A Favourite Situation Chapter 3

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#3 of Favourite Situaion

In this chapter, some questions will be answered. Others won't be. Please rate and comment. and if you have any suggestions or ideas, please let me know.

A favourite situation Chapter 3

By Kendo Kawabata


Bureau Of Slave Services

Aside from the large sign on the front of the chained fenced compound, there was nothing else to show that there was anything good in that place. Only for those who knew what lay inside knew what to expect once they walked into those walls. For the rest of the wall, it was invitation only.

It looked like any other commercial warehouse or compound. Graffiti on the back walls, chain link fence with razor ware on the top. Security guards at the booth at the main gate. Security cameras everywhere, showing everything that was happening at the compound. It looked like any other high security area.

Only the front sign told anyone that this was the place where free men were turned into slaves.

Trent the dalmation drove the van to the main gate. The gaurd in the booth looked over and checked his monitors. The cameras on either side of the van, and above and below the van as well. Showing that the van was clear to enter with no surprises.

Trent waited patiently till he got the all clear, listening to some country song on the radio as he looked over and saw the guard wave him through. Trent leant out his window and casually swiped a card on the reader. The boomgate rose up slowly after registering the card.

Once the gate was raised, Trent pushed down on the pedal and he then drove in past the front carpark. A few cars lay in their designated spots, the staff cars where they were supposed to be. Some extra cars in the visitors car park, showing that it was a regular day. A couple of extra vans drove past them, their drivers not even waving to Michael or trent.

The back of the building looked like the back of any other compound. A large concrete loading dock stretched over a long outside parking lot. Large thick and secure metal doors, five in total in a row. As Trent drove the van into the lot, one of the doors raised up. Trent drove the van around and reversed into the open spot.

Once the vans rear was flush with the opening, Trent cut the gas and the van fell silent. The two suited men then slid out of the van and shut the doors behind them.

"Fancy a coffee?" Trent asked as he stretched a bit.

"Hopefully, they got some fresh stuff. I'll be damned going to the vending machine again" Michael said with a smirk. "That stuff tastes like two week old mouldy diarrhoea."

"And you would know what that tastes like?" Trent said with a smirk as they walkd away from the van.

The two of them left the van and headed into a side door to the loading bay, marked with a sign that read 'Employess Only.' Trent swiped his card on the reader beside the door and it opened silently. Once the two of them were inside, it shut and sealed them in.

Inside, the loading area was wide and expansive. Several large benches were along the rear wall, and a row of wheelchairs were lined up. The vans back doors were being opened by two males, one a cheetah and one a lynx. They were both dressed in white scrubs with id tags on their chests. They were both young, in their early twenties.

"Papers?" the cheetah asked as he addressed the two males that had jsut walked in.

"Here you go. All filed in and ready to go" Trent said as he handed a sheaf of papers to the feline. The cheetah took them and flipped through them for a few moments. Everything looked in order as he shut the sheaf.

"Has he been out of your sight since you picked him up?" he asked, but Trent waved him off.

"He's already knocked out and tied up. You guys can go ahead and process him" he said. "But give him a cavity search anyway. Little shit tried to call it in on his own terms, so give him some extra treatment for the inconvenience" he said with a grin that spread across his spotted face.

The cheetah nodded as the lynx went into the van and, still bound to his wheelchair and still knocked unconscious, Matt, the 20 yr old flamedramon was wheeled out. He was slumped back in the chair, his head rolled back on his shoulders, a strip of duct tape across his mouth. His arms and legs were bound to the sides of the chair, the remains of his clothing covering up his body.

Neither the lynx nor the cheetah seemed in the least bit effected by seeing him bound and gagged on the chair. Trent and Michael disappeared down a hallway out of the loading dock, heading into the staff quarters. They headed to the cafeteria where they planned on getting something to eat and possibly watch the game on the tv.

The cheetah and the lynx wheeled matt out of the dock through another hallway, a sign beside the door saying 'Unloading, Processing and Loading'.

The double doors opened and if Matt was awake, he would have sworn they just went into a hospital. The hallway was bright while and tiled, lit with flurescent lighting and the strong smell of antiseptic and citronella was in the air.

"Room 75 is free" the cheetah said as he led the way down the hall. Doors lined the hallway on either side of them, some open, some closed. They were all flush against the wall, a green tinted window on the top. A red light lay above each door. The doors that were open lead into smaller rooms that looked like rooms prepped for surgery. Potted plants dotted the hallway here and there, giving it all the more a hospital feel.

The lynx nodded to his companion and followed without question. They passed a vending machine when they turned a corner, a surveillance camera above them following their every move. A large poster hung on the wall beside the vending machine.

"Remember, they may be slaves, but hygiene is still #1" It had a cartoony style picture of a gleeful looking fox holding his hands up with water cascading over his hands.

The rooms were all numbered, and locked with keycard slots. They passed one room and the sound of crying came from behind the closed door. Behind another, there was the sound of screaming, a male in agony and screaming for the pain to stop. Both the cheetah and the lynx ignored the sounds, as there were plenty more in other rooms.

The cheetah and the lynx turned again and they had to stop as a door in front of them had a bright red light flashing above it.

"Looks like an emergency" the cheetah said as he stood back.

Three large and heavily muscled males suddenly appeared at the other end of the hallway. Dressed in black and wearing security vests, one carried an electric cattle prod and the other two carried batons. They looked as big and mean as they could be, and they were moving with determination.

The head of the group swiped a card in the keypad and the door opened. The moment the gap was large enough, a young looking female vixen suddenly tried to run out of the door. She was completely naked and looked terrified.

"No, no please" she screamed as the two males holding the batons grabbed her and held her between them. 'please, let me go...I want to go home...please...please I don't deserve this" She screamed at them as she struggled.

But the bigger men ignored her as they hoisted her up, holding onto an arm against their chests as they kept her between then both. She cried out as she struggled again, kicking her slender legs up in the air as she tricked to attack them.

The head male stuck his prod into her stomach and she screamed as she spasmed around the electric jolts that thundered through her body. When he removed the prod she suddenly went limp, emitting very quiet whimpers as her feet twitched underneath her, dangling just a few inches from the floor. Satisfied she was knocked properly unconscious, the three males dragged her back into the room.

Neither the cheetah nor the lynx seemed affected by what happened as the door closed. Silence hit the hallway as the door shut flush to the wall.

"looks like another setback" the cheetah said flatly as he strode forward, holding the sheaf under his arm. The lynx nodded and followed him as he pushed the wheelchair after the cheetah. The wheelchair made no noise as it was wheeled over the tiled floor.

Room 75 came into view after the turned once more. Except for the number outside of the doorway, it looked liek any other hall or door in the compounds interior. Outside the door on the opposite wall was another poster.

"A free man has choice. A slave has none." Underneath was a cartoony picture of a gleefull wolf surrounded by suggestion bubbles, and at his feet was a lion in slave uniform with nothing.

The cheetah swiped a keycard into the lock and the door slide open with a soft hiss. The door opened and revealed a room with a single bare gurney in the middle and several metal cabinets along two of the walls. Six large lights hung above the gurney, and a set of machines lay under it. A desk witha computer sat against the last wall, only a monitor and a keyboard and mouse. There was no chair.

The lynx wheeled the bound boy into the room and the cheetah shut the door. The lock was heard clicking into place and the cheetah put the file down on the desk.

"Alright. Lets get started. We'll start with declothing, then the cavity searches. Disinfecting and cleansing second, then we'll pretty him up for loading" he said. The lynx nodded and began to undo the straps on the wheelchair. The cheetah spread the papers over the desk and logged himself into the system.

