New Dawn Chapter 2: Swarm

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#3 of New Dawn

Nocti's Journal. Terra and I Have had one hell of a day so far. We went to one of the base's underground pools, where shi changed to hir new Hydreigon form and gave me a literal cumbath. No, seriously. There's a large resin dragon statue in there that continuously pumps out cum for the pool, and shi says it's an Omnivice clone body of one of hir mates. Someone named Calyo, who looks rather hot to be honest.

After that, shi took me by hir personal quarters to grab some clothing. While we were there, I noticed a rather life-like red *Ponyta* plush laying on hir bed. Shi mentioned it was actually a *pony* from another world, and another of hir five mates. His name's Toksyuryel, and he's apparently rather cuddly from the way shi talks. Wouldn't mind meeting him sometime.

I stopped and put away my journal window as Terra walked out of hir closet, though I genuinely wasn't prepared for what I saw. Rather than a Cubone morph, I saw a shimmering black Scyther morph. Hir body looked amazingly sleek, made of hardened latex plates that seemed almost natural. From the large female abdomen to the large boot-like clawed feet, beautiful "stained glass"-like wings and typical face, I would have sworn shi hatched that way... except for the arms. The arms were unique in that they had natural chitin joints that connected at the elbow, leading to what looked like curved scythe flesh. That was pulled back against the outsides of hir arms, and instead had exposed hands with two long segmented fingers and a thumb on each.

"Bloody hell..." Shi said in frustration, snapping me out of my stupor. "The suit went nuts and transformed me. I can't even change back with my Omnivice."

I approached, running a hand along hir shoulder and back, though avoiding hir wings. "W-well... I don't see the problem, really. You look amazing. Don't really need any clothes, either."

Hir face turned a soft red. "T... Thanks, I think. Still, looks like I'm trapped like this for a while."

I watched as shi suddenly twisted hir left arm, causing the scythe flesh to flip down and cover it. Below the flesh, a long sword-like blade of silver appeared, and it looked rather dangerous... and sharp. Very **very** sharp.

I nodded to hir, still rubbing along the smooth plates of hir new insectoid body. For some strange reason, I couldn't keep my paws off of hir. It was almost like I was mesmerized. The shimmering rubber... It just looked incredible. Shi must have noticed this, as shi quickly flipped hir scythe back up and grabbed my face with both of hir hands, looking deep into my eyes with the small slit pupils of hir large eyes.

"Hey! Earth to Nocti! You in there?" Shi asked in an extremely concerned tone.

Without a word, I leaned in and kissed hir on the lips. I... I don't know what made me do it, but I did, and I did so with passion. My arms wrapped around hir, and my tongue passed between hir lips before I knew it. I kept that kiss going for what felt like forever, or at least until shi used one hand to suddenly squeeze on my rump and snap me back to reality.

When I came to, I started blushing brightly at what had happened. However, Terra had the sweetest smile as shi wrapped hir arms round my body, petting along my head and back. It felt incredible. Absolutely incredible.

"You're hypnotized by me, aren't you?" Shi asked with a giggle, a sly tone in hir voice. I could only nod, causing hir to give a curious hum. "Well then, it'd be fitting to have another bug to be with for a while."

I apparently didn't have a choice, though I didn't mind. Just... as long as I could be with Terra. Shi disappeared into hir closet for a moment, retrieving a suit identical to hir own. I started to say something, but shi looked at me again... Hir lovely eyes just taking over for some reason. I couldn't make a single sound.

Shi got down on one knee as shi unzipped the back of the suit, the zipper itself hidden behind a plate that ran down the back... between those lovely wings... With the feet firm on the ground, shi opened the back wide, revealing a very hollow body.

"Step in, Noc. I'll help you get it on." Shi said, hir warm smile so inviting.

My body... My mind... They wouldn't let me refuse. I obediently put my left foot into the boot-like foot of the suit, then my right. Strangely, the moment they went into the hardened rubber, I could feel the ground beneath me... The air passing over the suit's plates. Or were they my plates? I... I couldn't tell anymore. My mind was swimming with thoughts.

The legs started to rise up as shi pulled the suit taut, and I could feel more air passing over my rubber body. My tail was tucked into the rear of the suit, and as soon as I felt the abdomen and groin pulled against, I lost all sensation of having a tail and sheath... Did I even have them... at... all?

I looked at Nocti's face just as I finished getting his arms into his suit's arms. His eyes were distant and glazed over, almost as if something or someone had taken over in his mind. To be honest, I was getting worried, but there's no way in hell I could do anything without the proper medical data, and these suits provided plenty of that.

He slowly flexed his long segmented fingers while I pulled the suit up over his back, then quickly pulled the head on before I even checked if he was ready. There really wasn't any time in my mind. When I pulled the zipper shut and closed the spinal plate to hide it, the entire thing glowed, just as mine had in the closet.

