Just another High School Story (2)

The dalmatian's cobalt blue eyes slowly shifted towards him. and, relunctantly, he rummaged through his bag and pulled out his homework.

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Ch 13. (Mvt 2.) Overture

Ch.14 (Movement. 2). Overture. \*\* Chas had left that afternoon, with a promise for a visit tomorrow. Dal slept most of the day, and into the night. The next morning his phone woke him up with incessant ringing. Still sore, and sleepy, he lifted the...

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Just another High School Story (1)

All of which was tauntingly close to the dalmatians nose that was now itching horribly.

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Dalmation Days part 1

dalmation days have you ever just wondered what it would be like to live with a macro or shrink? well today a young dalmatian named brad is going to get the pleasure of finding out just how wonderful life can be as a micro, or so he hopes.

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Dalmation's Sexcapades chapter 1

Like willy she's also a dalmatian, she's around 30 to 40 years of age, and still had a killer body for someone her age.

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Ch 16 (Movement 2) Interlude

Dalten lay down in his usual sprawl, sighing and nickering softly already his huge arm wide, as he took in his dalmatian mate and held him close. rick laid his muzzle down on rick's chest and closed his eyes.

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Ch11 Changes

The female dalmatian said. "i'll be, ah, right back." dal calmly turned and walked slowly to his bedroom. he gently closed the door. he shoved his fist into his muzzle and bit down.

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Ch6 Andante

\* Ch6. Andante \*\* Rick sighed as the notes faded into the false dawn. He'd gotten up early. Dal had still been asleep, and Rick could not sleep to save his life. Too much was going through his head. First Dal and Him, then Ken, then dinner, and...

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Ch.5 Crescendo

The canine muzzle was engulfing as much of the equine meat as the dalmatian could. rick moaned and squeezed dal's medial ring.... "ahhhh....rick.....that.....uh....." there was no time for a warning.

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The Spots Made Me Do It

My dalmatian tasted great. that's probably a really sick thing to say, but it's true dammit! his cock, his tongue, even his spit was sweet.

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Ch 15 (Movement 2) Trio

Ch15. Trio \*\* Ken sat in his class listening to the older instructor drone on about cargo weights, explosives handling, and all the minutia that existed in the world of being a "gunner's mate." Kelten was beginning to have an idea that maybe...

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Ch8 Moderato

Dal patted the dalmatian on the shoulder, making his way to the stage. the back of the stage was a massive facade of pipes. huge trunks stretched up a hundred feet tall. dal started his speech: "this organ was commissioned a hundred years ago.

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