Once Matt was unbound, the two of them grabbed him by the shoulders and the feet and hoisted him onto the flat metal gurney. Being knocked out, it ws a bit of effort to move the body of dead weight, but Matts slender body was light enough that it wasn't any trouble The cheetah produced a pair of surgical scissors from a drawer from a cabinet and the sharp metal began to effortlessly slice through the minimal clothing matt was wearing.

His ruined clothes were thrown into a bin to be incinerated later. They didn't bother checking his pockets for anything, since it didn't matter anyway. The only thing left on him were the restraint straps that were secured around his shoulders to keep his posture in place.

"Alright. Cavity searches first" the cheetah said as he took out a latex glove and snapped it onto his hands. The lynx did the same. Once they were both gloves, they turned matt onto his front and the lynx lifted his tail.

The cheetah took out a tube of disinfecting lubricant and applied a generous coating to his fingers. He bent over the still form and slid his fingers under Matts tail. He pried the boys cheeks apart and roughly inserted a finger into the tight sphincter.

Matt would have screamed from the somewhat violent intrusion in his backside, but he was out of it and felt nothing. The cheetah felt nothing out of the ordinary, or even looked concerned about his roughness as he pushed in a second finger. He was none too gentle about it as he sunk his fingers in o the knuckles and felt around, making sure that there were no foreign objects inside him.

The soft squelching noises of his fingers moving around the tight and slowly loosening hole was starting to affect them and they felt a tightening in their scrubs. They didn't stop the procedure as the cheetah made good and sure to inspect the slave product.

"alright, he's clean" the cheetah said as he withdrew his fingers with a soft squelching noise. The lynx let go of matts tail and they hoisted him back onto his front. The two of them removed their gloves and snapped on a new set each.

The cheetah pulled out a camera from a cabinet and checked to make sure that it was empty. With a nod to the lynx, they both started.

Photos were taken from all angles by the cheetah as he snapped away. Starting with the feet and moving upwards, the cheetah made sure not to miss anything. If there was a mark or blemish on the boys body was catalogued and digitised. The photos were to prove he came in with minimal damage and he was in good condition. Matt was turned over and photos were taken of his backside, then his cheeks were spread and his anus was photographed.

Matt was turned back over and his genitals were photographed in both flaccid and aroused states. The lynx didn't seem to mind stroking Matts length to hardness, but he did snicker at how small he was.

"Reckon I should see how long it takes him to get shocked?" the lynx asked with a grin as he began to properly stroke Matts length in his hand. The cheetah said nothing as he watched through the camera. There was something highly arousing about manhandling an unconscious and it was keeping them both in an aroused state. Their scrub pants were tenting as they let the molestation go on.

"that's enough" the cheetah said, although somewhat reluctantly. The lynx nodded and sighed a bit as he let go of Matts hard length, the metal attachments already shining and noticeably bright. They both resumed their work as they let their crotch bulges die down on their own.

The lynx held matts mouth open and shots were taken of his teeth and his mouth. Both the upper and the lower set were taken shots of, and then both at once with the boys mouth as wide open as the lynx was able to spread them. His eyes were forced open and they were catalogued as well, first one, then the other, then both.

Once every inch of matts body was photographed, the cheetah took the camera and hooked it up to the computer with a cable. The photos were then downloaded onto a new file made for Matt. The cheetah then opened the file systems and began to input the data from the papers spread over the desk as the lynx pulled a hair shaver from a cabinet.

The small hand held device buzzed to life, the metal teeth shined up and the clippers sharp and ready to eat. The lynx held matts head in place and slowly began to shave his head. He grabbed a fistful of the long blonde hair and yanked it back without much mercy.

"I wish they'd drug them like this all the time. You get sick of them struggling and crying sometimes" the lynx admitted as he manoeuvred the shaver along the top of Matts head. The hair was trimmed back very, very short, shorter then Matt had ever had it cut before. Soft locks of the long blonde hair, something matt took pride in, was buzzed down and discarded onto the floor without care.

"yes, but you lose the feeling of pleasure you get knowing that they're powerless. This way, they're just dead weight. Nothing to humiliate or to make fun off. Personally, I like to have them held down and spank them til lthey submit. Or until my arm gets tired, whichever comes first" the cheetah admitted with a small smile on his face.

He pressed a key on the board and a new file popped up, a special file that catalogued all of Matts real world data. Everything from his social security number, his birth records, his medical records, all the way to his steam account and his Netflix id. Everything that had any kind of connection o the boy was right in front of his eyes.

The cheetah pushed the mouse over an icon that read 'Purge', and with a click, all of matts data began to disappear and rewrite itself. Slowly, everything was whitewashed and rearranged, parts of Matts life disappearing completely a,d others being rewritten entirely.

The cheetah turned around as the lynx had finished, Matts hair laying on the floor in a useless clump. The cheetah walked to the cabinet and pulled out a can of shaving cream and a surgical razor and passed them to the lynx.

The lynx took the tools and carefully applied a layer of the thick cream over matts head. Once he had every piece of blonde hair covered, he picked p the razoar and began to slowly slide it Matts skin. The shaving cream was special, as it killed the hair cells on the body as you shaved. It didn't remove the hair outright, just made it take a lot longer to regrow.

The cheetah picked up a small hose from under the gurney and turned it on. The water was bright green and the sharp disgusting smell of disinfectant filled the air. He turned the water down until it was ice cold and gave a small smile to himself. The cheetah directed the flow of water onto matt as he began to wash him down.

If matt had thought the soap he used was strong, it was nothing compared the water. If he had been awake, he would have felt the instant burning, like a liberal dosage of icey hot, but a lot stronger. As the water ran off his legs, it turned grey in hue. All the microfibers of dirt and dust on matts body was removed effortlessly. His skin burned as it was cleaned, but the colour was brighter then it had ever been b efore.

The lynx finished shaving Matts head and the cream and hair flakes washed off his head with the water. This was the only part the cheetah was carefull about. If the water ran into Matts eyes or into his mouth, he'd get sick pretty quickly. The water washed over the boys head and removed everything, leaving matt with a shiney and smooth dome. Once done, the cheetah turned off the water and pushed the hose back under the gurney.

The lynx removed his gloves and tossed them into the bin as he took a step backwards. The cheetah removed his gloves and discarded them in the same manner as his partner. He flicked a switch on the wall and the heating lamps overhead turning on.

The two stepped away as they gathered their items from the cabinets and placed them on two wheeled trolleys, all the implements completely and surgically clean. Each item was laid out on the trolleys with care as the two scrubs gathered what they needed. The lamps were hot enough to dry the chemical water from the boys body, and it only took a few minutes before he was bone dry on the outside.

They turned matt over onto his stomach as they got him flat out into position. Once he was spread out, they began the next stage of the work.

Neither of the two males talked as they did their job. This was the delicate part of hte job, and they had been reprimanded the first time they stuffed the job up. The lynx took a tattoo gun in his hand and applied a stencil to the back of Matts head. With a press on the button the gun sprang to life and began to inject a dark black ink into Matts skin.

Slowly, a barcode was imprinted on the back of matts head. The ink wasn't permanent, but it would be highly tricky to remove completely. And quite painful as well.

The barcode was unique to matt. If any authority official had any question about him, all they had to do was scan it. And his personal information would pop up at once. The database was being rewritten, all of matts personal history taken apart and built back up to make him into what he was becoming.

A legal slave.

The barcode would identify matt was a slave to his once father Thomas, giving anyone who found him the details on how to contact him and give him back. If he had escaped, that would be on the information as well, and most authority figures would enjoy seeing that. Police had no legal restrictions against 'police brutality', and were free to beat him into full submission without having to fear a herd of lawyers on their asses.