"Bloody hell..." I said, cursing under my breath. "Not you, too. Alright, time to get you to Altair and Solstice. Think you can follow me?"

"Yes... my queen..." He replied, his voice hazy and drone-like. Almost monotone. It was creepy enough to completely catch me off guard.

I sighed, letting out a feral "Scy..." as I did. It was... a habit of mine. I walked out the door, and he followed me like a loyal guard with a gaze that I could only describe as being tunnel vision. It was like I was the only thing he could see.

After making our way to the end of Green Tunnel, I pushed open the doors to the medical bay. Just from a quick glance, I could see Solstice, our resident Absol morph doctor, hovering over a patient with a rather nasty burn. Altiar, however, was in hir office going over medical records. Shi was in hir white Dragonite morph form, altered slightly to give hir four arms for working faster, and a long taur body to sit with while hir desk and chair were holding a stack of books.

"Altair, we've got a problem." I called out as I stepped into hir medical office, Nocti in tow. "My bloody suit sealed itself and turned me into a full-fledged Scyther. Noc started acting like he was hypnotized or something, then it just got worse when I put him in another suit. That one sealed and turned him into a Scyther too, and now he's calling me his bloody queen."

Altair sat there for a moment, eyes slowly rising from the holoscreens shi was staring at before. Hir voice was stern and unsurprised as shi spoke. "Terra... Didn't you tell me that you secretly wanted your suit to stay on and make you a full Scyther morph?"

I immedately blushed and turned my head stuttering my reply out of embarrassment. "B-baka! I wanted it, but not if it's going to make ding-dong here some sort of mindless bloody dragonmantis around me. He's supposed to be MY master for a while, not the other way."

Shi started laughing. "Still dedicated to that whole no-cursing-in-normal-speech thing, I see. Alright, leave him here for a bit and I'll look him over, but I'm not turning either of you back. Not yet, anyway."

I looked back at Nocti, my wings flicking a bit in thought. However, before I could tell him to go sit in a trauma room so me and Alti got talk in private... He just did it. He walked into a trauma unit and put himself down on the bed. I... I honestly couldn't believe it. No words, just a thought.

"Seems you two are entering a hive mind connection." Altair said, causing me to quickly turn back to hir. Shi had both sets of arms crossed as shi looked at me, smirking. "Just like many bug-types in Poketara, Scyther can share in a hive mind with the queen or king taking charge. In this case, you're the queen for that lovable 'ding-dong'... Which might work to your advantage if you're willing to do something for me."

I eyed hir cautiously for a moment, confused. Then, it hit me. "You've got a mission needing bugs, don't you?"

"You got it. Lagumacosta's got a bit of a problem. Two psychic-types are hiding in town. They're former sex slaves, running from abusive owners." Shi paused, sending a pair of pictures to my Omnivice so they'd display in my neural heads-up. One was a deep purple female Mewtwo morph, and the other a rather sexy female Espeon with sea green fur.

"Alice and Lita. Came in from Kanto, and they're scared shitless whoever had them might get them again. They're in Vega's *Hivemind* club, but I don't think they'll be safe for too long. Problem is, if you go into Hivemind, you tend to become a drone for Queen Fara Re'Luna..."

"...unless you're already part of one." I replied, finishing the thought. Altair watched me intently as I formulated a plan on the fly. Lagumacosta was the capital city of the Bug-type sector, so Psychic-types might not be safe outside of the club.

"So... Get in, get Alice and Lita to be part of my swarm, escort them to an ARCC portal to come here for safety? What then? They might still be tracked, and we don't know who's looking for 'em."

"We'll think of something. We always do." Shi replied. Then, shi gave me a rather warm smile and walked up to hug me with all four arms. It was so... good to just be embraced by that, especially after my emotions had been running so high.

I couldn't help myself, soon raising my arms up to wrap them around hir body and squeeze. "Thanks, sis. I needed that."

To be continued...

New Dawn Chapter 3: Hivemind

Author's personal log. Don't really care about the date at the moment. I've been Nocti's "queen" for six hours now, and I'm now somehow able to hear ding-dong's... _limited_ thoughts. He can hear mine, but I've managed to block him out with a bit of...

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New Dawn Chapter 1: Video Fun

Nocti's Journal. After a night of fun with my mother and mate at the resort town of Poketopia, I returned home to my quarters at our island base, Breakwater Hideaway. Aside from my bed and floor cushions, it was stocked with all sorts of sexual gear...

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New Dawn Prologus: The Next Dawn

Nocti's Journal. I figured I'd start a new set of journal entries as a way to get a "fresh start" with the "New Dawn" era. So, let me bring my journal up to speed. My name is Nocti Ezeri. I'm a hybrid Growlithe reborn as a half-Prism Dragon, standing...

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