loosing this fight!

They took three more shots killing three of the giants that keep killing off James's pilots.

"James! Look out!" Kate screamed.

"Shit!" James's air craft was hit with a large wall of black flames. It hit him with much force, knocking him out of the sky. As his craft hit the ground, it was swallowed in flames.

"James, James! James! Kate screamed as James tried to hang on to consciousness. His surroundings where blured. But after a few moments, his vision cleared up and he regained his train of thought. James stood up noticing Kate is back to normal size. He grabbed his assult rifle, and his sword out of the wreckage. Kate Lowered her head so he can climb on.

Kate took to the sky saying "use your magic to combat them!"

"Grieun!" James shouted. A bright light shot out of his sword hitting another giant. It burned its way into the demon's chest wich in turn killed it.

Amonst the chaos of this war James heard a familiar voice scream his name. It was Seileen. Seileen then yelled fallow me! Before the beast himself comes.

As she said this, the dreaded hell hounds came. Their mouths filled with innocent blood of men, women, and children from worlds previously conquered.

"Kate! Fallow Seileen, quickly!!!"

The duo fallowed Seileen. She led the to Korak who had that damn sword that escaped James's grasp. The one that must be destroyed in order to save this world.

They flew 50 miles from the battlefield. From the distannce they can smell the burnt gun powder, and blood.

James, how do we destroy this thing? Korak asked.

"Give me the sword Korak, and it will be unmade." James said.

"Anger of a world once attacked by this evil is what destroys this.The key to me tapping into such anger is a matter of meditation." Korak, Kate, lay your hands on my shoulders in this rite." James said.

You two, now tap into my memory. See the faces I've seen in battle. Every horror, every pain of one watching their loved ones fall in war. The tears, their hatred towards their enemies. Now, go deeper into my mind, feel what enrages me, what ravages my mind in my dreams. I need you, Kate to do one thing. Manifest everything I'm angry about through a flashback. You being so experienced in projecting your consciousness into mine, I trust you'll succeed". James said.

About 20 minutes passed by, Kate has succeeded in doing what James told her to do.

James, Kate, and Korak vannished into thin air taking the sword to it's birthplace.

The Eve of Battle

James, balling with Kate and his fleet arrived where the portal is. It was at least three times the size of what it was when the trio first spotted it And it was still growing. As the ships landed on the ground, the men began to assume all battle...

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Prepare For War

James, Kate, and Syrris made their way back to the council. The only one present was Seileen. The youngest, yet a very clever problem solver, historian, and studies many languages. "Seileen!" Syriss yelled in a nervous tone. "Oh hey! I didn't...

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Confessions and Ill Omens

James, Kate, and Syrris made their way back to Calgora to go back to their resting place the dwarves prepared for them days ago. As they where resting, Syrris was sound asleep while James was leaning against Kate's neck. "You have any idea what...

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