The cheetah took a syringe gun and pressed it into Matts palm. With a soft zapping noise, a chip was planted into his hand. If matt tried to get on a plane or got taken into custody and his barcode was removed or unresponsive, the chip was the other way for him to be identified.

Once the tattoo was finished, Matt was turned around onto his back again and they set to work on his front. They put down their current tools and the two then picked up a set of piercing tools used for bodily piercing.

With piercing implements in hand, the cheetah placed a Prince Albert on the end of matts dick. The ring was secured into place, the internal locks snapping together. It was larger then a normal Pa, and it was thicker as well. It was not possible to remove it unless you had bolt cutters, or ripped it out. And the cheetah had seen both happen.

The lynx pierced Matts nipples and placed similar rings into them. The rings snapped into place and clicked shut. They were both bright silver and similarly, they were larger then a normal piercing and thicker as well, the band almost larger the small nub of flesh it was pushed into.

The cheetah moved up to matts head and held it steady as the lynx opened his mouth. Matts tongue was pulled out with a pair of surgical pliers and held in place. Once it was pulled out and still, the cheetah pierced it, sliding a bolt through the muscle. Two small lockable rings were screwed on each end. Once secure, the cheetah wiped a disinfecting wipe around the bolt, then they let Matts mouth close.

His bottom lip was pulled out and a large ring was pierced through. It clicked into place and was secured. For a brief moment, Matt had a somewhat goth/emo look on his face with the bright silver piercing. The effect was ruined a few moments later.

The lynx then set about piercing matts long ears, setting a thick silver ring through both of the tips. These rings were very large and it was highly unlikely anyone would miss them. With them being so large, the extra weight would make Matts ears hang down behind his head like two bunny ears.

On Matts right ear, he hung an animal i.d tag and snapped it into place. There was a light buzzing noise from the cabinet beside the computer. The cheetah put down his tools and walked over, opening the cabinet door.

Inside was a very small printing device, a slip of paper sitting on the tray. He picked it up and slid it between his fingers as he bent down and looked at the computer monitor. The purging program had finished, and the governmental database was completely reconfigured with Matts new status.

His last name had been removed, leaving him with just his first. His age was displayed, as well as his date of birth. A few smaller details like his species, his gender and hsi height were there, as well as eye colour and hair colour.

But all his other information was gone. Where he lived, where we went ot school, his medical history, everything had gone. It was as if those parts of his life were wiped from the face of the earth. The person known as Matt had disappeared, and the slave known as Matt had been born in his place.

The cheetah shut down the program, satisfied that it had done its job as it had been designed too. With a further click on the monitor, the computer went into sleep mode and teh cheetah took the slip of paper away.

"Well, he's officially a bitch now" the cheetah said with a grin as he slipped the piece of paper into the tag. With a soft clicking noise the tag snapped shut, sealing the information inside its clear plastic window.

Name = Matt

Slave status = Lifetime

Code number = 9874*FM

Occupation = S / L / SX

Owner = Thomas Anderson

"Shame he's not awake. I miss the look they have when the deal is sealed. Plus, we get to slap them around till they stop screaming" the lynx said, feeling himself get slightly hard to the thought. Most slaves refused to face reality when they were given their new life position, and needed a bit of 'physical reinforcement.'

The cheetah pierced his needle through both of Matts nose lobes and slipped a small ring through each. They were about the same size as his nipple rings, and were clicked shut and made solid. It looked slightly weird for him to have those kind if piercings to sit like that. It was soon fixed.

The cheetah then pierced the middle off Matts nose and slipped a bigger ring through it, like a farmer would do to a prize bull. The bullring was big enough to slip into both the smaller rings and hold them on each side, and it was also big enough to meet the top of matts upper lip. It looked grotesquely large and seemed to change the look on Matts face rather dramatically.

Satisfied with their work, the lynx and the cheetah dabbed antiseptic over the new piercings and wiped them clean. The antiseptic would keep out the infections for several days and allow the holes to become permanent fixtures. The rings could someday be removed, but the holes would be forever.

The lynx and the cheetah then wheeled their trolleys back to the cabinets and began to replace the tools back into the right places. The drawers were shut and the cabinets locked into place as they tidied up after themselves. When all the tools and the trolleys were put away, the cheetah then removed a small bundle of clothes from another cabinet. With the lynxs help, the cheetah dressed Matt in the B.O.S.S. slave uniform.

The uniform was nothing more then a small and narrow single piece tunic. It slid over the top of matts head and ran down his front and his back. But the sides were open and it covered just enough of his crotch and his backside to label him decent. But the hems would ride up and expose him no matter what he did, or what position he was in.

A thick leather belt was wrapped around his waist, and secured in the front. It locked behind a silver belt buckle that read 'B.O.S.S. Slave' in very noticeable writing on the front. It secured the tunic in place, but rode it up about an inch. Two matching brown leather wristbands were attached to his wrists, both with interlocking silver rings on the side.

A brown leather collar was secured around Matts neck. It looked like it was made out of leather, but the interior was a soft pliable metal that was very hard to cut through. The front of the collar had a single silver ring on the front, and the back clicked into place. There was no indication to where the lock was, and the collar looked completely solid.

Two leather straps were applied to his ankles, both with rings on the sides. A pair of flat, unimpressive sandals were slipped onto his feet. They were a solid piece of leather with a braided band to slip between his toes and across his foot to secure it in place. The only use they had were to protect his feet from being damaged. They were very uncomfortable otherwise. Once finished, matt looked like a pierced up prized slave that had stepped out of the history books.

"Now doesn't he look pretty?" the lynx said with a smile as they observed their handiwork. If the boys new master was pleased with the transformation, most likely they would get a bonus in their paychecks. The cheetah nodded as they looked over the prettied up slave on the gurney before the decided to get a move on.

Taking him by the shoulders and his ankles, the cheetah and the lynx hoisted matt off the gurney and sat him back into the wheel chair. The straps were once again secured and a red rubber ball gag was secured into his mouth.

The cheetah went to an intercom against the door and pressed the button.

"cleaning service to room 75" he said as he released the button and then swiped his card into the reader. The door opened at once with a soft hiss and the lynx went behind the wheelchair and grabbed the handles. The cheetah grabbed the sheaf of papers and lead the lynx out of the room. Once out, the door shut behind them with a soft hiss and went flush against the wall.

A donkey entered the room not long after they had left. Wearing a full body suit in brown with a janitor i.d card on his chest, he wheeled in a trolley with various cleaning materials on it. He slid a pair of latex gloves on his hands and then proceeded to clean up the room.

Matts hair was swept up and dumped into the bin. The gurney was wiped down and sterilised wo were all the flat surfaces of the room. They were sprayed and wiped down thoroughly and nothing was left dirty. Once done, the floor was swept clean and mopped equally just as thoroughly. The contents of the bin were removed and placed in a black disposal bag for incineration.

The donkey heard a buzzing in his pocket and he pulled out a small black pager. Another room had just opened up for cleaning, so he quickly gathered his things and set them on the trolley. With a swipe of his card, the door opened and he left. It had taken him less then ten minutes to clean the room.

When the donkey left, the room was as clean as it had been when it was occupied. There was no trace that matt was ever there, or that anything had happened at all. By the end of the day, regardless of how many people had been in there, the room would leave no indication it was ever used.

The lynx and the cheetah led matt back down the way that they had arrived, leading him past the almost endless array of identical doors in the same identical rows. All of the rooms were the same. No matter which corridor or hallway you went down, these were all the same. All for the general maintenance and upkeep of the B.O.S.S. slave units.

Every room was designed to turn a free man into a slave. Check ups and routine maintenance were performed on them here, from standard cleaning to more 'personal procedures'. Every room was equipped to handle anything, as were the staff that helped run them.

Free men though, if they weren't to be turned, never saw these rooms. Once in the reception area, they were taken upstairs where the offices were. It was here that the head of B.O.S.S. oversaw everything, and kept things running smooth. No free man ever saw what went on behind the scenes. But then again, they preferred not to know.

The offices contained counselling for free men, handlers, overseers and masters and owners. There were training rooms devoted to slave handling and proper maintenance. There were exam rooms where aspiring handlers, overseers and masters could learn to be good at their job.

Everything was run smooth. Everything was run clean. And everything was run legal.

All of the staff were young and very enthusiastic. Not bound by most of what they considered 'normal' laws, they were able to do things that most businesses told them they weren't allowed. They were allowed to manhandle the slaves. They were allowed to beat them into submission. They were allowed to 'break them in'. It was no wonder the young staff took to their positions like ducks to water.

The cheetah and the lynx pushed matt back to the loading dock. Trent and Michael were not there, and teh cheetah looked annoyed at the prospect of having to wait there till they returned. The lynx wheeled matt up against the wall and set him against a bench and locked the wheels in place. He then left, leaving the cheetah behind to watch matt while he waited.

He checked the watch under his scrub sleeve and tapped his foot impatiently. He was starting to feel bored. If Matt had been awake he would have had something to do to pass the time until Trent and Michael returned, but all he had to do was watch Matt breathe.

He looked up as he heard the doors open from the hallway and a group of people walked into the loading dock.

A female fennec in a tight looking nurses outfit walked past him, leading two fresh slaves behind her. Dressed in their new uniforms, the twin horses looked barely older then sixteen. Both were whimpering and had obviously been crying. They were wearing their new uniforms and were pierced in the same way as Matt had been.

"Now boys, you'll be waiting here until your new master comes and picks you up" the nurse said with a sweet smile on her face. Behind them, two big and muscled security men stood at the doorway, blocking the exit very easily. They stood with their arms crossed and gave the horses two intense glares that made one of the boys start to cry again.

"Please...' one of them whimpered as he looked at the nurse with a pleading look on his face. The nurse turned and looked at him, almost comfortingly. She walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. The boy began to quieten down a little from the comforting squeeze as he managed a small smile on his face.

Without breaking her smile, the nurse's hand flew off his shoulder and collided with the side of the boys face. The impact was hard and almost knocked him off his feet. The horse cried out from the sudden pain and fresh tears sprung to his eyes.

"Lesson one. You do not speak unless spoken too" she said sweetly as she looked at the horse as he straightened up. He brought his hand up to cover his cheek, and she slapped him again ont he other side of the face.

"Lesson two. You do not cover up. Ever" she said, her voice still sweet and kind. The horse shrank back a bit with a whimper. The kindness in her voice was just as badly as if he was being shouted at.

"Fuck you bitch" the other horse said as he spat at her. He looked furious behind his tears that she would lay a hand on his brother. "Fuck you to hell" he shouted at her.

"We can't have that, now can we?" the nurse said with the same sweet smile on her face. She nodded to one of the big males behind them and gestured with her hand to the wall. The two big males, one a big black elephant and the other a spotted leopard, both gave big grins on their faces as they unfolded their arms.

The cheetah completely ignored what was going on as he sat himself on the bench, crossing his leg over his lap as the two horse boys were grabbed. They both cried out as they were forced up against the wall. With minimal effort the two bulky men took the horses hands and hoisted their arms behind their backs.

Crying out from teh sudden pain of having their arms twisted up behind their backs, the horse boys found their wrists locking together against the back of the belt. The side of their faces were pressed up against the cold smooth surface of the wall as they were pulled into a slightly bending position, their barely covered backsides getting more exposed to the bigger males.

"You have to understand sweetie" the nurse said with a smile as she stepped back, letting the two big males manhandle the smaller boys. All the security staff were big and bulky for a reason. They all were hired straight out of bodybuilder gyms. With slaves trying much to escape and cause trouble, the company needed men able to handle anything that went on.

And they got free memberships to their gyms for doing a job well done.

"You're no longer free. You have been made into legal slaves, and you have to start acting like one. And bad slaves get punished" she said. "We know that most slaves simply don't accept their new roles and that it takes time to adjust. But the quicker you accept your place, the quicker you can get on the fast track to being a good slave."

"Please..Please don't" the first twin begged again as he pleaded. "Please...I don't want to be hurt again" he cried, but the pleas fell on deaf ears as the bigger elephant behind him put a hand on his neck and pushed his face further against the wall.

"Fresh slaves often don't feel like they are slaves" the nurse said, explaining everything as if she was explaining how to install a tv. "They still hold onto the illusion that they have control over their lives, that they are able to still choose how to act within their lives. Well, I'm sorry to say, but that's not true anymore" she said with a smile.

The bigger males behind the horses grabbed the back of their tunics and shoved them upwards, tucking the material into their belts. The horses backsides were exposed, their tails cropped very short and the cute patches on their rumps on full display.

"Please...please stop" the first twin begged as the elephant pulled an extendable tawse from his pocket. "Please...I'll behave. I swear" he cried out as he started to cry again.

"Sorry, but this is for your own good" the nurse said. 'You have to learn your place now. You don't have any choice in the matter. In fact, you never have choices anymore. It doesn't start later, it doesn't start tomorrow. It started the moment you were brought in here."

"You can't do this to us you bitch" The second horse shouted as he was shoved up against the wall by the big bulky leopard behind him. The leopard was none too gentle either. The leopard gave a grin as he ran a large hand over the boys tight horse rump and gave a cheek a squeeze. The horse grunted and struggled against the molestation, but he was pinned firmly in place.

"Go ahead boys" The nurse said with a smile as the two bigger males held the smaller horses down and began to strike their backsides in earnest. They were given a few good squeezes on their supple backsides before the leopard pulled out a pocket tawse and extended it with a flick of his wrist. "It's for their own good. And nothing helps a slave like a good hard spanking."

The cheetah did look up as he heard the two twins scream from the pain as their asses were struck . The swish and cracking of the tawses as they met soft supple flesh filled the air as the two bigger men punished the horses. And the cries of the two horses mixed in with the swishes and the cracks.

The nurse just stood there and smiled as the two studs layed on the horses backsides. There was something ot be said about putting a slave in their place that was so addicting. It was no wonder that all the young staff at the compound loved their job. It was a power trip to be able to control and manhandle slaves on a daily basis and get away with how they treated them.

Although the whipping and cracking noises should have left their backsides bright red, lashed and broken, their butts looked perfectly normal even though the striking had passed the thirty mark. The two horses were practically bawling their eyes out as the nonstop lashing continued.

The two big males huffed as they swung their meaty arms back and forth in succession, not once stopping. There were no safe words, no mutual agreement that told them to stop when the slaves had had enough. The only reason they had to stop, was when their arms got tired. And that was no-time soon.

The cheetah felt a stirring in his loins and he put a hand on his crotch, giving himself a feel of himself as he felt his arousal through his scrubs. The cries of the horses were rather arousing, as was the sight of their naked slave butts jiggling from each crack of the tawses. He gave a soft purr as he fondled his crotch bulge.

The nurse took notice as she heard the purring of the cheetah and she turned away from the spanking spectacle and saw him sitting there. She gave him a lewd smile as she gave one of her fingers a lick and rubbed it over her own crotch, right over the material of her tight skirt, showing him she was enjoying it too.

The two bigger males were also sporting fat bulges in their pants as they revelled over the power they felt, the sheer dominance of putting the slaves in their place. The two bigger males, the cheetah and the nurse were all free men, and they were all feeling the sexual enjoyment from the domination over the two fresh slaves.

Eventually the nurse let the two men stop, albeit a bit reluctantly and they dropped the horses. The two boys fell to their hands and knees, both panting with tear streaked faces as they felt their backsides burn from the spanking.

Realising that they had been let go, they both quickly scrambled to their feet and hugged one another against the other, both of their backsides burning as they held onto each other for support. But there was no mark to prove that they had been attacked. Their asses burned like they were on fire, but there was no damage to their cheeks.

"Look at them, the two pathetic little bitches. What's the matter ponies, didn't like it? You didn't like being punished?" the leopard said with a grin. "I bet they never got a spanking as good as that in their lives" he said.

The two horses shivered against the other as the nurse walked up to them and put her hand on one of their shoulders.

"Now you two, are you going to behave, or do we need to punish you again?" she asked. They both said nothing as they held onto the other. She seemed satisfied as she took the tawse from the elephant and tapped them on their shoulders.

"Separate. Now" She ordered. The two horses pulled apart very reluctantly as they stood straight, both of them shivering as they tried to compose themselves. The first twin was hiccupping and trying not to cry again, and the second twin seemed to have lost his bravado and was trembling all over.

"Now, do you see that sign there?" she asked as she pointed to the wall next to the door. The two horses looked over as they saw a poster between where the cheetah was sitting and the doorway.

"An idle slave is a worthless slave. A busy slave is a happy slave." The poster had a cartoony looking gleeful panther in a slave uniform standing in the middle of a mess with a mop and a broom in his hands.

"Now, we can't have you two idling around. You're not free men. You don't get to pick and choose when you rest" she said with a smile as she tapped them both under the chin with the tawse. She gave a smile when they both flinched. "I'll let the two boys here keep you busy while we wait for your new master to collect you" she said as she handed the tawse back to the elephant.

The elephant grinned as the nurse walked away. He could smell the arousal on her and his pants were already bulging hard. He gave himself an open groping as he adjusted himself to make himself more comfortable, then he turned to the two horses.

"Right. Since you two slaves seem to have trouble adjusting, I want you two to start adjusting now" he orderd. "both of you are going to crouch down now and put your hands behind your heads" he ordered. The two horses hesitated for just a moment and the elephant swished the tawse at them.

The two horses jumped and quickly crouched down with their legs spread and their hands behind their heads. From the cheetahs point of view, he could see the boys pierced lengths dangle down between their legs. They had the same permanent chastity devices on their cocks that Matt did, but the fear they were feeling kept their cocks limp.

The leopard grinned down at the two fightened looking horses as he pointed.

"Start waddling. You're ducks now. You'll duck walk to that side of the room and then back again. I want to see those pony butts jiggling. Now" he ordered as he pointed again.

Not wanting to give them a reason to resume striking them, the two horses began to awkwardly waddle forward, keeping their hands on their head as they moved as best they could. The two bigger males began to laugh as they watched the two horse twins waddle like ducks ot the other side of the room.

"Damn, look at those tight pony butts jiggle" the elephant said with a trumpeting laugh as he watched the two twins stumble and waddle.

"And look at those pathetic little dicks too. Look, they're almost scraping the floor" the leopard said with a laugh and a slap on his thigh. He laughed along with the elephant as the two horses got to the end of the dock and turned around.

The two horses looked at the ground, their faces beet red as they were embarrassed to the core. They waddled their way back to the two big laughing men who made them turn around and waddle back again. Over and over they were forced to duck waddle while the two big security males laughed at their expense.

"Alright bitches. On your hands and knees" the elephant said when the two boys ended back up in front of them. Almost gratefully the two horses got onto all fours with their naked rears in the air. They both looked at the floor, their face s still beet red. There was a glow between their legs, their half hard horse cocks dangling downwards.

" Our boots are dirty. Start licking" the elephant ordered. The two horses hesitated for only a moment, and then crawled forward slowly towards the two big males and began to slide their tongues over the dirty leather boots.

The cheetah turned his attention away from the spectacle, his bulge rather prominent in his scrubs. But he didn't try to hide it. He enjoyed the spectacle, and he enjoyed seeing slaves punished and put in their place. Why hide the pleasure he felt from it?

"Now, that's not too hard to do now is it?" the leopard said with a smirk as he watched the pony lick over his boots. "Swallow that stupid useless pride and just submit to it. It's not that bad is it bitches?" he asked.

The two horses were s till busy licking the horned up males boots when Trent and Michael finally arrived in the loading dock. The two men were talking to each other about the outcome of the football game that been on the cafeteria television, but they stopped when they saw what was going on.

"Did we miss something?" Trent asked as he saw the horses. The Dalmatian gave a grin as he saw the two naked upturned horse asses facing him.

"just two new slaves learning their place" the cheetah said as he stood up. "You two are late. This slave has been ready for the past hour" he pointed out.

'shame we missed it" Michael said with a grin as he looked down at the slightly smaller cheetah. "sorry. But the Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys were tying and we had to see the outcome" the bull sadi wit ha chuckle. "Plus I won fifty bucks" he added.

"Well, He's registered in the system, he's been prettied up and he's good to go" the cheetah said. "you can take him now and I'll take his papers to Human Resources and get them filed away" he said as Michael stepped up behind Matt and grabbed the handles of teh wheelchair.

The cheetah left them alone as he headed into the double doors. He hoped the nurse was still around. He had a little 'problem' he wanted to take care of with her. The two security men smirked as they watched the two horses lick their boots. The black leather boots were already clean, but they let the horses keep going anyway.

"good" Trent said with a nod as Michael manoeuvred the wheelchair from beside the bench and wheeled Matt over to the still open van. He pushed Matt in and heard a soft groan that was emitted from the boy.

"He's starting to come around" Michael said with a smirk. "Too bad he'll be so doped out of it he won't come around until he's in his new home" the bull said as he secured the wheelchair in place.Once it was in place, he exited the back of the van and shut the doors.

The two of them left the two horses licking the security mens boots. Untill their new master came to pick them up, there was no telling how long they'd be doing it. Trent and Michael took no notice of the boys as they exited through the staff door and found themselves outside gain.

"man, look at those horses go" Michael said as he got into the van, sliding himself into the passenger seat before he shut the door behind him.

"I know. Its rather hot seeing them do that" Trent said as he slid into the drivers seat. "You know, when we get back, they have a slave class on urine basics that will start. We should stop at the McDonalds and grab a few drinks on the way back."

"Sounds great. Nothing like making some prissy little girl bitch learn how to finally swallow" Michael said with a lewd grin on his face. Trent smirked back, the idea already forming a bulge in his pants as he started the van up.


When matt woke up, it was with a start. Panic. It coursed through his body and jolted every sense he had into overdrive. He arched his back and struggled in the blind panic, but he was unable to move very much as he felt his blood pumping through his body in a rush.

The first thing he realised was that he was gagged. Something big was stuck in his mouth and his jaw was aching from behind forced open for what must have been a long period of time. He thrashed his head from side to side a bit, but it didn't dislodge. It seemed to be stuck.

The second thing he noticed was that he was bound to something he was sitting in. But he couldn't see what it was. The lighting in the room, whatever room he was in, was dim and he couldn't see very well. He thrashed in the chair, but it seemed to be stuck in palce.

'Oh god...oh god what happened to me?' he thought as he looked around in the dark room. It was quiet. Very quiet. Too quiet. His heart was pounding in his ears as he continued to shout into whatever was in his mouth and thrash.

'What....where am I? What did they do to me?" he thought as he tried to move his arms and legs, but they were too well strapped in to do more than rattle against whatever was holding him down. He slumped back down in the seat of whatever kind of chair he was in as he breathed through his nose.

He felt a rush of relief hit him when he realised that his backside was empty. The comfort stop and the expander were not in him, and it felt good to be able to sit down and not feel something stick straight up inside him.

It felt strange that, waking up bound, gagged and somewhere he couldn't recognise, that was what made him calm down enough to sit back and take stock of the situation. Whatever he was strapped into, was designed to keep him there. Whoever had did this to him didn't want him getting away.

'What...what's wrong with my nose?" he thought to himself as he wiggled his nose as best he could. It felt odd, like someone was pinching his nose shut, but even when he narrowed his eyes he couldn't see anything on the end of his nose. It was too dark to tell, but he was sure something was on it.

He could feel an ache in his nipples, and in his ears as well. And his tongue felt funny as well. He tried moving his tongue around, but whatever was stuck in his mouth prevented him from doing much about it. He felt funny all over, and his butt was prickling from having to sit in whatever kind of seat this was for who knew how long.

How long he sat there, he wasn't sure. There was nothing in the dark room to suggest where he was, or what was going on. He waited, since it was all that he was able to do. But he was pretty sure that he was alone in whatever place this was.

"ok...ok....i have to think" he thought to himself as he sat there. "ok....someone woke me up and ...put something on my mouth. That had to be Trent and Michael....they....they drugged me...and now I'm somewhere else..." he thought to himself.

He felt himself calm down a bit more as he tried to figure it out by himself. He felt his body relax a little more, but he shivered as he realised that he was cold. He felt the Goosebumps rise up on his arms and his legs as his skin prickled.

"Wait....was this part of that procedure thing?" he suddenly thought out loud. "What if...what if it wasn't those two jerks after all? What if the parole centre came and picked me up? But...why would they drug me first? Why would they have to do that?" he thought. "How could I be here....wait, is this the detention centre?" he thought.

It didn't make sense to him. If this was the detention centre, why was he in the dark? Why was he bound and gagged and cold? Wait, was he naked as well? The confusing thoughts were starting to hurt his head and he closed his eyes against the sudden headache he was feeling.

A light suddenly flickered on overhead at the other end of the area. It surprised him and he jolted his eyes open as he looked around for the noise. Another one, a bit closer lit up in the distance, casting light into the dark space. Matt looked up as he saw the lights turn on one by one overhead. Each one lit up with a very loud banging noise, like one hell of a giant switch had been flipped.

He was in a warehouse. It was huge and as Matt turned his head around as best he could, he saw that it was wide and long in all directions. All around him were towering shelves and pallets stacked with goods. He had a surrounded feeling, and he was grateful he didn't have claustrophobia.

He didn't recognise the place though. None of the stacked goods had anything on them that tell him where he was, and if they did, they weren't in viewing range. He kept looking upwards, seeing the high rising ceiling above him. The shelves went very far upwards, and they all looked full.

Something caught his eye and he slowly lowered his head. In front of him, was a large picture in a frame resting against the shelving behind it. It had been placed right in front of him and Matt blinked in confusion to what he saw.

It was a flamedramon. Bright blue and bald with the weirdest looking facial piercings on his face. A bright red rubber ball gag was secured i his mouth. The boy in the picture was secured to a wheelchair and he was wearing a very revealing tunic.

"Who would make a picture like that? And why?" Matt thought as he looked the picture over. Even though he was bound and gagged himself, he had to admit, the picture had incredible detail. It was highly lifelike. Heck, it was even blinking it had that much...

Wait, blinking?

Matt looked at the picture and he saw it blink. He felt confused as he tilted his head. How could a picture.... The boy in the picture tilted his head in the same direction as he did. Matt looked again at the picture, feeling more confused than before as he tilted his head in the other direction, and the picture followed him.

"What kind of a picture..."

Matt screamed into the gag when he realised he was looking not at a picture, but it was a mirror. A big fucking mirror. And he was looking at himself. He was sitting in a wheelchair, bound and gagged, and his face was pierced. His hair was gone, and he looked lie some trussed up barn animal.

Matt screamed and shook with rage as he struggled against the chair. He cried out loudly and screamed as hard as he could, tears blinding his eyes as he struggled against his restraints.

How...how could they do this to him? What had they done to him? Who did this to him?

The chair shook as it tried to contain the struggling and furious teenager that was secured down on the floor. It rocked from side to side as Matt struggled with everything that he had. He screamed as hard he could into the gag as he threw his body from side to side.

His muffled screams died down as he lost what energy he had by trying to fight against the wheelchair. But whoever had designed the damn thing had done it too well and no amount of struggling made it give in the slightest.

With his throat burning from the screaming and his limbs aching from the thrashing, Matt felt his energy drain away as he eventually gave up. He sagged back in the chair as he felt the tears drip from his face. He barely had enough strength to keep his head up and he just ended up staring at his lap.

Matt sat there, watching his tears fall down his face and onto his barely covered lap. The warehouse was silent all around him, and he felt completely alone. For all he knew, he was.

"daddy...." He found himself whimpering as he silently cried. It had been so long since he had last run to his father for comfort, but at that moment, he wanted to feel his father's arms around him and make him feel secure.

He didn't care about all that had happened over the last few weeks. He didn't care that his father had arranged all those procedures, had left him alone and done everything to him. All he wanted was to feel his father hold him and protect him again.

Footsteps were coming from nearby. Matt slowly lifted his heavy feeling head as he heard the crisp footsteps come closer. Someone was there, and someone was coming to him. He felt a glimmer of hope light up inside him as he looked around to where he hoped the person would arrive. A figure rounded the corner past the shelf and stepped into view.

"Hello matt" said Thomas as he stood there in one of his good looking suits, looking perfectly presentable as he stood with his hands behind his back. He did not look surprised to see Matt sitting there.

"Dad" matt tried to shout through his gag, but all that came out were muffled cries. He shook in the chair with renewed energy as he begged and pleaded with his father to untie him and let him out of the chair.

But his father merely stood three, looking at matt as if he was a complete stranger. He made no attempt to go and help his son, nor did he seem affected by Matts distress. He said nothing as matt stopped struggling after a bit, wearing himself down once more as he looked up at his father with pleading eyes.

It was only after Matt had run out of energy and just sat there whimpering and shivering from the cold air did Thomas speak to him.

"Matt, if you have stopped struggling I'm going to undo your gag" Thomas said firmly. "but, if you start screaming and shouting at me, I will stick it back in your mouth and then walk away until you learn to behave yourself" he said.

Matt said nothing as he looked at his father. He felt a chill run up his spine, but it wasn't from the cold air. Why was his father acting like that? Was...was something going on that he wasn't aware of? His father slowly walked up to him and removed the gag from his mouth.

Matt took in a deep breath as he worked his mouth open and closed a few times to get the feeling back into his jaws. They ached and he had to move them a few more times before the aching feeling went away. Something clicked against his teeth and he felt a shudder go through his body. Did they pierce his tongue?

"Dad.....please...what's going on?" Matt asked with a small voice as fresh tears made their way down his cheeks. He looked up at his father as he spoke, but his father ignored them as he took a few steps back, like Matt was something dirty.

"Matt, I am no longer your father" Thomas said flatly as he put the ball gag in his pocket.

"Dad? What...what do you mean?" matt asked in confusion.

"Matt, legally I am no longer your father. If you are going to address me, you will address me as either Thomas or Sir. Do you understand?" Thomas said as he clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at his son.

"Dad...you can't be..." but matt didn't get another word out before his father strode up to him and delivered a hard backhanded slap across his face. The slap had been so sudden that Matt didn't register what had happened until his father was shouting at him.

"What did I just say" Thomas roared at him in anger. He then leant down and looked at Matt right in the face, his own face twisted in fury. "You either address me as Sir or Thomas, do you understand boy?" he shouted in Matts face.

Matt could literally feel the colour drain away from his face as he felt the horrid sting on his cheek from where Thomas had struck him. He was so stunned that the tears simply stopped and he looked up at the bigger male with a new found emotion.

It was fear.

And it was that fear, that primal terrifying fear that made Matt nod without making a sound.

"Now, are you going to behave?" Thomas said in a much calmer voice, but he didn't lose the furious look on his face.

"Yes.....Thomas...." Matt said so quietly that Thomas almost didn't hear him. Thomas said nothing for several long moments before he nodded and pulled himself away from Matt. He straightened up and adjusted himself before he spoke again.

"To answer your question matt, it is simple. You are no longer my son, and I am no longer your father. Timothy is now an only child and you are not his brother. The family name has been dropped from you, and you have been designated the family labour slave" he said.

"What....?" matt said in shock and surprise. Was his father serious? He couldn't be, could he?

"What...what are you talking about?" Matt asked. Thomas strode over to him and matt flinched with a whimper, expecting another slap. But Thomas took the id tag from matts ear and held onto it.

"Your slave status is lifetime, which means this is what you are from now on" Thomas said. "Full time, 24/7. Your occupation is Slave, Labourer and Sexual" he said as he dropped the tag. "It's as simple as that. You are the family slave now" he added.

"But...why? How..how could you do this to me?" Matt said as he looked up at his once father. A family slave? How was this possible?

"Matt, you disappointed me last year on your 20th birthday when you got yourself drunk and went on a joyride. I had never seen such behaviour from you, and I was extremely disappointed in you" Thomas said to him. "You had never even gotten into trouble at school or anywhere before that. It was...so disheartening to see you act like some...street thug" he said.

"I know I missed your birthday, and I did say I was sorry about it. But Matt, you got drunk with your idiot friends and went on a joyride in their truck" Thomas said as he shook his head in disappointment. "Fifteen smashed mailboxes, and you ended up crashing into someone's yard."

"I owned up to it" matt said as he looked up at his father, who then started to undo the straps on the chair. Matt didn't budge. His father was actually saying more to him now then he had the last few weeks, and the curiosity of learning what was going on outweighed his desire to get out of the chair.

"Matt, you were found to be the one who came up with the whole thing" Thomas said as he finished. He took a step back and watched the boy in the wheelchair.

"that's because my friends all ganged up and made a deal, getting themselves out of it by blaming everything on me" Matt said as calmly as he was able. Seeing his father... no seeing Thomas wasn't making a move to stop him, Matt slowly raised his hand up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "You would know that, if you had been at the trial" he said to Thomas.

"Matt, I wasn't at the trial because i was at the B.O.S.S compound" Thomas explained. "i was contacted by one of their representatives and I was brought in to discuss your future. They had heard about your case and they wanted to assist you by helping."

"By how, turning me into a slave?" Matt said as he looked up at Thomas. "How the hell is that supposed to help me?"

"Matt, the generations today are all idiots" Thomas said as he shook his head again. "Look at them. Thugs and ghetto gangs, street kids and drug dealers and users. They have no respect and expect to have the world handed to them. They drink like crazy and do all kinds of stupid shit, and honestly matt, I thought you were the exception. You were always a good kid until that day."

"the reprehensive told me that teenagers like you are most likely to reoffend and continue to reoffend, never learning from their mistakes until they either wind up on the streets homeless, or dead. And to be honest, I was worried about you" he continued. "I know you're a good kid Matt, but I couldn't bear the thought of you going down that road."

"So...instead of giving me a chance to make the right choices, you made me into a slave?" matt said as he slowly stood up. His legs felt wobbly and his limbs tingled from being in the chair for so long. He had to grab a hold of the chair to steady himself as his legs wobbled and shook underneath him.

"Matt, I made a difficult choice, but I made the right one" Thomas said as he looked at Matt as the boy slowly stood up. He made no movement to help him, or to stop him. "I did what I believed was best for you. I haven't lied to you about that."

"But you lied to me about everything else, didn't you?" Matt said to Thomas as he managed to straighten up. He felt the stupid restraints pull him up into the correct posture as he felt how short and thin the tunic was. "Those procedures, everything Trent and Michael did to me. No wonder they were allowed to abuse me and get away with it. They weren't helping me. They were turning me into a slave. How could you do this to me?" matt demanded.

"Matt, it was not a decision made lightly" Thomas said. "Yes, I lied to you about what was going on, and I had too. You would have fought back and made things difficult. How would you have accepted it? 'Matt, you ruined your chance at life and now I'm going to turn you into a slave. Will you be happy about that?' How would that have gone down?" he asked.

"But you lied to me" Matt said angrily as he wiped his eyes again. "you...you lied and let me believe that one day it would be over with and I'd be allowed to leave. What good is drugging me and turning me into...into this?" he demanded.

"Matt, having it all done to you like this was going to make it easier to handle" Thomas said to him. "Now that it's done, it can't be undone. You can't move backwards from this. You can only move forward" Thomas explained.

"You are a lifetime slave to the family. That means that you will serve this family and this family alone. I cannot sell you, or lend you out for a profit. You serve me and timothy, and to a lesser extent your uncle and cousin" Thomas continued to explain. "You might be a slave, but you are the family slave. And we will treat you well."

"So they're in on this too?" Matt demanded as he rubbed his face dry. He felt the rings in his face and found the stud in his tongue. He felt his face pale once more and his knees felt weak. Oh god, what else had they done to him that he wasn't aware of?

"Yes. They are in on this because they have to be" Thomas said as he ignored his sons distress. "Matt, you are in my new warehouse" Thomas said as he continued. "It finished construction last week, and I was hoping to break this into you on an easier level, but you decided to ring up and opt to have the transfer. It was a good thing the parole agency notified the B.O.S.S. and corrected the mistake" he said.

"You can't be serious" matt said softly. "You mean...I had no way out from the beginning?" he asked. That wasn't...how could that be possible? How could his father let him live in a lie like that?

"I am matt" Thomas continued. "You will serve our family now. In the event that something happens to me, you will be handed to Aaron and serve him. If something happens to him, you will be given to Timothy. And Luke if something happens to him. If something, god forbids happens to Luke, you will be handed to the B.O.S.S. and given to a good matched master who will treat you along the requests I left them" Thomas explained.

"I'm not property" Matt said in disgust. "You can't just...hand me down like some worthless piece of junk."

"Matt, you are not a piece of junk. You are the family slave" Thomas said. "And like i said, you will be treated well. By being our slave, you have a job and a home for life. You never have to worry about anything like that again" he said. "It's not that bad" he admitted.

"How can you say that?" matt demanded. "I didn't ask for this. I didn't ask for any of this. How could you make this decision for me?"

"Matt, you are still under 21. When I was your father, I had every legal right to make such a decision about you. And I did. I made the best decision for you, and it has been decided. I can't change that" Thomas said as he took his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist.

Matt said nothing, but he felt a sick feeling in his stomach as he recognised the watch on his fathers wrist. It was his own.

"Matt, I am your owner now. I made the decision and it is final" Thomas said. "Timothy and Luke are going to help. They are both enrolled in a handlers class with the B.O.S.S to help learn how to control you. And I have a new overseer for you coming tomorrow to help you learn how to do your job. He is a master in training, and he has previous experience with a personal slave. Plus, he is your boss here and he will be running this warehouse."

"You...you can't be serious..." Matt said. How could...how could all of this be possible? How could his father do this to him, and let Matt think he had a life that was his own? It was then that something came to mind. "Wait...You said...you said sexual before...You're not going to fuck me are you?" he demanded.

"No, I'm not. And I'm disgusted you would say such a thing" Thomas said. He actually looked offended by the accusation. "I would never do that to you, or even entertain the idea" Thomas said. "That is reserved for timothy. And possibly Luke."

"WHAT?" Matt all but screamed at him. But he was quickly silenced as Thomas took a step forward with his hand raised. Matt cowered almost at once and whimpered in fear. He brought his hands up to shield himself, and almost tripped over backwards on the chair behind him.

"Matt, you know that Timothy is gay. He came out a while back, remember?" Thomas said as he lowered his hand. "and if I recall, you didn't give him any support.

"Yeah, I remember" matt said slowly as he lowered his arms. He took a deep breath to calm himself and almost found himself hiccupping. "I came out first. You called me a disgrace and left me to cry all night. And when timothy came out, you stayed up with him all night telling him how much you loved him" matt protested. "If I recall" he added as he glared at Thomas.

"matt, I will admit. I screwed up. I didn't know how to react to such a thing, but by the time I could do anything about it, Timothy was coming out to me. So yes, in your view I may have treated him somewhat better then I treated you" he said to Matt.

"But I learned from my mistakes. However, I am more concerned with timothy then I was with you. Timothy is more ...promiscuous then you are, and I had to do something about it. I needed to give him an outlet, a safe outlet for him to satisfy his urges" he explained. "There are so many diseases going around, and its just too easy to catch one. I needed to find him something safe."

Matt went cold when he realised, after a few moments, what his father was talking about. And he felt like he was about to throw up.

"You...you want....how the fuck could you do that to me?" matt shouted at Thomas. "You expect me to bend over for my brother, like some cum dump?"

"That is enough matt" Thomas shouted, making matt recoil back with a whimper. Thomas looked furious and with his fists clenched like that, matt felt like he was about to be beaten into a pulp.

"Matt, I know you think it is hard on you to end up like this, but I did not make this decision lightly. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make and I did it in your best interests. You had a chance to be a good boy and leave home on a good note, but you chose to ruin it.

"Bu you being the family slave means that everything is taken care of. You will be looked after, it is advantageous to me, and Timothy is able to have safe sex until he finds someone decent to have in his life. Try to think about someone else instead of yourself. You are not the only one who has suffered through all of this. And I don't want to hear another word or complaint out of it, do you understand me?" he all but shouted at his ex son.

Matt honestly felt like he was about to faint from the fear, and he was surprised that he hadn't wet himself. He was shivering all over and he just wanted to curl up and cry until he had nothing left. He had never seen his father scream at him like that, or treat him like he....

Like he was beneath him.

Thomas calmed down and relaxed himself before he reached up and straightened his tie.

"Now matt, I have dinner plans tonight. So I'm going to leave you here. I will show you to your new room, and that is where you will stay when you are not working. Now, this goes on you" he said as he reached up and picked something out of the air that matt hadn't noticed before.

It was a very long thin chain with a hook attachment on the end. Thomas tugged on it and it lowered down, clicking softly. He then walked forward towards matt, and something moved overhead.

Matt instinctively looked p and saw a trolley thing on the ceiling. It looked like some kind of cattle track system you'd see in a slaughterhouse. The kind that you hooked into an animals facial piercings and enabled them to walk in only a certain...


Thomas had hooked the attachment into the wide circular ring on matts nose before the boy had registered the full use of the device. The hook had secured itself in the bullring on Matts nose, and it looked like it couldn't be removed.

"Now, follow me" Thomas said as he turned and began to walk away. Matt however stood there in stunned silence as he held onto the chain against his face in disbelief. Thomas turned and saw matt was standing there and walked back up to him.

"Matt, allow me to explain something" Thomas said as he grabbed the ring on matts lip. "I can hook a leash to this, or to the collar around your neck and make you follow me. The difference is that when I tug, only one is going to rip out. Now, either follow me, or we find out which gives first" he threatened.

Matt went pale once more, almost completely white as he realised he had no choice but to follow Thomas. With a small nod, he obediently followed the man he once called his father. With his fathers back turned, matt gave the chain a light tug. It lowered down a few inches before it stopped. Obviously, if matt tripped or fell, the chain had enough slack to not let him fall and have his face ripped out.

Matt followed Thomas through the warehouse, going through the area and in-between a lot of shelving and rows. The warehouse was bigger then Matt could believe and it took a minute or two to cross to the other side. The tracking device above him followed almost silently, the well oiled machine barely making any noise.

Thomas led Matt to a very wide and expansive loading dock. There were five separate doors lining the area, and the floor was bare and spotless. There were five pallet jacks lined up against a bare set of shelving, and a large desk with a computer and multiple manilla folders sitting on it.

"This is your new room matt" Thomas said as he pointed to a set of stairs at the end of the shelving, almost hidden behind them. The steps led up to a small room a few feet above the ground. It was a very small room. Almost out of the way. Ignorable.

Thomas led matt up and opened the door. The door had no lock, instead it had a bolt and padlock on the outside. The door had a green tinted glass window on the top half, and it swung open with ease.

Inside the room was bare, except for a flat empty looking bed with one pillow and one very thin sheet on it. There was a window next to the door, and in front of that a large bench filled with an assortment of goods. But matt didn't recognise any of them.

Opposite the bed was a small desk. Matt recognised his computer on it, and beside the desk was a large water cooler. There was a small shower cubicle between the bed and the desk on the opposite wall to the door, with a toilet beside it. Neither of them had any kind of covering for privacy.

"what...what is this?" matt asked. He felt like he was about to cry. It was like someone had designed a prison cell for him. The room was so small, it felt like he was living in a shoebox.

"this is your new room" Thomas said. "this is where you will eat, sleep and live when you are not working. This is your life now. You work, and you sleep. That's all you are meant to do now" he said as he led matt into the room.

The track system went through a gap in the ceiling of the room and stopped in the middle. There was enough slack on the chain for matt to go anywhere in the room. The room was as cold as the warehouse, and matt found himself shivering once more.

"but..." matt said as he looked around. The room was so cold and sterile looking, it looked like it wasn't made for him.

"Matt, I'm late" Thomas said as he checked his watch. "Now, your new overseer will meet you in the morning and he will take things from there. Luke starts work tomorrow as well, and timothy will be around sometime this week to check on you."

Matt said nothing as his father left him standing there in the cold empty room. He did however turn around and look at matt from the doorway.

"Matt,I do love you. And I'm doing this because its what's good for you. Please do not forget that" he said as he shut the door behind him. Matt heard the lock click into place, and he knew he was left alone.

Matt sat slowly down on the bed. The mattress was very thin and barely shifted under his weight as he tried to comprehend what was going on. Part of him was screaming that his was all a bad dream, that he was going to wake up any minute from now and he'd be back in his room, waking up and all of this would be forgotten.

But the other part of his mind told him it was true. Everything since the trial had led up to this point. His father being distant, the procedures, his uncle acting differently, everyone lying to him, and now this.

What really though put the final nail in the coffin and made matt have no more doubts about it was the way his father had spoken to him before he left.

He had talk to matt as if he was a dog. Just a common pet.

Unable to hold himself together anymore, matt grabbed a hold of himself and curled up into the foetal position on the bed and didn't even try to hold back the flood of anguish that erupted out of him. By the time he was done, he was so exhausted he didn't even dare to believe it was all a dream when he literally cried himself to sleep.